Instruction d'utilisation Pioneer Super Tuner III D DEH-P80RS

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Pioneer Super Tuner III D DEH-P80RS

Dispositif: Pioneer Super Tuner III D DEH-P80RS
Catégorie: Lecteur CD
Fabricant: Pioneer
Dimension: 1.94 MB
Date d'addition: 10/26/2014
Nombre des pages: 168
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

English Español
Black plate (1,1)

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

Black plate (2,1) Contents ThankyouforbuyingthisPioneerproduct. Pleasereadthrough theseoperatinginstructionssoyouwillknowhowtooperate yourmodelproperly. After you have finished reading the instructions, keep this man- ual in a safe place for future reference. Built-inCDPlayer BeforeYouStart PlayingaCD 18 Aboutthisunit 5 Selectingatrackdirectly 18 Aboutthismanual 5 Introductionofadvancedbuilt-inCDplayer Features 5 operation 19 AboutWMA 6 Repeatingplay 19 AboutAAC 6 Playingtracksinrandomorder 19 P

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

English Black plate (3,1) Contents Scrollingtextinformationinthedisplay 27 Repeatingplay 38 Selectingtracksfromthefilenamelist 28 Playingsongsinarandomorder (shuffle) 38 Multi-CDPlayer Pausingasong 39 PlayingaCD 29 Selectingatrackdirectly 29 TVtuner 50-discmulti-CDplayer 30 Watchingthetelevision 40 Introductionofadvancedmulti-CDplayer IntroductionofadvancedTVtuner operation 30 operation 41 Repeatingplay 31 Storingbroadcaststations 41 Playingtracksinrandomorder 31 Storingthestrongestbroadcaststat

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

Black plate (4,1) Contents Usingthepositionselector 50 SettingtheAMtuningstep 64 Usingbalanceadjustment 50 Switchingthewarningtone 64 Usingbalanceadjustment 50 Switchingthefaceautoopen 64 Usingthetimealignment 50 Switchingtheauxiliarysetting 65 – Adjustingthetimealignment 51 Switchingthedimmersetting 65 Aboutthenetworkfunction 51 Adjustingthebrightness 65 – Adjustableparameters 52 Correctingdistortedsound 65 – Pointsconcerningnetwork Resettingtheaudiofunctions 66 adjustments 52 Switchingthesound

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

English Black plate (5,1) Section BeforeYouStart 01 MP3fileplayback Aboutthisunit YoucanplaybackMP3filesrecordedonCD- ROM/CD-R/CD-RW(ISO9660Level1/Level2 CAUTION standardrecordings). ! Donotallowthisunittocomeintocontact ! Supplyof thisproductonlyconveysali- withliquids.Electricalshockcouldresult. censeforprivate,non-commercialuseand Also,thisunitdamage,smoke,andoverheat doesnotconveyalicensenorimplyany couldresultfromcontactwithliquids. righttousethisproductinanycommercial ! Keepthismanualhandy

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

Black plate (6,1) Section 01 BeforeYouStart iPodcompatibility AboutAAC WhenyouusethisunitwithaPioneeriPod AACisshortforAdvancedAudioCodingand adapter(CD-IB100),youcancontrolaniPod referstoanaudiocompressiontechnology withDockConnector. standardusedwithMPEG2andMPEG4. ! iPodisatrademarkofAppleComputer, Severalapplicationscanbeusedtoencode Inc.,registeredintheU.S.andother AACfiles,butfileformatsandextensions dif- countries. ferdependingontheapplication whichis usedtoencode. ThisunitplaysbackAACfile

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

English Black plate (7,1) Section BeforeYouStart 01 ! Afewsecondsafterturningtheignition 2 Replacethefrontpanelbyclippingit switchtoonoroff,thefrontpanelautomati- intoplace. callymoves.Whenthishappens,your fingers maybecomejammedinthepanel,sokeep yourhandsawayfromit. ! Whenremovingthefrontpanel,besureto holdthecorrugatedreleasebuttonontherear of thefrontpanelwhilepulling. Removingthefrontpanel 1 PressEJECTtoopenthefrontpanel. Ifadischasbeeninsertedtothisunit,press- Resettingthemicroprocessor ing

