Instruction d'utilisation Greenheck Fan FA/103-00

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Greenheck Fan FA/103-00

Dispositif: Greenheck Fan FA/103-00
Catégorie: Ventillateur
Fabricant: Greenheck Fan
Dimension: 0.12 MB
Date d'addition: 9/25/2013
Nombre des pages: 4
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Greenheck Fan FA/103-00 Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

Fan Application
application guide
A technical bulletin for engineers, contractors and students in the air movement and control industry.
Understanding bearings for the fan industry
Bearings are one of the most critical components in meaning. It’s time to end the confusion! In today’s
the operation of a fan and careful consideration terminology the preferred term is L . However, L
10 50
must be given to the selection of the appropriate is sometimes used, therefore both meanin

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

Greenheck Product Application Guide *Bearings with a L 200,000 hour life are optional Writing the Bearing Specification 10 for most centrifugal and vane axial products. Basic Rating Life, L is a useful tool when 10 However, in most cases, it is not practical to specify specifying a given level of bearing construction. L 200,000 because of the associated cost. (And, do 10 When required to provide a given L life, all 10 you really need the bearings to last for 68 years?) It equipment manufacturers

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

Greenheck Product Application Guide locations on the shaft; thrust loads; and the somewhat within the race, so the race doesn’t need direction of belt pull. Most often the selection to pivot within the pillow block. program used is one developed by a bearing 2. Noise and vibration testing manufacturer. Greenheck engineers use Dodge All “air handling quality” bearings are 100% bearing selection software. Based on the output vibration tested. These high test standards are results of this data, Gr

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

Greenheck Product Application Guide used on Greenheck’s extended pressure CUBE adapter sleeve-mount locking exhaust fans (Model Cube-XP). system. Because of the geometry of the sleeve-mount The balance of the fan and ventilator products that design, a larger bearing is exceed the limitations of the required for the same shaft stamped steel bearings use the size as would be used in a air handling ball bearing with solid pillow block design. the set screw locking method. Consequently, the capacity

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