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MIDI Implementation
* Some other GS devices do not recognize the Bank Select LSB (Controller number
Model: F-120R, RP301R
Date: Jun. 28, 2012
Version: 1.00
❍ Modulation (Controller Number 1)
Status 2nd byte 3rd byte
BnH 01H vvH
1. Receive Data
n = MIDI channel number: 0H-FH (ch.1-ch.16)
■ Channel Voice Messages
vv = Modulation depth: 00H-7FH (0-127)
● Note off * Not received when Rx. MODULATION = OFF. (Initial value is ON)
Status 2nd byte 3rd byte * The resulting eff ect is determined by S
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MIDI Implementation ❍ Hold 1 (Controller Number 64) ❍ Cutoff (Controller Number 74) Status 2nd byte 3rd byte Status 2nd byte 3rd byte BnH 40H vvH BnH 4AH vvH n = MIDI channel number: 0H-FH (ch.1-ch.16) n = MIDI channel number: 0H-FH (ch.1-ch.16) vv = Control value: 00H-7FH (0-127) vv = Cutoff value (relative change): 00H-7FH(-64 - 0 - +63), Initial value = 40H (no change) * Not received when Rx. HOLD1 = OFF. (Initial value is ON) * Some Tones will not exhibit any change. ❍ Portamento (Contr
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MIDI Implementation parameter. Refer to Section 4. Supplementary material “Examples of actual MIDI ❍ Portamento Control (Controller Number 84) messages” . On the GS devices, Data entry LSB (llH) of NRPN (contrpller Status 2nd byte 3rd byte number 38) is ignored, so it is no problem to send Data entry MSB (mmH) only BnH 54H kkH without Data entry LSB (controller number 6). n = MIDI channel number: 0H-FH (ch.1-ch.16) On this instrument, NRPN can be used to modify the following parame
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MIDI Implementation ❍ RPN MSB/LSB (Controller Number 100, 101) ● Channel Pressure Status 2nd byte 3rd byte Status 2nd byte BnH 65H mmH DnH vvH BnH 64H llH n = MIDI channel number: 0H-FH (ch.1-ch.16) n = MIDI channel number: 0H-FH (ch.1-ch.16) vv = Channel Pressure : 00H-7FH (0-127) mm = upper byte (MSB) of parameter number specifi ed by RPN ll = lower byte (LSB) of parameter number specifi ed by RPN * Not received when Rx. CH PRESSURE (CAf) = OFF. (Initial value is ON) * The resulting eff ect i
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MIDI Implementation ● All Notes Off (Controller Number 123) ■ System Exclusive Message Status 2nd byte 3rd byte Status Data byte Status BnH 7BH 00H F0H iiH, ddH, ......, eeH F7H n = MIDI channel number: 0H-FH (ch.1-ch.16) F0H: System Exclusive Message status ii = ID number: An ID number (manufacturer ID) to indicate the manufacturer * When All Notes Off is received, all notes on the corresponding channel will be whose Exclusive message this is. Roland’s manufacturer ID turned off . Howeve
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MIDI Implementation ❍ GM System Off ❍ Master Fine Tuning “GM System Off ” is a command message that resets the internal state of this Status Data byte Status instrument from the GM state to its native condition. This instrument will reset to the F0H 7FH, 7FH, 04H, 03H, llH, mmH F7H GS default state. Byte Explanation Status Data byte Status F0H Exclusive status F0H 7EH, 7FH, 09H, 02H F7H 7FH ID number (Universal Realtime Message) 7FH Device ID (Broadcast) Byte Explanation 04H Sub ID#1 (Device
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MIDI Implementation ❍ Chorus Parameters ❍ Controller Status Data byte Status Status Data byte Status F0H 7FH, 7FH, 04H, 05H, 01H, 01H, F7H F0H 7FH, 7FH, 09H, 03H, 0nH, ccH, F7H 01H, 01H, 02H, ppH, vvH ppH, rrH Byte Explanation Byte Explanation F0H Exclusive status F0H Exclusive status 7FH ID number (Universal Realtime Message) 7FH ID number (Universal Realtime Message) 7FH Device ID (Broadcast) 7FH Device ID (Broadcast) 04H Sub ID#1 (Device Control) 09H Sub ID#1 (Controller Destination Setti