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

Black plate (8,1) Section 01 BeforeYouStart ! Afterswitching,resetthemicroprocessor. Reversemode If youdonotperformanoperationwithin about30seconds, screenindicationsstartto WARNING reverse,andthencontinuereversingevery10 Donotusetheunitinstandardmodewhena seconds.PressingBANDwhenpower tothis speakersystemfor3-waynetworkmodeiscon- unitisturnedoff whiletheignitionswitchis nectedtothisunit.Thismaycausedamageto settoACCorONcancelsthereversemode. thespeakers. PressBANDagaintostartthereversemode. ! Y

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

English Black plate (9,1) Section BeforeYouStart 01 FUNCTIONbuttonandAUDIObutton Youcanalsoselectthedesiredmodeby FUNCTION buttonandAUDIObuttononthe remotecontrol.ButoperationofFUNCTION buttonandAUDIObuttonontheremotecon- troldiffersfromtheoperationof MULTI-CONTROLontheheadunit.Whenop- WARNING eratingtheremotecontrol,switchthroughthe Keepthebatteryoutof thereachofchildren. modesasdescribedbelowtoselectthemode. Shouldthebatterybeswallowed,immediately consultadoctor. FUNCTIONbuttonoperation % Pres

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

Black plate (10,1) Section 01 BeforeYouStart F/B(balanceadjustment)—POSI(positionse- lector)—TA1(timealignmentsetting)—TA2 (timealignmentadjusting)—LOUD(loudness) —EQ1(graphicequalizer)—EQ2(16-band graphicequalizer)—SW1(subwooferon/off) —SW2(subwoofercut-offfrequency)—SW3 (subwooferslope)—F.HPF1(fronthighpass filterslope)—F.HPF2(fronthighpassfilter cut-offfrequency)—R.HPF1(rearhighpassfil- terslope)—R.HPF2(rearhighpassfiltercut- offfrequency)—BBE(BBE)—BMX(BMXand compression)—A.EQ(auto-equalizero

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

English Black plate (11,1) Section What’sWhat 02 111 222 333 4 999 888 777666555 8 SOURCEbutton,VOLUME Headunit Thisunitisturnedonbyselectingasource. 1 EQbutton Presstocyclethroughalltheavailable Presstoselectvariousequalizercurves. sources. Rotateittoincreaseordecreasethevo- 2 Displayoffindicator lume. Lightsupwhen thedisplayisturnedoff. 9 CLOCKbutton 3 EJECTbutton Presstochangetotheclockdisplay. PresstoejectaCDfromyourbuilt-inCD player. Pressandholdtoopenorclosethefront panel. Remotecontrol Op

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

Black plate (12,1) Section 02 What’sWhat i AUDIObutton 999 333 aaa Presstoselectvarioussoundqualitycon- trols. iii 777 hhh bbb ggg fff 444 ccc ddd eee c DIRECTbutton Presstodirectlyselectthedesiredtrack. d CLEARbutton Presstocanceltheinputnumber when0–9 areused. e 0–9buttons Presstodirectlyselectthedesiredtrack, presettuningordisc.Buttons1–6canoper- atethepresettuning forthetunerordisc numbersearchforthemulti-CDplayer. f PGMbutton Presstooperatethepreprogrammedfunc- tionsforeachsource.(Referto U

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

English Black plate (13,1) Section BasicOperations 03 terminal,thevehicle’santennaextendswhen Turningtheuniton thisunit’ssourceisturnedon.Toretractthe % PressSOURCEtoturntheuniton. antenna,turnthesourceoff. Whenyouselectasource,theunitisturned on. Loadingadisc 1 PressEJECTtoopenthefrontpanel. Selectingasource CDloadingslotappears. Youcanselectasourceyouwanttolistento. # AfteraCDhasbeeninserted,pressSOURCE Toswitchtothebuilt-inCDplayer,loadadisc toselectthebuilt-inCDplayer. intheunit(refertopage1

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

Black plate (14,1) Section 03 BasicOperations ! WhentheCDloadingorejectingfunction doesnotoperateproperly,youcanejectthe CDbypressingandholdingEJECTwhile openingthefrontpanel. ! IfanerrormessagesuchasERROR-11isdis- played,referto Understanding built-inCD player error messagesonpage71. Adjustingthevolume % UseVOLUMEtoadjustthesoundlevel. Withtheheadunit,rotateVOLUMEtoin- creaseordecreasethevolume. Withtheremotecontrol,pressVOLUMEtoin- creaseordecreasethevolume. Turningtheunitoff % PressSOURCEandh

