Instruction d'utilisation Lincoln Electric AC/DC1000

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Lincoln Electric AC/DC1000

Dispositif: Lincoln Electric AC/DC1000
Catégorie: Système de soudage
Fabricant: Lincoln Electric
Dimension: 0.46 MB
Date d'addition: 5/15/2014
Nombre des pages: 6
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Lincoln Electric AC/DC1000 Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

AC/DC Submerged Arc Welding
Improves Productivity, Quality and Safety
For over 50 years, Lincoln
Electric has offered its
Submerged Arc Welding (SAW)
customers high deposition rates,
reliable penetration, and smooth
bead appearance.
Now, Lincoln brings you the first
advance in SAW technology that
provides the option of variable
polarity. Changes in the balance
of positive and negative polarity
of the AC waveform enable the
operator to change penetration

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

® WAVEFORM CONTROL TECHNOLOGY PROCESS 2/6 AC/DC Submerged Arc Welding What The AC/DC Submerged Arc Process Is AC/DC Submerged Arc? A Submerged Arc Welding (SAW) option that combined Frequency the advantages of AC and DC Positive SAW welding was not possible Current until now. Time A Lincoln inverter power Negative Current source coupled with Waveform Control Technology provides The above waveform represents the possible variations of an control over the ratio of AC/DC waveform with Waveform Con

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

® WAVEFORM CONTROL TECHNOLOGY PROCESS 3/6 AC/DC Submerged Arc Welding Using AC/DC The AC/DC SAW process is the ideal choice for high-deposition, high-speed welds that can be made in the 1G position. Whether your applications demands a single arc or up to five synchronized arcs, AC/DC SAW with the Power Wave will increase weld speeds and yield higher quality welds. In multiple arc welding, as many as 5 arcs operate in a single weld puddle. The positive and negative polarity phases of the AC wave

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

® WAVEFORM CONTROL TECHNOLOGY PROCESS 4/6 AC/DC Submerged Arc Welding Using AC/DC ® Power Wave AC/DC 1000™ multi-arc welding is being used for: • Longitudinal and spiral pipe mills • Mold rebuilding • Structural material for bridges and offshore platforms • Pressure vessels • Shipbuilding The Power Wave AC/DC 1000 is designed to be easily paralleled for welding applications that require higher amperage. Each Power Wave AC/DC 1000 provides 1000 amps of AC or DC output at 100% duty cycle and can

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

® WAVEFORM CONTROL TECHNOLOGY PROCESS 5/6 AC/DC Submerged Arc Welding Benefits ® of Power Wave AC/DC 1000™ Power Electronics Power Wave AC/DC 1000 uses inverter technology, not SCR or cyclo-conversion, which limits control options. Control Choice of AC frequency (from 10 Hz to 100 Hz) standard, balance of positive and negative half-cycles, and amplitudes. Efficiency Inverter power sources operate at 87% efficiency and a power factor of 95%. Stability Increased stability of phase-shifting o

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

® WAVEFORM CONTROL TECHNOLOGY PROCESS 6/6 AC/DC Submerged Arc Welding WHAT IS NEXTWELD? Lincoln Welding Systems The challenges facing industrial featuring AC/DC fabricators today are growing in number and complexity. Rising labor, material and energy costs, intense domestic and ® global competition, a dwindling pool of Power Wave AC/DC 1000™ skilled workers, more stringent and specific The Power Wave AC/DC 1000 is equipped with quality demands all Waveform Control Technology and Inverter contri

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