Instruction d'utilisation Nintendo Metroid: Other M 45496901912

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Nintendo Metroid: Other M 45496901912

Dispositif: Nintendo Metroid: Other M 45496901912
Catégorie: Jeux vidéo
Fabricant: Nintendo
Dimension: 4.45 MB
Date d'addition: 5/29/2014
Nombre des pages: 32
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

Nintendo of America Inc.
P.O. Box 957, Redmond, WA 98073-0957 U.S.A.

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

PLEASE CAREFULLY READ THE SEPARATE HEALTH AND SAFETY WARNING - Repetitive Motion Injuries and Eyestrain PRECAUTIONS BOOKLET INCLUDED WITH THIS PRODUCT BEFORE ® USING YOUR NINTENDO HARDWARE SYSTEM, GAME CARD OR Playing video games can make your muscles, joints, skin or eyes hurt after a few hours. Follow these ACCESSORY. THIS BOOKLET CONTAINS IMPORTANT HEALTH AND instructions to avoid problems such as tendinitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, skin irritation or eyestrain:  Avoid excessive play. It

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

THIS GAME CARD WILL WORK TM ONLY WITH THE NINTENDO DS The official seal is your assurance VIDEO GAME SYSTEM. that this product is licensed or manufactured by Nintendo. Always Wireless DS Single-Card 06 STORY look for this seal when buying Download Play 2-4 video game systems, THIS GAME ALLOWS WIRELESS MULTIPLAYER 08 CONTROLS GAMES DOWNLOADED FROM ONE GAME CARD. accessories, games 11 GETTING STARTED and related Wireless DS Multi-Card 14 ADVENTURE MODE products. Play 2-4 Nintendo does

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

The Galactic Federation has heeded this strange, suspicious communication as well and has called for the help of Samus Aran. In the distant reaches of space, beyond the territories controlled by the Galactic Her mission: to discover the truth about this mysterious message, to protect against a Federation, is the Tetra Galaxy, once home to a mighty race known as the Alimbics. potential threat, and to keep the ultimate power of the Alimbics from falling into the An advanced civilization, pea

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

ran Control Modes You can select either Stylus Mode or Dual Mode to play the game. Both modes support right- and left- handed controls. You can change the control mode by selecting CONTROLS under OPTIONS (page 13). Using the Nintendo DS See pages 22-24 for additional control information. Stylus Mode Dual Mode Metroid Prime Hunters uses two control modes. In this manual, the controls for the Stylus Mode Stylus Mode are explained using the configuration for right-handed players. Buttons cont

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

Control Modes Stylus Mode How to Use the Touch Screen Perform actions in-game by moving the stylus across the Touch Screen. On the menu screen or in the Gunship (page 18), commands are selected in the following manner: Starting the Game Selecting a Mode To choose the game mode, select the Menu icon on the Make sure the Nintendo DS is turned off before you begin. Insert the Metroid Touch Screen. If you select an icon with the +Control Prime Hunters Game Card into your Nintendo DS and press P

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

Options Main Menu Change in-game settings here. After you have made your selections, tap on the On the title screen, tap the Touch Screen to view checkmark icon to save your preferences. the main menu. Select a game mode or the Options icon by tapping once. Menu Window Save Icon Mode Icon Choose between Stereo, Surround, or Headphone sound. Volume levels for AUDIO sound effects and background music, and mic sensitivity can be adjusted here. Return Icon Set the in-game controls (page 9) and t

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

About Octoliths Like Samus, six other bounty hunters are exploring the Tetra galaxy seeking out the Octoliths. If one of these Hunters defeats you in -How to advance in the game- battle, you may lose any Octoliths you’re carrying. If this happens, you must battle that Hunter again to reclaim your Octoliths. What is Adventure Mode? Starting Adventure Mode This story mode places you in the action as you battle enemies and solve puzzles as the main character, Samus Aran. Visit various planets a

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

Tetra Galaxy Scan Screen About the Tetra Galaxy On the Top Screen, you can view the Tetra Galaxy from inside your Gunship. The Tetra Galaxy map There are two planets and two space stations within the Alimbic Cluster in the appears on the Touch Screen. Select the location you Tetra Galaxy. want to visit here. Celestial Archives 1 Change Ordinate Axis This space station was badly damaged by an unkown Slide the stylus up and down on the Ordinate Axis or use object and is currently in very uns

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

Logbook Inside the Gunship With the Logbook, you can check the information you scanned with the Scan Visor (page When you visit a space station or planet you have 24) and Samus’s equipment status. Tap on the Category icon, then select the item you already been to, or when Samus goes back inside her want to view. ship, this screen will appear. Inside the Gunship, your Category and Scanning Percentage energy and ammo will automatically be replenished. Data List Current Status Scroll Icon Th

