Instruction d'utilisation Pioneer Super Tuner III D DEH-P3950MP

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Pioneer Super Tuner III D DEH-P3950MP

Dispositif: Pioneer Super Tuner III D DEH-P3950MP
Catégorie: Système audio pour la voiture
Fabricant: Pioneer
Dimension: 1.48 MB
Date d'addition: 1/27/2014
Nombre des pages: 92
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

English Español Português (B)
Black plate (1,1)

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

Black plate (2,1) Contents ThankyouforbuyingthisPioneerproduct. Pleasereadthroughtheseoperatinginstructionssoyouwillknowhowtooperate yourmodelproperly. After you have finished reading the instructions, keep this man- ual in a safe place for future reference. Searchingevery10tracksinthecurrentdisc BeforeYouStart or folder 12 Aboutthisunit 4 Displayingtextinformationondisc 12 Visitour website 4 AboutWMA 4 Multi-CDPlayer AboutMP3 4 PlayingaCD 13 Useandcareoftheremotecontrol 4 Introductionofadvanced

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

English Black plate (3,1) Contents SettingtheFMtuningstep 21 SettingtheAMtuningstep 21 Switchingtheauxiliarysetting 22 Settingtherearoutputandsubwoofer controller 22 Turningtheclockdisplayonoroff 22 UsingtheAUXsource 22 – AboutAUXconnectionmethod 23 – SelectingAUXasthesource 23 IntroductionofiPod®operation 23 – iPodoperation 23 – Displayingtextinformationon iPod 23 AdditionalInformation Understandingbuilt-inCDplayererror messages 24 Handlingguidelineofdiscsandplayer 24 DualDiscs 25 WMA,MP3andWAV

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

Black plate (4,1) Section 01 BeforeYouStart WindowsMediaandtheWindowslogoaretra- Aboutthisunit demarksorregisteredtrademarksofMicrosoft CorporationintheUnitedStatesand/orother CAUTION ! Donotallowthisunittocomeintocontact countries. withliquids.Electricalshockcouldresult. Also,thisunitdamage,smoke,andoverheat Note couldresultfromcontactwithliquids. Thisunitmaynotoperatecorrectlydependingon ! Keepthismanualhandyasareferenceforop- theapplicationusedtoencodeWMAfiles. eratingproceduresandprecautions

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

English Black plate (5,1) Section BeforeYouStart 01 Important WARNING Keepthebatteryoutofthereachofchildren. ! Handlegentlywhenremovingorattaching Shouldthebatterybeswallowed,immediately thefrontpanel. consultadoctor. ! Avoidsubjectingthefrontpaneltoexcessive shocks. ! Keepthefrontpaneloutofdirectsunlightand CAUTION hightemperatures. ! UseonlyoneCR2025(3V)lithiumbattery. ! Removethebatteryiftheremotecontrolisnot usedforamonthorlonger. Removingthefrontpanel ! Dangerofexplosionifbatteryisincorrect

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

Black plate (6,1) Section 02 BasicOperations fff 111 222333 444 56 ddd ggg ccc eee 111 iii 999 hhh eeeddd c bbb aaa999 888 777 9 DISPLAYbutton What’sWhat Presstoselectdifferentdisplays. a SWbutton Headunit Presstoselectthesubwoofersettingmenu. 1 AUDIObutton Pressandholdtoselectthebassboostset- Presstoselectvarioussoundqualitycon- tingmenu. trols. b 1to6buttons 2 EQbutton Pressforpresettuninganddiscnumber Presstoselectvariousequalizercurves. searchwhenusingamulti-CDplayer. 3 SOURCEbutton,VOLUME c

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

English Black plate (7,1) Section BasicOperations 02 g ATTbutton themtoexternalunit1orexternalunit2is Presstoquicklylowerthevolumelevel,by automaticallysetbythisunit. about90%.Pressoncemoretoreturntothe ! Whenthisunit’sblue/whiteleadisconnected tothevehicle’sauto-antennarelaycontrol originalvolumelevel. terminal,thevehicle’santennaextendswhen h PAUSEbutton thisunit’ssourceisturnedon.Toretractthe Presstoturnpauseonoroff. antenna,turnthesourceoff. i SOURCEbutton Thisunitisturnedonbyselectingasourc

