Instruction d'utilisation HTC Touch Diamond DIAM400

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif HTC Touch Diamond DIAM400

Dispositif: HTC Touch Diamond DIAM400
Catégorie: Téléphone portable
Fabricant: HTC
Dimension: 5.25 MB
Date d'addition: 7/2/2014
Nombre des pages: 156
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HTC Touch Diamond DIAM400 Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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User Manual

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

  Please Read Before Proceeding THE BATTERY IS NOT CHARGED WHEN YOU TAKE IT OUT OF THE BOX. DO NOT REMOVE THE BATTERY PACK WHEN THE DEVICE IS CHARGING. YOUR WARRANTY IS INVALIDATED IF YOU OPEN OR TAMPER WITH THE DEVICE’S OUTER CASING. PRIVACY RESTRICTIONS Some countries require full disclosure of recorded telephone conversations, and stipulate that you must  inform the person with whom you are speaking thatthe    conversation is being recorded. Always obey the  relevant laws and regulations of

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  3 Disclaimers THE  WEATHER INFORMATION, DATA AND DOCUMENTATION ARE PROVIDED  “AS IS”  AND  WITHOUT  WARRANTY  OR  TECHNICAL SUPPORT OF ANY KIND FROM HTC.  TO  THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE  LAW, HTC AND ITS AFFILIATES expressly disclaim any and all representations and warranties, express or  implied, arisingb   y law or otherwise,r   egarding the  Weather Information, Data, Documentation, oran   y other  Products and services, including without limitationan   y express or implied 

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4  SAFETY PRECAUTIONS FOR POWER SUPPLY UNIT • Use the correct external power source A product should be operated only from thet   ype of power source indicated on the electrical ratings  label. If youar   e not sure of the type of power sourcer   equired, consult your authorizedser   vicepr   ovider  or local power company. For a product that operates from battery power orother    sources, refer to the  operating instructions that are included with the product. • Handle battery packs carefully T

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  5 PREVENTION OF HEARING LOSS CAUTION: Avoid potential hearingloss   Prolonged exposure to loud sounds (including music) is the most common causeof    preventable hearing  loss. Some scientific research suggests that using portable audio devices, suchas    portable music players and  cellular telephones,a   t high volume settings for long durations may lead to permanent noise-induced hearing  loss.  This includes the use of headphones (including headsets, earbuds and Bluetooth® or other wireles

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6  ENVIRONMENT RESTRICTIONS Do not usethis    product in gas stations, fuel depots, chemical plants orwher   e blasting operations arein     progress, or in potentially explosive atmospheres suchas    fuelling areas, fuel storehouses, below deck  on boats, chemical plants, fuel or chemical transfer or storage facilities, and areas where the airc   ontains  chemicals or particles, such as grain, dust, ormetal    powders. Please be aware that sparks in such areas could  cause an explosion or fire 

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  7 To assure optimal phone performance and ensure  human exposure to RFener   gy is within the guidelines  Antennaloca   tion setf   orthin    the relevantstandar   ds,alw   aysuse    your  device only in itsnor   mal-use position.C   ontactwith   the     antenna area mayimpair    callqualit   yand   cause   y   our  device tooper   ate ata    higher powerlev   el than needed.  Avoidingc   ontactwith    the antennaar   ea when the  phoneis   IN   USE   optimiz   es thean   tennaper   formance 

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8  • Avoid pushing objects into product  Never push objects of any kind into cabinet slots or other openings in the product. Slots and openings are  provided for ventilation.  These openings must not be blocked or covered. • Mounting accessories  Do not use the product on an unstable table, cart, stand, tripod, or bracket. Any mounting of the product  should follow the manufacturer’s instructions, and should use a mounting accessory recommendedb   y the  manufacturer. • Avoid unstable mounting 

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  9 Contents Chapter 1 Getting Started 15 1.1 Getting to Know Your Touch Phone and Accessories ............................... 16 Top panel  ...................................................................................................................................................16 Front panel  ................................................................................................................................................16 Bottom panel   ..................................

