Instruction d'utilisation Harman Stove Company MARK I

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Harman Stove Company MARK I

Dispositif: Harman Stove Company MARK I
Catégorie: Cuisinière
Fabricant: Harman Stove Company
Dimension: 1.65 MB
Date d'addition: 1/5/2014
Nombre des pages: 24
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Harman Stove Company MARK I Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 18

Service Parts Mark II Beginning Manufacturing Date: N/A Ending Manufacturing Date: Active IMPorTaNT: THIS IS daTed INForMaTIoN. When requesting service or replacement parts for your appliance please provide model number and serial number. all parts listed in this manual may Stocked be ordered from an authorized dealer. at Depot ITEM DESCRIPTION COMMENTS PART NUMBER ash Pan 1-10-00722 Y baffl e 2-00-00360b blower - 75cfm, 7ft Cord 3-21-07584 Y brick 9” X 4-1/2” x 1-1/4” Pkg of 7 1-00-900450125

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 19

Service Parts Mark III Beginning Manufacturing Date: N/A Magnafi re Freestanding Coal Stove Ending Manufacturing Date: Active 1-70-03227-1 (Black), 1-70-03227-2 (Charcoal), 1-70-03227-3 (Goldenfi re), 1-70-03227-4 (Metallic Blue), 1-70-03227-10 (Mojave Red), 1-70-03227-12 (Forest Green) 1 2 3 4 5 IMPorTaNT: THIS IS daTed INForMaTIoN. When requesting service or replacement parts for your appliance please provide model number and serial number. all parts listed Stocked in this manual may be o

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

Installation and Operating Manual
Magnafire Series Coal Stoves - Mark I, II, and III

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

Introduction Thank you for purchasing a Harman Magnafire coal stove. The Magnafire series has been designed and built to last. Whether you’re heating a room or heating your whole house, you’ve made the right choice. Please read this entire instruction manual before attempting to install or operate your new stove. If you have further questions regarding your new stove, contact your Harman dealer. Follow these in- structions and you will have many years of warmth and comfort enjoying your ne

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 20

Service Parts Mark III Beginning Manufacturing Date: N/A Ending Manufacturing Date: Active IMPorTaNT: THIS IS daTed INForMaTIoN. When requesting service or replacement parts for your appliance please provide model number and serial number. all parts listed Stocked in this manual may be ordered from an authorized dealer. at Depot ITEM DESCRIPTION COMMENTS PART NUMBER ash Pan 1-10-00723 Y baffl e 2-00-00378b blower - 135cfm, 7ft Cord 3-21-13584 Y brick 9” X 4-1/2” x 1-1/4” Pkg of 7 1-00-9004501

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

Index 1. SaFeTy CoNSIdera TIoNS - Warnings to operator of possible dangers, fire hazards and cautions. 1.1 Keep children away -- may cause serious burns 1.2 Fuel/Firing Warnings 1.3 Curing Paint 1.4 Mobile Homes 2. aSSeMbly & INST alla TIoN 2.1 Unpacking and Inspection of Parts 2.2 locating The Stove 2.3 assembly 2.4 General Information 3. VeNTING 3.1 Types of Chimneys 3.2 Common Chimney Problems 3.3 What To do If you Have a Problem 3.4 Chimney details 4. Gra TeS 4.1 Grate System a

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

Installation 1. Safety Considerations: 2. Assembly & Installation: 1.1 KEEP CHILDREN AWAY - MAY CAUSE 2.1 UNPACKING AND INSPECTION OF SERIOUS BURNS. PARTS. Inspect the stove for any visible damage. The blower CaUTIoN: all surfaces of the stove are hot while in and the shaker handle are packaged inside the stove. operation. do not touch. Keep Children away. Wear 2.2 LOCATING THE STOVE. gloves while tending stove. Serious burns will result if locate the stove as close to the chimney

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

Installation 2.4 GENERAL INFORMATION. 2.3 ASSEMBLY. Slide the blower into the slotted bracket on the rear Installation Checklist: of the stove. The blower will rest at the bottom of the a. Have your stove installed by a trained installer. slot. Preferably one who is certified by the National Fire- place Institute or similar certification agency. b. before starting Installation, check for proper clear - ance to combustibles where the stove is going to be located. C. Never vent a solid fuel burn

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

Venting 3.2 COMMON CHIMNEY PROBLEMS Where an existing chimney is used, it must be large In order to have a properly operating heating system, enough to provide a draft adequate for removing the the chimney needs to be capable of providing suf- gaseous products of combustion. The cross-sectional ficient draft. The minimum required draft is .06 inches area of the chimney must be at least 25 percent of water column (WC). To measure the draft, drill a greater than that of the connector. as a

