Instruction d'utilisation PORT ST24XCDR

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif PORT ST24XCDR

Dispositif: PORT ST24XCDR
Catégorie: Lecteur CD
Fabricant: PORT
Dimension: 0.06 MB
Date d'addition: 10/26/2014
Nombre des pages: 19
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PORT ST24XCDR Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

Port, Inc.
Portable 24X CD-ROM
User Manual

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

Copyright © 1998, Port. All rights reserved. This document may not, in whole or part, be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form without prior consent, in writing, from Port. In no event will Port be liable for direct, special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use this product or documentation even if advised of the possibility of such damages. In particular the manufacturer shall not have

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

Table of Contents Introduction ............... E-4 System Requirements E-4 Contents List E-4 Part Names and Functions ............... E-5 Installation and Setup ............... E-8 Playing Audio CD's ............... E-9 CD-ROM Power Options ............... E-11 Connecting the AC Adapter E-11 Installing Batteries E-12 Micro Power Management System E-12 Troubleshooting ............... E-14 Warranty ............... E-16

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

Introduction Congratulations on your purchase of the Portable 24X CD-ROM drive. We hope you enjoy our product for its great features, performance and value. This user guide is designed to help you get your new CD-ROM drive installed and running in the shortest amount of time. It should also help you to become familiar with all the various features and controls of the unit. Port CANNOT be held liable if you damage your computer due to misuse or mishandling of equipment. Please take the time to

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Part Names and Functions B) POWER LED D) MANUAL EJECT BUTTON E) EJECT BUTTON C) BUSY LED A) LOADING TRAY A) LOADING TRAY -- Opens and closes to allow loading of CD discs. B) POWER LED -- This LED light will glow RED when the drive is powered on and when the charge of the internal batteries is sufficient. C) BUSY LED -- This LED light will glow GREEN when the CD-ROM drive is being accessed. D) MANUAL EJECT BUTTON -- In case of no power or other condition where the user is unable to open the loadi

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A) PREVIOUS TRACK/RR BUTTON B) PLAY/ PAUSE BUTTON C) NEXT TRACK/ FF BUTTON D) VOLUME DOWN CONTROL E) VOLUME UP CONTROL NOTE: Audio CD controls are only functional when the AUDIO switch is set to “ON” and the CD-ROM is NOT inserted into a PC Card slot. A) PREVIOUS TRACK/RR BUTTON - Pushed once, this control will jump to the begin- ning of the current song, each subsequent push will cause the unit to jump the begin- ning of the previous song. If pushed and held down, the CD Player will quickly m

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D) AUDIO ON/OFF SWITCH C) I/O CONNECTOR A) MINI HEADPHONE JACK B) POWER CONNECTOR NOTE: Ministyle headphones or amplified speakers are recommended for use with the Portable 24X CD-ROM A) MINI HEADPHONE JACK - This standard mini headphone jack provides amplified CD audio output for connection to a pair of headphones, a pair of amplified speakers, or a stereo amplifier. You can also connect a stereo to stereo cable from the mini head- phone jack on the CD-ROM to a LINE-IN jack on your sound card

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Installation and Setup * Make sure AUDIO CD ON/OFF Switch is in the OFF position. < DOS/Windows 3.1x > The INSTALL program on your master diskette will install the software for you automati- cally. Use the following procedure to run INSTALL: 1) Insert the Portable 24X CD-ROM into an available PC Card slot. 2) Boot your computer to DOS. 3) Place the DOS, Windows 3.1x installation diskette into a floppy disk drive. 4) Change the DOS prompt to that of the floppy drive you are using. 5) Type "INSTA

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

Playing Audio CD's The CD-ROM drive can play audio CDs two different ways; 1) Connected to a computer as a CD-ROM drive, you can run an Audio CD software pro- gram to play music CDs. 2) Independent from your computer (although is may be left connected) you can use the audio CD controls on the unit to play music CDs. The basic difference in the two methods are; in #1 the CD-ROM MUST be connected to a computer and MUST use a software program to control the player; in # 2 the unit is completely por

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< Windows 95/98/NT > 1) Before starting the Windows 95/98/NT CD Player connect a pair of mini style head- phones to the headphones jack and make sure the CD-ROM/AudioCD switch is in the CD-ROM position. 2) Start the Windows 95/NT CD Player from the Desktop by clicking on START and choosing PROGRAMS/ACCESSORIES/MULTIMEDIA. Click on the CD PLAYER icon. 3) The CD PLAYER will appear and automatically start playing the first track of the Audio CD. (note: For specific instructions on how to use the C

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CD-ROM Power Options There are three power source options available: The PC Card slot, the AC Power Adapter (sold separately) and the internal rechargeable batteries. NOTE: The PC Card slot is only available when using the Portable 24X CD-ROM as a CD-ROM drive, not as a personal audio CD player. The Audio ON/OFF switch at the back of the Portable 24X CD-ROM is used for selecting the power source and for changing from a CD-ROM drive for use with your computer to a stand-alone audio music CD pla

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Installing Batteries There are four batteries located under a trap door in the bottom of the Portable 24X CD- ROM drive. The PC Card version uses four rechargeable NiCd 1.2V 650m Ah AA sized batteries. Under normal use, these batteries should last a full year at which time they should be replaced. The Parallel version uses four regular AA batteries. These batteries should be replaced when the charge is depleted. To install new batteries: 1) Remove any CD Disc from the Portable 24X CD-ROM CD-ROM

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Prior to use, the four rechargeable NiCd batteries should be recharged for 1 1/2 to 2 hours. The computer must be powered on, the driver software installed and the Portable 24X CD-ROM PC Card inserted into a PC Card slot. Connect your computer to AC power for more efficient recharging. When operating the Portable 24X CD-ROM, the red LED on the top panel should be on. If this is not the case it may mean that the software drivers have not been correctly installed in which case you should refer to

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Troubleshooting After connecting the CD-ROM drive to my computer the loading tray will not open when I press the EJECT button. - On many computers the parallel port device is not reset or initialized until the Operating System is loaded. If the system has not been started, disconnect the parallel cable from the rear of the CD-ROM drive. During installation or after the drivers were loaded the computer hangs up. - Most likely there are other device drivers already loaded into the computer such as

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the recovery CD. If your system is bootable to DOS, you will need to make sure your Notebook’s card and socket services are installed and loaded then follow the DOS installation procedures in this manual to install the CD-ROM DOS driver. For issues not covered in this manual or for general questions, you can contact Port: Technical Support and Customer Service for Port Accessories: (503) 684-3147 5am-5pm EST Email: Web General: Web Updated Driver Fi

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Warranty Warranty Limitations The limited warranty period should appear on your warranty card. If not contact your retailer for any information about the limited warranty. The warranty does not apply to: - Batteries - Damaged front panel and loading tray - The damages or problems resulting from misuse, abuse, accident, alteration or incorrect electrical current or voltage. - Any product without warranty or serial number label, or shipped without it's warranty card FCC Compliance This equipment

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Warning Safety : Never attempt to disassemble, adjust or repair the CD-ROM drive as exposure to laser light or other safety hazards may result. This is a Class 1 Laser Product. This product complies with all applicable safety stan- dards, DHHS Rules 21 CFR Chapter 1, Subchapter. The laser beam generated is totally enclosed during all modes of normal operation, and no hazardous laser light is emitted from the drive.

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