Instruction d'utilisation Pioneer DEH-2910MP

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Pioneer DEH-2910MP

Dispositif: Pioneer DEH-2910MP
Catégorie: Lecteur CD
Fabricant: Pioneer
Dimension: 0.66 MB
Date d'addition: 11/16/2013
Nombre des pages: 42
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

English Русский

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

Contents Thankyou for buying this Pioneer product. Pleasereadthroughtheseoperatinginstructionssoyouwillknowhowtooperate yourmodelproperly. After you have finished reading the instructions, keep this man- ual in a safe place for future reference. – UsingcompressionandBMX 11 BeforeYouStart – Searchingevery10tracksinthecurrent Aboutthisunit 3 discor folder 11 AboutWMA 3 – Displayingtextinformationondisc 12 AboutMP3 3 AudioAdjustments 12 Visitour website 3 – Usingbalanceadjustment 12 Protectingyouru

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

English Section BeforeYouStart 01 CorporationintheUnitedStatesand/orother Aboutthisunit countries. Thetuner frequenciesonthisunitareallo- catedforuseinWesternEurope,Asia,the Note MiddleEast,AfricaandOceania.Useinother Thisunitmaynotoperatecorrectlydependingon areasmayresultinpoorreception.TheRDS theapplicationusedtoencodeWMAfiles. (radiodatasystem)functionoperatesonlyin areaswithFMstationsbroadcastingRDSsig- nals. AboutMP3 CAUTION Supplyof thisproductonlyconveysalicense ! Donotallowthisunittocom

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

Section 01 BeforeYouStart Important ! Handlegentlywhenremovingorattaching thefrontpanel. ! Avoidsubjectingthefrontpaneltoexcessive shocks. ! Keepthefrontpaneloutofdirectsunlightand hightemperatures. Removingthefrontpanel 1 PressDETACHtoreleasethefront panel. 2 Grabthefrontpanelandremove. 3 Putthefrontpanelintoprovidedpro- tectivecaseforsafekeeping. Attachingthefrontpanel 1 Slidethefrontpaneltotheleftuntilit clicks. Frontpanelandtheheadunitarejointedon theleftside.Makesurethatthefrontpanel hasbee

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

English Section Operatingthisunit 02 1 23 444 555666 eed cc b a9 888777 9 DISPLAYbutton What’sWhat Presstoselectdifferentdisplays. Headunit a LOUDbutton 1 AUDIObutton Presstoturnloudnessonoroff. Presstoselectvarioussoundqualitycon- trols. b 1to6buttons Pressforpresettuning. 2 EQbutton Presstoselectvariousequalizercurves. c a/b/c/dbuttons Presstoperformmanualseektuning,fast 3 SOURCEbutton,VOLUME forward,reverseandtracksearchcontrols. Thisunitisturnedonbyselectingasource. Alsousedforcontrollingfun

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

Section 02 Operatingthisunit Optionalremotecontrol LCDdisplay f 1 2 d g c h e 1 3 5 6 7 8 9 a 4 The remote control CD-SR100 is sold separately. 1 Maindisplaysection Operationisthesameaswhenusingthebut- Showsthevariousinformationsuchas tonsontheheadunit.Seetheexplanationof band,playtime,andothersetting. theheadunitabouttheoperationofeachbut- ! Tuner tonwiththeexceptionof ATT,whichisex- Bandandfrequencyaredisplayed. plainedbelow. ! RDS Programservicename,PTYinformation f ATTbutton or frequencyisdi

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

English Section Operatingthisunit 02 7 RPTindicator Turningtheunitoff Showswhenrepeatplayisturnedon. % PressSOURCEandholduntiltheunit turnsoff. 8 LOUDindicator Appearsinthedisplaywhenloudnessis turnedon. Tuner 9 Stereo(5)indicator Showswhentheselectedfrequencyis Listeningtotheradio beingbroadcastinstereo. 1 PressSOURCEtoselectthetuner. a LOCindicator 2 PressBANDtoselectaband. Showswhenlocalseektuningison. PressBANDuntilthedesiredband(F1,F2for FMorMW/LW)isdisplayed. 3 Toperformmanualtuning,briefl

