Instruction d'utilisation Volvo V50

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Volvo V50

Dispositif: Volvo V50
Catégorie: Voiture
Fabricant: Volvo
Dimension: 1.7 MB
Date d'addition: 5/17/2013
Nombre des pages: 8
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Volvo V50 Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Vous trouverez ci-dessous les annonces des contenus qui se trouvent sur les pages suivantes de l'instruction de Volvo V50. Si vous voulez parcourir rapidement le contenu des pages suivantes de l'instruction, vous pouvez en profiter.

Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

Getting to know your car is an exciting experience.
After looking through this Quick Guide you'll like your new Volvo even
more. You can find detailed information in the Owner's Manual.
Warning texts and other important information are only available in the
Owner's Manual, not in this folder. The Owner's Manual contains the
most up-to-date information.
Options are marked with an asterisk (*).

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

KeY & ReMOTe COnTROl l ocks doors and tailgate and arms the alarm*. 1 Unlocks doors and tailgate and dis- arms the alarm. Unlocks tailgate. (Tailgate does not open.) 2 Switches on lighting for 30 seconds in side mirrors*, in cabin, by feet and on number plate. Indicators and parking lamps illuminate. "panic" button. Press and hold for approx. 3 seconds in an emergency to trigger the alarm. Switch off the alarm with the unlock button. KeY BlAde Used to lock/unlock the glovebox or the driv

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

1 1 2 2 2 2 liGHT SWiTCHeS Headlamp levelling, automatic for Bi-Xenon lights*. Automatic dipped beam and main beam flash. Main beam cannot be activated. parking lamps d ipped beam, switches off when the ignition is switched off. Main beam can be activated. Active Bi-Xenon l ights*, the head- lamp pattern follows the movement of the steering wheel. d isplay and instrument lighting Front fog lamps* Rear fog lamp, one lamp Main beam flash A Main/dipped beam switching and B approach lighting

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

G F E AUdiO SYSTeM RAdiO 6 Select radio station by turning. 10 Search for station using Left/Right arrow or SCAn (8). Store up to 20 stations by holding in 0–9 on FM1 and 0–9 on FM2. When a station has been stored it is con- firmed in the display. 11 Autostoring stations. Press AUTO for approx. 2 seconds. Autostoring is shown in the display. The ten strongest stations are stored. Then press 0–9 to select a station. Cd plAYeR 10 Change Cd track using Left/Right arrow or turn (6). 2 Selec

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

eleCTROniC CliMATe COnTROl, eCC* AUTOMATiC COnTROl MAnUAl COnTROl In AUTO mode the ECC system controls all Fan speed functions automatically making driving simpler with optimum air quality. Air distribution 1 Automatic d efroster to quickly remove misting Press AUTO for automatic control of set from the windscreen and side windows. temperature and other functions. Air quality system* On A. 2 Temperature Recirculation On M. Press for individual adjustment of left l Air conditioning On/Off

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

TRip COMpUTeR And TRip MeTeRS FUel TRip COMpUTeR 1 l ow fuel level 8 litres petrol (7 litres diesel) remain. 2 Fuel gauge. The arrow indicates that the fuel filler flap is on the right-hand side. TRip MeTeRS 5 d isplay shows two independent trip 6 press to clear a message. meters, T1 & T2. 7 Turn to show e.g. KILOMETRES TO 3 Switch between T1 & T2 with one short EMPTY TANK in the display (4). press. Reset the current meter with one long press. Reset the current function. One long 8 pre

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

ReFUellinG dieSel p ARTiCle Fil TeR Diesel cars are equipped with a particle filter, which results in more efficient emission control. The particles in the exhaust gases are collected in the filter during normal driving. So-called "regeneration" is started automati- cally in order to burn away the particles and empty the filter. Engine power may be slightly reduced during regeneration. Press the button to open the fuel filler flap. Hang up the fuel filler cap during refuelling. BliS – Bl

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

AdJUSTinG THe FROnT SeAT 1 l umber support + 2 Backrest rake - 3 Raise/lower seat 4 Seat cushion front edge raise/lower 5 Forwards/backwards 6 l owering the passenger seat backrest BAG HOldeR* STORAGe SpACeS, 12 V SOCKeT & AUX 12 V socket in centre console front/rear iMpORTAn T works in ignition position i or ii. 12 V socket on Using the 12 V socket in the cargo area when right-hand side in cargo area* is always active. the engine is switched off could discharge The car's audio system ca

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