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

Black plate (8,1) Section 03 Tuner 4 Toperformseektuning,pressandhold Listeningtotheradio cordforaboutonesecondandrelease. Thetuner willscanthefrequenciesuntila 111 222 333 broadcaststrongenoughforgoodreceptionis found. # Youcancancelseektuningbybrieflypressing cord. # Ifyoupressandholdcordyoucanskipsta- tions.Seektuningstartsassoonasyourelease 555444 thebutton. Important IfyouareusingthisunitinNorth,Centralor Introductionofadvanced SouthAmerica,resettheAMtuningstep(see tuneroperation Setting th

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

English Black plate (9,1) Section Tuner 03 Thenexttimeyoupressthesamepresettun- TheLOCAL4settingallowsreceptionofonly ingbuttontheradiostationfrequencyisre- thestrongeststations,whilelowersettingslet calledfrommemory. youreceiveprogressivelyweakerstations. # Youcanalsouseaandbtorecallradiosta- tionfrequenciesassignedtopresettuningbut- tons1to6. Storingthestrongest broadcastfrequencies BSM(beststationsmemory)letsyouautoma- ticallystorethesixstrongestbroadcastfre- quenciesunderpresettuningbuttons1

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

Black plate (10,1) Section 04 Built-inPlayer # Toreturntofolder01(ROOT),pressandhold Playingadisc BAND.However,iffolder01(ROOT)containsno files,playbackcommenceswithfolder02. 111 222 333 3 Toperformfastforwardorreverse, pressandholdcord. # IfyouselectROUGH,pressingandholdingc ordenablesyoutosearchevery10tracksinthe currentdisc(folder).(Referto Searching every 10 666 555 444 tracks in the current disc or folderonpage12.) 1 Foldernumberindicator 4 Toskipbackorforwardtoanother Showsthefoldernumberc

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

English Black plate (11,1) Section Built-inPlayer 04 RPT(repeatplay)—RDM(randomplay)— Note SCAN(scanplay)—PAUSE(pause)—COMP IfyouturnrandomplayonduringFLDandthen (compressionandBMX)—FF/REV(search returntotheplaybackdisplay,FRDMappearsin method) thedisplay. # Toreturntotheplaybackdisplay,pressBAND. # Ifyoudonotoperatethefunctionwithinabout 30seconds,thedisplayisautomaticallyreturned totheplaybackdisplay. Scanningtracksorfolders Scanplaysearchesthesongwithinthese- lectedrepeatrange. Repeatingplay

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

Black plate (12,1) Section 04 Built-inPlayer ForCDTEXTdiscs UsingcompressionandBMX Playtime—DISCTTL(disctitle)—ARTNAME UsingtheCOMP(compression)andBMX (discartistname)—TRKTTL(tracktitle)— functionsletyouadjustthesoundplayback ARTNAME(trackartistname) qualityofthisunit. ForWMA/MP3discs Playtime—FOLDER(foldername)—FILE(file 1 PressFUNCTIONtoselectCOMP. name)—TRKTTL(tracktitle)—ARTNAME(ar- 2 Pressaorbtoselectyourfavoriteset- tistname)—ALBMTTL(albumtitle)— COMMENT(comment)—Bitrate ting. ForWAVdiscs

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

English Black plate (13,1) Section Multi-CDPlayer 05 3 Toperformfastforwardorreverse, PlayingaCD pressandholdcord. 4 Toskipbackorforwardtoanother 111 222 333 track,presscord. Notes ! Whenthemulti-CDplayerperformsthepre- paratoryoperations,READYisdisplayed. 444 ! IfanerrormessagesuchasERROR-11isdis- played,refertothemulti-CDplayerowner’s You can use this unit to control a multi-CD manual. player, which is sold separately. ! Iftherearenodiscsinthemulti-CDplayerma- ! This unit does not have a disc

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

Black plate (14,1) Section 05 Multi-CDPlayer 4 Whenyoufindthedesiredtrack(or Notes disc)pressbtoturnscanplayoff. ! Ifyouselectotherdiscsduringrepeatplay, # Ifthedisplayhasautomaticallyreturnedto therepeatplayrangechangestoMCD. theplaybackdisplay,selectSCANagainbypress- ! Ifyouperformtracksearchor fastforward/re- ingFUNCTION. verseduringTRK,therepeatplayrange changestoDSC. Notes ! Aftertrackordiscscanningisfinished,nor- malplaybackofthetrackswillbeginagain. Playingtracksinrandomorder ! Ifyouturns

