Instruction d'utilisation Craftsman 15206

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Craftsman 15206

Dispositif: Craftsman 15206
Catégorie: Compresseur
Fabricant: Craftsman
Dimension: 5.08 MB
Date d'addition: 7/31/2013
Nombre des pages: 39
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Craftsman 15206 Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

Operator's Manual
durable, affordable, everyday tools.
3 Gallon Oil-free Compressor
with Brad nailer
and inflation/blowgun kit
item 15206
CAUTION: Read the Safety Guidelines
and All Instructions Carefully Before
Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 U.S.A.
Visit our Craftsman website:
N032601 Rev. o o7/29/o9

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

WARRANTY ................................................ 2 SPECIFICATION CHART ...................................... 3 SAFETY GUiDELiNES = DEFiNiTiONS ........................... 3 iMPORTANT SAFETY iNSTRUCTiONS ........................ 3-8 GLOSSARY ................................................ 9 ACCESSORIES ............................................. 9 DUTY CYCLE .............................................. 9 ASSEMBLY ............................................... 10 iNSTALLATiON .....

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

Motor 120V 60Hz, 2.6-amp Running Horsepower 1/3 Hp Tank Size 3-gallon Air Hose Type 25' recoil, MAX. Air Delivery 1.0 SCFM @ 40 PSi 0.6SCFM @ 90 PSI Cut-in Pressure 85 PSI Cut-out Pressure 100 PSI Max. Pressure 100 PSI Power Cord 6ft, 3-prong, 18 AWG Unit Weight 18.691b (8.5kg) This manual contains information that is important for you to know and under- stand. This information relates to protecting YOUR SAFETY and PREVENTING EQUIPMENT PROBLEMS. To help you recognize this information, we use the

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

'" " RISK OF EXPLOSION OR FiRE WHAT CAN HAPPEN HOW TO PREVENT iT 1 It is normal for electrical contacts 1 Always operate the compressor in a within the motor and pressure well ventilated area free of combus- switch to spark, tible materials, gasoline, or solvent vapors. 2 2/1 If electrical sparks from compressor If spraying flammable materials, come into contact with flammable locate compressor at least 20 feet vapors, they may ignite, causing fire (6.1 m) away from spray area. An or explosion.

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

Exposure to chemicals in dust cre- 2 Work in an area with good cross ventilation. Read and follow the ated by power sanding, sawing, grinding, drilling, and other con- safety instructions provided on the struction activities may be harmful. label or safety data sheets for the materials you are spraying. Always Sprayed materials such as paint, use certified safety equipment: paint solvents, paint remover, insec- NIOSH/OSHA respiratory protec- ticides, weed killers, may contain tion or properly fi

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

Attachments & accessories: Exceeding the pressure rating of Follow the equipment manufacturers recommendation air tools, spray guns, air operated and never exceed the maximum accessories, tires, and other inflatables can cause them to allowable pressure rating of explode or fly apart, and could attachments. Never use compressor result in serious injury. to inflate small low pressure objects such as children's toys, footballs, basketballs, etc. Tires: 1 Over inflation of tires could result in 1 U

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

__ RiSK FROM FLYING OBJECTS WHAT CAN HAPPEN HOW TO PREVENT IT 1 The compressed air stream can 1/1 Always wear certified safety equip- cause soft tissue damage to ment: ANSI Z87.1 eye protection exposed skin and can propel dirt, (CAN/CSA Z94.3) with side shields chips, loose particles, and small when using the compressor. objects at high speed, resulting in 1/2 Never point any nozzle or sprayer property damage or personal injury. toward any part of the body or at other people or animals. 1/3 Alwa

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

[__ RiSK OF UNSAFE OPERATION WHAT CAN HAPPEN HOW TO PREVENT iT 1 Unsafe operation of your air com- 1 Review and understand all instruc- pressor could lead to serious injury tions and warnings in this manual. or death to you or others. 2 Become familiar with the operation and controls of the air compressor. 3 Keep operating area clear of all per- sons, pets, and obstacles. 4 Keep children away from the air compressor at all times. 5 Do not operate the product when fatigued or under the influence

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

Cut-In Pressure: While the motor Become familiar with these terms is off, air tank pressure drops as you before operating the unit. continue to use your accessory. When CFM: Cubic feet per minute. the tank pressure drops to a certain SCFM: Standard cubic feet per min- low level the motor will restart auto- ute; a unit of measure of air delivery. matically. The low pressure at which PSI: Pounds per square inch gauge; the motor automatically restarts is a unit of measure pressure. called "cut-in"

