Instruction d'utilisation Samsung SGH-E890

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Samsung SGH-E890

Dispositif: Samsung SGH-E890
Catégorie: Téléphone portable
Fabricant: Samsung
Dimension: 3.58 MB
Date d'addition: 4/7/2014
Nombre des pages: 66
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Samsung SGH-E890 Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

1. Safety Precautions
2. Specification
3. Product Function
4. Array course control
5. Exploded View/Disassembly
and Assembly Instructions
6. MAIN Electrical Parts List
7. Block Diagrams
8. PCB Diagrams
9. Flow Chart of Troubleshooting
10. Reference data

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

ⓒ This Service Manual is a property of Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd. Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd. Any unauthorized use of Manual can be punished under applicable International and/or domestic law. 2006. 12. Rev.1.0

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

CONTENTS 1. Safety Precautions 1-1. Repair Precaution......................................................................................................1-1 1-2. ESD(Electrostatically Sensitive Devices) Precaution...............................................1-2 2. Specification 2-1. GSM General Specification.......................................................................................2-1 2-2. GSM Tx Power Class.........................................................................

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

CONTENTS 9. Flow Chart of Troubleshooting 9-1. Power On...................................................................................................................9-1 9-2. Initial ..........................................................................................................................9-4 9-3. Charging Part.............................................................................................................9-7 9-4. Sim Part...........................................

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

Safety Prec autions 1. 1-1. Repair Precaution ― Rep air in Sh iel d B ox, du rin g d eta ile d t uni ng. Ta ke spe cia lly ca re of tun ing or te st, be cau se spe cip ict y o f c ell ula r p hon e i s s ens iti ve for su rro und ing in ter fer enc e(R F n ois e). ― Be car efu l t o u se a k ind of ma gne tic ob jec t o r t ool , b eca use pe rfo rma nce of pa rts is da mag ed by the in flu enc e o f m agn eti c f orc e . ― Sur ely us e a st and ard sc rew dri ver wh en you di sas sem ble th is

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

afety P recau t ions S 1-2. ESD(Electrostatically Sensi tive Devices) Precaution Se ver al sem ico ndu cto r m ay be dam age d e asi ly by sta tic el ect ric ity . S uch pa rts ar e c all ed by ESD ( Ele ctr ost ati cal ly Sen sit ive De vic es) , f or exa mpl e I C,B GA chi p e tc. Re ad Pre cau tio n b elo w. Y ou can pr eve nt fro m E SD dam age by st ati c e lec tri cit y. ― Rem ove st ati c e lec tri cit y r ema ine d y our bo dy bef ore yo u t ouc h s emi con duc tor or pa rts wi th se mic

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

2. Specification 2-1. GSM General Specification GSM900 EGSM 900 DCS1800 PCS1900 Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 1 Freq. Band[MHz] 890~915 880~915 1710~1785 1850~1910 Uplink/Downlink 935~960 925~960 1805~1880 1930~1990 0~124 & ARFCN range 1~124 512~885 512~810 975~1023 Tx/Rx spacing 45MHz 45MHz 95MHz 80MHz Mod. Bit rate 270.833kbps 270.833kbps 270.833kbps 270.833kbps /Bit Period 3.692us 3.692us 3.692us 3.692us Time Slot Period 576.9us 576.9us 576.9us 576.9us / Frame Period 4.615ms 4.615ms 4.615ms 4.615ms M

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

S p ec if ic at i o n 2-2. GSM TX power class TX Power TX Power TX Power DCS1800 GSM900 PCS1900 control level control level control level 5 33±3 dBm 0 30±3 dBm 0 30±3 dBm 6 31±3 dBm 1 28±3 dBm 1 28±3 dBm 7 29±3 dBm 2 26±3 dBm 2 26±3 dBm 8 27±3 dBm 3 24±3 dBm 3 24±3 dBm 9 25±3 dBm 4 22±3 dBm 4 22±3 dBm 10 23±3 dBm 5 20±3 dBm 5 20±3 dBm 11 21±3 dBm 6 18±3 dBm 6 18±3 dBm 12 19±3 dBm 7 16±3 dBm 7 16±3 dBm 13 17±3 dBm 8 14±3 dBm 8 14±3 dBm 14 15±3 dBm 9 12±4 dBm 9 12±4 dBm 15 13±3 dBm 10 10±4 dBm 10

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

Product Function 3. Main Function ― 1.3 Me gap ixe l C ame ra ― 262 K C olo r T FT Scr een (2 40×32 0) ― Vid eo Rec ord ing & Mes sag ing ― Mus ic Pla yer (MP 3/A AC/ AAC +) ― Blu eto oth Wi rel ess Te chn olo gy ― Mul tim edi a M ess age Se rvi ce (MM S) ― E-m ail ― Voi ce rec ord er ― Jav a / WA P2. 0 ― Tri -ba nd( 900 /18 00/ 190 0MH z) 3-1 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

