Instruction d'utilisation Pioneer SUPERTUNERD AVIC-N5

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Pioneer SUPERTUNERD AVIC-N5

Dispositif: Pioneer SUPERTUNERD AVIC-N5
Catégorie: Système vidéo pour la voiture
Fabricant: Pioneer
Dimension: 4.08 MB
Date d'addition: 3/21/2013
Nombre des pages: 188
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Pioneer SUPERTUNERD AVIC-N5 Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

properlyconnectedtoyour vehicle’sparkingbrakeand

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

Contents Thescreensshownintheexamplesmaydiffer fromtheactualscreens. Theactualscreensmaybechangedwithoutnoticeforperformanceandfunction improvements. – CDplayback 23 Introduction – MP3fileplayback 23 LicenseAgreement 9 – WMAfileplayback 23 – PIONEERAVIC-N5-forU.S.A. 9 – AACfileplayback 23 – PIONEERAVIC-N5-forCanada 11 – DivX®videofileplayback 23 – TermsandConditionsfortheTeleAtlas – NTSCcompatibility 23 Data 13 – AutoCDtitleandMP3/WMA/AACfile AbouttheDatafortheMapDatabase 15 listing 23 Copyright

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

Contents – Resetthenavigationsystemtothe – Switchingthecurrentpositionscreen initial(factory)setting 28 displaymode 44 DVDMapDiscsforYourNavigation – Howtoviewthemapofthecurrent System 29 location 44 – Configurationofdatarecordedon – Changingthescaleofthemap 47 discs 29 – Movingthemaptothelocationyou InitialUse 29 wanttosee 48 BasicOperation SettingaRoutetoYourDestination Navigationunit 30 FindingYourDestinationbySelectingthe FlowfromStartuptoTermination 31 TypeofFacility 50 Inserting/EjectingaD

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

Contents – Editingawaypoint 55 – Selectingtrafficinformationto – Skippingawaypoint 56 display 69 SettingAreastoAvoid 56 UsingtheXMTunertoViewStock,Sports, – Registeringanareatoavoid 56 andOtherInformation 70 – Changingordeletinganareato – Displayingstockprices 70 avoid 57 – Storingbrowsableinformation 71 DisplayingCertainPOIontheMap 57 – Displayingfavoritebrowsable Registering/deletingPOIShortcuts 58 Information 71 – RegisteringaPOIshortcut 58 CheckingtheReceptionStatusoftheXM – DeletingaPOIshor

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

Contents UsingtheAVSource(Built-inDVDDrive – Switchingbetweenthedetail andRadio) informationdisplayandthelist HowtoDisplayeachMenu 86 display 103 OperatingtheBuilt-inDVDdrive 87 – Viewingcontentsofupper folder 103 – Switchingthemediafilestype 89 – AdvancedUSBoperation 103 – Touchpanelkeyoperation(DVD-V) 89 XMTuner 104 – OperationusingFunctionmenu(DVD- – ListeningtoXMSatelliteRadio 104 V) 90 – SwitchingtheXMchannelselect – Other functions(DVD-V) 90 mode 105 – Touchpanelkeyoperation(CD, – Switchin

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

Contents – UsingtheMyMixfunction 111 – Echocancelingandnoise – Usingthedirecttrafficannouncement reduction 124 function 112 iPod 124 – DisplaytheRadioID 112 – OperatingtheiPod 124 – AdvancedSIRIUStuneroperation 112 – Touchpanelkeyoperation Hands-freePhoning 113 (MUSIC) 125 – Hands-freephoningwithcellular – Browsingforasong 125 phonesfeaturingBluetooth – Performingrandomplaywithone technology 113 touch 125 – Aboutthetelephonesourcestandby – Touchpanelkeyoperation mode 114 (VIDEO) 126 – Settingupf

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

Contents – Introductiontoaudio – Settingtheilluminationcolor 140 adjustments 131 – Settingthescreencolor 141 – Usingtheequalizer 131 ChangingtheWideScreenMode 141 – Usingbalanceadjustment 131 OperatingthePictureAdjustment 142 – Adjustingequalizercurves 132 – SwitchingthebacklightOn/Off 142 – Settingthesimulatedsound LanguageCodeChartforDVD 143 stage 132 Appendix – Adjustingloudness 133 Troubleshooting 144 – Usingsubwooferoutput 133 Messagesandhowtoreacttothem 149 – Usingnonfadingoutput 133 Error

