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SPECIFICATIONS .......................................................................................................................................................... 3
BLOCK DIAGRAM ......................................................................................................................................................... J,
LEVEL DIAGRAM ......................................................
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_ ON--730R
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DN--730R I !'SPECIFICATIONS I Type • Vertical tape loading; 4-track 2-channel stereo cassette deck Heads Recording/playback head (amorphous) X 1 Erase head (Double-gap ferrite) × 1 Motors Capstan (DC servo motor) × 1 Reel (DC motor) x 1 4.8 cm/sec. (FIX) Tape Speed Variable (PLAY) Approx. _+12% Fast Forward, Rewind Time Approx. 110 sec. with a C-60 cassette Flecording Bias Approx. 105 kHz Overall S/N Ratio (at 3% THD red,iF Dolby_ NR on" more than 74 dB (CCIR/ARM) Overall Frequency Response 25N1
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[ _BLO cK DI_A_G_B_A_M_ 1 z
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DN-730R I iEVEL DIAGRAM j PLAYBACK SYSTEM TCC-130 IDOLBY B-TYPE 400 Hz 200 nw-b/m PB HEAD PB EQ AMP PB GAiN DOLBY NR LINE MUTE HEA[',)PHONE AMP PHONES IC302 SYSTEMIC T_?04 iC306 OUT - - - (3) 7 rC303 TESI A_= 400_'z -- !' (2) 'J II .__'-'r:_ [ aT,o, ' dl + (RT20b LINE OUT LINE _UTE ..... _+___, %? ! I ÷TdB _HONES OUT LCAD ,B,Q /J_-----Io_B L,NEO0, :, '°I , -20_ I ! -ac -i 60" i -704 -rob _" _LAY BACK TCC-'30 400Hz 200nwbzm OdB=775mV RECORDING SYSTEM INPUT FREQUENCY 400 Hz L KE INPUT DOLBY NR REC
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Disconnect all lead connectors. (3) i DISASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS I C Mechanism W151 (7P) -- CN151 | Head wire _ CN301 | Audio 1. How to Remove the Front Panel ! Head wire _ CN302_ circuit (1, Remove the four screyvs, (4 X 12. CBTS-P) in the side of the / Meter circuit W131 (3P) _ CN131 / board top cover. M_ve the top cover to the rear and rise it to ! board 23PFFC -_CB121 I remove it. (4) Remove Volume Knob and Volume Knob (C). (2_ Press the eject knob, open the cassette box and remove the (5) Rem
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C)N-730R I Screw 7F TBG .(3x10) Power supply circuit b0crd \,\ Ccrew I',3X 8] ) circuit board HO0_ Meier Circuit Board 5. How to Remove the Cassette Door (1) Remove :the MfNI]Zf_l_PER"_etaining screw _'-x 8 CBTS{P)- B and take out tl_ MINI DAMPER (2) Hold the legs of the CASSETTE BOX folded inwards and pull up to remove the CASSETTE BOX and BOX SPRING Note: Almost all of the servire repairs to the audio cir- cupt board can be performed by removing the bottom cover on the rear side of the chassis
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DN--730R 4. Replacing the ERASE HI'AD (15) ADJUSTING AND CHECKING THE MECHANISM SECTION (1) Unscrew the erase head holding screws (53). (2) By unsoldering the HEAD W RES can be taken off the mechanism unit. 1. ReplacincTthe Pinch Roller (36) Before replacincl" tl_e pinch roller, clean the tape contact surface (3) When the replacement is completed, secure the screws with the screw lock o[ the pinch roller and the capstan shaft. Most causes of poor tape transport can be traced to dirty pinch rolle
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DN-730R I 3. , Checking and Adjusting the Tape Speed Adjusting the Playback and Recording ADJUSTING AND CHECKING THE[ Section (1) Connect the frequency counter to the LINEOUT tern_inal _ELECTRICAL SECT] _ON ............ and load test tape (SONY TY-224). (2) Playback a test tape. At about halfway through the tape, • Caution on adjusting Procedure Item Usage tape -- Response Mode Adjustment Adjustment procedure where the tape transport is stable, adjust the adjustment input condition location (1)
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_LJI',4-/L._UHII III I I II I I I I _ II III EQUIPMENT FOR ADJUSTING AND CHECKING 1) MEASURING TAPE ........ TYPE NAME, BRAND AND USES TYPE NAME BRAND USES TW-2111A!2121A SONY Checking the Take-up Torque and Back Tension. TY-2231 SONY Checking the FF and REW Torque. GR-2/60 DENON Checking the FF and REW Times. TCC-153 A-BEX Adjusting the Azimuth. NOTE FOR PARTS LIST TY-224 SONY Checking and Adjusting the Tape Speed. ePart indicated with the mark " @ "are not always in stock and possibly to take
