Instruction d'utilisation Lifebreath 60DHWH(T)

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Lifebreath 60DHWH(T)

Dispositif: Lifebreath 60DHWH(T)
Catégorie: Thermostat
Fabricant: Lifebreath
Dimension: 0.39 MB
Date d'addition: 7/5/2014
Nombre des pages: 42
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Lifebreath 60DHWH(T) Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

For Models:
Up Flow Model
Up Flow Model
Down Flow Model
Down Flow Model
Horizontal Model
Horizontal Model
High CFM Lower BTUH Output
No Heating Coil
No Heating Coil
No Heating Coil
Installing Contractor
Telephone / Contac

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

Table of Contents Introduction ............................................................................................................ 3 Description and Purpose ........................................................................................ 4 Combo System Basic Principle ................................................................................ 5 Specifications ................................................................................................. 12 - 21 Installat

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

Introduction Congratulations on your selection of the LIFEBREATH Clean Air Furnace (CAF). This is a very advanced unit that combines the outstanding efficiency and economy of the water heater/airhandler concept, plus the tremendous health benefits of year-round fresh air ventilation in every room of your house. With the addition of LIFEBREATH Turbulent Flow Precipitator (TFP) Air Cleaner (optional) you will have the ultimate in comfort and healthy indoor air quality. You will notice that the he

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

Description and Purpose IMPORTANT NOTE The purpose of this manual is to act as an installation guide only for the LIFEBREATH Clean Air Furnace. Manufacturers' instructions for other components, such as the water heater/boiler, must be followed. All national and local code requirements must be met when installing a LIFEBREATH Clean Air Furnace. Be sure to consult the proper authorities. Note: Temperatures greater than 130 °F (54°C) pose a serious risk of scalding individuals running domestic ho

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

Combo System Basic Principles Closed/Open Combo System From the aspect of delivery of domestic hot Therefore, an expansion tank (or equivalent water and space heating, the Open and Closed device) may be installed as part of any closed systems operate the same. A system becomes system. The operations of the valve and closed when a backflow prevention valve or expansion tank are discussed later in this check valve is installed in the cold water piping section of this manual. upstream of the w

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

Call for Space Heating Only Air System Operation When the thermostat calls for heat, the A circulation fan draws cool house air at approx. circulation pump is activated and hot water is 70˚F (21˚C) from the return ductwork, forces drawn from the top of the water heater through it through the water coil where it is heated, and the air handler, and then returned to the water then distributes it to the various rooms of the heater. There should be at least a 20˚F (11˚C) house through the supply d

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

Manual Valves There are a number of manual valves required for malfunction with age. Gate valves tend to be less the system to operate properly and safely. These expensive than the other type of valves. valves are used as shut off valves, drain valves and throttling valves. They can be globe, gate, The ball valve can be used as a shut off or drain ball or balancing type valves. valve but not a throttling (balancing) valve. When in the open position, a full bore ball valve has The globe valve

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

Shut Off Valves There are 3 shut off valves required for an system. The drain valve should be near the low integrated combo system as follows: point of the return piping system upstream of the shut off valve and is preferred to be near the water heater. • One valve (a) on the cold water side of the water heater upstream of the heating loop connection. This valve has the ability to isolate the hot water (domestic and space Throttling Valve heating) from the household cold water supply. Thi

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

Expansion Tanks Note: There are a number of pressure balancing Expansion tanks are only required for “Closed valves and mixing valves on the market which are Systems”. The expansion tank has an air not certified as a anti-scalding device. bladder, which will contract to relieve pressure in the system. Pressure is created in the closed system when water is heated in the water heater. Expansion tanks should always be connected to the cold water piping between the water heater Time to Scald shu

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

Water Heater Thermostat The hot water inlet temperature is typically 140˚F The water heater thermostat is set by the installing contractor to provide the required (60˚C). If this temperature must be increased temperature at the hot water outlet of the water to achieve higher outputs from the furnace heater. It is important that a warning label be an anti-scald valve must be used to prevent domestic hot water temperatures above place near the water heater thermostat telling 140˚F (60˚C).

