Instruction d'utilisation Shop-Vac XPO100B

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Shop-Vac XPO100B

Dispositif: Shop-Vac XPO100B
Catégorie: Equipement d'oxygene
Fabricant: Shop-Vac
Dimension: 0.56 MB
Date d'addition: 11/17/2014
Nombre des pages: 20
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Shop-Vac XPO100B Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

Service Manual

Portable Oxygen
Models XPO100 and XPO100B
DEALER: Keep this manual. The procedures in this manual MUST be
performed by a qualified technician.
For more information regarding
Invacare products, parts, and services,
please visit

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2


Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS SPECIAL NOTES ................................................................................4 TYPICAL PRODUCT PARAMETERS .................................................... 5 Regulatory Listing .......................................................................................................................................6 SECTION 1—IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS ............................................ 7 Operating Information...............................

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

SPECIAL NOTES SPECIAL NOTES Signal words are used in this manual and apply to hazards or unsafe practices which could result in personal injury or property damage. Refer to the following table for definitions of the signal words. SIGNAL WORD MEANING Danger indicates an imminently hazardous situation DANGER which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury. Warning indicates a potentially hazardous situation WARNING which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

TYPICAL PRODUCT PARAMETERS TYPICAL PRODUCT PARAMETERS Direct Current Type BF equipment Attention - Consider Accompanying Documents DO NOT smoke Class II, Double Insulation Power On/Off DO NOT dispose of in household waste Recycle DO NOT use oil or grease Keep dry Protected against dripping water IPX1 Electrical Requirements: AC Power Supply: 100-240 VAC 50/60 Hertz DC Power Supply: 11-16 VDC Rated Current Input: 1.0 amps at 120 VAC 3.3 amps at 18 VDC Sound Level @ setting 2: < 45dBA weighted Al

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TYPICAL PRODUCT PARAMETERS Battery Duration (times are approximate): Setting 1 = 3.5 hours Setting 2 = 2.5 hours Setting 3 = 2.0 hours Setting 4 = 1.5 hours Setting 5 = 1.0 hours Battery Recharge Time: 4 hours NOTE: Recharge time increases if battery is charging while unit is running. Humidity Operating Humidity: 15% to 60% non condensing Storage Humidity: up to 95% non condensing Temperature Range: Operating temperature: 41°F to 95°F (5°C to 35°C) (All power sources) Storage temperature: -2°F

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

SECTION 1—IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS SECTION 1—IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS In order to ensure the safe installation, assembly and operation of the XPO Portable 2 Concentrator these instructions MUST be followed.  WARNING SECTION 1 - IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS contains important information for the safe operation and use of this product. Operating Information  DANGER A spontaneous and violent ignition may occur if oil, grease, greasy substances, or petroleum based products come in contact with oxygen under pr

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

SECTION 1—IMPORTANT SAFEGUARDS Radio Frequency Interference This equipment has been tested and found to comply with EMC limits specified by IEC/ EN 60601-1-2. These limits are designed to provide a reasonable protection against electromagnetic interference in a typical medical installation. Other devices may experience interference from even the low levels of electromagnetic emissions permitted by the above standards. To determine if the emissions from the XPO 2 are causing the interference,

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

SECTION 2—COMPONENT REPLACEMENT SECTION 2—COMPONENT REPLACEMENT CAUTION Ensure not to damage ribbon cable when removing or installing front cover. DO NOT use Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK). This will damage the plastic. Replacing the Gross Particle Filter or Filter Cover L NOTE: For this procedure, refer to Cover Magnet FIGURE 2.1. NOTE: The gross particle filter should be replaced as needed. 1. Lift filter cover slightly and pull down to remove tabs from the grooves. 2. Lift out the filter from

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

SECTION 2—COMPONENT REPLACEMENT 1. Remove label from the top of the XPO (FIGURE 2.2). 2 NOTE: This label adheres to the front and rear sections of the XPO . This label MUST be removed 2 to separate the two sections. Label XPO 2 FIGURE 2.2 Remove/Install label 2. Position the XPO so that the back panel label is facing up (Detail “A” in FIGURE 2.3). 2 ® 3. Remove the four mounting screws from the back of the XPO using a T15 Torx 2 screwdriver (Detail “A” in FIGURE 2.3). DETAIL “B” DETAIL “A”

