Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1
1 ,
Dehumidllle CondlIloners Air Room Compaclors Trash Ovens Microwave Ranges Unfls Surface I DIshwasher Makers Freezers Aelr~geralor ‘eezers
3ED26MM Model
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2
Please before It - - Number Telephone and Company Sewce here... Numbers Serial and Model your Copy Plate -Number Serial and Grille Base Control Cold Panwith Meat Control Humidity with Crisper Shelf Roll-Out- Shelves Adjustable bin) ice (behind features and Parts do. to signed de- are refrigerators home what do to only it Use care. with refrigerator new your Treat refrigerator. your from expect to sounds new what you tells even trols. con- adjust and shelves move it, clea
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3 9 9 10 10 It 10 It In 4 10 11 5 12 5 12 13 16 Adjusting 17 Adjusting IF 1 17 Adjusting 6 6 2 18 3 a 18 8 9 r I986 Before plug l r l l c* l r X. w II 55 1 l &cm l t time 3 cold properI) get to has before f-oa with loaded 7~ot IS cised pe should it how understand rsot may those D\? used no’ 1s C, (5 below fa vi temperature rcc:‘ the i;ere are3 ar iicisez weather ‘he 3Li IS marta~rea proper’4 IS source nen’ oth#er or radsator os/er ar ecr -0’ I> IllPORT.A
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Lsng 1 thumb a 2 In 1 1 or or not front. I* - 1-j 10 I. [ 2cm) e 2 3 IS a 1 : 1 cm) s IS A 230 51: 7 5 IS It IS a 1 101 not cord. a 2 off a or 4 In package literature your sheet nstructlor ground’pg and level with Check requirements electrlcal lndlvldual See chain. pull left the to scrE-%6% each ttirr frcnt, lower To 3 switch with turned be cannot which cle rig- the ‘0 scre:: eacn turn front, raise To recepta- Use extension an use Do page (see grille txxe Remove
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Using to com- food. \Thms IS IS for IS IK time milk e 5 IS not 3 t 2 1 i 3 3 4 b r 3 3 4 2 3 3 4 c cc,, 5 . Control.. Saying Power irol I’ ‘“VARN ‘OS are troi Cor Temperature SECTIONS 50-b If Ccrtrol Cortrol ‘empeature ‘after xerec Z1z:Or Refrlgerctor Ii SETTINGS: RECOMMENDED REASONS: CONDITION: settings... control the Changing to CCYTROL TURE :o TRCL set C’U level the ot ‘emperottires keep TEMPERA- the Set CON- 4lR tne Set to -ceded mc,e-nent ar *he sod
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meat crisper moms- 1 t: $ 1 2 - 4 \ Adjust 3 shelves.. 1 up ;mft up 2 3 4 milk Items 1 ,n 2 up to . up l intcj gu l Water 1 a the o o a ,, 1 not the a bad enough hs :s supply plumbing and ” In not spills WIII a When IS a It 50 5 a Whep IS up, a a When IS 2 3 9 2 8 Lj a o 4 3 4 , , 6 Dipes a?d fork the rlxe ;ccirC! UT ~TILV seconds few you water Tne with s:art tc’ oLt cyme olr 3rl,, for Teard be may sound buzzing faint leased, to (1 aclaris or alsca
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7
l 8 s In l from l 3 l not or odor l In l Dump l map a l 13 14 l 11 Plumbing l l a Dump l l WIII tn. l from l When a It IS It WIII 3 l It l them. l It IS a a mold a properly. operating and maintatned well be softener water the that important is it then avorded, be cannot supply water softened If ice. quality poor to lead and maker ice the damage con softener malfunctionrng from salt as such chemicals softener Water ply. sup- water softened to connected be
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8
to l a l a melt l IS 2 1 but 3 PIII a bulb. It 10 000 When It 4 Empty up I? 5 ml13 6 When s . IS l l l l l S:OU: wr~x +he sclre Make slides the or basket Place basket: the replace To U*vaV ihe of res! ‘he oclt Slide S*SI; the clear to front the Lift stop t7e to out Slide basket: the remove To operatlrng freezer the wher place in 3SKe’ tx fvee:er tt,e keep rrovemert air proper For basket.. freezer the Removing productior ice restart to poslt~or 3N t”le to do’tin ar
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9
shelves 1 2 ? covers... 1 2 L 3 I 4 tam 2 3 3 4 I? light con- a for or trol or _ ght 2 31 I to i 4 :I 42 if Bottom the at Out Pull Dial. the Off Pull connected. remains electricity occur can injury and Shock supply. Dulb arce agp ,%0ti ,v+b &?K~~~cc- Q’ sclppcris -“ PC% ?f +‘x power main the at refrigerator the leading electricity the connect out stvolght L)a-‘el xr’z cf 03tto~ off s+ra SC *r cc)r+rcl pi dis- refrigerator the unplug either consoles: bulb, the repl