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

English Black plate (15,1) Section Multi-CDPlayer 05 1 PressFUNCTIONtoselectCOMP. Note # Ifthemulti-CDplayerdoesnotsupport Afterdatafor100discshasbeenstoredinmem- COMP/DBE,NOCOMPisdisplayedwhenyouat- ory,dataforanewdiscwilloverwritetheoldest tempttoselectit. one. 2 Pressaorbtoselectyourfavoriteset- ting. PlaybackfromyourITSplaylist COMPOFF—COMP1—COMP2— ITSplayletsyoulistentothetracksthatyou COMPOFF—DBE1—DBE2 haveenteredintoyourITSplaylist.Whenyou turnonITSplay,tracksfromyourITSplaylist inthemult

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 16

Black plate (16,1) Section 05 Multi-CDPlayer 4 PressbtoerasethetrackfromyourITS Playtime—DISCTTL(disctitle)—ARTNAME playlist. (discartistname)—TRKTTL(tracktitle)— Thecurrentlyplayingselectioniserasedfrom ARTNAME(trackartistname) yourITSplaylistandplaybackofthenexttrack # Ifspecificinformationhasnotbeenrecorded fromyourITSplaylistbegins. onaCDTEXTdisc,NOXXXXwillbedisplayed # Iftherearenotracksfromyourplaylistinthe (e.g.,NONAME). currentrange,EMPTYisdisplayedandnormal playresumes. Note Youcanscrol

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 17

English Black plate (17,1) Section AudioAdjustments 06 # WhentherearoutputsettingisR-SP:S/W, Introductionofaudio youcannotselectFIE. adjustments # WhenselectingtheFMtunerasthesource, youcannotswitchtoSLA. # Toreturntothedisplayofeachsource,press 11 BAND. # Ifyoudonotoperatetheaudiofunctionwithin about30seconds,thedisplayisautomaticallyre- turnedtothesourcedisplay. 555444 333222 Usingbalanceadjustment 1 Audiodisplay Showstheaudioadjustmentstatus. Youcanchangethefader/balancesettingso thatitcanpro

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 18

Black plate (18,1) Section 06 AudioAdjustments # Youcanthenselectanotherbandandadjust Recallingequalizercurves thelevel. Therearesixstoredequalizercurveswhich youcaneasilyrecallatanytime.Hereisalist Note oftheequalizercurves: Ifyoumakeadjustments,CUSTOMcurveisup- Display Equalizercurve dated. POWERFUL Powerful NATURAL Natural Fine-adjustingequalizercurve VOCAL Vocal Youcanadjustthecenter frequencyandtheQ factor(curvecharacteristics)ofeachcurrently CUSTOM Custom selectedcurveband(EQ-L/EQ-M/EQ-H).

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 19

English Black plate (19,1) Section AudioAdjustments 06 # Whenthesubwooferoutputison,youcanse- Adjustingloudness lect80:0. Loudnesscompensatesfordeficienciesinthe # Ifthesubwoofersettinghasbeenpreviously low-andhigh-soundrangesatlowvolume. adjusted,thefrequencyofthatpreviouslyse- lectedwillbedisplayedinsteadof80. 1 PressAUDIOtoselectLOUD. 2 Presscordtoselectcut-offfrequency. 2 Pressatoturnloudnesson. 50—63—80—100—125(Hz) Loudnesslevel(e.g.,LOUD:MID)appearsin Onlyfrequencieslowerthanthoseinthese-

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 20

Black plate (20,1) Section 06 AudioAdjustments Boostingthebass Notes Bassboostfunctionbooststhebasslevelof ! AfterturningtheF.I.E.functionon,usethebal- soundlowerthan100Hz.Themorethebass anceadjustment(refertopage17)andadjust levelisincreased,themorethebasssoundis frontandrearspeaker volumelevelsuntilthey emphasizedandtheentiresoundbecomes arebalanced. powerful.Whenusingthisfunctionwiththe ! TurntheF.I.E.functionoffwhenusinga2- subwoofer,thesoundunderthecut-offfre- speakersystem. quencyisboosted

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