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4-6-2 Pacific
Steam Locomotive & Tender
Owner’s Manual
featuring and
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Congratulations! ou own one of the finest and most advanced technology found inside, your loco- Ysophisticated model trains ever built— motive is ready for duty on your model rail- ® the Lionel TrainMaster Command and road layout. Experience the superiority of ™ Odyssey System-equipped 4-6-2 Pacific. today’s Lionel. From its hand-applied scale details to the ® • Powerful Pittman motor • Odyssey System Speed Control • R2IR reverse unit for use with the • Lighted cab interior ® TM Lionel TrainMas
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Transformer operations Running your locomotive with a Lionel transformer Place your locomotive on Lionel or Lionel-compatible O-54 or larger track. 1 1 • With track power OFF, connect the drawbar between locomotive and tender. ® That’s all you have to do with Lionel’s new Wireless Tether , an infrared communi- cation system that eliminates the plugs and wires of the past. NOTE: Your locomotive is designed to operate on minimum 0-54 diameter track. Power up your locomotive with your transformer.
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Transformer operations Locking your locomotive into a single operational state o select a single operational state for direction, then slow it down without stop- Tyour Lionel locomotive (example: for- ping. Set the Program/Run switch to PROG. ward only), you can deactivate the R2IR’s The locomotive is now “locked” into your sequencing function with the Program/Run chosen direction. switch, located on the right hand side, under When you no longer want single-direction the locomotive’s cab. oper
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Transformer operations ™ Your locomotive’s Odyssey System speed control ou can lock your locomotive into speed voltage to compensate for uphill grades, etc., Ycontrol mode (ideal for low speed opera- but will prevent excessive voltage to the tion) so it will automatically compensate for lamps and smoke unit. (In conventional grades, or to simply maintain a specific mode, these operate at track voltage, and speed setting. To turn on the speed control, excessive voltage may lead to premature bulb
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Transformer operations Using your locomotive tender’s ElectroCoupler in the non-Command environment o use your locomotive tender’s Electro- ElectroCoupler. The magnetic coupler on the TCoupler in the non-Command environ- rolling stock will then react to the magnetic ment, you must first couple a piece of rolling field generated by a Lionel remote-control stock equipped with Lionel magnetic cou- track section (available separately). Place plers directly to your locomotive tender’s rear your rol
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Your locomotive’s RailSounds system—the basics ionel RailSounds is the most realistic of the locomotive at rest. As the locomotive L model railroad sound system in the moves, chuffing begins, increasing with the world. Your locomotive features digital sam- locomotive’s speed. ples from real-life steam locomotives for the To silence the steam chuffing sound (whis- ultimate in realism. tle/bell are unaffected), slide the RailSounds Begin by installing a 9-volt alkaline bat- switch, located on the
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Transformer operations Experiencing the range of your locomotive’s RailSounds system ith RailSounds, you experience the • Reverse unit reset sound. Power W sounds of real railroading like never down your track, wait for 3-5 seconds, before. Simply put, it’s the most sophisticat- and listen for the air-release sound— ed, authentic model railroad sound system in that’s the locomotive telling you its R2IR the world. And remember—coming from Command reverse unit has just reset to inside your Lionel
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Transformer operations Installing the Lionel Sound Activation Button o operate the bell and whistle sounds install the Lionel no. 610-5906-001 Sound Twhen operating your locomotive with Activation Button (available separately). conventional transformers, you’ll need to Connect the button(s) as shown below. Existing wire Black wire Attach to ground terminal To your transformer Attach to power terminal Red wire All track power must Note! Lionel no. 610-5906-001 feed through the Sound Sound Activ
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TrainMaster Command operations Your locomotive in the TrainMaster Command environment ionel TrainMaster Command is the fun equipped locomotives on the same track, at L and sophisticated model railroad con- the same time. It’s the most fun you can trol system from Lionel. Your locomotive fea- have with electric trains, and it’s incredibly tures the R2IR reverse unit, which acts as easy too! Just follow the directions below and both a conventional reverse unit as well as you’ll be on your way. the