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1 2 PLA 3 not : ;: ,t d~dn t C might Y I.1 u ho! l Soft the s -0, l or a o l tubing a It l -thud of l 10 Sounds: Running ice) [clatter bin the into aumped tee of water -trickling clatter the and water trickling valve], water the (from burring hear ray YOL Sounds: Maker Ice par1 hater 3efrzs+ the intc ru?nlng hater defrost -ear also may YOU steps after rSutes -- !e+. for the in gurgling hear rray ~01~ runring, stops refrigerator *-e Wher Sounds: Water starts refrigera
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to l o l ) l A a Id not or l ij l a a a not on rust ’ : jpc,l gp cl:,-h ;r l I I;1 l 71nk c t or on l a l o damp or or ) f mild ,t l l l dust l l ‘ Sbppib 0 l l IS 11 level refrigerator the if see to Check back refrigerator Roll floor Was7 allows lire cleaners 3or UsU3 refrlgerotor under Floor water as for as onlv out refrrgerotor Roll grrlle base Reprace moc’h other ever, least at’ac”ment at condenser from lint ord Clear -larro$w extendec the
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guide or ,n a I s 30 In We tdwfsl 1 to2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 to2 a Ground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 to 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 to 5 time 7to10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5to7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3to5 IS L IS - IK t a :1 Iging time n 17 [jC;.‘d f s r :* It ’ 1 :c! tightI; In aluminum ,t A :. I I3
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13
IS - IS must Wth must JIIOW I food l h/l?h l !Ids, l l from a film) l l to of or or proof. of When food odor out of food. ) Fruits 2 t 3 11 a time tr.m, PI? a ng free? during exr3anC +o liquids Ioh +~os Fold package from UI~ press food, to close ends +o space head Leave materla recommendec Crease air oJ seal to twice leszst at focx3] the (toward otht or contalqers \ylce-moL:hea rlgld IT Pack lrI folc ord tqether ends the Bring food the around -,eeded as slice or
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14
Food ~ 2 3 p Omit ‘hem t me SWKS Wd :nmt: .uill limp time musb~ \h c n r + e dish r 1 \. i +rc A ~i=r# 8p F 07 cu*j a .A. cglrg psc? ‘Jncier reco?7m8spdea drops “2 2f cre ** rec+s re-‘,A:rop -Iot If proof por .c~ ora Tolsture ore >.Arrcpp8rIgs wrestxe Make .trop freezer c‘f +/7ickness iouble by wteti seco~ ayers ‘-’ -r Irdlv~duoll, ,wapped b’e should Dc+tles or packages Teal-:,ze ,-sop DrdgstorF‘- ‘reeze yoL ?leat the as good OS be ‘, :I’ met: The - Meats Freezing ‘-ee:er
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Food not to of food. no un- fish 2 to 3 food . . 3 to 6 24 hours. 2 to 3 of food . 6 to 9 foot of . 12 for to to room front . . 3 door . . .6 to 8 of to 4 of food, of or Whole 9 to 12 Whites . . . 9 to 12 0°F (-17.8”C). . . . 9 to 12 or to or Food Fruit 12 . . 3 fruit 12 fruit 4 to 6 . . .._................. 3 . . . . . 8 to12 1 month . 2 to 3 8 unfrosted . 2 to 4 8 to 12 frosted . 8 to12 Fruit 12 4 or 3 . 2 8 to12 1 to 2 . 1 to 2 . . . 4 to 6 m U S
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Vacation vacations. . . Moving.. . shut ’ Shut a time b r ii vacations. . . o month a At 1 When 2 mountl?g + 3 them tight WIII mold out of a shut not c When doors put 4 t or 16 ?efrlgerotor Your “Using see refrlgeratclr, restort TO line :rapped. injured supply water the reconnect +o forget Dor page become may They open. blocked to refer and back, everythlig home new your to are the when refrigerator the get you cabinet the to cord electr the tape near children allow re
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 17
61nc If not l II a IW~ If defrost : : . In muggy thus IS IS t If not . main l a L ] If a out: l I ght If motor to run too l l ILnt’ l C 2 l s If a or or un- l a a l IS l WA t me rumbsr rGGm If not 4nd ma; l time d ’ c t mlghf 3t-j a a l c ment moY l time 17 rnoker? Ice Gre old kour khar runring mere quire the tc gertlrg ‘.);at?r Is Gny turned valve water the Is re and refrigeration better means tnis All #‘- tlor p-s ctc\ksr thle
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service*... Lfvou have a 2000 L s 33 49022 T must number, a -. .- : :. .‘, : :, ; : :.‘. .: ,:. : ,_, 0 FSP : . :. : assistance for request your to respond better to order IQ needed IS InformatIon This problem the of description complete and name, dealer’s the purchase, of date rumDer, serial model brand, appliance, of hype telephone address, name, your provide please write, you If M,chigan Harbor, Benton Norti- Center Adminlsiratlve Corporation Whirlpool service after-w
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2 a 1111724 ~1986 Whirlpool U.S.A. in Printed Corporation No. Part easier. little world your Makmg Appliances Home