Instruction d'utilisation InStep 20K

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif InStep 20K

Dispositif: InStep 20K
Catégorie: Poussette
Fabricant: InStep
Dimension: 0.62 MB
Date d'addition: 9/7/2014
Nombre des pages: 6
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InStep 20K Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

Keep this manual for future reference. If you sell or give this
stroller away, make sure you give this manual to the new owner.
Ask them to read instructions completely.
5K • 10K • 20K • ULTRA
Operating Instructions for Single and Double Models
IMPORTANT: Read and follow these Safety Rules and Assembly Instructions before operating stroller. If you
have any questions concerning the safe use of this product, contact InSTEP, LLC at 1-800-242-6110, M-F,
8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. CST or

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

IMPORTANT Tires are shipped deflated, DO NOT OVERINFLATE. Please inflate slowly, with short bursts, to 20-25 PSI maximum. 25 PSI will provide a comfortable ride for your child. We appreciate your purchase of one of our many fine products. We are sure that you will be satisfied with your selection. Great care and effort has been taken, however occasionally problems may occur. PLEASE DO NOT RETURN PRODUCT TO THE STORE. To ensure prompt and correct handling of problems, or to answer questions, ple

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

Step 2. Rear Wheel Assembly B Turn stroller onto its side. Grasp rear wheel in one hand, slide wheel’s axle into hole in rear of frame. Push up on the axle release lever so that the wheel is fully inserted (Figure B). Check to see that the wheel is properly inserted by pulling on the wheel firmly, Rear Axle the wheel should not come off if fully inserted/locked. Repeat for other side. To release wheel push up on axle release lever and pull off wheel. Axle Release Step 3. Front Wheel Assembl

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

IMPORTANT The alignment of the front wheel determines if the stroller will roll straight, or veer to the right or left during use. In the event you notice the stroller veering to one direction, loosen front axle Q/R lever, point the front wheel in the opposite direction the stroller is veering, and retighten the Q/R lever. If you need help making this adjustment, please call our Customer Service department for assistance. Note: If it is necessary to remove the front wheel, you will find it easi

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

To open stroller: Inserted Grasp handle with one hand and pull up on the front Locked Pin fork with your other hand. Lock both plastic latches onto the lower frame, insert locking pin into hole in latch and frame, lock the pin in place by slipping the wire loop over the end of the locking pin (Figure G). On Double Models repeat for other side. To engage rear brakes: Step lightly on the levers next to the rear wheels until the cogs of the brakes engage the cogs of the wheel. G Repeat on other si

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

CARE AND MAINTENANCE Check fasteners pads retighten cable adjustment nut. Then close After one hour of use, check all fasteners to Q/R lever and check adjustment by squeezing make sure they are secure. Adjust if necessary. hand brake lever. For micro adjustment, turn the Periodically check the stroller to ensure that it front brake caliper’s adjusting sleeve counter- is in good operating condition. clockwise. Once the brake pads are adjusted to the desired distance from the rim, tighten the To

Instructions pareilles
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2 InStep 11-EZ256 Manuel d'utilisation Poussette 0
3 InStep 11-BA202 Manuel d'utilisation Poussette 2
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5 InStep 11-KS187 Manuel d'utilisation Poussette 0
6 InStep 11-BA102 Manuel d'utilisation Poussette 0
7 InStep 11-KS286 Manuel d'utilisation Poussette 0
8 InStep 11-KS107 Manuel d'utilisation Poussette 0
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10 InStep 11-KS188 Manuel d'utilisation Poussette 0
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14 InStep ET100 Manuel d'utilisation Poussette 0
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16 Edelbrock 207-2 Manuel d'utilisation Poussette 0
17 ABC Office FD 400E2 Manuel d'utilisation Poussette 1
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20 Agilent Technologies 87020 Manuel d'utilisation Poussette 0