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

Contents – WhenthepositioningbyGPSis – Nonroutableroads(pinkcolor impossible 164 road) 176 VehiclesthatCannotObtainSpeedPulse DisplayInformation 177 Data 164 – NAVIMENU 177 ConditionsLikelytoCauseNoticeable – Shortcutmenu 178 PositioningErrors 164 MenuintheAVScreen 179 AbouttheDatabeingDeleted 167 – Soundmenu 179 LimitationofFunctionsforAreasnotStored – Initialmenu 179 ontheDisc 167 – Systemmenu 179 – Displayingthemap 167 – Functionmenu 179 – Destinationsearch 167 – DVD/DivXSetupmenu 182 – Guida

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

Introduction Chapter Introduction 01 othermeans.YoushallnotusetheSoftwareto LicenseAgreement operateaservicebureauor foranyotheruse PIONEERAVIC-N5-forU.S.A. involvingtheprocessingofdataforotherper- sonsorentities. THISISALEGALAGREEMENTBETWEEN Pioneeranditslicensor(s)shallretainallcopy- YOU,ASTHEENDUSER,ANDPIONEER right,tradesecret,patentandotherproprie- ELECTRONICS(USA)INC.(“PIONEER”). taryownershiprightsintheSoftware.The PLEASEREADTHETERMSANDCONDI- Softwareiscopyrightedandmaynotbecop- TIONSOF T

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

Chapter 01 Introduction 3 LIMITATIONOFLIABILITY regulationsoftheUnitedStates.If theSoft- INNOEVENTSHALLPIONEERBELIABLE warehasbeenrightfullyobtainedbyyouout- FORANYDAMAGES,CLAIMORLOSSIN- sideoftheUnitedStates,youagreethatyou CURREDBYYOU(INCLUDING,WITHOUTLIM- willnotre-exporttheSoftwarenoranyother ITATION,COMPENSATORY,INCIDENTAL, technicaldatareceivedfromPioneer,northe INDIRECT,SPECIAL,CONSEQUENTIAL,OR directproductthereof,exceptaspermittedby thelawsandregulationsoftheUnitedStates EXEMPLARYDAMAGE

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

Introduction Chapter Introduction 01 operateaservicebureauor foranyotheruse PIONEERAVIC-N5-forCanada involvingtheprocessingofdataforotherper- THISISALEGALAGREEMENTBETWEEN sonsorentities. YOU,ASTHEENDUSER,ANDPIONEER Pioneeranditslicensor(s)shallretainallcopy- ELECTRONICSOFCANADA,INC. right,tradesecret,patentandotherproprie- (“PIONEER”).PLEASEREADTHETERMSAND taryownershiprightsintheSoftware.The CONDITIONSOF THISAGREEMENTCARE- Softwareiscopyrightedandmaynotbecop- FULLYBEFOREUSINGTHESOFTWAREIN- ied,

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

Chapter 01 Introduction 3 LIMITATIONOFLIABILITY obtainedbyyououtsideofCanada,youagree INNOEVENTSHALLPIONEERBELIABLE thatyouwillnotre-exporttheSoftwarenorany FORANYDAMAGES,CLAIMORLOSSIN- othertechnicaldatareceivedfromPioneer, CURREDBYYOU(INCLUDING,WITHOUTLIM- northedirectproductthereof,exceptasper- ITATION,COMPENSATORY,INCIDENTAL, mittedbythelawsandregulationsofCanada INDIRECT,SPECIAL,CONSEQUENTIAL,OR andthelawsandregulationsofthejurisdic- tioninwhichyouobtainedtheSoftware. EXEMPLARYDAMAGES,LOSTP

