Instruction d'utilisation Polaris IQ Shift 600

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Polaris IQ Shift 600

Dispositif: Polaris IQ Shift 600
Catégorie: Voiture
Fabricant: Polaris
Dimension: 2.41 MB
Date d'addition: 8/18/2014
Nombre des pages: 129
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Polaris IQ Shift 600 Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

Sportsman 600
Sportsman 700
Owner's Manual
Vehicle Maintenance and Safety
Read this manual carefully. It contains important safety information.
This is an adult vehicle only.
Operation is prohibited for those under 16 years of age.

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

WARNING The engine exhaust from this product contains chemicals known to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm.

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

We’vecreatedawebsitejust for YOU! S Technicaltips S Newproductintroductions S Eventschedules S PartsandServiceManualinformation S Excitingdetails aboutThe WayOut Checkit out... 1

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

Allinformationinthismanualisbasedonthelatestproductdataandspecifications availableatthetimeofprinting. PolarisIndustriesInc.reservestherighttomake productchangesandimprovementsthatmayaffectillustrationsorexplanations. Nopartofthismanualshallbereproducedorusedwithoutthewrittenpermissionof PolarisIndustriesInc. Copyright2002 PolarisIndustriesInc. AllRightsReserved PrintedintheU.S.A. 2

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

WELCOME ThankyouforpurchasingaPolarisvehicle, andwelcometoour world-widefamilyofPolarisowners. Weproudlyproduceanexciting lineofutilityandrecreational products. Polaris RecreationalVehicles S Snowmobiles S All-terrainvehicles(ATVs) S Personal watercraft S RANGERutilityvehicles S Victory motorcycles Polaris ProfessionalSeries Workmobilest S UtilityTaskVehiclest(UTVs) S Personal Task Vehiclest(PTVs) S All-SurfaceLoaders (ASLs) WebelievePolarissetsastandardofexcellenceforall utilityand recreational

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

VEHICLEIDENTIFICATIONNUMBERS Theframevehicleidentificationnumber(VIN)(1)andengineserial number(2)areimportant formodel identificationwhenregistering yourvehicle, whenobtaininginsurance, andwhenordering replacement parts. In theevent yourvehicleis stolen, thesenumbers areessential totherecoveryandidentificationofyourvehicle. Removethesparekey and storeit in asafeplace. Yourkey can be duplicatedonlybymatingaPolariskeyblankwithoneofyour existingkeys. Ifbothkeysarelost, theignitionswitchmust be repl

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

TABLEOFCONTENTS WELCOME........................................ 3 VEHICLE IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS............... 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................. 5 SAFETY .......................................... 6 CONTROLS ...................................... 36 FEATURES....................................... 44 OPERATION ..................................... 50 NOISE EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEM REGULATION ........................ 68 MAINTENANCE AND LUBRICATION ................ 69 TROUBLESHOOTIN

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

SAFETY SafetyDecalsandLocations Warningdecals havebeenplacedontheATVforyourprotection. Read and followtheinstructions on each decal carefully. Ifadecal becomesillegibleorcomesoff, contact yourPolarisdealertopurchase areplacement. Replacement safetydecals areprovided by Polaris at no charge. Thepart numberis printed on thedecal. WARNING IF OWNER’S MANUAL IS MISSING, CONTACT A POLARIS DEALER FOR A REPLACEMENT. E1997, 2000 7079083 WARNING WARNING DNeveroperatethisvehicleonHILLSsteeperthan25degrees

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

SAFETY SafetyDecalsandLocations WARNING IMPROPER TIRE PRESSURE OR OVERLOADINGcan cause loss of control resulting in SEVERE INJURY OR DEATH. TIRE PRESSURE INPSI(KPa): FRONT5 (34,5) REAR 5 (34,5) MAXIMUM WEIGHTCAPACITY (Gross Vehicle Weight) INCLUDINGMACHINE, DRIVER AND CARGOIS 1200 LBS. (545 kg). Reduce speed and allow greaterdistance forbraking when carrying cargo. Overloading orcarrying tall, off-center, orunsecured loads will increase yourrisk of losing control. Loads should be centered, carri

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

SAFETY SafetyDecalsandLocations WARNING DONOTTOWFROMRACKORBUMPER. Vehicledamageortipovermay resultcausingsevere injury ordeath.Towonly fromtowhooks orhitch. MaximumRack Loads: Front 90lbs. Rear 200Lbs 7170912 WARNING Movingparts hazardunderbelt-clutchguard.To preventserious injury,donotoperatevehiclewith guardremoved. Donot modify engineor clutch. Doingsocancause part failure, possibleimbalance, andexcessiveengine RPMwhichcanresult inserious injury or death. 7078689 NO STEP ATTENTION S Operation

