Instruction d'utilisation Escient VISION M51003-02A7

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Escient VISION M51003-02A7

Dispositif: Escient VISION M51003-02A7
Catégorie: Système vidéo pour la voiture
Fabricant: Escient
Dimension: 1.3 MB
Date d'addition: 3/14/2014
Nombre des pages: 42
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Escient VISION M51003-02A7 Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

Escient® Vision™
VS server/player & VC player
User’s Guide
Version: M51003-02A7

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

Welcome 8 Importing Your Media 18 Congratulations and thank you... 8 Importing Movies and Videos 18 Warnings and Precautions 9 Importing Music 19 Vision Contents 9 Importing Photos 19 VS-100 / VS-200 & VC-1 9 What You Need to Setup Vision 9 Vision at a Glance 10 Using Vision 20 VS Series Server/Players 10 Basic Navigation Using The Remote Control 20 VC Series Players 11 Advanced Features of the Remote Control 20 VS & VC Series Components 12 Universal Remote Control Capabilities

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

Changing Vision’s Settings 26 Editing Vision’s Media Information 29 To specify what to do when you insert a DVD 26 To Edit Information for a Movie 29 To specify what to do when you insert a CD 26 To Edit Information for Music 29 To specify the format for storing music imported using the To automatically identify information about all unknown DVDs 29 front panel drive 26 (text and cover) 29 To change the language for the on-screen menus 26 To automatically identify information about all

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

3rd Party Certifications 35 Tips and Troubleshooting 31 FCC Part 15, Subpart B 35 Pre-Installation 31 Region Coding 31 Video Outputs 31 Vision FAQ 36 Concurrent Operations 32 Movies Q&A 36 VS Server Limits 32 VX Server Limits 32 Music Q&A 36 Determining your Vision’s IP Address 32 Photo Related Q&A 37 Controling Vision from Your Computer 32 Networking Q&A 37 Connecting to Vision’s Network Shares 32 Technical Q&A 37 Supported File Types 33 Escient Early Detection Monitoring Sys

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

Escient Vision VS & VC User’s Guide Version: M51003-02A7 5

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

Music never looked so good Rhapsody delivers millions of songs to your Escient Vision

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

Welcome Congratulations and thank you... ...for purchasing the Escient Vision Media Server or Player! This user’s guide describes the features and proper use of the Vision VS and VC Series products. At the time of printing, the screen shot images in this user’s guide matched the product’s user interface screens. However, since Vision has the capability of downloading software updates and enhancements, the resulting screen updates may no longer match the images in this user’s guide. Plea

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

Warnings and Precautions • CAUTION - Danger of explosion if the battery in the IR remote is incorrectly replaced. Replace only with the same or equivalent type. • D o not use this appar a tus near w a t er . • Clean only with a dr y cloth. • D o not block an y v en tila tion openings . • D o not install near an y hea t sour c es such as r adia t ors , hea t r eg ist ers , st o v es , or other appar a tus (including amplifiers) tha t pr o- duc e hea t . • T o r educ e the r isk of elec tr

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

Vision at a Glance VS Series Server/Players 1. P o w er Butt on and S ta tus LED 4. USB P or t 2. Disc Ejec t Butt on 5. DVD/CD Dr iv e 3. IR R ec eiv er 6. R edundan t 500GB or 1TB in t er nal har d dr iv es 1. P o w er C onnec t or 6. S - V ideo O ut 2. Dig ital A udio O ut ( C oax and Optical) 7. Gigabit E ther net P or t 3. IR I n 8. C omponen t and C omposit e V ideo O ut 4. HDMI O ut 9. USB P or t (x2) 5. HDMI I n (x4) 10. A

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

VC Series Players 1. IR R ec eiv er 3. P o w er Butt on 2. DVD/CD C ombo Dr iv e 4. S ta tus LED (behind metal flip do wn door) 1. Dig ital A udio O ut ( C oax and Optical) 6. A nalog A udio O ut 2. S - V ideo O ut 7. IR I n 3. Gigabit E ther net P or t 8. HDMI O ut 4. USB P or t (x2) 9. HDMI I n 5. C omponen t and C omposit e V ideo O ut 10. P o w er C onnec t or Escient Vision VS & VC User’s Guide Version: M51003-02A7 11

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

S - V ideo por t - C onnec t V ision t o a standar d definition T V tha t has an S - V ideo VS & VC Series Components por t using a high qualit y S - V ideo cable . F r on t P anel LED - W ill flash r ed un til the sy st em is r eady , a t which poin t it will tur n blue . S olid r ed indica t es tha t the sy st em is in S tandb y mode (video off ). C omposit e V ideo por t - C onnec t V ision t o a standar d definition T V tha t has a c omposit e video por t using a high qualit y video

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

Getting Started Use the information in this chapter to set up and configure your Vision system. To get started you need to: 1. C onnec t audio and video cables t o V ision and y our widescr een high definition T V or home thea t er A/V r ec eiv er 2. C onnec t V ision t o y our E ther net net w or k You can connect Vision to a widescreen TV that has: 1. A n HDMI por t using an HDMI cable f or both video and audio 2. C omponen t video ( Y , P b , and P r) por ts using a c omponen t