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

Section 02 Operatingthisunit ! RDSfunctionssuchasAFandTAareonly Tuninginstrongsignals activewhenyourradioistunedtoanRDS Localseektuningletsyoutuneinonlythose station. radiostationswithsufficientlystrongsignals forgoodreception. SwitchingtheRDSdisplay 1 PressFUNCTIONtoselectLOCAL. % PressDISPLAY. 2 Pressaorbtoturnlocalseektuning PressDISPLAYrepeatedlytoswitchbetween onoroff. thefollowingsettings: Programservicename—PTYinformation— 3 Presscordtosetthesensitivity. Frequency FM:LOCAL1—LOCAL2—LOCAL3—

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

English Section Operatingthisunit 02 ! Whenyourecallapresetstation,thetuner ! Thepresetnumbermaydisappear fromthe mayupdatethepresetstationwithanewfre- displayifthetunertunesinaregionalstation quencyfromthestation’sAFlist.(Thisisonly whichdiffersfromtheoriginallysetstation. availablewhenusingpresetsontheF1orF2 ! Theregionalfunctioncanbeturnedonoroff bands.)Nopresetnumberappearsonthedis- independentlyforeachFMband. playif theRDSdataforthestationreceived differsfromthatfortheoriginallystoredsta- R

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

Section 02 Operatingthisunit ! Thesystemswitchesbacktotheoriginal # Besuretoturnupthelabelsideofadisc. sourcefollowingtrafficannouncementrecep- # AfteraCD(CD-ROM)hasbeeninserted,press tion. SOURCEtoselectthebuilt-inCDplayer. ! OnlyTPandenhancedothernetwork’sTPsta- # YoucanejectaCD(CD-ROM)bypressing tionsaretunedinduringseektuningorBSM EJECT. whenTAison. 2 Pressaorbtoselectafolderwhen playingaWMA/MP3/WAVdisc. PTYlist # Youcannotselectafolderthatdoesnothave aWMA/MP3/WAVfilerecordedinit. Specific T

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

English Section Operatingthisunit 02 2 PressFUNCTIONtoselectSCAN. Repeatingplay Repeatplayplaysthesametrack/folder within 3 Pressatoturnscanplayon. theselectedrepeatplayrange. SCANappearsinthedisplay.Thefirst10sec- ondsofeachtrackisplayed. 1 PressFUNCTIONtoselectRPT. # IfyouturnscanplayonduringFLD,FSCNap- pearsinthedisplay. 2 Presscordtoselecttherepeatrange. DSC–Repeatalltracks 4 Whenyoufindthedesiredtrackpress TRK–Repeatjustthecurrenttrack btoturnscanplayoff. FLD–Repeatthecurrentfolder # Ifthed

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

Section 02 Operatingthisunit ! WhenplayingbackVBR(variablebitrate)-re- 1 PressFUNCTIONtoselectFF/REV. # IfthesearchmethodROUGHhasbeenpre- cordedMP3files,VBRisdisplayedinsteadof bitratevalue. viouslyselected,ROUGHwillbedisplayed. ® ! DependingontheversionofiTunes usedto 2 PressdtoselectROUGH. writeMP3filesontoadisc,commentinforma- ! FF/REV–Fastforwardandreverse tionmaynotbecorrectlydisplayed. ! ROUGH–Searchingevery10tracks — iTunesisatrademarkofAppleComputer, # ToselectFF/REV,pressc. Inc.,registe

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

English Section Operatingthisunit 02 3 Pressaorbtoadjustthesourcevo- Adjustingequalizercurves lume. Youcanadjustthecurrentlyselectedequalizer SLA+4toSLA –4isdisplayedasthesource curvesettingasdesired.Adjustedequalizer volumeisincreasedordecreased. curvesettingsarememorizedinCUSTOM. # Toreturntothenormaldisplay,press BAND. Adjustingbass/mid/treble Youcanadjustthebass/mid/treblelevel. OtherFunctions 1 PressAUDIOtoselectBASS/MID/ TREBLE. Adjustinginitialsettings Usingtheinitialsettings,youcancustom