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DN--73OR PARTS LIST OF GU-2778 AUDIO/METER UNIT Ref. No. PartNo. _ Part Name ] Remarks Ref. No. Part" No. l Part Name .[ Remarks RESISTORS GROUP _. SEMICONDUCTORS GROUP (not included Carbon Film _+5% 1/4 W type) IC301 262 0590 001 TCUPC1330HA VRI01 211 6093 967 Adjust 47K ohm VO6PB473T IC302 262 08__006. IC UPC45706 rC303 263 0720 004/IC HA12170NT VR 103 211 6093 9;'0 AdiJst lOOK ohm VO6PB104T V8!08 211 6093 954 Adjust 22K ohm VO6PB223T IC304 263 g56'5 007_'1 IC BA15218 / VR201 211 6093 967 Adju
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mBIDN-730R T Remarks Ref. No. i - Part No. Part Name Part No. _ Part Name Remarks Ref. No. .[ CAPACITORS GROUP i R253 RM73B--lO3JT 247 0009 985 Chip 1OK ohm C101 257 0008 996 Chip (Ceramicl 0.0012 p.F/50 V , CC73SL" H122JT RM73B--lO1JT R256 247 0005 905 1 Chip 100 ohm C103 257 0O09 979 Ch_p (Ceramic_ 0.0056 gF/50V CK7381H562KT R257 RM73B--105JT 24t 73014 987 / Chip 1M ohm C109 257 O0O9 937 Chip (Ceramic) 0.0027 gF/50 V CK73B1H272KT R260 RM73B--223JT "247 0010"961 / Chip 22K ohm C127 257 0005 902
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IDN-730R PARTS LIST OF 3U-2603 POWER SUPPLY UNI'I" Re1. No. Ref. No. Part No. Part Name Remarks i art" No. Part Name Remarks XT501 SW901 212 0286,303 ',Power Switch 399 0107 007 : Ceramic Oscillator CTS4.19MGW 393 8002 009 _FL Tube FIP6BGM6 CN191 205 0711 075 7F' TBG Connector Base SW610, PL601 612,' CN901 205 058t 001 2P VH Conne;tor Base For AC Corc 212 5604_910 Tac! Switch 614, 616, I 620, 622, i 624, 626, 628, 630, 632, 634, 636, 638, JK301 I 204 8261 003 , 4P Pin Jack i LINE IN, OUT JK302 :
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m E)N--730R PARTS LIST OF EXPLODED VIEW WARNING: Ref. No. " Part No. Part Name Remarks • Parts marked with _ and!or shadirg I-ave special characteristics important Hi 1 411 1000 652 i CHASSIS Europe, U.K. i to safety. U.S.A., Canada 411 1000 681j CHASSIS Be sure to use the specified parts for replacement. Multi-Voltage i_ 41 l. 1000 665 ! CHASSIS • Part indicated with the mark _ are not always in stock and possibly to take a 2 412 _'523 115 EARTH BRACKET long period of time for supplying, or in
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DN-730R _ 4 6 EXPLODED VIEW A C D 0 WARNING: Parts marked with this symbol /_ _ have critical characteristics. Use ONLY replacement parts recommended by the manufacturer. B 15
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DN-73OR_ PARTS LIST OF CASSEI-[E MECHANISM EXPLODED PARTS LIST OF PACKING & ACCESSORIES [ PACKING & ACCESSORIES _ VIEW Ref. No. Part No, Part Name Remarks Q'ty Ref. No. Part No. Part Name Remarks 1 505 8092 007 LAMINATE ENVELOPE FOR SET 1 2 9DF 5170 49 IDLER 503 1079 005 CUSHION 2 3 3 9DF 5642 85 REEL MOTOR 1 4 501 1698 037 CARTON CASE 4 9DF 6121 51 CHASSIS BASE 601 1853 005 CARTON CASE U.K, 1 5 9DF 6230 37 REEL BASE 5 505 0038 030 POLY COVER 1 6 9DF G156 11A SCREW 2.6 × 6.4 ZN 6 511 2682 007 t
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_I UN-73ON 4 Lp.w. BOARD OF GU-2778 AUDIO/METER UNIT A _I ,°.°° .. I B E i 18
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I ON-73ORH i "P.W. BOARD OF 3U-2603 POWER SUPPLY UNIT I DENON 3U-2605 2222603005 JV" 4v- JV2 JV_ JV4 e,-- JV5 SW901 JV6 POWER JV7 SWJ'[CH T901 =OWER _[RANSFORMER CN191 ÷ 1 r. JV904 oH E 1 (240V) ->v _r Jvg03 w EU.EC.EA.EK SW902 I 0 VOLTAGE I 0 "_° l SELEC-OR I 0 Remarks 1. The following table shows the power circuit parts used for the 3U-2603 board by area. 2. Parts used are marked O, ]:)artsnot used --. F Power Trans : Ref.No. Voltage JV901 JV903 JV904 JV905 Selector FUSE F901 i Areas part No.
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_ E)N-730R SEMICONDUCTORS 1 • IC -- 5 3 GND 2 INPUT ! OUTPUT I --,,,j---- 3 2 _'cc vST[Z • NJM7908 8'-_ VCC VRI vR2 NclT 0 -, E_ ,,_ Bou, V IN(R) II_ NC X24C00S PH2 PHI_ NcIT ----ISCL CIN1E VSS E 5-_ SDA C OU _r 1 [_ 3 INPUT 2 GND • M15218AP v OUT I! _2_]V 01.f21 I OUTPUT • pPC4570C _V O,.T22 V OUT 12_ • TL4558 • X24('00S SN° _] V Irl(0) 3 2 • ,uPC 1297CA • NJM7808 • NJM7806 vcc PS tu PB BA_ _t£F C/8/O_F _. OLP" FT: _ .... - ,_RLN p_ OUT $SI $52 ¢c_ LLS D_I" R£¢ O,J't • #PC1330HA ,I, HA12170NT 2