Instruction d'utilisation Carrier TB-NHP

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Carrier TB-NHP

Dispositif: Carrier TB-NHP
Catégorie: Thermostat
Fabricant: Carrier
Dimension: 0.42 MB
Date d'addition: 11/27/2013
Nombre des pages: 6
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Carrier TB-NHP Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

Base Series
Non---Programmable Thermostat
could result in personal injury or death. CAUTION is used to
identify unsafepracticeswhich may resultin minorpersonalinjury
or product and property damage. NOTE is used to highlight
suggestionswhichwillresultin enhancedinstallation,reliability,or
The Base Series thermostat is an electronic 24VAC,
non--programmable, manual changeover wall mount thermostat.

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

S Closetoorindirectairflowfromsupplyregistersand intended to be made at installation and normally are not modified return--airgrilles. by thehomeowner.Below isalistofavailableoptionsfollowedby a description of each one. S Inareaswithpooraircirculation,suchasbehindadoor orin an alcove. Option 01 -- EquipmentType Option 03 -- FahrenheitorCentigradeoperation Step2—InstallThermostat Option 04 -- Enable fan (G) ON with heat (W) Option 10 -- O (reversing valve)On with HeatorCool(present ! WARNING on H

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

equipment can turn off in less than 3 minutes if a change in Option10—O(reversingvalve)OnwithHeatorCool setpointorachangein modeoccurs. Selection StagingTimer This selection is only available on heat pump model thermostats. This selection determines whether the reversing valve is energized If the thermostat is a heat pump model, it has 2--stage heat in the heating or cooling mode. Factory default is C. capability. With HP operation, there is a 15--minute delay between the first and second stages

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

WIRINGDIAGRAMS A06566 A06567 Fig.1 -- A/CThermostatTypicalInstallation Fig.2 -- HPThermostatTypicalInstallation Copyright2007 CarrierCorp. S 7310 W. MorrisSt. S Indianapolis, IN 46231 Printed inU.S.A. EditionDate: 02/07 Catalog No: TB---NAC---1SI Replaces:NEW Manufacturer reserves therighttochange,atanytime,specifications anddesigns withoutnoticeandwithoutobligations. 4 TB--NAC/TB--NHP

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

TB---NAC TB---NHP Base Series Non---Programmable Thermostat Homeowner’sGuide 1. To SelecttheMode: Use the H/C button to move between the choices. OFF, HEAT,COOL, orEMHT willappear on the display.EMHT willonly appearon heatpump models. 2. To Select the Fan Operation: Use the FAN button to move between continuous fan (indicated by theFAN ON icon)and auto fan operation. 3. To Read the Room Temperature: The large display reads room temperature until a button is pressed. 4. To AdjusttheSetpoint: In n

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

Carrier Corporation FOR SERVICE OR REPAIR,FOLLOW THESE STEPS IN ORDER: FIRST: Contact the installer. You may find their name on the furnace or in your Homeowner’s Packet. If the installer’s name is notknown, callyourbuilderorhomeretailerifyoursisanew residence. SECOND:Contactthenearestdistributor.(Seetelephoneyellow pages.) THIRD:Contact: CarrierCorporation ConsumerRelations P.O.Box 4808 Syracuse,New York 13221 Phone:1--800--428--4326 ModelNo.____________________________________________ UnitSeri

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