Instruction d'utilisation Pioneer DVD AV RECEIVER AVH-P4000DVD

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Pioneer DVD AV RECEIVER AVH-P4000DVD

Dispositif: Pioneer DVD AV RECEIVER AVH-P4000DVD
Other variants:: <strong>AVH-P4000DVD</strong>
Catégorie: Système vidéo pour la voiture
Fabricant: Pioneer
Dimension: 1.3 MB
Date d'addition: 3/21/2013
Nombre des pages: 99
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Pioneer DVD AV RECEIVER AVH-P4000DVD Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF

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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1


Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

Contents Thankyou for buying this Pioneer product. Pleasereadthroughtheseoperatinginstructionssoyouwillknowhowtooperate yourmodelproperly. After you have finished reading the instructions, keep this man- ual in a safe place for future reference. Operatingthisunit Besuretoreadthis What’sWhat 15 – Headunit 15 ! Playablediscs 9 – Optionalremotecontrol 15 ! DVD videodiscregionnumbers 9 BasicOperations 16 ! Whenanoperationis prohibited 13 – PowerON/OFF 16 – Selectingasource 16 Precautions – Adjusting

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Contents – Returntothespecifiedscene 24 – Selectingfilesfromthefilename – AutomaticplaybackofDVDs 25 list 31 – Textinformation 25 AudioAdjustments 32 – Selectingtracksfromthetracklist 25 – Introductionofaudioadjustments 32 – Selectingfilesfromthefilename – Usingbalanceadjustment 32 list 25 – Usingtheequalizer 32 – Introductionofadvanced – Adjustingloudness 33 operations 26 – Usingsubwooferoutput 33 – Repeatingplay 26 – Boostingthebass 34 – Playingtracksinrandomorder 26 – Usingthehighpassfilter 3

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Contents – Introductionofsystem – DisplayingtheRadioID 55 adjustments 41 – SwitchingtheSIRIUSdisplay 55 – Changingthewidescreenmode 41 – UsingInstantReplayfunction 55 – Changingthepictureadjustment 41 BluetoothAudio 56 – Selectingthebackgrounddisplay 42 – BasicOperations 56 – SettingtheAVinput 42 – Pausingplayback 57 – Settingtheclock 43 – Introductionofadvanced – Settingforrear viewcamera(backup operations 57 camera) 43 – ConnectingaBluetoothaudio – SwitchingtheiPodchargesetting 43 player 57 –

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Contents – DisplayingBD(BluetoothDevice) – Usingtheequalizer 77 address 65 – Usingtheauto-equalizer 78 Multi-CDPlayer 65 – AutoTAandEQ(auto-timealignment – BasicOperations 65 andauto-equalizing) 78 – Selectingadisc 66 AdditionalInformation – PausingCDplayback 66 Troubleshooting 81 – Introductionofadvanced Errormessages 83 operations 66 UnderstandingautoTAandEQerror – UsingCDTEXTfunctions 66 messages 85 DVDPlayer 67 Handlingguidelineofdiscsandplayer 86 – BasicOperations 67 DVDdiscs 86 – Selecting

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Section 01 Precautions IMPORTANTSAFEGUARDS WARNING Pleasereadalloftheseinstructionsregarding ! Donotattempttoinstallorserviceyour yourdisplayandretainthemfor futurerefer- displaybyyourself.Installationorservi- ence. cingofthedisplaybypersonswithout 1 Readthismanualfullyandcarefullybe- trainingandexperienceinelectronic foreoperatingyourdisplay. equipmentandautomotiveaccessories 2 Keepthismanualhandyasareferencefor maybedangerousandcouldexposeyou operatingproceduresandsafetyinforma- totheriskofele

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Precautions Section Precautions 01 OTHERUSEMAYRESULTININJURY TowatchaDVD,VideoCDorTVonthefront display,parkyour vehicleinasafeplaceand ORDAMAGE. applytheparkingbrake. CAUTION ! Therear viewcamerafunctionistobeused Parkingbrakeinterlock asanaidtokeepaneyeontrailers,or while Certainfunctions(DVD/TVviewingandcertain backingup.Donotuseforentertainmentpur- touchpanelkeys)offeredbythisunitcouldbe poses. dangerousand/orunlawfulifusedwhiledriv- ! Pleasenotethattheedgesoftherear view ing.Topreventsuchfun