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

English Black plate (15,1) Section Tuner 04 2 PressBANDtoselectaband. Listeningtotheradio PressBANDuntilthedesiredband(FM-1, FM-2,FM-3forFMorAM)isdisplayed. 1111 2222 3333444 5555 3 Toperformmanualtuning,push MULTI-CONTROLleftorright. Thefrequenciesmoveupordownstepby step. 4 Toperformseektuning,pushandhold 666 MULTI-CONTROLleftorrightforaboutone secondandrelease. Thesearethebasicstepsnecessarytooperate Thetuner willscanthefrequenciesuntila theradio.Moreadvancedtuneroperationis broadcaststrongeno

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 16

Black plate (16,1) Section 04 Tuner Introductionofadvanced Storingbroadcastfrequencies tuneroperation Youcaneasilystoreuptosixbroadcastfre- quenciesforlaterrecall. 1 Whenyoufindastationthatyouwant tostoreinmemory,turnMULTI-CONTROL toswitchtothepresetchannellistmode. 2 UseMULTI-CONTROLtostorethese- 111 lectedstationinmemory. Turntochangethepresetnumber;pressand 1 Functiondisplay holdtostore. Showsthefunctionstatus. Thenumber youhaveselectedwillflashinthe presetnumberlistandthenremainlit.These- 1

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 17

English Black plate (17,1) Section Tuner 04 2 PressMULTI-CONTROLtoturnBSMon. # If youdonotoperatethelistwithinabout30 seconds,thepresetchannellistmodeiscan- Searchingisdisplayed.WhileSearchingis displayed,thesixstrongestbroadcastfrequen- celedautomatically. cieswillbestoredunderpresettuningnum- bers1–6intheorderof theirsignalstrength. Notes Whenfinished, thepresetchannellistap- ! Youcanalsorecallstationsassignedtopreset pears. tuningnumbersbypushingMULTI-CONTROL # Tocancelthestorageprocess,press

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 18

Black plate (18,1) Section 05 Built-inCDPlayer of thecurrenttrack.Pushingagainwillskipto PlayingaCD theprevioustrack. 1111 Note WhenaCDTEXTdiscisinserted,thedisctitle automaticallybeginstoscrollinthedisplay. WhenEverScrollissettoONattheinitialsetting, thedisctitlescrollscontinuously.Referto Switch- ing the Ever Scrollonpage67. 222 Thesearethebasicstepsnecessarytoplaya CDwithyourbuilt-inCDplayer.Moread- Selectingatrackdirectly vancedCDoperationisexplainedstartingon Whenusingtheremotecontrol,youca

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 19

English Black plate (19,1) Section Built-inCDPlayer 05 Introductionofadvanced Repeatingplay built-inCDplayeroperation Therearetworepeatplayrangesforthebuilt- inCDplayer:Discrepeat(discrepeat)and Trackrepeat(one-trackrepeat). 1 UseMULTI-CONTROLtoselect Playmode. Playmodeappearsinthedisplay. 111 2 PressMULTI-CONTROLtoselectthere- peatrange. 1 Functiondisplay PressMULTI-CONTROLrepeatedlyuntilthe desiredrepeatrangeappearsinthedisplay. Showsthefunctionstatus. ! Discrepeat–Repeatthecurrentdisc 1 Press

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 20

Black plate (20,1) Section 05 Built-inCDPlayer ScanningtracksofaCD Selectingthesearchmethod Scanplayletsyouhearthefirst10secondsof Youcanswitchthesearchmethodbetween eachtrackontheCD. fastforward/reverse andsearching every10 tracks. 1 UseMULTI-CONTROLtoselect Scanmode. 1 UseMULTI-CONTROLtoselect Scanmodeappearsinthedisplay. Searchmode. Searchmodeappearsinthedisplay. 2 PressMULTI-CONTROLtoturnscanplay on. 2 PressMULTI-CONTROLtoselectthe Thefirst10secondsofeachtrackisplayed. searchmethod. PressMUL

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