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

Section 02 Operatingthisunit 2 PresscordtoselecttheFMtuning Savingthebatteryconsumption step. Switchingthisfunctiononenablesyoutosave Pressctoselect50(50kHz).Pressdtose- theconsumptionofbatterypower. lect100(100kHz). ! Operationsotherthanturningonthe sourcearenotallowedwhenthisfunction ison. SwitchingAutoPISeek Theunitcanautomaticallysearchforadiffer- Important entstationwiththesameprogramming,even duringpresetrecall. Ifthebatteryinyour vehicleisdisconnectedthe PowerSavemodeiscanceled.TurnonPowe

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

English Appendix AdditionalInformation Troubleshooting Common Symptom Cause Action(See) Powerdoesn’tturnon. Leadsandconnectorsareincor- Confirmoncemorethatallconnectionsare Theunitdoesn’toperate. rectlyconnected. correct. Theunitdoesn’toperateprop- Blacklead(chassisground)isnot Removethenegativeterminalof thevehicle’s erly. correctlyconnectedbuttheother batteryandleaveatleastoneminute. Displayindicationisimproper. leadsareconnected. Errormessages Handlingguidelineofdiscs Whenyoucontactyourdealer

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 16

Appendix AdditionalInformation ! TocleanaCD,wipethediscwithasoft ! Theremaybeaslightdelaywhenstarting clothoutwardfromthecenter. playbackofWMAfilesencodedwithimage ! Condensationmaytemporarilyimpairthe data. player’sperformance.Leaveittoadjustto ! ISO9660Level1and2compliant.Romeo thewarmertemperatureforaboutone andJolietfilesystemsarebothcompatible hour.Also,wipeanydumpdiscswithasoft withthisplayer. cloth. ! Multi-sessionplaybackispossible. ! Playbackofdiscsmaynotbepossiblebe- ! WMA/MP3/WAVfiles

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 17

English Appendix AdditionalInformation Compressedaudiocompatibility П Р WMA ! Compatibleformat:WMAencodedby С Т WindowsMediaPlayerVer.7,7.1,8,9or10 У Ф ! Bitrate:48kbpsto320kbps(CBR),48kbps to384kbps(VBR) Х Ц ! Samplingfrequency:32kHzto48kHz ! WindowsMediaAudio9Professional,Loss- Ч Ш,Щ less,Voice:No MP3 Ъ Ы ! Bitrate:8kbpsto320kbps Ь Э ! Samplingfrequency:16kHzto48kHz(32, 44.1,48kHzforemphasis) Ю Я ! CompatibleID3tagversion:1.0,1.1,2.2, 2.3,2.4(ID3tagVersion2.xisgivenpriority thanVersion1.x.) !

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 18

Appendix AdditionalInformation WMAdecodingformat .........Ver. 7,7.1,8,9,10(2ch Specifications audio) (WindowsMediaPlayer) General MP3decodingformat ...........MPEG-1&2AudioLayer3 Power source .............................14.4VDC(10.8Vto15.1V WAVsignalformat ..................Linear PCM & MS ADPCM allowable) Groundingsystem...................Negativetype FMtuner Max.currentconsumption Frequency range ......................87.5MHzto108.0MHz .....................................................10.

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 19

Русский Содержание БлагодаримВасзапокупкуэтогоизделиякомпанииPioneer. Прочтите,пожалуйста,полностьюэтуинструкциюпоэксплуатации,чтобыузнать,как правильнопользоватьсяВашеймодельюпроигрывателя.Послепрочтенияинструк- цийхранитеэторуководствовнадежномместедляпросмотравбудущем. – Воспроизведениедиска 29 Передначаломэксплуатации – Повторноевоспроизведение 30 Сведенияобэтомустройстве 21 – Воспроизведениедорожекв ОформатеWMA 21 произвольной ОформатеMP3 22 последовательности 30 Посетитенашсайт 22 – Сканир

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 20

Содержание Сообщенияобошибках 36 Рекомендациипообращениюсдискамии проигрывателем 36 Двойныедиски 37 ФайлыWMA,MP3иWAV 37 – Примериерархии 38 – Совместимостьсформатамисжатия данных 38 Таблицасимволовдлярусского языка 39 Техническиехарактеристики 40 20 Ru

Instructions pareilles
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