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

Unpacking 2. Inspect the tool carefully to make sure no This product has been shipped completely breakage or damage occurred during shipping. assembled. 3. Do not discard the packing material until you have carefully inspected and satisfactorily 1. Carefully remove the tool and any operated the tool. accessories from the box. Mark sure that all 4. If any parts are damaged or missing, please items listed in the packing list are included. call SERVICE CENTER for assistance. PACKING LiST Air Compre

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

HOW TO SET UP YOUR UNIT 3. Inspect the plug and cord before each use. Do not use if there are Location of the Air Compressor signs of damage. 1. Locate the air compressor in a 4. If these grounding instructions are clean, dry and well ventilated not completely understood, or if in area. doubt as to whether the compres- 2. The air compressor should be sor is properly grounded, have the located at least 12" (30.5 cm) installation checked by a qualified away from the wall or other electrician. obst

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

_Risk of unsafe operation. Certain air compressors can be operated on a 15 amp circuit if the following conditions are met. 1. Voltage supply to circuit must comply circuit breaker or 15 amp time with the National Electrical Code. delay fuse. 2. Circuit must not be used to supply any NOTE: if compressor is connected other electrical needs. to a circuit protected by fuses: use only Time delay fuses should be 3. Extension cords must comply with marked "D" in "Canada" and "T" in specifications. the

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

OPERATING COMPRESSOR _ Slightly open the water TURNING COMPRESSOR ON Drain Valve to blow air and moisture 1. Pull and release the Air Release out of the Tank. Opening it all the way Safety Valve to verify it does not stick. may cause it to be blown off. 2. Plug the power cord into a grounded electrical outlet. To help prevent tank corrosion and keep 3. Press the Power Switch to the On moisture out of the air used, the air tank position. of the compressor should be drained daily. 4. Allow the Tan

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

OPERATING BRAD NAILER Always disconnect the tool from the air supply before loading. When loading the tool always aim the tool away from yourself and others. Make sure that the trigger is not pressed while the tool is being loaded. 1.Press the magazine release button and slide open the magazine. (See Fig. F) 2.Insert a strip of fasteners. Strip should lay flat Fig. H against magazine wall with heads resting on magazine ribbing and fastener points at bottom Fig. I of magazine. Strip should slide

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

TROUBLESHOOT|NG OF COMPRESSOR Failure Possible Cause Solution 1. Loss of power or 1. Check for proper use of extension Compressor cord will not run overheating 2. No electrical power 2. Plugged in? Check fuse/breaker or motor overload 3. Blown fuse 3. Replace blown fuse 4. Breaker open 4. Reset, determining why problem 5. Thermal overload open happened 6. Pressure switch bad 5. Motor will restart when cool; turn off compressor and wait 20 minutes 6. Replace Motor hums but 1. Check with voltmeter

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 16

TROUBLESHOOTING OF COMPRESSOR Failure Possible Cause Solution Compressor Loose mounting bolts Tighten vibrates Air output lower 1. Broken inlet valves 1. Have authorized service than normal 2. Intake filter dirty representative repair unit 3. Connections leaking 2. Clean or replace intake filter 3. Tighten connections 16 - ENG

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 17

TROUBLESHOOTING OF BRAD NAILER _lf any of the following Disconnect the tool from the air supply problems arise during operation, stop before any repair or adjustment. When using the tool immediately. Only a replacing O-rings or cylinders, lubricate qualified technician or service center with air tool oil before reassembly. can perform repairs on this tool. Problem Possible Causes Probable Solutions Air leak near the 1. 1. Push Power Switch to O-ring in trigger valve top of the tool or damaged. O

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 18

Air Compressor item 15206 PARTS SHOWN FOR REFERENCE ONLY _ jjjjT, 18 - ENG

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 19

Air Compressor item 15206 Item Part No. Description Qty Item Part No. Description Qty 1 3290408 Flat Washer 2 21 3410152 Ball 1 2 3220552 Screw, M5x25 2 22 3420350 Damping Pad 4 3 3410652 Handle 1 23 3220150 Screw, M6xl 5 6 4 3220404 Screw, ST4.2x25 4 24 3220250 Screw, M6x25 4 1 25 3390250 Copper Tube 1 5 3410452 Tooling Cover 6 3630252 Overload, Protector 1 26 3290651 Washer 1 7 3630150 Power Switch 1 27 3020152 Copper hoop 2 1 28 3020252 Copper Connector knob 2 8 3111352 Electric Wire Assembly

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 20

Manual del Operador durable, affordable, everyday tools. Compresor Sin Aceite de 3 Galones con Martillo de Clavos Peque_os y Juego para Inflar/Pistola para Soplado Articulo 15206 PRECAUCl0N: Antes de hacer funcionar esta herramienta lea cuidadosamente los lineamientos de seguridad y todas las instrucciones. Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 EE.UU. Visite et sitio web de Craftsman en: N032601 Rev. o o7/29/o9

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