Instruction d'utilisation Accusplit 790M

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Accusplit 790M

Dispositif: Accusplit 790M
Catégorie: Cardiofréquencemètre
Fabricant: Accusplit
Dimension: 0.53 MB
Date d'addition: 7/1/2013
Nombre des pages: 21
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Accusplit 790M Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

AE602M100 AE760M100
AE790M500 AE790M500DEC

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

IMPORTANT NOTE FOR MODEL 760M & 790M This stopwatch can store up to 100 or 500 split/lap times depending on the model. However please note when there are 5 free memories left, the icon “FULL” will blink to remind you of the nearly full situation. Whenever the storage is full, extra split/lap times will NOT be stored into memory even though you reset your stopwatch and start a new event. Extra split/lap times will only be shown on the display but not recorded. In order for the stopwatch to record

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

Instructions Introduction You are about to enjoy an advanced Cumulative and Lap memory professional digital quartz stopwatch with advanced timing features. Model AE602M100, AE760M100, AE790M500 & AE790M500DEC Stopwatch includes Time of day, Daily Alarm, Chronograph stopwatch, 100 or 500 memory, Data register (Model 760M & 790M only), Countdown timer, Stroke Measurement timer, Pacer from 5 to 240 beats per minute. Model AE790M500DEC Decimal Stopwatch includes Decimal stopwatch (1/100 of a sec, 1/

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

As you choose each "mode", a message will be displayed for a second before you enter the mode: Normal Time mode Timer mode TIME TIMER (All models) (All models) Alarm Time mode Pacer mode ALARM PACER (All models) (All models) Chronograph mode Stroke Measurement CHRONO STROKE (All models) (All models) Lap Time Recall mode Speed mode RECALL SPEEd (All models) (AE760M100 & AE790M500 model only) Data mode DATA (760M & 790M models only) The operation of the stopwatch is divided into eight modes (as no

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

This is only a brief description of these buttons. Detailed uses of the buttons are different in particular functions and will be described later in the instructions. Pressing [MODE] button will toggle among the modes above. Note that there is no auto-return function in the stopwatch. Whenever you change modes, the stopwatch will remain in that mode until the [MODE] button is pressed again Each time you enter a mode, a message will be displayed for a second before you enter the mode: Note:- In

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

or date-month (d-m), Sound ON or OFF, Contrast (darkness of the digits - default is 9), then back to Second, and recycles again. Note: when the second is to be set, press [START] to reset the second digits to zero. At the end of setting, press [RECALL] or [MODE] to exit from the setting mode and back to Normal Time Display. Display for Sound ON or OFF setting :- (Let the current status be "ON".) SOUnd On Press [START] to toggle Sound ON or OFF. SOUnd On Display for contrast adjustment:- (Let th

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

Alarm Time Mode Press [MODE] until you enter Alarm mode. This mode is used for displaying the daily alarm time and allows you to enable or disable the alarm. When you enter the Alarm Time mode, the display shows the alarm time on the upper line while the date is shown in the middle of the display and the normal time is on the lower line. AL P 3 : 3 0 TU 1 - 3 A 1 0 : 3 5' 3 0 To toggle the alarm ON or OFF, press [RESET]. When alarm is ON, the indicator "(((o)))"

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

Whenever the stopwatch stops running, the "STOP" indicator will be ON. Press the button [START/STOP] to start the stopwatch. As it runs, the current elapsed time is shown on the lower line. {000} 0: 00' 00" 00 SPLIT 0: 00' 00" 00 LAP RUN 0: 03' 35" 52 To view the current split / lap time, you can press [LAP/SPLIT]. {001} 0: 10' 43" 35 SPLIT 0: 10' 43" 35 LAP RUN 0: 10' 43" 35 The number of split/lap times is shown on the upper left corner. The corresponding split and lap times are displayed on

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

To stop the chronograph, press [STOP]. The indicator "STOP" will come on again to show the status. Press [RESET] as the stopwatch stops to reset the stopwatch while the split/lap times will be kept in memory. When the stopwatch starts running from reset state, all the lap memories will be cleared. Decimal Timing (AE790M500DEC model only) 1. The DM Model can operate as a normal 1/100 second chronograph as well as decimal minute, decimal second, and decimal hour chronograph. As you press [MODE]

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

Please note that if the stopwatch has started running (or is running), no selection for chronograph operating modes can be made until the stopwatch has been stopped and reset. Segmented run memory for lap/split time storage:- A header consisting of the date/time stamp is attached to each segment to indicate the moment when you began recording the particular timing segment. To get to this feature, press [MODE] in chronograph mode to enter DATA mode when the stopwatch has been stopped. Records f

