Instruction d'utilisation Life Fitness X8

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Life Fitness X8

Dispositif: Life Fitness X8
Catégorie: Entraîneur éliptique
Fabricant: Life Fitness
Dimension: 1.23 MB
Date d'addition: 2/20/2014
Nombre des pages: 14
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Life Fitness X8 Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

MiLEag E
inSTru CTion S
Click to jump to...
Elliptical Cross-Trainers
Lifecycle Exercise Bikes

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

Mileage Access Instructions Elliptical Cross-Trainers Category Model(s) Selling Period Product image How to access the Mileage information Elliptical X1, X3, X5, X8 Cross- 2011–Current Press SETTINGS button, scroll to STATISTICS. with Go Console Trainer Elliptical X1, X3, X5, X8 Cross- 2011–Current Press SETTINGS button, scroll to STATISTICS. with Track Console Trainer Elliptical Hold UP ARROW key and press CLEAR key twice. Cross- Club Series 2010–Current Hold PAUSE until menu appears. Sc

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

Mileage Access Instructions Elliptical Cross-Trainers Category Model(s) Selling Period Product image How to access the Mileage information Elliptical Cross- X1-5 2005–2006 Not Eligible. No statistics tracking available. Trainer Elliptical Cross- X3-0 2005–2006 Not Eligible. No statistics tracking available. Trainer Elliptical Press CLEAR/PAUSE twice and press the COOL DOWN Cross- X3-5 2005–2006 key. Press ENTER to scroll to STATISTICS. Trainer Elliptical Cross- SX30 2003–2005 Not Eligible.

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

Mileage Access Instructions Elliptical Cross-Trainers Category Model(s) Selling Period Product image How to access the Mileage information For accumulated time*: Press CLEAR/PAUSE twice Elliptical and press the COOL DOWN key. Cal/HR will be lit. Cross- X3i 2000–2005 Time will be displayed XXXX XX (Accumulated hours Trainer and minutes). *See membership levels by time below For accumulated time*: Press CLEAR/PAUSE twice and Elliptical press the COOL DOWN key. Time will be displayed Cross- X

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

® Mileage Access Instructions Lifecycle Exercise Bikes Category Model(s) Selling Period Product image How to access the Mileage information Lifecycle C1, C3, R1, R3 Exercise 2011–Current Press SETTINGS button, scroll to STATISTICS. with Go Console Bike Lifecycle C1, C3, R1, R3 Exercise 2011–Current Press SETTINGS button, scroll to STATISTICS. with Track Console Bike Lifecycle Upright and Hold UP ARROW key and press CLEAR key twice. Exercise Recumbent 2010–Current Continue holding pause unti

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

® Mileage Access Instructions Lifecycle Exercise Bikes Category Model(s) Selling Period Product image How to access the Mileage information Lifecycle Upright and Hold UP ARROW key and press CLEAR key twice. Press Exercise Recumbent 2009–2010 UP ARROW, menu will appear. Press ENTER and scroll Bike Club Series to HOURS. Use the ARROW keys to scroll to DIST. Lifecycle C1, C3, R1, R3 Exercise with Advanced 2006–2011 Press SETTINGS button, scroll to STATISTICS. Bike Console Lifecycle C1, C3, R1,

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

® Mileage Access Instructions Lifecycle Exercise Bikes Category Model(s) Selling Period Product image How to access the Mileage information Lifecycle Press CLEAR/PAUSE twice and press the COOL DOWN Exercise R3-5 2005–2006 key. Press ENTER to scroll to STATISTICS. Bike Lifecycle Press CLEAR/PAUSE twice and press the COOL DOWN Exercise SR70 2003–2005 key. Press ENTER to scroll to STATISTICS. Bike Lifecycle Press CLEAR/PAUSE twice and press the COOL DOWN Exercise SU70 2003–2005 key. Press ENT

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

® Mileage Access Instructions Lifecycle Exercise Bikes Category Model(s) Selling Period Product image How to access the Mileage information Lifecycle Hold UP ARROW key and press CLEAR key twice. Press Exercise R9i 2000–2009 UP ARROW, menu will appear. Press ENTER and scroll Bike to HOURS. Use the ARROW keys to scroll to DIST. Lifecycle Hold UP ARROW key and press CLEAR key twice. Press Exercise C7i 2000–2005 UP ARROW, menu will appear. Press ENTER and scroll Bike to HOURS. Use the ARROW keys

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

Mileage Access Instructions Elliptical Cr Stair oss-Tr climbers ainers Category Model(s) Selling Period Product image How to access the Mileage information LS5500HR Stairclimber 1997–2002 Not Eligible. No statistics tracking available. Stairclimber 9

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

Mileage Access Instructions Treadmills Category Model(s) Selling Period Product image How to access the Mileage information F3, T3 Treadmill 2011–Current Press SETTINGS button, scroll to STATISTICS. with Go Console F3, T3 Treadmill 2011–Current Press SETTINGS button, scroll to STATISTICS. with Track Console Hold PAUSE key and press CLEAR key twice. Club Series Continue holding pause until menu appears. Scroll Treadmill 2010–Current Treadmill to INFORMATION and press ENTER. Scroll to SYSTEM

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

Mileage Access Instructions Treadmills Category Model(s) Selling Period Product image How to access the Mileage information Hold the COOL DOWN key while pressing the CLEAR key twice. Do not release the COOL DOWN key until Platinum Club “CODE VER-X.XX” is displayed. Use the ENTER key Treadmill 2007–Current Achieve to advance through the settings until you reach STATISTICS. Use the UP/DOWN arrows to advance through statistics. Press SELECT WORKOUT and then touch the Life Platinum Club Fitnes

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

Mileage Access Instructions Treadmills Category Model(s) Selling Period Product image How to access the Mileage information Press STOP twice, then hold the QUICK START WALK key to enter Diagnostics menu. Press ENTER until you Treadmill T3-0 2005–2008 reach UNIT STATS, Scroll to Distance using UP/DOWN keys. Press STOP twice, then hold the QUICK START WALK key to enter Diagnostics menu. Press ENTER until you Treadmill T3-5 2005–2008 reach UNIT STATS, Scroll to Distance using UP/DOWN keys. Go

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

Mileage Access Instructions Treadmills Category Model(s) Selling Period Product image How to access the Mileage information Treadmill ST55 2002–2004 Not Eligible. No statistics tracking available. Hold PAUSE key and press CLEAR key twice. Use arrow keys to scroll to INFORMATION and press Treadmill T9i 2002–2004 ENTER. Scroll to SYSTEM STATISTICS and press ENTER. Use arrow keys to scroll to DISTANCE. Press STOP twice, then hold the QUICK START WALK key to enter Diagnostics menu. Press ENTER u

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

Mileage Access Instructions Treadmills Category Model(s) Selling Period Product image How to access the Mileage information Power up the unit while holding the SPEED DOWN TR3500 key. All LEDs will light up. Press ENTER until STATS TR4000 Treadmill 1997–2000 appears in the message center. Use the SPEED keys TR4500HR to scroll through statistics. The DISTANCE LED will TR5500HR light, and accumulated miles will be displayed. 14

Instructions pareilles
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