Instruction d'utilisation Panasonic EB-GD90

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Panasonic EB-GD90

Dispositif: Panasonic EB-GD90
Catégorie: Téléphone portable
Fabricant: Panasonic
Dimension: 1.18 MB
Date d'addition: 5/16/2014
Nombre des pages: 60
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Panasonic EB-GD90 Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

Operating Instructions EB-GD90
Digital Cellular Telephone Main Kit
Before operating this equipment please read these instructions

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

The SerialNumbercanbefoundontheoutsideofthephone under thebattery.Foryourconveniencewerecommendthatyou note thefollowingdetailsasarecordofyourpurchase. Part Number Serial Number Dealer Name PurchaseDate Printed in UK 000216

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

Contents Introduction........................1 SymbolsUsed......................1 UsingThisManual....................1 Safety ...........................3 Getting Started......................4 Fitting/RemovingtheSIM................4 Fitting/RemovingtheBattery ..............5 ChargingtheBattery ..................6 LowBatteryWarning ..................6 LocationofControls...................7 Display..........................8 Basic Operation .....................9 PowerOn/Off .....................

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

BrowsingPhonebooksbyNameorLocation .....23 RetrievingaNumber..................23 EditingPhonebookEntries...............24 HotKeyPhoneNumbers................25 Advanced Phonebook .................26 NotePad........................26 RecentNumbers....................26 FixedDial .......................27 ServiceDial ......................28 Short Text Messages..................29 SettingyourPhoneforShortTextMessages.......29 SendingaShortTextMessage ............29 ReceivingShortTextMessages.......

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

Introduction Introduction ThankyouforpurchasingthisPanasonicGD90digitalcellular phone. ThisphoneisdesignedtooperateontheGlobalSystem for MobileCommunications(GSM),GSM900orGSM1800. These operatinginstructionsdetailuseoftheequipment containedintheMainKit. Some servicesarenetworkdependentormayonlybeavailable on a subscriptionbasis. SomefunctionsareSIMdependent. For moreinformationcontactyourServiceProvider. Symbols Used F Showsthatyoushouldpressthefollowingkey(s). ,Text-Showsthatthedisplaytextwillb

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

Introduction Short Text Messages:Detailshowtosetupyourphoneto receive andsend ShortTextMessages andtoreceiveCell Broadcasts. Alpha Entry:Detailshow toaccessalternativecharacterswith the keypad. Menu Structures:Detailsthefeaturesthatcanbeaccessed from thephonemenu. The remainingsectionsdetailshowtotakecareofyourphone, lists termsusedinthismanual,aTroubleshootingandError MessagesectionandtheSpecifications. 2

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

Safety Safety Thisequipmentisintendedforusewhensupplied withpowerfromthebuilt-inchargerorDualCharger (EB-CRD90)throughtheACAdaptor (EB-CAD70Vxx)*.Otherusagewillinvalidateany approvalgiventothisapparatusandmaybe dangerous.Theuseofapprovedaccessoriesis recommendedtoensureoptimumperformance and avoiddamage toyourphone. Switchoffyourcellularphonewheninanaircraft.The useofcellular phonesinanaircraftmaybe dangerousto theoperationoftheaircraft,disruptthe cellularnetworkandmaybeillegal.Failuretoobserve

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

1 Getting Started Getting Started Fitting/Removing the SIM The SIMisfittedintoaholderatthebackofthephone underneaththebattery. Fitting the SIM Removing the SIM To removetheSIMfollow theabovestepsinreverse. 4 3

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

Getting Started Fitting/Removing the Battery Fit a fullychargedbatterypack.Ifthebatterypackisnotfully chargedthenitmustbe chargedasshownin“Chargingthe Battery”. Fitting the Battery Removing the Battery 5

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

3 4 4 5 1 2 ABC DEF GHI JKL MNO PQRS TUV WXYZ + ABC DEF GHI JKL MNO PQRS TUV WXYZ + Getting Started Charging the Battery The batterypackmustbe attachedtothephonebeforetheAC Adaptor. DO NOT forcetheconnectorasthismaydamagethephoneand/or the AC Adaptor. When chargingiscompleteremovetheACAdaptor. NOTE:IftheBatteryPackisdeeplydischarged,thephonemay take sometimetodetectwhichtypeofBatteryPackitis charging.Duringthisperiodleavethephoneconnectedtothe chargeruntilthechargeLEDandBatteryLevelIndicator app

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

ABC DEF GHI JKL MNO PQRS TUV WXYZ + Getting Started Location of Controls Incoming/charging Antenna indicator Earpiece Memo Key External Connector Display Microphone g Navigation key–pressingup/downscrollsthrough optionsinthemainareaofthedisplayoradjuststhe volume.Pressingleft/rightscrollsthroughoptionsinthe optionareaofthedisplay B Select key–selectsanoptionintheoptionareaofthe display A accesses Phonebookor switches character types D makes a callorrecallsrecentlydialledphonenumbers C clearsthel