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TrainMaster Command operations Running your locomotive in the TrainMaster Command environment our Command-equipped loco- Address Locomotive #1 Example Y motive comes factory-pro- grammed with an ID# of “1.” To get PowerMasters set to CMD or traditional your locomotive into action, set power supplies ON FULL PowerMasters to CMD or set all power supplies on full. Press ENG and “1” Press ENG on CAB-1. Turn the throttle or press any command button; RailSounds Press 1 (the ID#) starts up. Your locom
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TrainMaster Command operations RailSounds in the Command environment our locomotive’s RailSounds system more sedate sound, as though the load placed Y gives you even more in the on the locomotive has decreased. Experience TrainMaster Command environment. DynaChuff on steep grades, at yard crawls, TM • DynaChuff . Real steam locomotive and at speed. Another RailSounds exclusive. chuffing depends on the locomotive’s load. • Bonus sounds like squealing brakes DynaChuff simulates both labored and wi
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TrainMaster Command operations Tuning your locomotive performance MOMENTUM it. To clear stall, press SET twice, holding it Simulate the labored performance of a for one second each time. locomotive pulling a heavy load with HIGH VOLTAGE SETTING momentum. Press L, M, or H (located under Press ENG, the locomotive ID#, then press CAB-1’s removable panel) for light, medium SET; the headlight will flash. Get your loco- or heavy momentum. The R2IR remembers motive moving to the maximum speed you the s
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TrainMaster Command operations Assigning your locomotive a new ID# s your fleet of Command- Assign a new ID# to your Example Aequipped Lionels grows, give Command-equipped your locomotive its own ID#. Choose locomotive from any between 1 and 99. Slide Set the locomotive PROGRAM/RUN the locomotive’s PROGRAM/RUN Switch to PROGRAM (see illustration) switch to PROGRAM. Plug-in the Command Base and place the loco- Command Base ON motive on track. Then, power up. Place the locomotive on track Using
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TrainMaster Command operations Reprogramming R2IR circuit boards to restore features ue to the inevitable derailments, static, The symptoms of this condition would be Dand the nature of electricity, it is possi- unresponsiveness in Command mode. This ble that your R2IR could someday lose its can be easily remedied by “reprogramming” setup program. your R2IR using the following steps. STEP 1: Move switch on locomotive from STEP 6: Turn off power to track and wait RUN to PROGRAM. ten seconds. STE
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Maintaining and servicing your Locomotive Lubricating your locomotive elp your Lionel locomotive lead a long You’ll know your locomotive requires H and productive life on your railroad by lubrication when visual inspection reveals maintaining it properly. dryness on the parts indicated in the We recommend you purchase a Lionel illustration. Remove accumulated dirt and Lubrication and Maintenance Kit (part dust before lubricating, and always lubricate no. 6-62927), available from your Lionel any
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Maintaining and servicing your locomotive Servicing your locomotive’s lamps Before changing the lamps in your locomotive, be sure to check that the AUX2 com- Note! mand was not used to turn off the front headlight. our locomotive is illuminated by four take your locomotive to your Authorized Ylamps. One is located in the headlight Lionel Service Center for any required lamp housing mounted on the boiler front. A lamp replacement. illuminates the interior of the cab. Two red Lamp Numbers: light
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Maintaining and servicing your locomotive Tire-Traction™ our locomotive is equipped with Tire- wear out. Simply unscrew the drive rod nut YTraction. This means that two of the from the wheel using a 3/16” nut driver, slip drive wheels are fitted with rubber traction off the old traction tire and remove it from tires to enhance tractive effort so your loco- under the drive rod. Place the traction tire on motive can pull many cars at once. the wheel and re-tighten the drive rod nut. Lionel has pr
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Maintaining and servicing your locomotive Installation of ‘O’ Gauge Coupler Head n ‘O’ gauge coupler (non- Aoperating) is included with your locomotive for those who may wish to “double-head” their trains with a second Pacific or FRONT OF LOCOMOTIVE other locomotive. Simply loosen the screw that holds the front coupler. With a small flat blade screw driver, replace the scale coupler head with the ‘O’ gauge coupler head and retighten the screw. 19
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Limited Warranty/Lionel Service his Lionel product, including all sales receipt and completed warranty information mechanical and electrical components, to the nearest Authorized Lionel Service Station. T moving parts, motors and structural Your nearest Lionel Service Station can be found by components, except for light bulbs, is warranted to calling 1-800-4-Lionel, or by accessing our Website the original consumer-purchaser, for one year at www.lionel.com. against original defects in materials