Instruction d'utilisation Pioneer DEH-3050UB

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Pioneer DEH-3050UB

Dispositif: Pioneer DEH-3050UB
Catégorie: Lecteur CD
Fabricant: Pioneer
Dimension: 1.32 MB
Date d'addition: 11/16/2013
Nombre des pages: 93
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

English Español Português (B)

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

Contents ThankyouforbuyingthisPioneerproduct. Pleasereadthroughtheseoperatinginstructionssoyouwillknowhowtooperate yourmodelproperly. After you have finished reading the instructions, keep this man- ual in a safe place for future reference. – Scanningfoldersandtracks 14 BeforeYouStart – Pausingplayback 14 Aboutthisunit 4 – UsingSoundRetriever 14 Visitour website 4 – Usingdisctitlefunctions 15 Protectingyourunitfromtheft 4 PlayingsongsonUSBportableaudioplayer/ – Removingthefrontpanel 5 USBmemory

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

English Contents OtherFunctions UsingtheAUXsource 25 – SelectingAUXasthesource 25 – SettingtheAUXtitle 25 Turningtheclockdisplayonoroff 25 AdditionalInformation Errormessages 26 Handlingguidelineofdiscsandplayer 27 DualDiscs 27 Compressedaudiocompatibility 27 USBaudioplayer/USBmemory 28 – USBaudioplayer/USBmemory compatibility 28 – Handlingguidelineandsupplemental information 28 Compressedaudiofilesonthedisc 29 – Exampleofahierarchy 29 Specifications 30 3 En

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

Section 01 BeforeYouStart tails,pleasevisit Aboutthisunit CAUTION Portableaudioplayercompatibility ! Donotallowthisunittocomeintocontact ! Inquireatthemanufacturer aboutyour withliquids.Electricalshockcouldresult. USBportableaudioplayer/USBmemory. Also,damagetothisunit,smoke,andover- Thisunitcorrespondstothefollowing. heatingcouldresultfromcontactwithliquids. — USBMSC(MassStorageClass)compliant ! Keepthismanualhandyasareferenceforop- portableaudioplayerandmemory erat

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

English Section BeforeYouStart 01 Removingthefrontpanel Useandcareoftheremote 1 PressDETACHtoreleasethefront control panel. Installingthebattery 2 Grabthefrontpanelandremove. Slidethetrayonthebackof theremotecon- troloutandinsertthebatterywiththeplus(+) andminus(–)polesalignedproperly. ! Whenusingforthefirsttime,pulloutthe filmprotrudingfromthetray. 3 Putthefrontpanelintotheprovided protectivecaseforsafekeeping. Attachingthefrontpanel 1 Slidethefrontpaneltotheleftuntilit clicks. WARNING Frontpan

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Section 01 BeforeYouStart Usingtheremotecontrol Pointtheremotecontrolinthedirectionof the frontpaneltooperate. ! Theremotecontrolmaynotfunctionprop- erlyindirectsunlight. Important ! Donotstoretheremotecontrolinhightem- peraturesordirectsunlight. ! Donotlettheremotecontrolfallontothe floor,whereitmaybecomejammedunderthe brakeoracceleratorpedal. 6 En

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

English Section Operatingthisunit 02 ! Whenconnecting,removethecoveron What’sWhat theUSBport. Headunit ! UseaUSBcabletoconnecttheUSB audioplayer/USBmemorytotheUSB   port.SincetheUSBaudioplayer/USB memoryisprojectedforwardfromthe unit,itisdangeroustoconnectdirectly. PioneerCD-U50EUSBcableisalsoavail- able.Fordetails,consultyourdealer. 9 DETACHbutton Presstoremovethefrontpanelfromthe    headunit. 1 SRC/OFFbutton a MULTI-CONTROL Thisunitisturnedonbyselectingasource. Movetoperformman