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10  Chapter 3 TouchFLO™ 3D 33 3.1 About TouchFLO™ 3D ................................................................................. 34 3.2 Using the TouchFLO 3D Home Screen ....................................................... 34 Home  ..........................................................................................................................................................35 MyF   avorites .......................................................................................

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  11 Change which information is synchronized  .................................................................................57 Troubleshoot  sync c onnection problem  ........................................................................................57 5.5 Synchronizing via Bluetooth ..................................................................... 57 5.6 Synchronizing Music and Video ................................................................ 58 Chapter 6 Exchanging Messages 5

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1  Chapter 8 Internet 77 8.1 Ways of Connecting to the Internet .......................................................... 78 Wi-Fi .............................................................................................................................................................78 Dial-up ........................................................................................................................................................80 8.2 Starting a Data Connection .............

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  13 Play back video  ..................................................................................................................................... 109 Close Album   .......................................................................................................................................... 109 11.3 Using Windows Media® Player Mobile .................................................. 109 About the controls   ...................................................................

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14  Display settings  .................................................................................................................................... 133 Device name  .......................................................................................................................................... 133 Ringer  settings ...................................................................................................................................... 134 Alarmsand    notifications  .

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

Chapter 1 Getting Started 1.1 Getting to Know Your Touch Phone and Accessories 1.2 Installing the Battery, and Storage Card 1.3 Charging the Battery 1.4 Starting Up 1.5 Navigating on Your Device 1.6 Home Screen 1.7 Status Icons 1.8 Start Menu 1.9 Quick Menu 1.10 LED Alerts 1.11 Adjusting the Volume 1.12 When Connecting Your Device to a Computer

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 16

16  Getting  Started 1.1 Getting to Know Your Touch Phone and Accessories Top panel POWER Press to turn off the display temporarily.  To turn off   the power, press and hold forabout    5 seconds.   Formor   e information, see  “Starting Up”  in this chapter. Speaker   Front panel Earpiece Listen toa    phone call  from here. Touch Screen HOME BACK Press to return to the  Presst   or   eturnt   o  Home screen.   thepr   evious screen. SeeChapt   er3   f   ordetails   . END • Press to end a call 

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Getting  Started  17 Left panel Back panel Right panel VOLUME UP 3.2 Megapixel Camera Duringa    call orwhen    playing  See “TakingP   hotosand     Videos”  music,pr   essthis   butt   ont   oincr   ease  in Chapter11   for   details.   the volume. VOLUME DOWN During acall    or when  playingmusic   ,pr   ess  thisbutt   ont   o lower the  volume. Stylus Back Cover (See  “Stylus”in    this  Push the back cover upward  chapterf   ordetails   .) to remove it.   Package Contents The product packag

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18  Getting  Started 1.2 Installing the Battery, and Storage Card Always turn offy   our device before installing or replacing the battery.  You alsoneed    to remove the backc   over  before you can install these components. To remove the back cover 1. Make sure your device is turned off. 2. Hold the devicewith    both hands and the front panel facing  down. 3. Push the backc   over up with your thumb until it disengages  from the device and then slide it up to remove. Battery Your devicec   om

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Getting  Started  19 Storage card To have additional storage for your images, videos, music, and files, you can purchase a microSD™ card and  install it into your device. To install a microSD card Insert the microSD card into the slot with its gold contacts facing  down and push until it clicks in place. Note  Tor   emove the microSD card, pressit    to eject it from the slot. 1.3 Charging the Battery New batteries are shipped partially charged. Before you start using your device, it is recommen

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 0  Getting  Started Switch to Sleep mode when not in use Press and immediately release the POWER button to turn off the display temporarily and switch your device  to  Sleep mode. Sleep mode suspends your device toa    low power statewhile    the display is off in order to save  battery power. Your device automatically goes intoSleep    mode when you leave the device idle aftera    certain period of time.  You will still be able to receive messages and calls while your device is in Sleep mode.

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