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

Press [RECALL] again to view the average lap time. RECALL AVG {005} 0: 00' 05" 12 LAP RUN 0: 03' 16" 03 Press [RECALL] continually to review all the stored split/lap times. The sequence starts from the last record to the first record when the stopwatch is running and vice versa when the stopwatch has been stopped. RECALL {005} 0: 00' 14" 91 SPLIT 0: 00' 02" 05 LAP RUN 0: 03' 28" 94 [RECALL] RECALL {004} 0: 00' 12" 86 SPLIT 0: 00' 01" 60 LAP RUN 0: 03' 33" 64 [RECALL] RECALL {0

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

[RECALL] RECALL {001} 0: 00' 07" 63 SPLIT 0: 00' 07" 63 LAP RUN 0: 03' 48" 01 After recalling the first record, press [RECALL] once more to exit from Recall mode and go back to chronograph mode. The "RECALL" icon will be OFF. [RECALL] {005} 0: 03' 50" 11 SPLIT 0: 00' 42" 60 LAP RUN 0: 03' 50" 11 During memory recall, you can press either [START], [STOP] or [LAP/SPLIT] to exit from chrono recall mode and jump to the chrono start/stop or lap state respectively. Data Mode (AE760M & AE790M Model

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

The header consisting of the date/time stamp will be shown. The number of laps in the segment will appear in the upper left while the segment number is displayed in the middle left. If the segment shown is not your desired segment, press [START] to reach the desired segment. The current segment will be accessed first, then it will cycle back to the 1st, then 2nd and so on. When you have found the segment you want, you can press [RECALL] button consecutively to read the lap records from the fir

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

How to delete all memory segments:- Instead of deleting one segment, you can also delete all memory segments. When you enter the Data mode, you see the screen "FREE XXX LAP". Press and hold the [RESET] for 3 seconds. You will hear "Beep, beep, beep" for 3 seconds, then a long "Beep". At this point all data in the memory will be deleted and "DELETE ALL " will show on the display. If you don't want to delete the records, you can press any key to exit "DELETE ALL " state before the end of the read

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

Under CS operation mode, the timer, after counting down to 0:00'00", will stay at 0:00'00"0 until you press [RESET] to reload the timer value. Under CU operation mode, the timer, after counting down to 0:00'00"0, will count up and stop at 19:59'59"9. How to set the timer Press and hold [RECALL] for 2 seconds to activate timer setting. Timer setting starts with second digits, which are shown blinking. You can press [START] to advance the flashing digits. Or you can press [RESET] to select oth

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 16

Pacer Mode Press [MODE] until you enter the Pacer mode. In the Pacer mode, you can set the standard pacer speed from 5 to 240 beats per minute in the following values: 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80, 100, 120, 150, 180, 200, 240 In Pacer mode, the display will be:- PACER P - 5 The digits are flashing to indicate that the pace count is ready for setting. Press [RESET] to select the pace count. Once the desired pace count is selected, press [START] to confirm the setting and start the pac

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In the Stroke Measurement mode, the duration of 3 strokes is taken and the stroke frequency (counts per minute) is calculated. As the stroke frequency falls out of the range of 10 - 180, "Err" will appear to show the error condition. Press [START] to start the measurement. During the 1st second, 180.0 will be shown and flashing as below. STROkE 180. 0 At the end of the first second, the display will become steady. If measurement is stopped in the first second (stroke frequency > 180), er

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 18

Distance Setting Press [RECALL] for 2 seconds to enter setting mode, the unit icon flashes. DIST KM {000} 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0: 00' 00" 00 LAP STOP 0: 00' 00" 00 Press [START] to toggle between KM and MILE. To select the following digits, press [RESET]. The far right digit will blink and you can set the distance from the least significant digit to the most significant digit. The distance can be set in the range 0.000 to 1999.999 km (or ML). Press [RECALL] OR [MODE] to exit from the setting mo

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 19

Press [LAP/SPLIT] to record more lap times and show different speeds. Note that as the speed exceeds the value 1999.999 km/hr or 1999.999 mph, "Err" will be shown and no storage will be made for that record. [LAP/SPLIT] DIST KM {002} 2 2. 0 6 0 0: 01' 05" 25 LAP RUN 0: 02' 01" 15 [LAP/SPLIT] DIST KM {003} 2 5. 7 3 0 0: 00' 55" 95 LAP RUN 0: 02' 57" 10 To stop the speed measurement, press [STOP] to stop the timer. DIST KM {003} 2 5. 7 3 0 0: 00' 59" 13 LAP STOP 0: 03' 48" 23 Befor

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 20

Lap Time & Speed Recall Similar to the Chrono Recall mode, during speed measurement or Stop state, you can press [RECALL] to recall the speed/lap memories. The Mode message will be shown for one to two seconds as the Mode message display is displayed. RECALL The Speed and Lap time will be displayed on the upper and the middle lines. The lower line shows the current time counting. During Data recall, the fastest speed will be reviewed first, then the slowest speed and average speed. Further pr

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