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

Section 02 Operatingthisunit Remotecontrol Displayindication Operationisthesameaswhenusingthebut-  tonsontheheadunit.            1 Maindisplaysection   Displaysband,frequency,elapsedplayback timeandothersettings.   ! Tuner  Bandandfrequencyaredisplayed. ! Bulit-inCDplayerandUSB Elapsedplaybacktimeandliteralinfor- f VOLUMEbuttons mationaredisplayed. Presstoincreaseordecreasethevolume. 2 cindicator g MUTEbutton Appearswhenanuppertieroffolderor Presstoturnoffthesound.Totur

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

English Section Operatingthisunit 02 a 5(stereo)indicator BasicOperations Appearswhentheselectedfrequencyis PowerON/OFF beingbroadcastinstereo. Turningtheuniton b F-RPTindicator Appearswhenfolderrepeatison. % PressSRCtoturntheuniton. Whenrepeatfunctionison,onlyPRTisdis- played. Turningtheunitoff c F-RDMindicator % PressOFFandholduntiltheunitturns Appearswhenfolderrandomison. off. Whenrandomfunctionison,onlyRDMis displayed. Selectingasource d LOUD(loudness)indicator Youcanselectasourceyouwanttoli

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

Section 02 Operatingthisunit Adjustingthevolume Tuner % TurnMULTI-CONTROLtoadjustthe BasicOperations soundlevel. Important IfyouareusingthisunitinNorth,Centralor SouthAmerica,resettheAMtuningstep(see Setting the AM tuning steponpage22). % Selectaband PressBAND/ESC. # BandcanbeselectedfromamongFM1,FM2, FM3orAM. % Manualtuning(stepbystep) PushMULTI-CONTROLleftorright. % Seektuning PushandholdMULTI-CONTROLleftorright foraboutonesecondandrelease. # Youcancancelseektuningbypushing MULTI-CONTROLleftor

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

English Section Operatingthisunit 02 # Youcanalsochangethestationbypushing Tuninginstrongsignals MULTI-CONTROLupordown. Localseektuningletsyoutuneinonlythose # Toreturntotheordinarydisplay,press radiostationswithsufficientlystrongsignals BAND/ESCorLIST. forgoodreception. # Ifyoudonotoperatethelistwithinabout30 seconds,thedisplayautomaticallyreturnstothe % PressLOCALrepeatedlytoselectthe ordinarydisplay. desiredsetting. FM:OFF—LEVEL1—LEVEL2—LEVEL3— LEVEL4 Introductionofadvanced AM:OFF—LEVEL1—LEVE

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

Section 02 Operatingthisunit ! Afteradischasbeeninserted,pressSRCto Built-inCDPlayer selectthebuilt-inCDplayer. BasicOperations ! Thereissometimesadelaybetweenstarting updiscplaybackandthesoundbeingissued. % Insertadiscintothediscloadingslot. Whenbeingread,FORMATREADisdis- Playbackwillautomaticallystart. played. # Whenloadingadisc,facethelabelsideof ! IfanerrormessagesuchasERROR-11isdis- adiscup. played,referto Error messagesonpage26. % Ejectadisc ! Playbackiscarriedoutinorderoffilenumber. Folde

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

English Section Operatingthisunit 02 ! DependingontheversionofWindowsMedia 1 PressLISTtoswitchtothefilenamelist PlayerusedtoencodeWMAfiles,album mode. namesandothertextinformationmaynotbe Namesoffilesandfoldersappearinthedis- correctlydisplayed. play. ! WhenplayingbackVBR(variablebitrate)-re- 2 UseMULTI-CONTROLtoselectthede- cordedWMAfiles,theaveragebitratevalueis siredfilename(orfoldername). displayed. Turntochangethenameoffileor folder. ! WhenplayingbackVBR(variablebitrate)-re- — whenafileisse

