Instruction d'utilisation Hill Phoenix 05DMA

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Hill Phoenix 05DMA

Dispositif: Hill Phoenix 05DMA
Catégorie: Refrigérateur
Fabricant: Hill Phoenix
Dimension: 0.83 MB
Date d'addition: 10/30/2014
Nombre des pages: 32
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Hill Phoenix 05DMA Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

Rev. 10 12/04

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

DANGER Electrical Shock Hazard Always disconnect power to case when servicing or cleaning. WARNING HIGH disconnect power to the fans PRESSURE before cleaning case. WARNING Some surfaces may be hot when case is in operation. HIGH PRESSURE HIGH PRESSURE WARNING Always turn off power to lights before servicing. CAUTION HIGH PRESSURE Do not walk or put heavy objects on top of case. HIGH PRESSURE

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

2 Welcome to the ORIGIN display case family. We’re very pleased you joined us. This installation and operation handbook has been especially 2 prepared for everyone involved with ORIGIN display cases – owners, managers, installers and maintenance personnel. You’ll find this book different than traditional manuals. The most dramatic difference is the use of many more illustrated instructions to make it easier to read and to help you get the most from this innovative new design. When you follo

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

TABLE OF CONTENTS GENERAL INFORMATION – PAGES 2-3 General information, first step recommendations and case dimensional drawings. THE USE OF CASTERS – PAGE 4 Cases roll on casters–general use and caster removal. INSTALLATION - PAGE 5 Instructions on how to trim out cases with illustrations. REFRIGERATION PIPING - PAGE 6 Diagram showing the refrigeration components of the self contained cases. COMPONENT DEFINITIONS - PAGE 7 Operational descriptions of the refrigeration components. PLUMBING – PAGE

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

GENERAL INFORMATION DESCRIPTION OF CASES: The refrigerated display cases described in this handbook 2 are part of the Hill PHOENIX, Origin design series. Specifically covered in this manual is model O5DMA multi-deck dairy/deli/produce self-contained. STORE CONDITIONS: Hill PHOENIX cases are designed to operate in an air conditioned O O store with a system that can maintain 75 F (24 C) store temperature and 55 percent (maxi- mum) relative humidity (CRMA conditions). Case operation will be adver

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

39 11/16 in [100.7 cm] Amp Plate & 19 3/16 in Serial Plate [48.7 cm] Location 5" EXTENDED FRONT 7 1/2" EXTENDED FRONT W/ NOSE LIGHT W/ NOSE LIGHT 3rd ROW LIGHT 50 13/16 in [129.0 cm] THROAT 48 5/16 in [122.7 cm] THROAT (OPTIONAL) 9.75" MIRROR (OPTIONAL) 26 3/16 in 13" MIRROR 23 11/16 in [66.6 cm] (OPTIONAL) 55 13/16 in [60.2 cm] 100 13/16 in [141.7 cm] [256.1 cm] 19 1/2 in 22 in THROAT [49.6 cm] [55.9 cm] 59 in 102 7/8 in [149.9 cm] [261.3 cm] STANDARD 2 1/2" EXTENDED FRONT 5" EXTENDED FRONT DA

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

CASES MOVE ON CASTERS FOR EASIER INSTALLATION 2 ORIGIN cases are manufactured and shipped to Casters not only speed up the process, but they also stores with casters installed on the base frame to reduce the chance of damage from raising and low- ering cases with ”J” bar to place them on dollies, make the job of moving cases easier for everyone involved with the manufacturing, shipping and instal- skates or rollers. In most situations, one or two per- lation process. sons can move the case with

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

INSTALLATION The end kickplates, which are also The O5DMA is shipped with most of shipped in the case, are attached to the the exterior panels and trim already installed. baseframes directly under the ends with the The only exterior parts that need to be installed when the case arrives are the kick- screws provided. There are two, smoke grey plug buttons that are inserted into each end plate and the end kickplates. If the cases are kickplate to cover the screw holes, see illus- equipped with c

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

REFRIGERATION PIPING The expansion valve and other controls The diagram below illustrates all of the are located on the left-hand side of the case refrigeration components in the O5DMA. and are accessible without lifting the fan The components surrounded by the box are plenum. The controls cluster may be reached located in the case tank. Basic definitions of by lifting only the left hand deck pan minimiz- these components are listed on the following ing the need to unload product. The compre

