Instruction d'utilisation Mitsubishi Electronics MUZ-FD12NA

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Mitsubishi Electronics MUZ-FD12NA

Dispositif: Mitsubishi Electronics MUZ-FD12NA
Catégorie: Climatiseur
Fabricant: Mitsubishi Electronics
Dimension: 1.68 MB
Date d'addition: 7/9/2013
Nombre des pages: 36
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Mitsubishi Electronics MUZ-FD12NA Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

Revision A:
• 3. SPECIFICATION has been corrected.
Please void OBH498.
No. OBH498
Wireless type
Indoor unit service manual
MSZ-FD•NA Series (OBH497)
1. TECHNICAL CHANGES ··································· 3
2. PART NAMES AND FUNCTIONS ····················· 3
3. SPECIFICATION ················································ 4

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

Revision A: • 3. SPECIFICATION has been corrected. 2

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

1 TECHNICAL CHANGES MUZ-FD09NA U1 MUZ-FD09NA - MUZ-FD12NA U1 MUZ-FD12NA - 1. New model 2 PART NAMES AND FUNCTIONS MUZ-FD09NA MUZ-FD12NA Air inlet Piping Drain hose Air outlet Drain outlet 3 3

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

3 SPECIFICATION Outdoor unit model MUZ-FD09NA MUZ-FD12NA Cooling 1 Btu/h 9,000 (2,800~9,000) 12,000 (2,800~12,000) Capacity Rated (Minimum~Maximum) Heating 47 1 Btu/h 10,900 (3,000~18,000) 13,600 (3,000~21,000) Heating 17 2 Capacity Rated Btu/h 12,500 13,600 Cooling 1 W 650 (160~650) 960 (160~960) Power consumption Rated (Minimum~Maximum) Heating 47 1 W 750 (150~2,400) 980 (150~2,400) Power consumption Rated Heating 17 2 W 1,730 1,780 EER 1 [SEER] 3 Cooling 13.8 [23.0] 12.5 [22.0] HSPF IV (

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Test condition 3, 4 Indoor air condition Outdoor air condition Mode Test ARI Dry bulb (°F) Wet bulb (°F) Dry bulb (°F) Wet bulb (°F) "A" Cooling Steady State 80 67 95 (75) at rated compressor Speed "B-2" Cooling Steady State 80 67 82 (65) at rated compressor Speed SEER "B-1" Cooling Steady State 80 67 82 (65) (Cooling) at minimum compressor Speed Low ambient Cooling Steady State 80 67 67 (53.5) at minimum compressor Speed Intermediate Cooling Steady State 80 67 87 (69) at Interme

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

4 in. or more 14 in. or more 4 OUTLINES AND DIMENSIONS Unit: inch MUZ-FD09NA MUZ-FD12NA REQUIRED SPACE Basically open 4 inch or more without any obstruction in front 15-3/4 Drain hole 1-5/8 and on both sides of the unit. Air in Air in 1-9/16 Air out 2- 3/8 13/16 Oval hole 29/32 11-1/4 17/32 7/8 Open two sides of left, right, or rear side. handle Liquid pipe :1/4 (flared) Gas pipe :3/8 (flared) 11-29/32 6-23/32 5-15/16 19-11/16 31-1/2 2-23/32 6 6 8 in. or more 4 in. or more 21-5/8 11-1

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7


Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

6 REFRIGERANT SYSTEM DIAGRAM Unit:inch MUZ-FD09NA MUZ-FD12NA 4-way valve Refrigerant pipe ø3/8 (with heat insulator) Muffler Outdoor heat exchanger temperature Stop valve thermistor (with service port) RT68 Outdoor Muffler Discharge heat Flared connection exchanger temperature Service thermistor port RT62 Ambient Compressor Service temperature port thermistor RT65 Defrost thermistor RT61 Capillary tube O.D. 0.118 × I.D. 0.071 × 23-5/8 (ø3.0 × ø1.8 × 600) Strainer #100 Expansion Flared connectio

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

7 DATA MUZ-FD09NA MUZ-FD12NA 7-1. PERFORMANCE DATA 1) COOLING CAPACITY Indoor air Outdoor intake air DB temperature (˚F) Model IWB 75 85 95 105 115 (˚F) TC SHC TPC TC SHC TPC TC SHC TPC TC SHC TPC TC SHC TPC 71 11.0 6.9 0.58 10.3 6.5 0.63 9.7 6.1 0.68 9.0 5.6 0.72 8.3 5.2 0.75 MUZ-FD09NA 67 10.4 7.9 0.55 9.7 7.4 0.60 9.0 6.8 0.65 8.4 6.4 0.69 7.7 5.8 0.72 63 9.8 8.8 0.52 9.1 8.1 0.58 8.5 7.6 0.62 7.7 6.9 0.66 7.0 6.3 0.69 71 14.7 8.8 0.85 13.7 8.2 0.94 12.9 7.7 1.01 12.0 7.2 1.06 11.0 6.6 1.