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

With an Integrated Combo System, the hot water Note: The vertical height of the heating loop does temperature is approx. 130˚F (54˚C) which is not impact on the head pressure as the pressure 60˚F (15.5˚C) above the return air temperature. required to push the water up the vertical height is These units typically have a temperature rise of offset by the weight of the water in the vertical drop 35˚F (2˚C) to 40˚F (4˚C) and therefore would on the other side of the heating loop. deliver air at the

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

Specifications Model 40DHW (Up Flow) Core Ventilation system has patented aluminum heat recovery core (standard) or an enthalpic energy recovery core (optional) for energy-efficient ventilation. Enthalpic cores are recommended for regions where the temperature does not drop below 25˚F (-4˚C). Filters Washable air filters in exhaust and supply air streams of ventilation section, 1" pleated in return plenum side. Case Prepainted galvanized steel for superior corrosion resistance. 40DHW Output (

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

Specifications Model 60DHW (Up Flow) Core Ventilation system has patented aluminum heat recovery core (standard) or an enthalpic energy recovery core (optional) for energy-efficient ventilation. Enthalpic cores are recommended for regions where the temperature does not drop below 25˚F (-4˚C). Filters Washable air filters in exhaust and supply air streams of ventilation section, 1" pleated in return plenum side. Case Prepainted galvanized steel for superior corrosion resistance. 60DHW Output (

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

Specifications Model 40DHWDF (Down Flow) Core Ventilation system has patented aluminum heat recovery core (standard) or an enthalpic energy recovery core (optional) for energy-efficient ventilation. Enthalpic cores are recommended for regions where the temperature does not drop below 25˚F (-4˚C). Filters Washable air filters in exhaust and supply air streams of ventilation section, 1" pleated in return plenum side. Case Prepainted galvanized steel for superior corrosion resistance. 40DHW Outpu

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

Specifications Model 60DHWDF (Down Flow) Core Ventilation system has patented aluminum heat recovery core (standard) or an enthalpic energy recovery core (optional) for energy-efficient ventilation. Enthalpic cores are recommended for regions where the temperature does not drop below 25˚F (-4˚C). Filters Washable air filters in exhaust and supply air streams of ventilation section, 1" pleated in return plenum side. Case Prepainted galvanized steel for superior corrosion resistance. 60DHWDF O

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 16

Specifications Model 40DHWH (Horizontal) Core Ventilation system has patented aluminum heat recovery core (standard) or an enthalpic energy recovery core (optional) for energy-efficient ventilation. Enthalpic cores are recommended for regions where the temperature does not drop below 25˚F (-4˚C). Filters Washable air filters in exhaust and supply air streams of ventilation section, 1" pleated in return plenum side. Case Prepainted galvanized steel for superior corrosion resistance. Service dra

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 17

Specifications Model 60DHWH (Horizontal) Core Ventilation system has patented aluminum heat recovery core (standard) or an enthalpic energy recovery core (optional) for energy-efficient ventilation. Enthalpic cores are recommended for regions where the temperature does not drop below 25˚F (-4˚C). Filters Washable air filters in exhaust and supply air streams of ventilation section, 1" pleated in return plenum side. Case Prepainted galvanized steel for superior corrosion resistance. Service d

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 18

Specifications Model 4TONDHW (High CFM Lower BTUH Output) Core Ventilation system has patented aluminum heat recovery core (standard) or an enthalpic energy recovery core (optional) for energy-efficient ventilation. Enthalpic cores are recommended for regions where the temperature does not drop below 25˚F (-4˚C). Filters Washable air filters in exhaust and supply air streams of ventilation section, 1" pleated in return plenum side. Case Prepainted galvanized ste

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 19

Specifications Model 40VENTAC (No Heating Coil) Core Ventilation system has patented aluminum heat recovery core (standard) or an enthalpic energy recovery core (optional) for energy-efficient ventilation. Enthalpic cores are recommended for regions where the temperature does not drop below 25˚F (-4˚C). Filters Washable air filters in exhaust and supply air streams of ventilation section, 1" pleated in return plenum side. Case Prepainted galvanized steel for superior corrosion resistance. Dime

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 20

Specifications Model 60VENTAC (No Heating Coil) Core Ventilation system has patented aluminum heat recovery core (standard) or an enthalpic energy recovery core (optional) for energy-efficient ventilation. Enthalpic cores are recommended for regions where the temperature does not drop below 25˚F (-4˚C). Filters Washable air filters in exhaust and supply air streams of ventilation section, 1" pleated in return plenum side. Case Prepainted galvanized steel for superior corrosion resistance. Dim

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2 Lifebreath 4TONDHW(T) Manuel d'utilisation Thermostat 0
3 Lifebreath 60VENTAC Manuel d'utilisation Thermostat 0
4 Lifebreath 60DHWDF(T) Manuel d'utilisation Thermostat 0
5 Lifebreath 40DHWDF(T) Manuel d'utilisation Thermostat 0
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