Instruction d'utilisation Miller Electric MILLERMATIC 350

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Miller Electric MILLERMATIC 350

Dispositif: Miller Electric MILLERMATIC 350
Catégorie: Système de soudage
Fabricant: Miller Electric
Dimension: 2.86 MB
Date d'addition: 3/13/2014
Nombre des pages: 51
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Miller Electric MILLERMATIC 350 Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

IMPORTANT: Read and understand the entire
Effe~ti. E With SanE I Fic. .. H1:33:~’ I
contents of both this manual and the power source
manual used with this unit, with special eutiphasis
on the safety material throughout both manuals,
before installing, operating, or maintaining this
equipment. This unit and these instructions are for
use only by persons trained and experienced in the
safe operation of welding equipment. Do not allow
untrained persons to install,

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

LIMITED WARRANTY EFFECTIVE: OCTOBER 1, 1986 This warranty supersedes all previous MILLER warranties and is exclusive with no other guarantees or warranties expressed or implied 4; In the case of Miller’s breach of warranty or any other duty LIMITED WARRANTY Subject to the terms and condi- with respect to the quality of any goods, the exclusive remedies tions hereof, Miller Electric Mfg. Co., Appleton, Wisconsin therefore shall be, at Miller’s option (11 repair or 121 replacement warrants to its

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

May 31,1990 ~OM.882j ERRATA SHEET After this manual was printed, refinements In equipment design occurred. This sheet lists exceptions to data appearing later in this manual. AMENDMENT TO SECTION 2— INSTALLATION IMPORTANT: A 25 ft. (8m) interconnecting cord with a five-pin Amphenoiplug issupplied with this unit but is notused in this installation. Retain cord for future use. Add the foliowing IMPORTANT block to the end of Section 2-3A. COMPUTER INTERFACE - WELDING POWER SOURCE CONNECTIONS: Wire

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

B. ARC FAILURE Light Connections (Figure 2-4) WARNING: Read and follow safety Information at beginning of Section 2-5 before proceeding. A The ARC FAILURE lightorlthe computerinterface front panel is turnedon and off by a signalfromthe robot control unit. Locate supplied length of 18 gauge/2-conductor cord for this connection, and proceed as follows: 1. For robot control units with no other connections at jig terminal strip 2: a. Open robot control unit door, and locate jig terminal strip 2. b.

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

Add Figure 2-4. Arc Failure Light Connections Jig Terminal Strip 2 Computer Interface Common 2TF +24VDC Robot control 2TG Unit weld Alarm Arc Failure Indicator Light 2TL To Voltage Source (115VAC, 24VAC, 24VDC) -rj 2TF ~— Robot Control Unit Arc Failure Weld Indicalor Jig Interface Alarm Light TA-il5 648 Figure 2-4. Arc Failure Light Connections AMENDMENT TO SECTION 5- MAINTENANCE & TROUBLESHOOTING Add the following Step to Section 5-1 - INSPECTION AND UPKEEP 3. Inspect motor control relay, CR2,

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

AMENDMENT TO SECTION 5 - MAINTENANCE & TROUBLESHOOTING Amend Figure 5-3. Circuit Diagram For Computer Interface 000 0~ 000000 U K U N k~, ~000 00 0 0 0 0 0 - ~ -, C0CWL.~CI~N =0CL,Lt,~tj7~~liU C d K -~ ~ z E Cu 0 cc to (3 0 C~J 6 z w U 0) 0) U 0) ‘N 0) S~~CNN 0. E 0 C.) I- 0 U- E I- 0) N.FS 0 SN-CCN( srNso~ I.. (3 JOG ~EV 0) ~ ~ 1~ ci 9E’EC’ Ua’AGE OM-882 Page 4

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

a I C.’J to C~4 1~ 6 6 z E Cu Cu •~‘ to o .~ — to U, o (3-, 6 z 1~ 0) C/) 0) 0 0) w 5 0. •0 I- Cu 0 3 0 C.) 0) C) Cu 3 I- 0 IL E Cu I- C) Cu 4 U I- (3 0) C) OM-882 Page 5 -

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

5V ,24V 06 AR 4ELD START AL CR JOG F~C 2 C ON-S REF EEC CR5 ACTOR WELD AL ~ CURRENT RELA’ AJ JOG (RE. A 6050’ CJRRE’.’ CEC XCT RE.. RE.A’ 4 CR4 CON’N-C’CR AC Circuit Diagram No. B-128 016-A FIgure 5-6. CIrcuit Diagram For interface Board PC3 Effective With Serial No. JK588314 Thru KA819026 ‘LO A ‘24 CC .24 C. AC 6 06 ~ELC S’ART AR AE CR UDO (L(~fl( — 6 C SE L FEC 045 AC’CR RELO AL CURRENT RELAY A. 406 (RE6I A C66 T 6080’ OR? CLPREN CECEO C C07R40N, ALA REV. RELAX 1< CR4 0C7,’4C’CR AC Circuit Dia

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

Add Figure 5-9. Wiring Diagram cc r-. I”- 1~ ‘N 0 6 z E Cu C) 0 C) cc U, to to 1.. I- cc to 0 c,,J 6 z h.. 0) U) 0) C.) 0) w E Cu I.. C) Cu 0 C) C U, 0) C) ir OM-882 Page 7

