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Remote Keyless Entry System (if so equipped)................2 TM NISSAN Intelligent Key (if so equipped) ..................2 Automatic Door Locks (if so equipped) ....................3 Windshield Wiper/Washer Switch.......................4 Headlight and Turn Signal Control.......................4 Steering Wheel Switches for Audio Control/Bluetooth (if so equipped)..................................5 Cruise Control (if so equipped).........................5 Manual Climate Control ................
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REMOTE KEYLESS ENTRY SYSTEM (if so equipped) LOCK DOORS Press the button to lock all doors. UNLOCK DOORS Press the button once to unlock the driver’s dooronly.Pressthebuttonagainwithin5seconds to unlock all doors. USING THE PANIC ALARM Press and hold the button for longer than 0.5 seconds. The panic alarm will soundandtheheadlightswillstayonfor25seconds.Thepanicalarmstopswhen it has run for 25 seconds or when any button is pressed on the keyfob. SILENCING THE HORN BEEP FEATURE To deactivate: P
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OPENING THE REAR HATCH (if so equipped) Push the rear hatch door Request Switch . Push the release switch under the rear hatch handle. Pull up and out on the handle to open the rear hatch. OPENING THE TRUNK (if so equipped) Push the trunk Request Switch . Pushthereleaseswitch underthetrunkhandle. Pull up and out on the handle to open the trunk. AUTOMATIC DOOR LOCKS (if so equipped) All doors lock automatically when the vehicle speed reaches 15 MPH (24 km/h). Alldoorsunlockautomat
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WINDSHIELD WIPER/WASHER SWITCH The ignition switch must be in the ON position to activate the windshield wipers. Move the lever to the following positions to oper- ate the windshield wipers: Intermittent (INT) – Front wipers operate intermittentlyandcanbefurtheradjustedby twisting the time control ring . Low Speed (LO) – Continuous low-speed operation of front wipers. High Speed (HI) – Continuous high-speed operation of front wipers. Mist(MIST) – Lift the lever up for one sweep of the front
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Pullandreleasetheheadlightcontrolswitch toflashtheheadlighthighbeamson and off. STEERING WHEEL SWITCHES FOR AUDIO CONTROL/ BLUETOOTH (if so equipped) Press the SOURCE button to turn the audio system on. TochoosePresetA,B,C,CDorXM(ifsoequipped) pressSOURCE repeatedly. The tuning up or down switch can be used to perform the following: ● Push the switch for less than 1.5 seconds to change to a preset station. ● Pushandholdthe switchformorethan1.5secondstoseekthenextorprevious broadcasting
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MANUAL CLIMATE CONTROL FAN SPEED CONTROL DIAL Turnthefanspeedcontroldial totheleft(slow)orright(fast)tocontrolfanspeed. TEMPERATURE CONTROL DIAL Turnthetemperaturecontroldialtoselectthedesiredtemperature.Turnthecontroldial to the left for cold air or right for hot air. AIR FLOW CONTROL DIAL Turn the dial to select the following air flow outlets: Air flows from the center and side vents. Air flows from the center, side, and foot vents. Air flows mainly from the foot vents. Air flows from the defr
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REAR WINDOW DEFROSTER Push the rear window defroster switch on. Push the switch again to manually turn the defroster off. This function automatically turns off after approximately 15 minutes. A/C ON/OFF BUTTON (if so equipped) Press theA/C button to manually turn the A/C on or off. AIR INTAKE LEVER Move the air intake lever to the position to draw in fresh outside air. Move the air intake lever to the position to recirculate air inside the vehicle. Move the air intake lever to the position
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SCAN BUTTON Press theSCAN button to quickly scan through each broadcasting station. The tuner will pause for 5 seconds on each broadcasting station. PRESET A-B-C BUTTON Press the PRESET A-B-C button until you reach the desired setting. The radio is equipped with three separate banks, each with six station presets. You may store any combination of FM, AM or XM radio presets in each bank. CD PLAY BUTTON Press theCD button to begin CD play. SCROLL BUTTON PresstheSCRLbuttontoscrollthroughCD/MP3text
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CLOCK SET/ADJUSTMENT CD CHANGER ONLY PressingtheCLOCKbuttondisplaystheclockwiththeradioonoroff. PresstheCLOCKbuttonagaintoturnofftheclockdisplay.Tosetthe clock: 1. PressandholdtheCLOCKbuttonformorethan1.5secondsto enter the clock set mode. 2. Press theSEEK/TRACK/FILE button to adjust the hour. 3. Press theTUNE/FF-REW/FOLDER button to adjust the minute. 4. Press theCLOCK button again to exit the clock set mode. TWIN TRIP ODOMETER The twin trip odometer records the distance of indi- vidual trips
