Instruction d'utilisation Pioneer AVH-P3400BH

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Pioneer AVH-P3400BH

Dispositif: Pioneer AVH-P3400BH
Catégorie: Système vidéo pour la voiture
Fabricant: Pioneer
Dimension: 2.73 MB
Date d'addition: 3/21/2013
Nombre des pages: 112
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Pioneer AVH-P3400BH Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1


Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

Contents Thank youforpurchasingthisPIONEERproduct. Toensureproperuse,pleasereadthrough thismanualbeforeusingthisproduct.It isespeciallyimportantthatyoureadandobserveWARNINGsandCAUTIONsin thismanual. Please keep the manual in a safe and accessible place for future refer- ence. Tuner Besuretoreadthis Introductionoftuneroperations 19 ! DVD videodiscregionnumbers 8 HDRadioätuner ! Handlingguidelines 99 AboutHDRadioäbroadcasting 20 IntroductionofHDRadiotuner Precautions operations 20 IMPORTANTSAFEGUA

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

Contents TuningintostrongHDRadiosignals 39 SwitchingtheSIRIUSdisplay 51 UsingiTunestagging 40 UsingtheInstantReplayfunction 51 Switchingthemediafiletype 40 Switchingtheseekmode 51 OperatingtheDVDmenu 41 Switchingthereceptionmode 51 Operatingthisunit’siPodfunctionfromyour Callinganumberinthephonebook 51 iPod 41 Selectinganumberbyalphabetsearch Randomplay(shuffle) 42 mode 52 Repeatingplayback 42 Invertingnamesinphonebook 52 PlayingvideosfromyouriPod 42 Usingthemissed,receivedanddialedcall Browsing

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

Contents Otherfunctions Adjustingtheresponsepositionsofthe touchpanels(TouchPanel Calibration) 75 UsinganAUXsource 75 Usinganexternalunit 76 Installation Connectingtheunits 77 Installation 87 Additionalinformation Troubleshooting 90 Errormessages 92 UnderstandingautoEQerrormessages 96 Understandingmessages 96 Indicatorlist 97 Handlingguidelines 99 Compressedfilecompatibility(disc, USB) 101 iPodcompatibility 102 Sequenceofaudiofiles 103 Usingthedisplaycorrectly 103 Bluetoothprofiles 104 Copyright

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

Precautions Section Precautions 01 IMPORTANTSAFEGUARDS WARNING Pleasereadallof theseinstructionsregarding Donotattempttoinstallorserviceyourdis- yourdisplayandretainthemfor futurerefer- playbyyourself.Installationorservicingof ence. thedisplaybypersonswithouttrainingand 1 Readthismanualfullyandcarefullybe- experienceinelectronicequipmentandauto- foreoperatingyourdisplay. motiveaccessoriesmaybedangerousand 2 Keepthismanualhandyasareferencefor couldexposeyoutotheriskofelectricshock operatingproced

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

Section 01 Precautions backingup.Donotuseforentertainmentpur- Parkingbrakeinterlock poses. Certainfunctions(Videoviewingandcertain ! Pleasenotethattheedgesoftherear view touchpanelkeys)offeredbythisunitcouldbe cameraimagesmaydifferslightlyaccording dangerousand/orunlawfulifusedwhiledriv- towhether fullscreenimagesaredisplayed ing.Topreventsuchfunctionsfrombeing whenbackingup,andwhethertheimagesare usedwhilethevehicleisinmotion,thereisan usedforcheckingtherear whenthevehicleis interlocksystemthat

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

Beforeyoustart Section Beforeyoustart 02 InformationtoUser FCCID:AJDK044 MODELNO.:AVH-P4400BH/AVH-P3400BH/ Alterationormodificationscarriedoutwithout AVH-P2400BT appropriateauthorizationmayinvalidatethe IC:775E-K044 user’srighttooperatetheequipment. ThisdevicecomplieswithPart15ofFCCRules andIndustryCanadalicence-exemptRSSstan- dard(s).Operationissubjecttothefollowing Note twoconditions:(1)thisdevicemaynotcause Thisequipmenthasbeentestedandfoundto interference,and(2)thisdevicemustaccept complywit