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

c~J 1~ 6 z E Cu I- C) 0 C to U, to to 6 2 I- 0) U) 0) 0) w E Cu C) 0 C 0) L.. OM-e82 Page 8

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

AMENDMENT TO PARTS LIST Amend Parts List as follows: Dia. Part Replaced Description Quantity No. With Mkgs 111 992 117 724 CONTROL PANEL, (Elf w/JH290689 thru 2-1 1 JK636568) 1 117724 129 952 CONTROL PANEL, (Effw/JK636569) 2-1 1 2-4 070 634 123 154 LABEL, warning general precautionary 1 2-17 049 989 118 676 CABLE, volt sensing (Eff w/HJ304076) 2 6ft 604 109 604 109 WIRE, (qty chg) 2-20 7 028 291 028 291 CAPACITOR, (qty chg) 2- C2,3,6-10 61 t 090 890 135 304 CABLE, port No. 18 8/c (order by ft) 2

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

Parts Lists Continued • CAPACITOR, eIctlt 220uf 35VDC 2 C4,S 000 859 601 394 •RESISTOR,C2WlOKohm R4 Added 136584 BRACKET, mtg reed relay 1 13- WASHER, flat nyl .265 ID x .437 OD 2 Added 007501 13- ~First digit represents page no - digits following dash represent item no. BE SURE TO PROVIDE MODEL AND SERIAL NUMBER WHEN ORDERING REPLACEMENT PARTS. OM-882 Page 10

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

TABLE OF CONTENTS Section No. Page No. SECTION 1 - INTRODUCTION 1 - 1. General Information And Safety 2 1 - 2. Receiving-Handling 2 I - 3. Description 2 SECTION 2 - INSTALLATION 2-1. Location 2 2 - 2. Gas/Current Sensing Control Connections 3 2 - 3. Computer Interface - Welding Power Source Connections 3 2 - 4. Computer Interface - Welding Power Source Interface Connections. 4 2 - 5. Computer Interface Terminal Strip Connections 5 SECTION 3 - FUNCTION OF CONTROLS 3-1. PowerSwitch 6 3 - 2. Induct

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

SECTION 1 - INTRODUCTION Model Weight 31 lbs. (14 kg) I- MR-5AP Control 5 lbs. (2.3 kg) I Gas/Current Sensing TB-i 14346 + 16.5 in. (419 minI case only 2-7/8 in. (73.0 minI In. mm) 16 in. (7.9 mm) Diameter 2 Holes TB-i 10320 Figure 1 - 1. Specifications OM-882 Page 1

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

1 - 1. GENERAL INFORMATION AND SAFETY carefully followed could result in minor personal injury or damage to this equipment. A. General A third signal word, •s•s, highlights instruc- tions which need special emphasis to obtain the most Information presented in this manual and on various efficient operation of this equipment. labels, tags, and plates on the unit pertains to equip- ment design, installation, operation, maintenance, and 1 - 2. RECEIVING-HANDLING - Before installing troubleshooting w

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 16

2 - 2. GAS/CURRENT SENSING CONTROL CON- D. Gas Connections NECTIONS (Figures 2-1 And 2-2) Connect hose from gas regulator/flowmeter (customer N-. ELECTRIC SHOCK can kill. supplied) at gas source to IN fining on gas/current sen- • Do not touch live electrical parts. sing control. Connect gas hose from wire drive • Shut down unit, welding power source, and assembly to fitting on gas/current sensing control. The robot, and disconnect input power employing gas flow must be accurately controlled by a

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 17

2. Connect the twistlock receptacles to the mat- A. Wire Stick Sensing Connections ching plugs, and rotate plugs clockwise. 1. Align keyway, insert four-socket Amphenol plug into matching receptacle on computer interface, 3. Align keyway, insert 14-pin Amphenol plug into matching receptacle on welding power source, and rotate threaded collar fully clockwise. and rotate threaded collar fully clockwise. 2. Connect lead with ring terminal to welding power source positive output terminal. 2 - 4. COM

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 18

3. Remove welding power source interface side There are several terminal strips inside the computer in- terface for control connections. Remove unit top cover, panel. loosen screws on strain relief on unit rear panel if necessary, and locate appropriate terminal strip for con- 4. Route remaining cord from computer interface nection. Tighten screws on strain relief if necessary, through strain relief in bottom of welding power and reinstall top cover when procedure is finished. source interface,

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 19

3 - 4. VOLTMETER (Figure 3-1) 3 - 1. POWER SWITCH (Figure 3-1) The voltmeter displays weld voltage to the nearesttenth Placing the POWER switch in the ON position applies of a volt while welding and preset voltage while idling. input power to the interface. The interface must be on for the robot to weld. Placing the POWER switch in the 3 -5. WIRE SPEED METER (Figure 3-1) OFF position shuts down the interface. Thewire speed meter displays preset wire feed speed to 3 -2. INDUCTANCE CONTROL (Figure

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 20

4 - 2. OUTPUT SIGNALS FROM COMPUTER IN- TERFACE (Figure 4-2) - The interface interprets the input signals from the welding power source, wire drive motor, robot, and wire stick check circuit. The output 1OVDC of the computer interface regulates the welding power source and wire feed functions while welding. 5VDC 2.5VDC I Arc Initiation Voltage 1 .25VDC I I Open Close Wire Start Relay Command I I Close I ~~chlng~ Open TA~1 14 379 I I I Output To Motor Figure 4 - 3. Wire Stick Check If the feedbac

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