Instruction d'utilisation Pioneer Premier DEH-P700BT

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Pioneer Premier DEH-P700BT

Dispositif: Pioneer Premier DEH-P700BT
Catégorie: Système audio pour la voiture
Fabricant: Pioneer
Dimension: 1.22 MB
Date d'addition: 10/11/2013
Nombre des pages: 77
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Pioneer Premier DEH-P700BT Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1


Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

Contents Thankyou for buying this Pioneer product. Pleasereadthroughtheseoperatinginstructionssoyouwillknowhowtooperate yourmodelproperly. After you have finished reading the instructions, keep this man- ual in a safe place for future reference. – Selectingarepeatplayrange 18 BeforeYouStart – Playingtracksinrandomorder 19 InformationtoUser 5 – Scanningfoldersandtracks 19 ForCanadianmodel 5 – Pausingplayback 19 Aboutthisunit 5 – UsingSoundRetriever 19 After-salesserviceforPioneerproducts 8 – Usin

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

Contents – Stoppingplayback 27 – Adjustingsubwoofersettings 44 – ConnectingtoaBluetoothaudioplayer Usingthehighpassfilter 44 automatically 27 Boostingthebass 45 – DisplayingBD(BluetoothDevice) Adjustingsourcelevels 45 address 28 InitialSettings BluetoothTelephone 28 Adjustinginitialsettings 46 – Settingupforhands-freephoning 28 Settingthedate 46 – Introductionofconnectionand Settingtheclock 46 registration 29 Switchingthewarningtone 46 – Connectinganddisconnectinga Switchingtheauxiliarysetting 4

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

Contents Availableaccessories – BasicOperations 61 PlayingsongsoniPod 54 – UsingCDTEXTfunctions 62 – Selectingatrackdirectly 62 – Basicoperation 54 – Displayingtextinformationon – Introductiontoadvanced operations 62 iPod 54 – Browsingforasong 54 – Usingcompressionandbass – Introductiontoadvanced emphasis 63 operations 54 – UsingITSplaylists 63 – Playingsongsinarandomorder – Usingdisctitlefunctions 64 (shuffle) 55 DVDPlayer 65 XMtuner 55 – BasicOperations 65 – ListeningtoXMSatelliteRadio 55 – Se

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

BeforeYouStart Section BeforeYouStart 01 InformationtoUser Alterationormodificationscarriedoutwithout appropriateauthorizationmayinvalidatethe FCCID:AJDK016 user’srighttooperatetheequipment. MODELNO.:DEH-P700BT IC:775E-K016 ! Thistransmittermustnotbeco-locatedorop- ThisdevicecomplieswithPart15ofFCCRules eratedinconjunctionwithanyotherantenna andRSS-GenofICRules.Operationissubject ortransmitter. tothefollowingtwoconditions:(1)thisdevice ! ThisequipmentcomplieswithFCC/ICradia- maynotcauseinterfere

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Section 01 BeforeYouStart AboutWMA WARNING Handlingthecordonthisproductorcordsasso- ciatedwithaccessoriessoldwiththeproduct mayexposeyoutochemicalslistedonproposi- tion65knowntotheStateofCaliforniaandother governmentalentitiestocausecancerandbirth defectsorotherreproductiveharm.Wash hands TheWindowsMedia™logoprintedonthebox afterhandling. indicatesthatthisunitcanplaybackWMA data. WindowsMediaandtheWindowslogoaretra- CAUTION: demarksorregisteredtrademarksofMicrosoft USEOFCONTROLORADJUSTMENTOR Cor

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BeforeYouStart Section BeforeYouStart 01 Fordetailsaboutthecompatibility,referto voiceanddataatspeedsupto1megabitper USB audio player/USB memory compatibility second.Bluetoothwaslaunchedbyaspecial onpage72. interestgroup(SIG)thatcomprisesofEricsson Inc.,IntelCorp.,NokiaCorp.,ToshibaandIBM ® iPod compatibility in1998,anditiscurrentlydevelopedbynearly Thisunitcancontrolandlistentosongsonan 2000companiesworldwide. iPod. ! TheBluetoothwordmarkandlogosare ! ThisunitsupportsonlythefollowingiPods. owne