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

Section 02 Beforeyoustart defectorotherreproductiveharm.Washhands TheSafetyofYourEarsisin afterhandling. YourHands Getthemostoutof yourequipmentbyplaying CAUTION: itatasafelevel—alevelthatletsthesound USEOFCONTROLORADJUSTMENTOR comethroughclearlywithoutannoyingblar- PERFORMANCEOFPROCEDURES ingordistortionand,mostimportantly,with- OTHERTHANTHOSESPECIFIEDHEREIN outaffectingyoursensitivehearing.Sound MAYRESULTINHAZARDOUSRADIATION canbedeceiving.Overtime,yourhearing EXPOSURE. “comfortlevel”adaptstoh

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Beforeyoustart Section Beforeyoustart 02 Aboutthismanual U.S.A. PioneerElectronics(USA)Inc. Thisunitfeatures anumberofsophisticated functionstoensuresuperiorreceptionandop- CUSTOMERSUPPORTDIVISION P.O.Box1760 eration.Allthefunctionshavebeendesigned fortheeasiestpossibleuse,butmanyarenot LongBeach,CA90801-1760 800-421-1404 self-explanatory.Thisoperationmanualwill CANADA helpyoubenefitfullyfromthisunit’spotential andtomaximizeyourlisteningenjoyment. PioneerElectronicsofCanada,Inc. CUSTOMERSATISFAC

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

Section 02 Beforeyoustart Demomode WARNING Thefeaturedemoautomaticallystartswhen ! Keepthebatteryoutofthereachofchildren. youselectOffforthesourceandcontinues Shouldthebatterybeswallowed,consulta whiletheignitionswitchissettoACCorON. doctorimmediately. Tocancelthefeaturedemo,pressandhold ! Batteries(batterypackorbatteriesinstalled) MUTE.PressandholdMUTEagaintorestart. mustnotbeexposedtoexcessiveheatsuch Operatingthefeaturedemowhilethecaren- assunshine,fireorthelike. gineisturnedoffitmaydraintheb

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

What’swhat Section What’swhat 03 Headunit Part Part (AVH-P4400BH) USBport HOME When connecting, 4 Displayingthe a open theUSBcon- homedisplay. nectorlid. AUXinputjack MODE (3.5mmstereo/ 5 Turningthe infor- b video jack) mation displayoff. Use toconnectan auxiliarydevice. 6 c/d(TRK) 1 2 345 6 7 CAUTION 9 8 ! (AVH-P3400BH/AVH-P2400BT/AVH- P1400DVD) UseanoptionalPioneerUSBcable(CD-U50E) toconnecttheUSBaudioplayer/USBmem- oryasanydeviceconnecteddirectlytothe unitwillprotrudeoutfromtheunitandmay beda

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

Section 03 What’swhat Remotecontrol Part Operation Press topauseorre- 21 5 f sumeplayback. Press toperformfast reverse. m Press tochange the fastreverse speed. 3 Press toperformfast 7 forward. n 1 Press tochange the fastforwardspeed. Press toreturntothe 6 2 o previoustrack (chap- 3 ter). 3 Press togotothenext p 5 track (chapter). 4 Press tostopplay- back. If youresumeplay- back,playbackwill Part Operation g start fromthepoint whereyoustopped. Usetoselectamenu 1 Thumbpad Touchthekeyagainto ontheD

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

What’swhat Section What’swhat 03 Part Operation Press tochange the audiolanguage during DVDplayback. AUDIO Press toswitchaudio outputforVideoCD/ DivX/MPEG-1/ MPEG-2/MPEG-4. 6 Press tochange the subtitlelanguage dur- SUBTITLE ingDVD/DivX/MPEG-4 playback. Press tochange the ANGLE viewingangleduring DVDplayback. Press todisplaythe MENU DVDmenuduring DVDplayback. 7 Press toreturntothe TOPMENU topmenuduringDVD playback. 13 En

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

Section 04 Basicoperations Touchpanelkeys Basicoperations Sourceicon HOMEdisplay Radio Selectingafavoritesource. 12 3 1 When thesourceiconisnot displayed,itcan bedisplayed Radio bytouching thescreen. Radio Disc USB Pandora Audio Displayingtherear view imagebyturningthe rear AV XM SIRIUS EXT 1 AUX viewimageon. Rear View EXT 2 When therear viewimageis displayed,youcanswitch to Video Audio System Theme Favorite Bluetooth thesourcedisplaybytouch- ingthe display.Youcanoper- 6 5 4 atefromthesource di

