Instruction d'utilisation Pelco BK4220

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Pelco BK4220

Dispositif: Pelco BK4220
Catégorie: Climatiseur
Fabricant: Pelco
Dimension: 0.05 MB
Date d'addition: 4/16/2014
Nombre des pages: 4
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Pelco BK4220 Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

= Vertical bar in left or right margin indicates change or addition.
BK4000/BK4024/BK4220 Series
Blower Kit
Manual C436M-B (12/94)
Prior to installation and use of this product, the following The information contained within this manual covers
WARNINGS should be observed. the installation and operation of the BK4000/BK4024/
BK4220 Blower Kits. Please familiarize yourself with
1. Installation and servicing should only be done by the information in

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

3.0 INSTALLATION 1. Remove the Phillips Head screws from the rear cap and slide the assembly out from the enclosure. The BK4000/BK4024/BK4220 Blower Kits are sup- plied with the following installation parts: 2. Attach the blower assembly to the rear plate using two of the self-tapping screws, holding the end QTY ITEM cap to the sled. 1 Blower 3. Wire according to the wiring diagram in Figure 2. 1 Blower Bracket NOTE: When used with a heater kit (and To install the BK4000/BK4024/BK4220 perform t

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

4.0 WIRING DIAGRAMS The following items are supplied in the blower kits. Refer to Figure 2 for wiring information with the use of the heater kit PCB board, and without. Quantity Item PELCO Part No. Blower Kit 1 Fan, 120 VAC, 19 CFM MM750010003 120 & 230 VAC models 1 Fan, 24 VDC, 19 CFM ED210005 24 VAC model 1 Resistor for fan, 3K ohm RES003.0K10.0 230 VAC model 1 Bridge Rectifier Diode DIOMDA104 24 VAC model 1 Capacitor CAPU0050.0/25 24 VAC model 1 Component Bracket BK7044002COMP 24 & 230 VAC m

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

5.0 WARRANTY AND RETURN INFORMATION WARRANTY RETURNS PELCO will repair or replace, without charge, any In order to expedite parts returned to the factory for merchandise proved defective in material or repair or credit, please call the factory at (800) 289- workmanship for a period of one year after the date of 9100 or (559) 292-1981 to obtain an authorization shipment (six months on all pan and tilts with auto scan number (CA number if returned for credit, and RA ® and medium duty scann

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