Instruction d'utilisation Samsung ER-5200M

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Samsung ER-5200M

Dispositif: Samsung ER-5200M
Catégorie: Caisse enregistreuse
Fabricant: Samsung
Dimension: 0.79 MB
Date d'addition: 6/7/2014
Nombre des pages: 79
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Samsung ER-5200M Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

Samsung ER-5200M Series
User's Manual

Version 2.3
All specifications are subject to change without notice. ©2008, CRS, Inc.

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

CRS, Inc. Limited Warranty and Disclaimers of Warranty This manual has been developed by CRS, Inc. It is intended for the use of its customers and service personnel and should be read in its entirety before attempting to install, use or program the product(s). Nothing contained in this manual shall be deemed to be, and this manual does not constitute, a warranty of, or representation with respect to, the product or any of the products to which this manual applies. This manual is subject

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

Contents Introduction 1 Overview ...................................................................................................................................1 Features .......................................................................................................................1 Requirements...............................................................................................................1 Installing................................................................

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

Download Bitmap Image...........................................................................................42 Print .........................................................................................................................................45 Daily Poll File............................................................................................................46 Log Files.....................................................................................................

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

Introduction Overview Features SAM52M controls the connection between a Samsung ER 5200M Series (ER-5215M, 5240M, or ER-5200M) electronic cash register and an IBM compatible PC running in a Windows 95/98/2000 environment. Using SAM52M at your PC, you can: • Connect directly, via telephone modem or by Internet. • Upload program files from the register to the PC. • Edit cash register programs. • Download program files to the register from the PC. • Download bitmap images for custom pre/

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

Installing Note: SAM52M Software can also be downloaded from Note: The Sam52M software can be used as Save/Load software with out installing the software key. To edit any programming as described in this manual you will need to install the USB or LPT key on the appropriate port on your PC. 1. Load the SAM52M program CD into your CD drive. 2. From the Windows Desktop, choose the My Computer icon. 3. Select your CD ROM drive (usually drive "D".) 4. Choose Setup, the W

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Cash Register Settings To communicate with your Samsung ER-5200M Series ECR, you must set the RS232C port for the PC function. Setting the RS232C Port Options You must select ‘PC’ as the device that is attached to the RS-232C communications port. 1. Turn the control lock to the S position. 2. Enter 8 0 (enter 8 1 to program the second port) and press the SBTL key. 3. Enter 5 and press the X/TIME key. (Refer to the chart RS-232C option chart that follows.) 4. Enter 1 (the value for

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0 NCI 10 Scale Type 1 CAS 0 NONE 11 Printer Type 1 SAMSUNG SRP-100 2 SRP-250 3 SRP-300 4 SRP-350 5 CITIZEN 3550 6 CITIZEN 810 7 CITIZEN 230 8 EPSON TM T88-2 9 EPSON U200 10 EPSON U295 11 EPSON U300 12 EPSON U325 13 EPSON U375 14 STAR SP-200 15 STAR SP-298 16 STAR SP-300 17 STAR TSP-200 0 EPSON 12 Display Type 1 ICD Preparing the ER-5200M for Communicatons The register must be ready for communications: • Connect the register directly to the PC with the appropriate

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

Starting 1. Click the Start button, click Programs, click SAM52M, and then click SAM52M.exe. 2. The SAM52M main screen displays. YOU MUST DO THIS FIRST! Before you can attempt communications or editing, you must create at least one store. Refer to "Creating a New Store" on page 10. After creating a store, you must Receive (Upload) information from the ECR. Refer to "Receive Programs from ECR (Upload)" on page 40. SAM52 User's Manual v2.3 Introduction • 5

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

Navigating Mouse and Keyboard You can choose a menu, menu item, or a command by clicking on it with your mouse. Viewing Menus and Selecting Menu Items 1. Point at a menu item with your mouse. 2. Point at your choice on the menu and click the left mouse button. Menu Item Menu Choices 6 • Introduction SAM52 User's Manual v2.3

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

Cascading Menus 1. The arrow indicates additional choices cascade from the first menu. 2. Move the mouse pointer in the direction of the arrow to display additional choices. Arrow Cascading Menu SAM52 User's Manual v2.3 Introduction • 7

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

Drop-Down List Boxes ♦ Click on the arrow in the box to open the drop-down list box and display a list of choices. Click on an item to select it. (If all the choices are not in view, scroll bars are provided.) Click here Check Boxes ♦ Click on a check box to make a selection. Click the check box again to deselect the item Option Buttons ♦ Click on one of the option buttons (also called radio buttons) to make a selection. Your previous selection will pop-up when a new se

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

Interface Specifications Communications Specifications Asynchronous Operation Communication Mode Half Duplex Baud Rate Select: 2400, 4800, or 9600 BPS Signal Level RS-232C Character Bits 8 Parity Bits None Stop Bits 1 Error Detection Data sum check SAM52 User's Manual v2.3 Introduction • 9

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

Menu Functions Stores A store must be created before any communications or editing can take place. Creating a New Store 1. Choose Create New from the Store menu to create a store. You can create an unlimited number of stores. The Create New Store dialog displays. 10 • Menu Functions SAM52 User's Manual v2.3

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

2. Complete the Create New Store dialog according to the Store Information table below: Store Information Required Field Name /Optional Description/Instructions Name R Enter an eight-character store name. Store# O Enter a four digit number store number. Modem O Enter the Phone number preceded by the letter T or P if Phone# you intend to communicate with the register by modem. The T is for TONE and the P is for PULSE. If you communicate direct, leave this field blank. Connection

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Selecting the Default Store ♦ Click the Default Store drop-down list box to select the working store. When you have created at least one store, the list box will display all stores created. The working store will display in the Default Store field. All editing and programming will pertain to the selected working store. Default Store Drop-down list box . 12 • Menu Functions SAM52 User's Manual v2.3

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 17

Editing Store Information 1. Choose Edit from the Stores menu to edit an existing store. 2. Refer to the "Store Information" table on page 11 to complete the Edit Store Information dialog. 3. Click Exit to save store information. Deleting A Store 1. Choose Delete from the Stores menu to delete the working store from you hard drive. A warning dialog displays. 2. Click Yes to delete the store. Caution: This function will erase everything that pertains to this store. Use

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 18

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 19

Edit ECR Data From the Edit ECR Data menu, select a specific item to edit that part of an existing Samsung ER-5200M series ECR program. Remember that the options in this program allow you to edit the same program options that you set on a standalone ER-5200M through the register's keyboard. Detailed questions about the meaning of the register options are best answered by referring to the Samsung ER-5215M Operators and Program Manual or the Samsung ER- 5200/5240M Operators and Program Man

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 20

PLU File The PLU file is maintained here. Follow the instructions on the screen, or refer to the Samsung ER-5215M Operators and Program Manual or the Samsung ER-5200M/5240M Operators and Program Manual for a complete description of your program options. ♦ Choose PLU File from the Edit ECR Data menu. The appropriate PLU Programming dialog box displays: 16 • Menu Functions SAM52 User's Manual v2.3

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