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

Section 01 BeforeYouStart CAUTION 1 Register yourproduct.Wewillkeepthedetails ! Pioneeracceptsnoresponsibilityfordatalost ofyourpurchaseonfiletohelpyoureferto ontheUSBportableaudioplayer/USBmem- thisinformationintheeventofaninsurance oryevenifthatdataislostwhileusingthis claimsuchaslossortheft. unit. 2 Receiveupdatesonthelatestproductsand ! Pioneeracceptsnoresponsibilityfordatalost technologies. ontheiPodevenif thatdataislostwhile 3 Downloadowner’smanuals,orderp

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BeforeYouStart Section BeforeYouStart 01 % PressRESETwithapentiporother pointedinstrument. 3 Putthefrontpanelintotheprovided protectivecaseforsafekeeping. Attachingthefrontpanel % Reattachthefrontpanelbyholdingit RESETbutton uprighttotheunitandclippingitsecurely intothemountinghooks. Useandcareoftheremote control Installingthebattery Slidethetrayonthebackof theremotecon- troloutandinsertthebatterywiththeplus(+) andminus(–)polesalignedproperly. ! Whenusingforthefirsttime,pulloutthe filmprotruding

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

Section 01 BeforeYouStart ! Ifthebatteryleaks,wipetheremotecontrol completelycleanandinstallanewbattery. ! Whendisposingofusedbatteries,comply withgovernmentalregulationsorenvironmen- talpublicinstitutions’rulesthatapplyinyour country/area. ! “PerchlorateMaterial–specialhandlingmay apply. perchlorate.(ApplicabletoCalifornia,U.S.A.)” Usingtheremotecontrol Pointtheremotecontrolinthedirectionof the frontpaneltooperate. ! Theremotecontrolmaynotfunctionprop- erlyind

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

Operatingthisunit Section Operatingthisunit 02 e e e c c c f f f 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 o o o 1 1 1 g g g n n n n n m m m l l l l l k k k h h h j j j i i i d d d c c c b b b a a a 9 9 9 8 8 8 7 7 76 6 65 5 5 4 4 4 6 RDM/ /iPodbutton What’sWhat Presstoturnrandomfunctiononoroff whileusingCDorUSB. Headunit WhileusinganiPod,presstoshuffleall tracks. 1 SRC/OFFbutton Pressandholdtoswitchthecontrolmode Thisunitisturnedonbyselectingasource. whileusinganiPod. Presstocyclethroughalltheavailable IfusingtheiPodw

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

Section 02 Operatingthisunit e VOLUMEbuttons Presstoincreaseordecreasethevolume. f FUNCTIONbutton Presstoselectfunctions. 1 g Thumbpad 2 5 6 78 9 Movetoperformmanualseektuning,fast 3 4 forward,reverseandtracksearchcontrols. Alsousedforcontrollingfunctions. Functionsarethesameas MULTI-CONTROLexceptfor volumecon- trol. c e f gh i j h DIRECTbutton a b d Presstodirectlyselectthedesiredtrack. i CLEARbutton a MUTE/HOLDbutton Presstocanceltheinputnumber when0to Presstoturnoffthesound.Toturnonthe 9areus

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

Operatingthisunit Section Operatingthisunit 02 Whenalowertier folderormenuexists,d Displayindication appears. 1 Maindisplaysection Displaysband,frequency,elapsedplayback b (artist)indicator timeandothersettings. Appearswhenthedisc(track)artistnameis ! Tuner displayedonthemaindisplaysection. Bandandfrequencyaredisplayed. Appearswhenartistsearchrefinementon ! Bulit-inCDplayer,USB,iPod theiPodbrowsingfunctionisinuse. Elapsedplaybacktimeandliteralinfor- c (disc)indicator mationaredisplayed. Appearsw

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

Section 02 Operatingthisunit ! Chargingtheportableaudioplayerusing BasicOperations car’sDCpowersourcewhileconnectingitto PowerON/OFF AUXinputmaygeneratenoise.Inthiscase, stopcharging. Turningtheuniton ! ExternalunitreferstoaPioneerproduct(such % PressSRCtoturntheuniton. asonesavailableinthefuture)that,although incompatibleasasource,enablescontrolof Turningtheunitoff basicfunctionswiththisunit.Twoexternal unitscanbecontrolledwiththisunit.When % PressOFFandholduntiltheunitturns twoexternalunitsare