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MIDI Implementation ● Data Transmission 2. Transmit Data This instrument can receive the various parameters using System Exclusive messages. The exclusive message of GS format data has a model ID of 42H and a device ID of ■ Channel Voice Messages 10H (17), and it is common to all the GS devices. ● Note Off ❍ Data Set 1 (DT1) Status 2nd byte 3rd byte This is the message that actually performs data transmission, and is used when you 8nH kkH vvH wish to transmit the data. n = MIDI channel number
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MIDI Implementation n = MIDI channel number: 0H-FH (ch.1-ch.16) pp = Program number: 00H-7FH (prog.1-prog.128) ■ System Realtime Message ● Realtime Clock Status F8H ● Start Status FAH ● Continue Status FBH ● Stop Status FCH ● Active Sensing Status FEH * This will be transmitted constantly at intervals of approximately 250 ms. ■ System Exclusive Messages ❍ Identity Reply Status Data byte Status F0H 7EH, 10H, 06H, 02H, 41H, 42H, 00H, 00H, F7H 1DH, 00H, 01H, 00H, 00H Byte Explanation F0H E
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MIDI Implementation 3. Parameter Address Map (Model ID = 42H) This map indicates address, size, Data (range), Parameter, Description, and Default Value of parameters which can be transferred using and “Data set 1 (DT1).” All the numbers of address, size, Data, and Default Value are indicated in 7-bit Hexadecimal-form. ■ Address Block Map An outlined address map of the Exclusive Communication is as follows; +------------+------------------------------------+ | Address (H)| Block
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MIDI Implementation 02: Room 3 03: Hall 1 04: Hall 2 05: Plate 06: Delay 07: Panning Delay 40 01 31 00 00 01 00-07 REVERB CHARACTER 0-7 04 4 40 01 32 00 00 01 00-07 REVERB PRE-LPF 0-7 00 0 40 01 33 00 00 01 00-7F REVERB LEVEL 0-127 40 64 40 01 34 00 00 01 00-7F REVERB TIME 0-127 40 64 40 01 35 00 00 01 00-7F REVERB DELAY FEEDBACK 0-127 00 0 * REVERB MACRO is a macro parameter that allows global setting of reverb parameters. When you select the reverb type with RE
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MIDI Implementation ● Part Parameters This instrument has 16 parts. Parameters that can be set individually for each Part are called Part parameters. If you use exclusive messages to set Part parameters, specify the address by Block number rather than Part Number (normally the same number as the MIDI channel). The Block number can be specifi ed as one of 16 blocks, from 0 (H) to F (H). The relation between Part number and Block number is as follows. x...BLOCK NUMBER (0-F), Part 1 (MIDI ch = 1)
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MIDI Implementation 40 1x 24 00 00 01 00-01 Rx. BANK SELECT LSB OFF/ON 00 OFF * This instrument can be recognized Bank Select LSB (40H-43H) even if this message is OFF. 40 1x 25 00 00 01 00-01 TONE REMAIN OFF/ON 01 ON 40 1x 28 00 00 03 00-7F Bank Select LSB Range LSB (from) 40 40H 40 1x 29# LSB (to) 43 43H 40 1x 30 00 00 01 0E-72 TONE MODIFY 1 -50 - +50 40 0 Vibrato rate (= NRPN# 8) 40 1x 31 00 00 01 0E-72 TONE MODIFY 2 -50 - +50 40 0 Vibrato depth (= NRPN# 9) 40 1x 32 00 00 01 0E-7