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13


Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

Chapter 01 Introduction 6 Indemnity. itisagreedthattheDataisatradesecretand Youagreetoindemnify,defendandholdTele aproprietarycommercialproductandnotsub- Atlas,itsLicensors,anditsSuppliers(includ- jecttodisclosure. ingtheirrespectivelicensors,suppliers,as- Ifyouareanagency,department,orotheren- signees,subsidiaries,affiliatedcompanies, tityofanyStategovernment,theUnitedStates andtherespectiveofficers,directors,employ- Governmentoranyotherpublicentityor fundedinwholeorinpartbytheUnitedStates ees,

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

Introduction Chapter Introduction 01 InadditiontotheWarrantiescontainedin orunenforceable,suchprovisionorpartthere- theAgreement,YOUUNDERSTANDTHAT ofshallbestrickenfromthisAgreementand THEPOISARELICENSEDONAN“ASIS” theremainderofthisAgreementshallbe BASISWITHOUTGUARANTEE,AND valid,legal,andenforceabletothemaximum THEREARENOOTHERWARRANTIES extentpossible.AnynoticeunderthisAgree- MADEWHETHER,EXPRESSORIMPLIED, mentshallbedeliveredbycouriertoTeleAtlas INCLUDINGWITHOUTLIMITATION,ANY NorthAmerica,Inc.,

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 16

Chapter 01 Introduction CopyrightNoticesfor ManualOverview NorthAmericandata Thismanualprovidestheimportantinforma- tionyouneedtomakefulluseofyournewna- ® ® 1)TeleAtlas MultiNet NorthAmericadata. vigationsystem.Pleasenotethatwhenyou AsoftheEffectiveDate,thecopyrightnotice havedecidedwhatyouwanttodo,youcan ® ® forTeleAtlas MultiNet NorthAmericais: findthepageyouneedfromthe“Contents”.If NOTICE youwanttocheckthemeaningofeachitem ©1984–2008TeleAtlas.Allrightsreserved. displayedonthescreen,youwillfin

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 17

Introduction Chapter Introduction 01 ! Extrainformation,alternativeuseandother CustomizingYourNavigationSystem notesarepresentedlikethis: Thebehaviorof yournavigationsystemde- e.g.) pendsonanumberofsettings.Ifyouneed p Afterremovingthediscfromtheslot, tochangeanyof theinitialsettings(default keepitinthecase. settings),readtherelevantsectionofthis chapter. ! Thereferencesareindicatedlikethis: e.g.) UsingtheAVSource(Built-inDVDDrive = Fordetailsconcerningoperations,refer andRadio) to Modifying the

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 18

Chapter 01 Introduction p Neversetthevolumeofyournavigation ImportantSafetyInformation systemsohighthatyoucannothearout- Beforeusingyournavigationsystem,besure sidetrafficandemergencyvehicles. toreadandfullyunderstandthefollowing p Topromotesafety,certainfunctionsaredis- safetyinformation: abledunlessthevehicleisstoppedand/or p Readtheentiremanualbeforeoperating theparkingbrakeisapplied. thisnavigationsystem. p Thedataencodedinthediscforthenaviga- p Thenavigationfeaturesofyournavigation tionsyst

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 19

Introduction Chapter Introduction 01 NotesBeforeUsingtheSystem After-salesserviceforPioneerproducts Pleasecontactthedealerordistributor from InformationtoUser whichyoupurchasedtheproductforafter- Alterationormodificationscarriedoutwithout salesservice(includingwarrantyconditions) appropriateauthorizationmayinvalidatethe oranyotherinformation.Incasethenecessary user’srighttooperatetheequipment. informationisnotavailable,pleasecontactthe companieslistedbelow. Pleasedonotshipyourproducttothecompa-

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 20

Chapter 01 Introduction Precaution ThebacklightinglampofLCDinthis equipmentcontainsmercury.Dispo- CAUTION: salof thismaterialmayberegulated USEOFCONTROLORADJUSTMENTORPER- duetoenvironmentalconsiderations FORMANCEOFPROCEDURESOTHERTHAN accordingtoLocal,StateorFederal THOSESPECIFIEDHEREINMAYRESULTIN Laws.Fordisposalorrecyclinginfor- HAZARDOUSRADIATIONEXPOSURE. mation,pleasecontactyourlocal CAUTION: authoritiesortheElectronicsIndus- THEUSEOFOPTICALINSTRUMENTSWITH triesAlliance: THISPRODUCTWILLINCREA

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