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SECTION 2—COMPONENT REPLACEMENT 4. While holding the unit together rotate the XPO and position it so that the back panel 2 label is facing down. NOTE: The ribbon cable is connected to the front cover and the pc board. Only open the XPO as shown in Details “B” and “C”. 2 5. Slowly, open the front cover ensuring not to damage the ribbon cable (Detail “B” and Detail “C” in FIGURE 2.3). Replacing the Inlet Filter NOTE: For this procedure, refer to FIGURE 2.4 and FIGURE 2.2 on page 10. NOTE: The i

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

SECTION 2—COMPONENT REPLACEMENT 5 4. Transfer the / -inch tubing to the intake of the new filter. 8 NOTE: The flow arrow points away from the intake. 5. Connect the 11½- inch tubing to the outlet of the inlet filter (Detail “A” of FIGURE 2.4). 6. Position and orient the new filter in the holder (Detail “B” of FIGURE 2.3). 7. Re-assemble the XPO . Refer to Re-assembling the XPO on page 13. 2 2 Replacing the Battery CAUTION Before handling the P.C. board, ensure you are properly grounded to pre

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

SECTION 2—COMPONENT REPLACEMENT NOTE: When installing new battery, ensure the battery is label side up. 5. Position new battery on thermal pad as shown. 6. Connect the battery wiring harness to the PC board. 7. Install inlet filter with tubing into holder. 8. Re-assemble the XPO . Refer to Re-assembling the XPO on page 13. 2 2 Re-assembling the XPO 2 NOTE: For this procedure, refer to FIGURE 2.3 on page 10. 1. Carefully, re-install the front cover onto the XPO . 2 2. Turn the XPO On to ensure pr

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SECTION 3—CHECKING O PURITY 2 SECTION 3—CHECKING O PURITY 2 NOTE: Although the XPO offers pulse dose only, the oxygen purity can be checked with a hand 2 held oxygen analyzer. NOTE: Oxygen purity should be checked every 4,320 hours. 1. Turn the unit On. 2. Press the “+” button to increase the flow to setting 5. 3. Simultaneously press and hold the “+” and “battery gauge” buttons until the #5 BLUE indicator light blinks. This is your indication that the unit is now in auto-pulse mode. NOTE: The

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SECTION 4—ERROR CODES SECTION 4—ERROR CODES The XPO has dozens of alarms that are being monitored on a continuous basis. The 2 alarms are grouped into four main categories: • Common Alarms: These are alarms for which the patient, or the provider, can take action to eliminate the issue. These alarms, and the corrective steps, are fully explained within the Owner’s Manual (OM). • Operating Alarms: This alarm group centers on the sieve beds and the PSA process. These are alarms for which there

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SECTION 4—ERROR CODES Compressor Alarms Code: 6000 4, 5 None Code: 6001 4, 5 1 Code: 6002 4, 5 2 Code: 6003 4, 5 1,2 (*) Within the System Alarms there are a few alarms that may correct themselves simply by changing the internal battery. ALARM SUB-ALARM ERROR/ (Illuminated flow (Illuminated flow COMMENTS ERROR CODE LEDs) LEDs) System Alarms Code: 7000 3, 4, 5 None Code: 7001 3, 4, 5 1 Replacement of the internal battery may Code: 7002 3, 4, 5 2 eliminate this problem Code: 70

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NOTES NOTES ™ Part No 1150748 17 XPO 2

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 18

NOTES NOTES ™ XPO 18 Part No 1150748 2

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LIMITED WARRANTY LIMITED WARRANTY For warranty information, please refer to the original owner's manual which came with this product, or contact Invacare for more information. ™ Part No 1150748 19 XPO 2

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Invacare Corporation USA Canada All rights reserved. Trademarks are One Invacare Way 570 Matheson Blvd E Unit 8 identified by ™ and ®. All trademarks are Elyria, Ohio USA Mississauga Ontario owned by or licensed to Invacare 44036-2125 L4Z 4G4 Canada Corporation unless otherwise noted. 800-333-6900 800-668-5324 Torx is a registered trademark of Textron, Inc. Dawn is a trademark of The Proctor and Gamble Company. © 2008 Invacare Corporation Part No 1150748 Rev A - 4/08

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