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

Operatingthisunit Section Operatingthisunit 02 Usingtheremotecontrol Tuner % Whenyoufindafrequencythatyou BasicOperations wanttostoreinmemory,pressoneofpre- % Selectaband settuningbuttons1to6andholduntilthe PressBAND/ESC. presetnumberstopsflashing. # BandcanbeselectedfromamongFM1,FM2, Thenumber youhavepressedwillflashinthe FM3orAM. presetnumberindicatorandthenremainlit. Theselectedradiostationfrequencyhasbeen % Manualtuning(stepbystep) storedinmemory. PushMULTI-CONTROLleftorright. Thenexttimeyou

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 16

Section 02 Operatingthisunit 1 Displaythefunctionmenu. Built-inCDPlayer Referto Introduction toadvanced operations BasicOperations onthepreviouspage. % Openthefrontpanel 2 UseMULTI-CONTROLtoselectBSMin PressOPEN. thefunctionmenu. Discloadingslotappears. 3 PressMULTI-CONTROLtoturnBSMon. Discloadingslot Thesixstrongestbroadcastfrequenciesare storedintheorderof theirsignalstrength. # Tocancel,pressMULTI-CONTROLagain. Tuninginstrongsignals Localseektuningletsyoutuneinonlythose radiostationswithsuffi

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Operatingthisunit Section Operatingthisunit 02 # Ifyouhaveswitchedbetweencompressed Displayingtextinformationon audioandCD-DA,playbackstartsatthefirst disc trackonthedisc. % PressDISPtoselectthedesiredtextin- formation. Notes FortitleenteredCD ! Thebuilt-inCDplayercanplaybackaudioCD Playtime—disctitle andcompressedaudiorecordedonaCD- ForCDTEXTdiscs ROM.(Refertopage72for filesthatcanbe Playtime—disctitle—discartistname—track playedback.) title—trackartistname ! Readtheprecautionsfordiscsandplayer

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 18

Section 02 Operatingthisunit # Toreturntothepreviouslist(thefolderone Selectingtracksfromthetrack levelhigher),pushMULTI-CONTROLleft. titlelist # Toreturntotheordinarydisplay,press Tracktitlelistletsyouseethelistoftracktitles BAND/ESCorLIST. onaCDTEXTdiscandselectoneof themto # Ifyoudonotoperatethelistwithinabout30 playback. seconds,thedisplayautomaticallyreturnstothe ordinarydisplay. 1 PressLISTtoswitchtothetracktitlelist mode. Introductiontoadvanced 2 UseMULTI-CONTROLtoselectthede- operations

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Operatingthisunit Section Operatingthisunit 02 2 UseMULTI-CONTROLtoselectREPEAT 4 Whenyoufindthedesiredtrackpress inthefunctionmenu. MULTI-CONTROLtoturnscanplayoff. # Ifthedisplayhasautomaticallyreturnedto 3 PressMULTI-CONTROLtoselectthede- theplaybackdisplay,selectSCANagainbyusing siredsetting. MULTI-CONTROL. ! DISC–Repeatalltracks # Afterscanningofadisc(folder)isfinished, ! TRACK–Repeatthecurrenttrack normalplaybackofthetracksbegins. ! FOLDER–Repeatthecurrentfolder # Ifyouselectanother folderd

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 20

Section 02 Operatingthisunit ! Ifyouconnectamulti-CDplayer,youcan Enteringdisctitles inputdisctitlesforupto100discs. Usethedisctitleinputfeaturetostoreupto ! Whenamulti-CDplayerthatdoesnotsupport 48CDtitlesintheunit.Eachtitlecanbeupto disctitlefunctionsisconnected,youcannot 10characterslong. enterdisctitlesinthisunit. 1 Displaythefunctionmenu. Referto Introduction toadvanced operations onpage18. 2 PlaytheCDthatyouwanttoentera titlefor. 3 UseMULTI-CONTROLtoselect TITLEINPUTinthefunctionmenu. 4 Pr

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