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

Section 02 Operatingthisunit Notes Note ! Youcanalsoselectthefunctionbypressing Youcanalsoturnthisfunctiononoroffinthe FUNCTIONontheremotecontrol. menuthatappearsbyusingMULTI-CONTROL. ! Toreturntothepreviousdisplay,pressBACK. ! Toreturntothemainmenu,pressandhold Scanningfoldersandtracks BACK. Scanplaysearchesthesongwithinthese- ! Toreturntotheordinarydisplay,press lectedrepeatrange. BAND/ESC. ! Ifyoudonotoperatefunctionsexceptfor 1 UseMULTI-CONTROLtoselectSCANin TITLEINPUTwithinabout30seconds,th

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

English Section Operatingthisunit 02 PlayingsongsonUSBportable Note audioplayer/USBmemory Youcanalsoperformthisoperationinthemenu thatappearsbyusingMULTI-CONTROL. For details about the supported device, refer to Portable audio player compatibility on page 4. Usingdisctitlefunctions YoucaninputCDtitlesanddisplaythetitle. BasicOperations ThenexttimeyouinsertaCDfor whichyou % Selectafolder haveenteredatitle,thetitleofthatCDisdis- PushMULTI-CONTROLupordown. played. % Fastforwardorreverse Pushandhold

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 16

Section 02 Operatingthisunit 3 TurnMULTI-CONTROLtoselectthe Displayingtextinformationof function. anaudiofile REPEAT(repeatplay)—RANDOM(random % PressDISPtoselectthedesiredtextin- play)—SCAN(scanplay)—PAUSE(pause)— formation. SOUNDRETRIEVER(soundretriever) ForWMA/MP3 Playtime—foldername—filename—track Functionandoperation title—artistname—albumtitle—comment— REPEAT,RANDOM,SCAN,PAUSEand bitrate SOUNDRETRIEVERoperationsarebasically ForWAV thesameasthatof thebuilt-inCDplayer. Playtime—foldername—fi

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 17

English Section Operatingthisunit 02 ! WhenFOLDERisselected,itisnotpossibleto playbackasubfolderofthatfolder. ! After fileor folderscanningisfinished,nor- malplaybackofthefilesbeginsagain. 17 En

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 18

Section 03 AudioAdjustments ! Ifyoudonotoperatefunctionswithinabout Introductionofaudio 30seconds,thedisplayautomaticallyreturns adjustments totheordinarydisplay. 1 PressMULTI-CONTROLtodisplaythe mainmenu. Usingbalanceadjustment 2 UseMULTI-CONTROLtoselectAUDIO. Youcanchangethefader/balancesettingso Turntochangethemenuoption.Presstose- thatitcanprovidetheideallisteningenviron- lect. mentinalloccupiedseats. 3 TurnMULTI-CONTROLtoselectthe 1 UseMULTI-CONTROLtoselect audiofunction. FADER/BALANCE. FAD

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 19

English Section AudioAdjustments 03 3 PressMULTI-CONTROLtoselecttheseg- Recallingequalizercurves mentyouwishtoset. Therearesixstoredequalizercurveswhich PressMULTI-CONTROLrepeatedlytoswitch youcaneasilyrecallatanytime.Hereisalist thesegmentinthefollowingorder: of theequalizercurves. L(low)—M(mid)—H(high) Display Equalizercurve 4 TurnMULTI-CONTROLtoadjustthe POWERFUL Powerful leveloftheequalizationband. +6to–6isdisplayedasthelevelisincreased NATURAL Natural ordecreased. VOCAL Vocal # Youcanalsope

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 20

Section 03 AudioAdjustments Frequency 3 TurnMULTI-CONTROLtoselectthede- Low:40HZ—80HZ—100HZ—160HZ siredsetting. Mid:200HZ—500HZ—1KHZ—2KHZ NORMAL(normalphase)—REV(reverse High:3KHZ—8KHZ—10KHZ—12KHZ phase)—OFF(subwooferoff) Qfactor # Youcanalsoperformthesameoperationsby 2N—1N—1W—2W pushingMULTI-CONTROLupordown. # Youcanalsoperformthesameoperationsby pushingMULTI-CONTROLupordown. Note Youcanalsoswitchtothissettingmodeinthe menuthatappearsbyusingMULTI-CONTROL. Adjustingloudness Loudnesscompensatesfo

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