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

SAFETY SafetyDecalsandLocations WARNING ALLWHEEL Pushing reverse MANUFACTURED DRIVE BY: POLARIS IND INC. override button may cause SWITCH sudden in- DATE: creases in pow- Do not push switch to erand traction if engageAWDiftherear too much VIN: wheels are spinning. throttle is ap- Thismaycausesevere plied. Loss of THIS VEHICLE IS AN ALL TERRAIN VEHICLE AND IS NOT drive shaft and clutch control orfor- INTENDED FOR USE ON PUBLIC ROADS. damage. ward flipover may result, es- See your Owner’s CEVÉHICU

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

SAFETY SafeRidingGear Alwayswearclothingsuitedtothetypeofriding. ATVridingrequires special protectiveclothingforcomfort andtoreducethechanceof injury. 1.Helmet Yourhelmet isthemost important piece ofprotectivegearforsaferiding. A helmet can prevent aseverehead injury. 1 Select an approved helmet that meets orexceeds yourstate’s safety standards and bears eithertheDepartment of Transportation (DOT)label, the AmericanNational Standards Institutelabel (ANSIz90.1), orthe 2 3 Snell Memorial Foundatio

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

SAFETY Operator Safety WARNING Failure to follow the warnings contained in this manual can result in severe injury or death. A Polaris ATV is not a toy and can be hazardous to operate. This vehicle handles differently than other vehicles, such as motorcycles and cars. A collision or rollover can occur quickly, even during routine maneuvers like turning, or driving on hills or over obstacles, if you fail to take proper precautions. Read and understand your owner’s manual and all warnings before o

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

SAFETY Operator Safety Thefollowingtwopagesidentifysignal wordsandsymbolsthat appear inthismanual. Yoursafetyisinvolvedwhenthesewordsandsymbols areused. Becomefamiliarwiththeirmeaningsbeforereadingthe manual. The safety alert symbol, on your vehicle or in this manual, alerts you to the potential for personal injury. WARNING The safety alert warning indicates a potential hazard that may result in serious injury or death. CAUTION The safety alert caution indicates a potential hazard that may resul

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

SAFETY Operator Safety WARNING Serious injury or death can result if you do not follow these instructions and procedures, which are outlined in further detail within your owner’s manual. S Readthismanual andall labelscarefully, andfollowtheoperating proceduresdescribed. S NeveroperateanATVwithout properinstruction. Takea training course. Beginners shouldreceivetrainingfrom acertifiedinstructor. Contact an authorized Polaris ATVdealerorcall Polaris at 1-800-342-3764tofindout about thetrainingcour

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 16

SAFETY Operator Safety S Always havetheATVinspected by an authorized Polaris dealerif it’s been involved in an accident. S NeveroperateonhillstoosteepfortheATVorforyourabilities. Practiceonsmallerhillsbeforeattemptinglargerhills. S Alwaysfollowproperproceduresforclimbinghills. Checktheter- raincarefullybeforeascendingahill. Neverclimbhillswithexces- sively slippery orloosesurfaces. Shift yourweight forward. Never openthethrottlesuddenlyormakesuddengearchanges. Nevergo overthetopofahill at highsp

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 17

SAFETY Operator Safety S Wet brakesmayhavereducedstoppingability. Test thebrakesafter leavingwater. Ifnecessary, applythem lightlyseveral timestoallow friction to dry out thepads. S AlwayscheckforobstaclesorpeoplebehindtheATVbeforeoperat- ing in reverse. When it’s safeto proceed in reverse, moveslowly andavoidturningat sharpangles. S AlwaysusethesizeandtypeoftiresspecifiedforyourATV, and alwaysmaintainpropertirepressure. S NevermodifyanATVthroughimproperinstallation oruseofacces- sories. S Never

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 18

SAFETY Operator Safety WARNING POTENTIAL HAZARD Operating this ATV without proper instruction. WHAT CAN HAPPEN The risk of an accident is greatly increased if the operator does not know how to operate the ATV properly in different situations and on different types of terrain. HOW TO AVOID THE HAZARD Beginning and inexperienced operators should complete the certified training course offered by Polaris. Operators should regularly practice the skills learned in the course and the operating techniqu

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 19

SAFETY Operator Safety WARNING POTENTIAL HAZARD Carrying a passenger on an ATV. WHAT CAN HAPPEN Carrying a passenger greatly reduces the operator’s ability to balance and control the ATV, which could cause an accident and injury to the operator and/or passenger. HOW TO AVOID THE HAZARD Never carry a passenger. The purpose of the long seat is to allow the operator to shift position as needed during operation. It is not intended for carrying passengers. 17

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 20

SAFETY Operator Safety WARNING POTENTIAL HAZARD Operating an ATV on paved surfaces, including sidewalks, paths, parking lots, and driveways. WHAT CAN HAPPEN ATV tires are designed for off-road use. Operating on paved surfaces may adversely affect the handling of the ATV and could result in loss of control, accident, and/or injury. HOW TO AVOID THE HAZARD Avoid operating the ATV on pavement. If it’s unavoidable, travel slowly and avoid sudden turns or stops. 18

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