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

Venting & Grates e) Improperly sized flue - Too small of a chimney is 4. Grates incapable of moving the volume of air necessary. Too 4.1 GRATE SYSTEM AND CONTROLS. large of a flue could have trouble warming up to cre- The Grates are made of heavy-duty cast iron. The ate the necessary upward flow. function of the grate system is to support the coal F) Chimney offsets - offset chimneys should be while allowing air flow through the fire. The grate sys- avoided if possible. Not only can the o

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

Operation 5. Operating Instructions 5.3 INCREASING HEAT FROM A LOW FIRE 5.1 STARTING A FIRE every effort should be made to not let a coal fire burn Place seven or eight sheets of crumpled newspaper so long that it begins to die. This causes the reloading onto the top of the grates. Next, lay in some small kin- process to be much longer, and there is a good possi- dling wood (approximately 3/4” or less) on top of the bility of losing the fire all together. do not shake or stir newspaper. la

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

Maintenance 5.6 SAFETY To clean the chimney, use a stiff brush with an extend- Whenever a loading door is opened, it should always able handle. Start the brush from the top of the chim- be cracked slightly to allow oxygen to enter and burn ney and run it down through the flue. Continue brush- any gasses that may be present. Failure to do this ing until the entire length of the chimney is cleaned. may result in a sudden ignition of the gasses, leading The debris will collect at the bottom of th

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

Optional Water Coil 7. Optional Hot Water Coil: Plumbing Diagrams- Washer Inside Nut Outside Nut Packing Stove Body 1 1 Magnafire Series Coal Stoves

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

Optional Water Coil To install the optional hot water coil, Two holes will need to be drilled or cut into the side of the stove. There is a template for the hole location(s) that is included with the coil. Keep the holes above the firebricks and toward the back of the firebox. This location is best to not interfere with loading. Thermo- Siphon Method This is the simple and most economical method, however, the hot water tank must be no more than ten feet from the stove. The water inlet, where

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

8. Warranty Information: Hearth & Home Technologies Inc. LIMITED LIFETIME WARRANTY Hearth & Home Technologies Inc., on behalf of its hearth brands (”HHT”), extends the following warranty for HHT gas, wood, pellet, coal and electric hearth appliances that are purchased from an HHT authorized dealer. WARRANTY COVERAGE: HHT warrants to the original owner of the HHT appliance at the site of installation, and to any transferee taking ownership of the appliance at the site of installation within two

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

WARRANTY CONDITIONS: • This warranty only covers HHT appliances that are purchased through an HHT authorized dealer or distributor. A list of HHT authorized dealers is available on the HHT branded websites. • This warranty is only valid while the HHT appliance remains at the site of original installation. • Contact your installing dealer for warranty service. If the installing dealer is unable to provide necessary parts, contact the nearest HHT authorized dealer or supplier. Additional service

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

9. Service Parts Service Parts Mark I Beginning Manufacturing Date: N/A Magnafi re Freestanding Coal Stove Ending Manufacturing Date: Active 1-70-03224-1 (Black), 1-70-03224-2 (Charcoal), 1-70-03224-3 (Golden fi re), 1-70-03224-4 (Metallic Blue), 1-70-03224-10 (Mojave Red), 1-70-03224-12 (Forest Green) 1 2 3 4 5 IMPORTANT: THIS IS DATED INFORMATION. When requesting service or replacement parts for your appliance please provide model number and serial number. All parts listed Stocked in this m

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 16

Service Parts Mark I Beginning Manufacturing Date: N/A Ending Manufacturing Date: Active IMPorTaNT: THIS IS daTed INForMaTIoN. When requesting service or replacement parts for your appliance please provide model number and serial number. all parts listed Stocked in this manual may be ordered from an authorized dealer. at Depot ITEM DESCRIPTION COMMENTS PART NUMBER ash Pan 1-10-65127 Y baffl e 2-00-00503b blower - 75cfm, 7ft Cord 3-21-07584 Y brick 9” X 4-1/2” x 1-1/4” Pkg of 7 1-00-900450125

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 17

Service Parts Mark II Beginning Manufacturing Date: N/A Magnafi re Freestanding Coal Stove Ending Manufacturing Date: Active 1-70-03225-1 (Black), 1-70-03225-2 (Charcoal), 1-70-03225-3 (Goldenfi re), 1-70-03225-4 (Metallic Blue), 1-70-03225-10 (Mojave Red), 1-70-03225-12 (Forest Green) 1 2 3 4 5 IMPorTaNT: THIS IS daTed INForMaTIoN. When requesting service or replacement parts for your appliance please provide model number and serial number. all parts listed in this manual may Stocked be or

Instructions pareilles
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