Product Function 3-2 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

4. Array course control 4-1. Software Adjustments Test Jig (GH80-03306A) RF Test Cable (GH39-00283A) Test Cable Serial Cable Power Supply Cable (GH39-00499B) TA TV-OUT Cable DATA CABLE (GH44-01116B) (GH39-00410A) (GH39-00482B] 4-1 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

Array course control 4-2. Software Downloading 4-2-1. Pre-requsite for Downloading • Downloader Program(O neN AND _Do wnl ode r_1 .8. exe ) • E890 Mobile Phone • Data Cable • Binary file, TFS file 4-2-2. S/W Downloader Program ■ Load the binary download program by executing the “On eNA ND_ Dow nlo der _1. 8.e xe ” 1 . Select the connected serial port and the rate of speed 2 . Select the check box, the mode you want to download. ― if the binary file wanted, check only 'BIN' ― if the tfs file wan

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

Array course control 3 . Select the file(s) what you want to download 4-3 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

Array course control 4-4 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Document can not be used without Samsung's authorization

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

5. Exploded View/Disassembly&Assembly Instructions 5-1. Cellular phone Exploded View QCK02 QCK01 QSD01 QFR01 QRF03 QVO01 QKP01 QME01 QBR01 QSP01 QMO01 QLC01 QCR05 QMP01 QCA06 QCA01 QST01 QAN02 QRE01 QSC01 QCR04 QRF01 QBA01 QBA00 5-1 SAMSUNG Proprietary-Contents may change without notice This Docu ment can not be used with ou t S am su n g 's authorizatio n

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 16

Exploded View/Disassembly&Assembly Instructions 5-2. Cellular phone Parts list Description Sec Code Design LOC QAN02   INTENNA-SGHE898 GH42-00955A   QBA00 PMO-COVER BATT GH72-33166A QBA01   INNER BATTERY PACK-880MAH,BLK, GH43-02323A QBR01   NDC-BRAKET DOMESHEET GH71-06759A   QCA01 UNIT-CAMERA GH59-03358A   QCA06 NDC-BRAKET CAMERA GH71-06760A QCR04   SCREW-MACHINE 6001-001479 QCR05   SCREW-MACHINE 6001-001478   QKP01 ASSY KEYPAD-(TIY/SIL) GH98-01807A QLC01   LCD-SGH-E898 GH07-00969A QME01   UNIT-

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 17


Résumé du contenu de la page N° 18

Exploded View/Disassembly&Assembly Instructions 5-3. Disassembly and Assembly Instructions ― Disassembly 1 2 The l ocati on of the ho o k 1) Uns cre w, and re mov e t he REA R f rom th e F RON T 2) Con fir m t he loc ati on of the ho ok, an d r emo ve the 1 ) Re mo ve t h e s id e k e y s a nd t h e e ar c o v e r f ro m th e PB A. r ear wi tho ut dem age . 2) De ta ch the k ey connector f ro m the PB A. 1) Be careful about the damag e o f the hoo k a nd 1) Whe n y ou dis man tle a mob ile ph on

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 19

Exploded View/Disassembly&Assembly Instructions ― Assembly 1 2 1) The wire of motor and speaker have to maintain the 1) Ass emb le the PB A f rom ri ght si de( ar row ma rk ) t o twisted state. the fr ont . 2) If the wire is dispersed, twist the wires to the 2) Put th e W ire li ke fig ure . right side. At this time, put the motor wire upside thespeaker wire. 1) Be car efu l t hat th e k ey con nec tor is pl ace d d own the pb a. 1) Be car efu l a bou t t he dam age of wi re 2) WIR E m ust be at

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 20

Exploded View/Disassembly&Assembly Instructions ― LCD F-PCB KIT Assembly 1 2 1) At att ach ing , a lig n t wo FPC B H OLE s a nd two si lk p oin ts. 1) At LC D b ack sid e, det ach th e r ele ase pa per of th e b oth -si ded ta pe 2) Att ach an d s tar t t he sol der ing . 2) Lik e f igu re, at tac h t he ins ula tio n t ape at FP CB ※ C aut ion : At sol der ing , b e c are ful ab out b ack sid e. - Usi ng cot ton st ick , r ub dow n t he ge tti ng loo se and re che ck ali gnm ent of si lk i nsu

Instructions pareilles
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2 Samsung 022004 Manuel d'utilisation Téléphone portable 22
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5 Samsung 07212010 Manuel d'utilisation Téléphone portable 6
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