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

Basicoperations Section Basicoperations 04 Selectingasourceusingthebuttons 7 Displayingthesourcemenu. 1 PressSRC/OFFtocyclethroughthesources listedbelow: Switchingtoclockadjust- Selectingasourceusingthetouchpanelkeys Wed 28 May mentdisplay. 8 12:45 PM 1 Touch thesourceiconandthentouchthedesired Referto Setting the clockon sourcename. page18. ! XM –XMtuner ! SIRIUS –SIRIUStuner Switching toHOMEdisplay ! Radio/DigitalRadio –Radio/DigitalRadiotuner 1 PressHOMEwhenyouwanttoswitchthedis- (FunctionofA

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 16

Section 04 Basicoperations ! AnexternalunitreferstoaPioneerproduct, Viewingthehiddenitems suchasthosewhichwillbeavailableinthefu- 1 Touch thescrolliconordragthescrubberbar to ture.Althoughincompatibleasasource,the viewanyhidden items. ! Also,youcandragthelisttoviewanyhidden basicfunctionsofuptotwoexternalunitscan items. becontrolledwiththisunit.Whentwoexter- nalunitsareconnected,theexternalunitsare Specifyingtheplaybackpoint automaticallyallocatedtoexternalunit1or 1 Dragthescrubberbaronthescreen

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 17

Basicoperations Section Basicoperations 04 Activatingthetouchpanel Displayingstillimages asaslide- showwhenlistening toanother keys source. Youcannotviewslideshowswhen DVDorUSBsourceisselected. 1 Viewingslideshows. Referto Introduction ofstill image Wed 28 May 12:45 PM playback as a slideshow operations 11 L+R 1 onpage33. Abcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeab DisplayingtheFavoritemenu. Referto Favorite menuonpage71. 08 12 Returningtothepreviousdisplay. 01:45 -02:45 Returningtothepreviouslist/cate- gory.(thefol

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 18

Section 04 Basicoperations CAUTION Keephandsandfingersclearoftheunitwhen opening,closing,oradjustingtheLCDpanel.Be especiallycautiousofchildren’shandsandfin- gers. 1 Pressh(eject)todisplaytheejecting menu. 2 Ejectadisc. Ejectingadisc. Ejectingadisc (AVH-P3400BH/AVH-P2400BT/AVH- P1400DVD) % Pressh(eject). Settingtheclock 1 SwitchtoClockAdjustmentdisplay. Referto Basic operationsonpage14. 2 Selecttheitemtoset. 3 Touchaorbtosetthecorrectdate andtime. 18 En

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 19

Tuner Section Tuner 05 Introductionoftuner Savingsong information (tag)fromthebroadcasting operations 5 TAG stationtoyouriPod. Referto Using iTunes tagging Radio onpage40. 124 3 Tuningupordownmanually. Wed 28 May Local Radio 12:45 PM Touchandholdformore FM1 AM than twosecondstoskipsta- 6 tions. Seektuningstarts as Abcdeabcdeabcde Abcdeabcdeabcde soonasyourelease.Touch 87.9 Abcdeabcdeabcde again tocancel seektuning. MHz 2 87.9 MHz Switching presetchannelsusing thebuttons 1 Presscord(TRK). 6

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 20

Section 06 HDRadioätuner AboutHDRadioä broadcasting â iTunes Taggingprovidesyoutheopportunitytodiscover HDRadioäbroadcastingishighqualityaudio awiderange ofcontentandthemeansto“tag”thatcon- â anddataservices.HDRadiobroadcasting is tentforlaterreviewandpurchasefromtheiTunes broughttoyoubyyourlocalFM/AMstations. Store. HDRadiobroadcastingfeatures thefollowing: ! Highqualityaudio ! FMmulticasting IntroductionofHDRadio ! Dataservices tuneroperations HDRadio(Built-inDigitalradiotuner) 1 2346 5 Digita

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