Instruction d'utilisation Pioneer DEH-P88RS

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Pioneer DEH-P88RS

Dispositif: Pioneer DEH-P88RS
Catégorie: Système audio pour la voiture
Fabricant: Pioneer
Dimension: 1.82 MB
Date d'addition: 3/23/2014
Nombre des pages: 180
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Pioneer DEH-P88RS Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

English Español

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

Contents ThankyouforbuyingthisPioneerproduct. Pleasereadthrough theseoperatinginstructionssoyouwillknowhowtooperate yourmodelproperly. After you have finished reading the instructions, keep this man- ual in a safe place for future reference. Storingthestrongestbroadcast BeforeYouStart frequencies 18 Aboutthisunit 6 Selectingstationsfromthepresetchannel Aboutthismanual 6 list 18 Incaseoftrouble 6 Tuninginstrongsignals 18 Features 7 AboutWMA 7 RDS AboutAAC 8 IntroductionofRDSoperation 19 Productre

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

English Contents – Displayingdisctitles 29 PausingCDplayback 39 UsingCDTEXTfunctions 29 UsingITSplaylists 39 – DisplayingtextinformationonCDTEXT – CreatingaplaylistwithITS discs 29 programming 39 – Scrollingtextinformationinthe – PlaybackfromyourITSplaylist 39 display 29 – ErasingatrackfromyourITS – Selectingtracksfromthetracktitle playlist 40 list 29 – ErasingaCDfromyourITSplaylist 40 Usingdisctitlefunctions 40 MP3/WMA/AAC/WAVPlayer – Enteringdisctitles 40 PlayingMP3/WMA/AAC/WAVfiles 30 – Displ

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Contents Storingthestrongestbroadcaststations – Pointsconcerningnetwork sequentially 48 adjustments 59 Selectingstationsfromthepresetchannel – Mutingthespeakerunit(filter) 60 list 49 – Adjustingnetwork 60 Usingsubwooferoutput 61 DVDPlayer – Usingsubwooferoutput 61 Playingadisc 50 – Adjustingsubwoofersettings 62 Selectingadisc 50 – Adjustinglowpassfilterattenuation Selectingafolder 50 slope 62 IntroductionofadvancedDVDplayer Usingthehighpassfilter 62 operation 51 – Mutingthespeakerunits(filters)

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

English Contents Switchingtheauxiliarysetting 72 Switchingthedimmersetting 72 Adjustingthebrightness 72 Correctingdistortedsound 73 Resettingtheaudiofunctions 73 Switchingthesoundmuting/attenuation 73 Settingtheinternalpoweramplifier 73 Switchingthefeaturedemo 74 Switchingthereversemode 74 SwitchingtheEverScroll 74 OtherFunctions UsingtheAUXsource 75 – AboutAUX1andAUX2 75 – SelectingAUXasthesource 75 – SettingtheAUXtitle 75 Usingdifferententertainmentdisplays 76 UsingthePGMbutton 77 AdditionalIn

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Section 01 BeforeYouStart ! Thisproductcontainsalaserdiodeofhigher classthan1.Toensurecontinuedsafety,do notremoveanycoversorattempttogainac- cesstotheinsideoftheproduct.Referallser- vicingtoqualifiedpersonnel. Ifyouwanttodisposethisproduct,donotmix ! ThePioneerCarStereo-Passisforuseonlyin itwithgeneralhouseholdwaste.Thereisase- Germany. paratecollectionsystemforusedelectronic ! Keepthismanualhandyasareferenceforop- productsinaccordancewithlegislationthatre- eratingproceduresandprecautions. quir

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

English Section BeforeYouStart 01 Highqualitysound Features ThisunitfeatureshighperformanceDSPsys- CDplayback temtooutputtheclearandrealisticsound. MusicCD/CD-R/CD-RWplaybackispossible. MultipleIP-BUScontrol MP3fileplayback ThisunitcancontrolanyPioneersourceunit YoucanplaybackMP3filesrecordedonCD- withIP-BUS,suchasMulti-CDplayer,DVD ROM/CD-R/CD-RW(ISO9660Level1/Level2 playerandTVtuner. standardrecordings). ! SomePioneersourceunitsmaynotbefully ! Supplyof thisproductonlyconveysali- controlledwith

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

Section 01 BeforeYouStart Protectingyourunitfrom Notes theft ! Thisunitmaynotoperatecorrectlydepending ontheapplicationusedtoencodeWMAfiles. Thefrontpanelcanbedetachedfromthe ! DependingontheversionofWindowsMedia headunitandstoredintheprovidedprotective PlayerusedtoencodeWMAfiles,album casetopreventtheft. namesandothertextinformationmaynotbe ! Ifthefrontpanelisnotdetachedfromthe correctlydisplayed. headunitwithinfivesecondsofturningoff theignition,awarningtonewillsoundand thefrontpanelwillopen.