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

COMPONENT DEFINITIONS Access Valve - Access port on the evaporator that allows service personnel to check system pres- sure. Accumulator - A device installed on the suction line that is used to boil off small amounts of liquid refrigerant so liquid does not reach the compressor. Compressor - An electrically driven piston pump that pumps vapor refrigerant from a low pressure level to a higher pressure level. Condenser - The component in a refrigeration system that transfers the heat that was abso

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

PLUMBING All of the plumbing components are The case run-off is channeled to a attached to the case at the factory so there drain pan located underneath the case as is no assembly required. The case drain is shown below. The water is then pumped up located front and center of the cases for to an evaporative drain pan on top of the convenient access and is specially molded case where an electric heater evaporates the out of ABS material. The “P” trap, furnished run-off. When cleaning the ca

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

ELECTRICAL HOOKUP The drain pump is plugged into a Electrical connections for the O5DMA receptacle mounted under the case, as are made in the field connection junction box shown below. The receptacle is intended for located at the top left rear of the case, see dia- use with the drain pump only and not as a gram below. power supply for peripheral equipment. CONTROL MODULE FIELD CONNECTION JUNCTION BOX RECEPTACLE DRAIN PUMP DANGER Electrical Shock Hazard Always disconnect power to case when s

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

ELECTRICAL HOOKUP HOW TO ACCESS BALLASTS This display case is equipped with specially designed light reflectors in the cornice to improve the illumination of products. Electronic ballasts operate both the cornice and shelf lights and are located behind the reflectors. To gain access to the ballasts the reflectors may be easily removed be removing a several screws along the length of the reflector. See below. BALLAST REFLECTOR SCREWS LAMP CROSS SECTIONAL VIEW OF CORNICE LIGHT AREA 1. Remove la

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

CONTROL SETTINGS Johnson Controls Compressor Fan Defrost Status Status Status LED LED LED Manual Defrost Up Button Button Enter Down Button Button Factory Control Settings Factory Settings Parameter Description O5DMA Setpoint 38 o o HY Hysteresis (differential) [1 to 9 F/ C] 2 o o LL Setpoint Low Limit [67 F (55 C) to HL] -10 o o HL Setpoint High Limit [LL to 99 F/ C] 73 CC Anti-Short Cycling Timer [0 to 9 min.] 0 Co Deep Freeze Cycle Time [0 to 99 min.] 0 o o AH High Temperature Alarm Value

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 16

CONTROL SETTINGS Johnson Controls To program parameters: 1. Hold the “Enter” button down for about 10 seconds. The display will Error Code System Status change to “Hy.” Alarm output on compressor F1 Indicates an open or 2. Press the “Up” and “Down” button runs according to the sensor shorted temperature until the desired parameter is shown failure mode selected (para- sensor. Cycle Power meter sf) to reset control. 3. Press the “Enter” button. The para- meter’s current value will be shown

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 17

CONTROL SETTINGS ESC3 Controls Operation The ESC3 features a number of options to customize operation and termination of a defrost cycle. A defrost Temperature Control cycle can be terminated based on time or temperature. Temperature control in the ESC3 is accomplished by com- When termination by temperature is used, a minimum paring the temperature reading of the case temperature and maximum defrost time can be specified. probe against the temperature setpoint. The compressor out- put is used t

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 18

CONTROL SETTINGS ESC3 Controls Table 1 Alarm Operation Code Meaning Indications on the Display E0 Air probe has failed If the defrost, or compressor key blinks, it means that the E1 Defrost termination or product probe has failed corresponding function is delayed by a timing routine or LO Low temperature alarm inhibited. Other two-character messages may appear on HI High temperature alarm the screen to indicate changes of state or alarm condi- tions. Values shown in Table 1. Ed Defrost timeout

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 19

User Level Setpoints - O5DMA Code Parameter Name Min Max Units O5DMA Setpoint °C/°F 38 PS Password 0 199 22 /C Offset for air temp sensor -127 127 °C/°F 0 (in tenths of a degree: i.e. a value of “1” adds 0.1° to value) rd Regulator differential (superheat) set point (a “0” in this field = 0.5°C or 0.5°F) 0 19 °C/°F 3 dI Time between defrost cycles (defrost interval) 0 199 hours 6 dt Defrost temperature termination set point -50 127 °C/°F 44 dP Max duration of defrost if using electric or hot

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 20


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