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Section 02 BeforeYouStart InformationtoUser ThebacklightinglampofLCDinthis equipmentcontainsmercury.Dispo- Alterationormodificationscarriedoutwithout salof thismaterialmayberegulated appropriateauthorizationmayinvalidatethe duetoenvironmentalconsiderations user’srighttooperatetheequipment. accordingtoLocal,StateorFederal Laws.Fordisposalorrecyclinginfor- mation,pleasecontactyourlocal authoritiesortheElectronicsIndus- ForCanadianmodel ThisClassBdigitalapparatuscompliesw

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BeforeYouStart Section BeforeYouStart 02 Theillustrationbelowshowstheregionsand Playablediscs correspondingregionnumbers. DVD,VideoCDandCDdiscsthatdisplaythe logosshownbelowcanbeplayedbackonthis player. DVDvideo VideoCD Aboutthismanual Thisunitfeaturesanumberofsophisticated functionsensuringsuperiorreceptionandop- eration.Allthefunctionshavebeendesigned fortheeasiestpossibleuse,butmanyarenot self-explanatory.Thisoperationmanualwill CD helpyoubenefitfullyfromthisunit’spotential andtomaximizeyourl

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Section 02 BeforeYouStart Features U.S.A. PioneerElectronics(USA)Inc. Touchpanelkeyoperation CUSTOMERSUPPORTDIVISION Itispossibletooperatethisunitbyusing P.O.Box1760 touchpanelkey. LongBeach,CA90801-1760 DVD-R/RWcompatibility 800-421-1404 ItispossibletoplaybackDVD-R/RWdiscsre- CANADA cordedwiththevideoformatandVideoRe- PioneerElectronicsofCanada,Inc. cordingformat.(RefertoDVD-R/DVD-RW discs CUSTOMERSATISFACTIONDEPARTMENT onpage86.) 300AllstateParkway Markham,OntarioL3R0P2 VideoCDsfeaturingPBCcom

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BeforeYouStart Section BeforeYouStart 02 ! ManufacturedunderlicenseunderU.S.Pa- ! MusicfilesoniPodtouchcanbe tent#:5,451,942&otherU.S.andworld- playedback. widepatentsissued&pending.DTSand ! WhenusinganiPod,InterfaceCablefor DTSDigitalOutareregisteredtrademarks iPod(e.g.,CD-I200)isrequired. andtheDTSlogosandSymbolaretrade- ! Operationsmayvarydependingonthesoft- marksofDTS,Inc.©1996-2007DTS,Inc. wareversionofiPod. AllRightsReserved. ! iPodisatrademarkofAppleInc.,regis- teredintheU.S.andothercount

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Section 02 BeforeYouStart AboutMP3 AbouttheSATRADIOREADYmark Supplyofthisproductonlyconveysalicense forprivate,non-commercialuseanddoesnot conveyalicensenorimplyanyrighttouse thisproductinanycommercial(i.e.revenue- TheSATRADIOREADYmarkindicatesthat generating)realtimebroadcasting(terrestrial, theSatelliteRadioTuner forPioneer(i.e.,XM satellite,cableand/oranyothermedia),broad- tunerandSiriussatellitetuner whicharesold casting/streamingviainternet,intranetsand/ separately)canbecontrolledbythisunit

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BeforeYouStart Section BeforeYouStart 02 ForviewingLCDcomfortably Duetoitsconstruction,theviewingangleof Whenanoperationisprohibited theLCDscreenislimited.Youcanadjustitby WhenyouarewatchingaDVDandattemptto changingeitherscreensizeorpictureadjust- performanoperation,itmaynotbeperformed ment. becauseoftheprogrammingonthedisc. Whenthishappens,theicon appearson thescreen. Changingthewidescreensize ! Theicon maynotappear withcertain Bychangingthescreensizefrom4:3to16:9, discs. youcanadjustthescreens

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Section 02 BeforeYouStart Featuredemomode Thefeaturedemoautomaticallystartswhen youselectthesourceOFF.Thedemocon- tinueswhiletheignitionswitchissettoACC orON.Tocancelthefeaturedemo,pressand holdVOLUME/MUTE.Torestartthefeature demo,pressandholdVOLUME/MUTEagain. Rememberthatifthefeaturedemocontinues operatingwhenthecarengineisturnedoff,it maydrainbatterypower. Important Theredlead(ACC)ofthisunitshouldbecon- nectedtoaterminalcoupledwithignitionswitch on/offoperations.Ifthisisnotdone,thevehicle batt