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

Indoor intake air WB temperature (°F) Indoor intake air WB temperature (°F) 7-2. PERFORMANCE CURVE Cooling MUZ-FD09NA MUZ-FD12NA SHF at rating condition = 0.76 SHF at rating condition = 0.73 Airflow = 307 CFM Airflow = 350 CFM 13 15 14 12 13 11 10 12 9 11 71 71 10 67 8 67 63 9 63 7 1.2 71 71 0.7 67 1.1 67 63 1.0 63 0.6 0.9 0.8 0.5 0.7 65 75 85 95 105 115 65 75 85 95 105 115 Outdoor intake air DB temperature (°F) Outdoor intake air DB temperature (°F) Heating MUZ-FD09NA MUZ-FD12NA Airflow = 381

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

7-3. CONDENSING PRESSURE Cooling Data is based on the condition of indoor humidity 50 %. Air flow should be set to High speed. MUZ-FD09NA (PSIG) 580 540 (PSIG) 180 500 175 170 86 460 86 165 80 75 160 420 70 80 155 150 380 145 75 140 340 70 135 130 300 125 120 260 68 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105(°F) 68 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105(°F) Outdoor ambient temperature Outdoor ambient temperature MUZ-FD12NA (PSIG) 580 540 (PSIG) 180 500 175 86 80 170 460 75 165 86 70 160 420 155 80 150 380 145 140 340 75 135

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

Heating Data is based on the condition of outdoor humidity 75%. Air flow should be set to High speed. Data is for heating operation without any frost. MUZ-FD09NA (PSIG) (PSIG) 400 380 170 75 70 75 360 160 65 70 340 65 150 320 140 300 130 280 120 260 110 240 58Hz 58Hz 100 220 90 200 80 180 70 160 140 60 14 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70(°F) 14 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70(°F) Outdoor ambient temperature Outdoor ambient temperature MUZ-FD12NA (PSIG) (PSIG) 400 380 170 75 75 360 70 160 65 70

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

7-4. STANDARD OPERATION DATA Model MSZ-FD09NA MSZ-FD12NA Item Unit Cooling Heating Cooling Heating Capacity Btu/h 9,000 10,900 12,000 13,600 SHF — 0.76 — 0.73 — Input kW 0.650 0.750 0.960 0.980 Rated frequency Hz 35 43 51 54 Indoor unit MSZ-FD09NA MSZ-FD12NA V, Power supply phase, 208/230 , 1 , 60 Hz Input kW 0.018 0.024 0.024 0.030 Fan motor current A 0.19/0.17 0.25/0.23 0.25/0.23 0.32/0.29 Outdoor unit MUZ-FD09NA MUZ-FD12NA V, Power supply phase, 208/230 , 1 , 60 Hz Input kW 0.632 0.726 0.

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

7-5. CAPACITY AND INPUT CORRECTION BY INVERTER OUTPUT FREQUENCY MUZ-FD09NA Correction of Cooling capacity Correction of Cooling total input Correction of Heating total input Correction of Heating capacity 1.5 1.5 2.0 3.0 1.5 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.5 0 50 100 150 (Hz) 0 50 100 150(Hz) 0 50 100 150(Hz) 0 50 100 150(Hz) The operational frequency of compressor The operational frequency of compressor The operational frequency of compressor The operational frequency of compressor MUZ-FD12NA Cor

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

8 ACTUATOR CONTROL MUZ-FD09NA MUZ-FD12NA 8-1. OUTDOOR FAN MOTOR CONTROL The fan motor turns ON/OFF, interlocking with the compressor. [ON] The fan motor turns ON 5 seconds before the compressor starts up. [OFF] The fan motor turns OFF 15 seconds after the compressor has stopped running. 5 seconds 15 seconds ON Compressor OFF ON Outdoor fan motor OFF 8-2. R.V. COIL CONTROL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Heating ON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cooling OFF . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 16

9 SERVICE FUNCTIONS MUZ-FD09VA MUZ-FD12VA 9-1. CHANGE IN DEFROST SETTING Changing defrost finish temperature To change the defrost finish temperature, cut/solder the JS wire of the outdoor inverter P.C. board. (Refer to 10-6-1.) Jumper Defrost fi nish temperature Soldered 41°F (5°C) (Initial setting) JS None 50°F (10°C) (Cut) 9-2. PRE-HEAT CONTROL SETTING PRE-HEAT CONTROL When moisture gets into the refrigerant cycle, it may interfere the start-up of the compressor at low outside tempera

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 17

10-2. FAILURE MODE RECALL FUNCTION Outline of the function This air conditioner can memorize the abnormal condition which has occurred once. Even though LED indication listed on the troubleshooting check table (10-3.) disappears, the memorized failure details can be recalled. This mode is very useful when the unit needs to be repaired for the abnormality which doesn't recur. 1. Flow chart of failure mode recall function for the indoor/outdoor unit Operational procedure The cause of abnormali

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 18

2. Flow chart of the detailed outdoor unit failure mode recall function Operational procedure The outdoor unit might be abnormal. Confi rm if outdoor unit is abnormal according to the following procedures. Confi rm that the remote controller is in the failure mode recall function. With the remote controller headed towards the indoor unit, press TOO 1. Regardless of normal or abnormal condition, 2 short COOL or TOO WARM button to adjust the set temperature to 77˚F (25˚C). beeps are emitted

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 19

3. Outdoor unit failure mode table Indoor/ Outdoor unit POWER lamp Abnormal point LED indication outdoor unit Condition Correspondence failure mode (Indoor unit) (Failure mode / protection) (Outdoor P.C. board) failure mode recall function recall function OFF None (Normal) —— — —— 2-time fl ash Outdoor power system Overcurrent protection stop is •Reconnect connectors. 2.5 seconds continuously performed 3 times within •Refer to 10-5. "How OFF 1 minute after the compressor gets to check

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 20

10-3. TROUBLESHOOTING CHECK TABLE Abnormal point/ No. Symptom LED indication Condition Correspondence Condition Outdoor unit 1-time fl ash every Outdoor power sys- Overcurrent protection stop is continuously performed 3 times •Reconnect connector of compres- does not oper- 2.5 seconds tem within 1 minute after the compressor gets started, or failure of sor. 1 ate. restart of compressor has repeated 24 times. •Refer to 10-5. "How to check in- verter/compressor". •Check stop valve. Outdoor ther

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