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

To connect a widescreen TV with a component video and analog audio ports: 1. C onnec t the g r een, blue , and r ed c onnec t ors on one end of a c omponen t video cable t o the Y , P b , and P r por ts on y our T V and the c onnec t ors on the other end t o V ision. 2. C onnec t an analog audio cable with r ed and whit e c onnec t ors bet w een V ision and y our T V . To connect a widescreen TV with a DVI port: 1. C onnec t an HDMI-t o -DVI cable t o the DVI por t on y our T V an

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

To connect a widescreen TV and an A/V receiver: 1. C onnec t an HDMI or c omponen t video cable bet w een y our V ision and A/V R ec eiv er . 2. I f using a c omponen t video cable , c onnec t a dig ital or analog audio cable bet w een V ision and A/V R ec eiv er . 3. C onnec t an HDMI or c omponen t video cable bet w een the A/V r ec eiv er and T V . Escient Vision VS & VC User’s Guide Version: M51003-02A7 15

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 16

Step 2: Connect an Ethernet cable Connect a Cat 5e or Cat 6 rated Ethernet cable from your giga- bit Ethernet switch to the Ethernet port on the back of Vision. Step 3: Connect the power cord Plug one end of the power cord into the back of Vision and the other end into a power outlet. Note: Escient recommends the use of a UPS (uninter- ruptible power supply) with surge suppression for all Vision products. Step 4: Turn on your TV and select the input If your connections are OK, you should see

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 17

Note: The initial Vision startup process takes several minutes. A startup screen with the Vision logo is displayed on the component video output only during the startup process. If your TV screen is still blank after the startup process, make sure the input selected on your TV matches the input the Vision is connected to. See “Tips and Troubleshooting” at the end of this guide, and see the documentation that came with your TV for information about switching inputs. Configuring Vision The

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 18

Importing Your Media Vision allows unprecedented ease of use for managing your movies, music, videos, and photos from any room of your home. Using Vision, you can watch or listen to: • A DVD or CD inser t ed in t o the fr on t panel dr iv e • M o vies and videos tha t w er e impor t ed in t o the V ision sy st em • M usic tha t w as impor t ed in t o the V ision sy st em • P hot o slidesho w s tha t w er e impor t ed in t o the V ision sy st em • R hapsody Dir ec t subscr iption music s

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 19

Importing Music Music CDs can be imported to the Vision system using the front panel drive or imported from your PC/Mac over the network. To import CD discs: 1. I nser t the CD in t o the fr on t panel optical disc dr iv e . 2. T he CD will aut oma tically star t pla ying . 3. P r ess the Back or S t op key on the IR r emot e t o r etur n t o the DVD/CD P la y er menu . 4. S elec t the I mpor t menu it em. 5. S elec t either S tar t I mpor t t o impor t all tr acks on the CD or selec t S e

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 20

Using Vision Make sure that the remote is set to send the correct IR codes to Vision by press- Escient IR Code Banks ing the R1 key located at the top left of the remote. The Escient remote is also designed to control multiple Escient products and as such contains the ability to control four different Escient products assigned to This section describes how you use Vision to watch, listen, and view your me- code banks R1 – R4 on the remote. These banks are identical to the FB1 – FB4 dia using

Instructions pareilles
# Instruction d'utilisation Catégorie Téléchargez
1 Escient FIREBALL DVDM-100 Manuel d'utilisation Système vidéo pour la voiture 0
2 Dynabrade 13400, 13410, 13411 Manuel d'utilisation Système vidéo pour la voiture 1
3 Sony LMD-1950MD Manuel d'utilisation Système vidéo pour la voiture 36
4 Sony DVX-11B Manuel d'utilisation Système vidéo pour la voiture 28
5 Sony NSR-1100 Manuel d'utilisation Système vidéo pour la voiture 5
6 Sony CDX91 Manuel d'utilisation Système vidéo pour la voiture 5
7 Sony CDX-GT40U Manuel d'utilisation Système vidéo pour la voiture 35
8 Sony BVM-L230 Manuel d'utilisation Système vidéo pour la voiture 23
9 Sony XR-C223 Manuel d'utilisation Système vidéo pour la voiture 63
10 Sony NSR-1200 Manuel d'utilisation Système vidéo pour la voiture 6
11 Sony HS-Series SDM-HS73 Manuel d'utilisation Système vidéo pour la voiture 14
12 Sony SSM-20N5E/20N5U/20N5A Manuel d'utilisation Système vidéo pour la voiture 1
13 Sony LMD-3250MD Manuel d'utilisation Système vidéo pour la voiture 0
14 Sony SFA-1000 Manuel d'utilisation Système vidéo pour la voiture 0
15 Sony HS-Series SDM-HS93 Manuel d'utilisation Système vidéo pour la voiture 12