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

Getting Started Display Main Display area Phone/SIM Phonebook Option area - indicator shows options thatcan be Menu 57 > Location area - selected by the indicates menu Bkey number, location number, alpha Navigationprompt- escrollsthroughthe mode or alarm mainareaofthedisplay, fscrollsthrough optionsatthebottomrightofthedisplay. mark ?. Followingsomeoperationsthedisplaywillautomaticallyclear after threesecondsorafterpressinganykey. Y lightswhenyouareregisteredtoanon-homenetwork- roaming t lightsw

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

Basic Operation Basic Operation Power On/Off To turn thephoneonoroff. FE andholdtoswitchpoweron Agreetingwillbedisplayed. FE andholdtoswitch poweroff Making a Call Make surethatthephoneisswitchedonandthesignalstrength meter isdisplayed. 1 Fareacodeandphonenumber 00:01 2 FD Voice Call Hold International Dialling Using theAutomaticInternationalAccessCode“+”youwillbe able to dialinternational numberswithouthavingtoknowthe code fortheinternationalexchange. 1 F0 andholduntila“+” appears 2 Fcountrycod

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

Basic Operation Emergency Calls To make anemergencycalltheantennasymbol(S)mustbe present. F 112 D orpress Bwhen“SOS”isdisplayedin the optionareaofthedisplay Automatic Redial When acallisunsuccessfulthephonewillaskifyouwantto redial thephonenumberagainautomatically. FB when“OK”isdisplayedintheoption area AutoRedialwillcountdownthedisplaytothenext redial. Tostopredialling,press Bwhen Auto Redial “Cancel”isdisplayedintheoption 00:32 area Cancel If a call isrepeatedlyunsuccessfulyouwillnotbeableto a

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

Basic Operation Caller Identification This featureallowsyoutoidentifyincoming Home calls andacceptorrejectthem.Thecaller’s +01234567 phone number,andnameifstoredin Phonebook,willbedisplayed. Accept NOTE: CallerIdentificationmaynotalwaysbeavailable. Volume Control Earpiece Volume Fourlevels ofvolumeadjustmentareavailable. Duringacall: 00:05 Fa todecreasethe volume Ear Volume Fb toincreasethe volume Ring and Key Volume Changingtheringandkeyvolumeisdoneinthesameway.If you increasetheringvolumeabove

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 16

Basic Operation Vibration Alert Whenvibrationalertisswitchedonthephonewill vibratewhenacallisreceived.Switchingon vibrationalertwillsilencetheringvolume. However,whentheringvolumeisadjustedafter thevibrationalertisswitchedon,thephonewill ringandvibratewhenacallisreceived. Duringstandby: F# andholdtoswitch onoroff. Whenswitchedon, thephonewillvibratebriefly Key Guard Key Guard willpreventanykeysfrombeingaccidentally pressed e.g.whenthephoneisbeingcarried. When “Menu”isdisplayedintheoptionareaofth

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 17

Basic Operation 4 FB 5 Fenterthedigits forthedateintheformat day/month/year 6 FB Time: 7 Fenterthedigits forthetimeusing24 HH:MM hourclock 0-9 8 FB Setting the Clock Format 1 FBand etopointto“Personalise” 2 FBand etopointto“ClockFunction” 3 FBand etopointto“ClockFormat” 4 FB 5 Fe toselecttheformatofclockand/ordate 6 FB Setting the Alarm NOTE: Ifyouhavenotalreadysettheclock,youwillbeaskedtodo so priortosettingthealarm. When “Menu”isdisplayedintheoptionareaofthedisplay: 1 FBand etopointto“Personal

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 18

Basic Operation Muting the Alarm When thesettimeisreachedthealarmwillsoundandthe display willflashwithanalarmmessage.Thealarmwillsound for30seconds.Ifthealarmgoesoffduringacall,itwillactivate vibration alert. To end thealarm: Fanykey Disabling the Alarm Todisablethealarmpointto“AlarmSet” 1 FBtwice 2 Fetopointto“Disabled” 3 FB Adjusting the Alarm Time When “Menu”isdisplayedintheoptionareaofthedisplay: 1 FBand etopointto“Personalise” 2 FBand etopointto“ClockFunction” 3 FBand etopointto“AlarmSet” 4

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 19

Phone Security Phone Security There areanumberofsecurityfeaturesforthisphonethat will protect againstunauthorizeduse,andenableyoutorestrict accesstocertainfeatures. It is recommendedthatyoumemorizeyoursecuritycodes.If you needtomakeanoteofyoursecuritycodes,neverwrite them inawaythattheycanberecognizedbyanotherperson.If you forgetthemcontact yourdealerforthePhoneLockCodeor your ServiceProviderforPINandPIN2. Phone Lock With thePhoneLockenabledyouwillberestrictedtoanswer incomingcallsandmakeemergen

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 20

Phone Security PIN The PIN (PersonalIdentificationNumber)protectsyourSIM card againstunauthorizeduse.IfyouenablethePIN,every time the phoneisturnedonyouwillbeaskedtoenterthePIN. Once thishasbeencorrectlyenteredyouwillbeabletouse the phone. AswiththePhoneLockyoucanchangethePINatany time. PIN2 controlssecurityfortheFixedDialStoreandCallCharge metering. Enabling/Disabling the PIN When “Menu”isdisplayedintheoptionareaofthedisplay: 1 FBand etopointto“Security” 2 FBand etopointto“PIN” 3 FBtoenable/dis

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