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HO MEBAS E SO LUTI O N CO MM ISIO NING G U IDE Document Change Control Title : Homebase Deployment and Commissioning Guide Author : Lindsay Braine Software Release : Homebase –version 5.3.1 Document Issue Related Date Changes Made Actioned Authorised version No software Issued By By version 1 1 5.3 17-Feb-06 Initial L Braine J Smith document 1 2 5.3 26-Apr-06Updates post L Braine J Smith review Indigo Stone International Ltd The New Mill. New M
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HO MEBAS E SO LUTI O N CO MM ISIO NING G U IDE Table of Contents Document Change Control ......................................................................... iii Table of Contents ..................................................................................... iv 1 Introduction ........................................................................................ 1 1.1 ABOUT THIS GUIDE 1 1.2 PURPOSE OF THE GUIDE 1 1.3 TYPOGRAPHICAL CONVENTIONS 1 1.4 HOMEBASE SUPPORTED INSTA
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HO MEBAS E SO LUTI O N CO MM ISIO NING G U IDE 1 Introduction 1.1 About this Guide The document is designed to provide a framework of guidance and required processes for the deployment of a Homebase server solution. The framework includes advice and best practice collected from many source’s experience in deploying a Homebase Server network. The framework also includes additional steps and checks that a deployment team can undertake to ensure that their Homebase server is correctly confi
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HO MEBAS E SO LUTI O N CO MM ISIO NING G U IDE The greater-than symbol (>) is used as a separator when naming an item in a menu or sub-menu. For example, Object > New > User means that you should select the User item in the New sub-menu of the Object menu. 1.4 Homebase Supported Installation Platforms Operating System Level Additional notes Windows 2000 x86 platforms Windows 2003 x86 platforms Redhat Linux 3 x86 platforms Redhat Linux 4 x86 platforms 1.5 Homebase Agent Support Inst
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HO MEBAS E SO LUTI O N CO MM ISIO NING G U IDE 2 Deployment Planning Each corporate organisation planning a Homebase deployment will be unique. The organisational structure will be unique and any IT servers deployed to support the organisation will by necessity, also, be unique. The Homebase software suite is straightforward and simple to commission, as items of software, but to ensure that the business requirement is being satisfied a level of planning activity for the deployment exerc
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HO MEBAS E SO LUTI O N CO MM ISIO NING G U IDE 3 Deployment Guidance 3.1 Introduction Critical to the success of deploying a Homebase solution within a business is understanding and planning for the deployment process. The deployment plan should consider and make allowances for: 1. Understanding the Homebase profile repository. 2. The physical location of the servers to be covered by Homebase 3. The Homebase server agent to Homebase server communication protocol to be used 4. The
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HO MEBAS E SO LUTI O N CO MM ISIO NING G U IDE When licensing a server to execute a Homebase agent installation it is critical that the correct location and site information is provided to the agent installation wizard. As this information is tied to the generated license key any error or change will require new licenses to be issued. As profiles are received at the Homebase Server they are subject to alert rule checks, which, if activated, cause notifications to be transmitted to th
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HO MEBAS E SO LUTI O N CO MM ISIO NING G U IDE The profile is transmitted to the nearest SMTP Mail Transport Agent (MTA) which is responsible for relaying that SMTP Email to the eventual destination Homebase. While the profile is being relayed by successive MTA’s the SMTP email may be stored, copied, replicated many times and will be subject to the variation of service quality provided by email servers. For adhoc profile uploads the Homebase server provides, via its web interface, th
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HO MEBAS E SO LUTI O N CO MM ISIO NING G U IDE or FDDI type interfaces will provide improved network bandwidth and reduce the impact of the performance pinch point. If the Homebase server is to store UNIX profiles for recovery purposes the performance of the network adapters will be critical to the performance of the recovery process. During UNIX recoveries the Homebase server’s software repository is interrogated for software packages that are required to being the UNIX server up to th
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HO MEBAS E SO LUTI O N CO MM ISIO NING G U IDE As the number of servers transmitting profiles grows, so must the port range specified. Failure to increase the port range will cause Homebase agents to back-off transmission and, if configured to do so, retry at a later date. It is also sensible for the Homebase agents to be scheduled to transmit profiles at slightly different times – as this will cause spikes in transmission loads across the networks and the Homebase server to be smoothe
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HO MEBAS E SO LUTI O N CO MM ISIO NING G U IDE 4 Validating a Homebase Installation In this section we provide some additional information that can be used to validate the configuration of you Homebase server deployment. This information is by no means exhaustive; rather it is provided to aid the deployment engineer in validating the configuration produced. 4.1 Installing the Software Full and verbose information on the process that should be followed for an installation are provided
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HO MEBAS E SO LUTI O N CO MM ISIO NING G U IDE 220-Homebase SMTP Server 220-(c) Indigo Stone International Limited, 2005 220 Connected to server on: 25 April 2006 14:01:48 BST Type quit to return to the command prompt (note that the quit command may not be echoed to the screen). It is recommended that the commissioning engineer repeat the two validation tests on another server, one that is either expected to communicate with the Homebase server or should have network visibility of
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HO MEBAS E SO LUTI O N CO MM ISIO NING G U IDE The console.log file provides high-level output on the functional execution of Homebase. The average system administrator may find this information useful if trying to determine whether Homebase is performing correctly. - error.log The error.log file provides a very verbose output of any errors that occur during the execution of Homebase. This log file should be monitored and, if information is shown that is giving concern, Indigo Stone sho
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HO MEBAS E SO LUTI O N CO MM ISIO NING G U IDE 5 Obtaining Help In order to resolve problems that may arise with the use of the URM tool set, a helpdesk has been set up to track and manage problem resolution. 5.1 Contacting the Helpdesk Via the Internet The helpdesk can be accessed from the Indigo Stone web site at www.indigostone.com. To enter the helpdesk, follow the Helpdesk Ticket link in the Contact Us Section. Fill in the various fields on the web form provided with as much de