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MIDI Implementation 40 2x 28 00 00 01 00-7F CAf LFO2 PITCH DEPTH 0-600 [cent] 00 0 [cent] 40 2x 29 00 00 01 00-7F CAf LFO2 TVF DEPTH 0-2400 [cent] 00 0 [cent] 40 2x 2A 00 00 01 00-7F CAf LFO2 TVA DEPTH 0-100.0 [%] 00 0 [%] 40 2x 30 00 00 01 28-58 PAf PITCH CONTROL -24 - +24 [semitone] 40 0 [semitones] 40 2x 31 00 00 01 00-7F PAf TVF CUTOFF CONTROL -9600 - +9600 [cent] 40 0 [cent] 40 2x 32 00 00 01 00-7F PAf AMPLITUDE CONTROL -100.0 - +100.0 [%] 40 0 [%] 40 2x 33 00 00 01 00-7F PAf LFO1 RATE CONT
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MIDI Implementation ● Examples of Actual MIDI Messages 4. Supplementary Material 92 3E 5F 9n is the Note-on status, and n is the MIDI channel number. Since 2H = 2, 3EH = 62, ● Decimal and Hexadecimal Table and 5FH = 95, this is a Note-on message with MIDI CH = 3, note number 62 (note In MIDI documentation, data values and addresses/sizes of exclusive messages etc. name is D4), and velocity 95. are expressed as hexadecimal values for each 7 bits. The following table shows how these
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MIDI Implementation ● Example of an Exclusive Message and Calculating a ● The Scale Tune Feature (Address: 40 1x 40) The scale Tune feature allows you to fi nely adjust the individual pitch of the notes Checksum from C through B. Though the settings are made while working with one octave, Roland Exclusive messages are transmitted with a checksum at the end (before F7) the fi ne adjustments will aff ect all octaves. By making the appropriate Scale Tune to make sure that the message was correc
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MIDI Implementation ■ EFX Parameter Map 5. Eff ect List The parameters with”#1” or “#2” at the end of parameter name can be controlled with 0100: Equalizer each exclusive message”Part EFX CONTROL 1” and “Part EFX CONTROL 2.” 0101: Spectrum 0102: Enhancer 0104: Isolator ● 0100: Equalizer 0105: Low Boost This is a four-band stereo equalizer (low, mid x 2, high). 0106: High Pass Filter 0110: Overdrive No Parameter Value Description 0111: Distortion 1 Low Freq 0–1 200, 400 Hz Frequency of the low r
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MIDI Implementation ● 0102: Enhancer ● 0105: Low Boost Controls the overtone structure of the high frequencies, adding sparkle and tightness Boosts the volume of the lower range, creating powerful lows. to the sound. No Parameter Value Description No Parameter Value Description Boost Center frequency at which the 1 0–8 50–125 Hz Frequency #1 lower range will be boosted 1 Sens #1 0–127 0–127 Sensitivity of the enhancer Boost Gain Amount by which the lower Level of the overtones 2 0–12 0–+12 dB
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MIDI Implementation ❍ Specifi cations of each Speaker Type ● 0110: Overdrive The speaker column indicates the diameter of each speaker unit (in inches) and the Creates a soft distortion similar to that produced by vacuum tube amplifi ers. number of units. No Parameter Value Description Degree of distortion 1 Drive 0–127 0–127 Type Cabinet Speaker Microphone Also changes the volume. Small 1 Small open-back enclosure 10 Dynamic Type of guitar amp Small, Small: small amp Small 2 Small open-back en
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MIDI Implementation ● 0114: Guitar Amp Simulator Type Cabinet Speaker Microphone This is an eff ect that simulates the sound of a guitar amplifi er. BG Stack 2 Large sealed enclosure 12 x 2 Condenser MS Stack 1 Large sealed enclosure 12 x 4 Condenser No Parameter Value Description MS Stack 2 Large sealed enclosure 12 x 4 Condenser 1 Pre Amp Sw 0–1 Off , On Turns the amp switch on/off . Metal Stack Large double stack 12 x 4 Condenser JC-120, 2-Stack Large double stack 12 x 4 Condenser Clean Twin