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

Options MAIN MENU 1 Sight 8 Sub-weapon Icon Aim your shots using the sight’s targeting reticle. Check the currently equipped Sub-weapon (pages -Default Screen- 27-28). Tap on this icon to switch to the Sub-weapon. 2 Remaining Ammo Check how much ammo remains in the currently 9 Sub-weapon Change Icon equipped weapon. Main Screen Touch and hold the stylus here to view and change The main screen displays Samus’s point of view. Please see page 30 for how to view Visor Icon 3 all available Sub-

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

Jumping Quickly double-tap the Touch Screen to jump. -Basic Actions- Combine this move with the +Control Pad to jump in various directions. In right-handed Dual Mode, use the R Button to jump. Moving the Character +Contro l Pad Use the L Button in left-handed Dual mode. Move Samus in the desired direction by pressing on the +Control Pad. If you are using the left-handed Stylus Mode (page 9), use the X Button to move forward, the B Button to move backward, the Y Button to strafe left, and the

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

Switching Visor Types Viewing the Map Touch and hold the Visor icon to change the Top Press START to display your current location in Screen to the Scan Visor view. Tap the icon again the 3-D map on the Top Screen. Use the stylus to to switch back to the Combat Visor. manipulate the 3-D map. Door/Entrance/Exit While using the Scan Visor, you cannot Samus’s Location use weapons. Samus's location is displayed in red. Symbols on the Map Using the Scan Visor Review various features, including doo

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

Switching Sub-weapon Types Samus can use up to six types of Sub-weapons, as well -Weapon Actions- as the Power Beam and Missile. Touch and hold the Sub-weapon Switch icon to see the list of Sub- weapons, then slide the stylus to the desired weapon. Lift the stylus from the screen to replace the current Charge Attack L Button Sub-weapon with the Sub-weapon you chose. Press the L Button to fire a weapon. Some weapons can be charged for more powerful attacks. To charge your weapon, hold down

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

Sub-weapon Judicator About Items The Judicator shoots energy that has been super-cooled to temperatures Some items can be found by defeating enemies, approaching absolute zero. If the beam hits hard ground, it will bounce around and some are hidden in various locations in the the environment. Normal attacks shoot a single shot while the Charge Attack world. Draw Energy Balls, Missiles, and Universal shoots three shots simultaneously. Ammo packs toward you by charging your weapon Sub-weapo

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 16

Move -Morph Ball Actions- Press the +Control Pad or slide the stylus on the Touch Screen to move the Morph Ball in any direction. Morph Ball Screen By tapping on the Alt-Form Icon, Samus transforms herself into the Morph Ball and Boost Ball the viewpoint will switch to a third person view. If you tap on the icon again, Samus Quickly slide the stylus in any direction on the Touch will return to her normal form. Screen to activate the Boost in that direction. This allows the Morph Ball to mov

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 17

Select Your Hunter Double-tap on the Hunter you wish to use for the battle. Wait for the other players to select their -Single-Card Play - Hunters. In Single-Card play, Samus is the only selectable character. Hosting a Game To host a Single-Card game with up to four players, select Single-Card Play from the Start the Battle Multiplayer Mode. In this mode, the player with the game card will be the host and When everyone has made their selection, you set the game rules. Everyone else will

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 18

All Players Select Your Hunter Tap twice on the Hunter you would like to play. If you don’t have enough players to join -Multi-Card Play - the game, the host can add a BOT (computer-controlled character) to play against. Tap on the and select the characters to add to your battle. To play a multiplayer game, each player must have a Nintendo DS and a Metroid Prime  The host player can also play this mode with all-BOT players for additional Hunters Game Card. hunting practice. Cre

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 19

Wi-Fi Menu After selecting Multiplayer Mode from the Main Menu, tap on NINTENDO WFC to -Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection- view the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection screen. For the best experience, use the same Nintendo DS and Metroid Prime Hunters Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection allows multiple Metroid Prime Hunters owners to play Game Card together as a set. Please read the separate Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection together over the internet—even when separated by long distances. booklet for details.  To play Ninte

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 20

Select the Hunter Find Game Tap on the Hunter you want to play, then tap again to confirm your selection. Use the FIND A GAME option to connect to Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection and play Charge A against gamers from all over the world (page 48). Select the Stage Each player helps choose which stage to play. Make You cannot edit the Point Goal, Time Limit, or Team Play settings in a FIND GAME your selection and tap on to confirm. Once battle. Also, only Battle Mode is available. everyone has

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