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CONTINUOUSLY VARIABLE TRANSMISSION (CVT) (if so equipped) The CVT does not produce a gear change sensation like traditional automatic transmis- sions. R (Reverse) speed for CVT vehicles is limited to 15 MPH (25 km/h). The transmission in your vehicle requires a special fluidavailableonlyatyourNISSANdealer.Noother fluid will meet the exact requirements of the CVT. STARTING THE ENGINE WITH CVT (NISSAN Intelligent Key™ models only) Depress the brake pedal. Push the ignition knob in. Confi
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6-SPEED MANUAL TRANSMISSION (if so equipped) LOCK OUT In6-speedmanualtransmissionequippedve- hicles, the shift selector is equipped with a Reverse lock-out feature that prevents acci- dental selection of Reverse (instead of 1st gear). SHIFTING TO REVERSE Lift up on the collar just below the shift knob, then move the shift selector left and up into Reverse. TM NISSAN INTELLIGENT KEY IGNITION WITH MANUAL TRANSMISSION The ignition knob can only be turned to the LOCK position when the PUSH rel
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FRONT PASSENGER AIR BAG STATUS LIGHT This vehicle is equipped with the Nissan Advanced Air Bag Sys- tem.Undersomeconditions,dependingonthetypeofoccupantor object detected in the front passenger seat by the occupant classification sensor, the front passenger air bag is designed to automaticallyturnOFF.WhenthefrontpassengerairbagisOFF, thefrontpassengerairbagstatuslightwillilluminate*.Forexample: When the system detects that the front passenger’s seat is occupiedbyasmalladult,childorchildrestrai
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CHILD SAFETY REAR DOOR LOCK Thechildsafetylockleversarelocatedontheedgeof the rear doors. Child safety locks help prevent the rear doors from being opened accidentally, especially when small children are in the vehicle. WhentheleverisintheLOCKposition,thedoorcan only be opened from the outside. MOONROOF CONTROLS (if so equipped) The ignition switch must be in the ON position to operate the moonroof. TILTING THE MOONROOF To tilt the moonroof up, push the tilt switch toward the position.
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FRONT SEAT ADJUSTMENTS WITH MANUAL SEATS Pull up on the lever under the front of the seat and slide forward or back- ward. Release the lever to lock the seat in position. Liftthelever onthesideoftheseat toadjustyourseatbackforwardorback- ward; release the lever when you have found a comfortable angle and the seat belt fits properly. Seat lifter (driver’s seat, if so equipped) Pull up or push down the adjusting lever repeatedly to adjust the seat height. REAR SEAT ADJUSTMENTS FOLDING DOWN T
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BLUETOOTH HANDS-FREE PHONE SYSTEM (if so equipped) With an overhead microphone and sound transmitted through the audio system speaker, the Bluetooth Hands-Free Phone System utilizes Bluetooth wire- less technology and voice recognition to provide hands-free cellular phone com- munication. SYSTEM OPERATING TIPS Close all windows. Surrounding noises may interfere with system op- eration and performance. Press the button on the steering wheel to activate voice recognition. Wait for the ton
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3. Wait for the tone, then say “Pair phone”. 4. Wait for the tone, then say “New phone”. 5. Initiate pairing from the phone. The pairing procedure varies according to each cellular phone model. For detailed pairing instructions and a list of compatible phones, please visit www.nissanusa.com/bluetooth . WhenpromptedforaPASSKEYcode,enter“1234”fromthehandset.(ThePASS- KEY code is assigned by NISSAN and cannot be changed.) 6. Say a name for the phone when the system asks you to provide one. You
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8. Say“Yes”or“No”whenthesystemasksifyouwouldliketostoreanotherlocationforthe samename.Ifyoudonotrespondtothesystemprompt,thesystemendstheNewEntry session. MAKING A PHONE CALL 1. Press the button. 2. After the tone, do one of the following: Say “Call [name] [location]”. For example, say “Call Michelle Home”. Say “Call [number]”. For example, say “Call 123-456-7891”. Say “Redial”to redial the previous phone number called by the system. Say “Call International”to dial more than 10 digits or
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SHIFT_ Nissan, the Nissan Brand Symbol, SHIFT_ tagline, Z and Nissan model names are Nissan trademarks. © 2008 Nissan North America, Inc. QR9E-0C11U2 Printing: September 2008 (07)