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Operatingthisunit Section Operatingthisunit 03 123 4 7 8 6 5 8 AUX1inputjack(3.5mmstereo/video What’sWhat jack) Headunit Usetoconnectanauxiliarydevice. 1 SRCbutton Thisunitisturnedonbyselectingasource. Optionalremotecontrol Presstocyclethroughalltheavailable The remote control CD-R55 is sold separately. sources. Fordetailsconcerningoperations,seethere- motecontrolmanual. 2 h(eject)button Presstoejectadiscfromthisunit. 3 RESETbutton Presstoreturntothefactorysettings(initial settings). 4 Discloadi

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Section 03 Operatingthisunit ! RADIO –Radio BasicOperations ! iPod –iPod PowerON/OFF ! USB –USBportableaudioplayer/USB memory 111 ! TEL –Bluetoothtelephone ! BTAudio –Bluetoothaudioplayer ! S-DVD –DVDplayer/multi-DVDplayer ! MCD –Multi-CDplayer ! AUX1 –AUX1 ! AUX2 –AUX2 ! AV –AVinput ! TV –Television ! EXT1 –Externalunit1 1 Sourceicon ! EXT2 –Externalunit2 ! XM –XMtuner Turningtheuniton ! SIRIUS –SIRIUStuner ! REARVIEW –Rear viewcamera % Whenusingthetouchpanelkeys, ! OFF –Turntheunitoff touchthe

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Operatingthisunit Section Operatingthisunit 03 ! ExternalunitreferstoaPioneerproduct(such Note asonesavailableinthefuture)that,although Ifyoudonotusethetouchpanelkeyswithin30 incompatibleasasource,enablescontrolof seconds,theywillbehiddenautomaticallywhen basicfunctionswiththisunit.Twoexternal selectingvideosources. unitscanbecontrolledwiththisunit.When twoexternalunitsareconnected,theexternal unitisautomaticallyallocatedtoexternalunit Operatingthemenu 1orexternalunit2bythisunit. 111222 333 ! Wh

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Section 03 Operatingthisunit theiPodchargesettingoffandnoiseisdisap- Radio peared.(RefertoSwitchingtheiPodcharge setting BasicOperations onpage43.) 111 222 333 444 Storingandrecallingbroadcast frequencies Youcaneasilystoreuptosixbroadcastfre- quenciesforlaterrecall. ! Upto18FMstations,sixforeachofthe threeFMbands,andsixAMstationscan bestoredinmemory. 1 TouchLISTtodisplaythepresetlist. 6 5 1 Sourceicon 2 Whenyoufindafrequencythatyou 2 Bandindicator wanttostoreinmemorykeeptouching 3 Presetnumberin

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Operatingthisunit Section Operatingthisunit 03 Storingthestrongestbroadcast Built-inDVDplayer frequencies BasicOperations BSM(beststationsmemory)letsyouautoma- ticallystorethesixstrongestbroadcastfre- 111222 333 444 555 quenciesunderpresettuningkeysP1toP6 andoncestoredthereyoucantuneintothose frequencieswiththetouchofakey. ! StoringbroadcastfrequencieswithBSM mayreplacebroadcastfrequenciesyou havesavedusingP1toP6. % TouchBSMonthefunctionmenuto turnBSMon. 6 BSMbeginstoflash.WhileBSMisflashing the

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Section 03 Operatingthisunit # WithaVideoCDfeaturingthePBC(playback ! Ifadisccontainsamixtureofvariousmedia control)function,amenuisdisplayed.(Referto filetypessuchasDivXandMP3,youcan PBCplaybackonthenextpage.) switchbetweenmediafiletypestoplay.Refer # Toejectadisc,pressh(eject). toSwitchingthemediafile typeonthenext page. 2 Touchthescreentodisplaythetouch ! Thereissometimesadelaybetweenstarting panelkeys. updiscplaybackandthesoundbeingissued. Whenbeingread,FORMATREADisdis- 3 Whenplayingacompres

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