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English Section BeforeYouStart 01 Resettingthemicroprocessor Themicroprocessormustberesetunderthe followingconditions: ! Priortousingthisunitforthefirsttime afterinstallation ! Iftheunitfailstooperateproperly 2 Pressthereleasebutton,slideandre- ! Whenstrangeorincorrectmessagesap- pearonthedisplay movethefrontpaneltowardyou. Takecarenottogripittootightlyortodrop % PressRESETwithapentiporother thefrontpanelandprotectitfromcontact withwaterorother fluidstopreventperma- pointedinstrument. nentdamage

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Section 01 BeforeYouStart % Useathinstandardtipscrewdriverto g the reverse mode.Formoredetails,see switchtheDSPswitchonthesideofthis Switching the reverse modeonpage74. unit. Featuredemomode Thefeaturedemoautomaticallystartswhen powertothisunitisturnedoff whiletheigni- tionswitchissettoACCorON.Pressing DISPLAYduringfeaturedemooperationcan- celsthefeaturedemomode.PressDISPLAY againtostartthefeaturedemomode.Remem- Note berthatif thefeaturedemocontinuesoperat- Evenwhenthebatteryisdisconnectedorthem

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

English Section BeforeYouStart 01 FUNCTIONbuttonoperation CAUTION % PressFUNCTIONtoselectthedesired ! UseonlyoneCR2025(3V)lithiumbattery. mode(e.g.,built-inCDplayer). ! Removethebatteryif theremotecontrolisnot PressFUNCTIONrepeatedlytoswitchbe- usedforamonthorlonger. tweenthefollowingmodes: ! Donotrecharge,disassemble,heatordispose Playmode(repeatplay)—Randommode ofthebatteryinfire. (randomplay)—Scanmode(scanplay)— ! Donothandlethebatterywithmetallictools. Pause(pause)—Searchmode(searchmeth- ! D

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Section 02 What’sWhat 111 222 333 4 999 888 777666555 8 SOURCEbutton,VOLUME Headunit Thisunitisturnedonbyselectingasource. 1 EQbutton Presstocyclethroughalltheavailable Presstoselectvariousequalizercurves. sources. Rotateittoincreaseordecreasethevo- 2 Displayoffindicator lume. Lightsupwhenthedisplayisturnedoff. 9 TAbutton 3 EJECTbutton PresstoturnTAfunctiononoroff.Press PresstoejectaCDfromyourbuilt-inCD andholdtoturnNEWSfunctiononoroff. player. Pressandholdtoopenorclosethefront panel. Remotecont

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English Section What’sWhat 02 i AUDIObutton 999 333 aaa Presstoselectvarioussoundqualitycon- trols. iii 777 bbb hhh ggg fff 444 ccc eee ddd c DIRECTbutton Presstodirectlyselectthedesiredtrack. d CLEARbutton Presstocanceltheinputnumber when0–9 areused. e 0–9buttons Presstodirectlyselectthedesiredtrack, presettuningordisc.Buttons1–6canoper- atethepresettuningforthetunerordisc numbersearchforthemulti-CDplayer. f PGMbutton Presstooperatethepreprogrammedfunc- tionsforeachsource.(Referto Using the PGM

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

Section 03 BasicOperations terminal,thevehicle’santennaextendswhen Turningtheuniton thisunit’ssourceisturnedon.Toretractthe % PressSOURCEtoturntheuniton. antenna,turnthesourceoff. Whenyouselectasource,theunitisturned on. Loadingadisc 1 PressEJECTtoopenthefrontpanel. Selectingasource CDloadingslotappears. Youcanselectasourceyouwanttolistento. # AfteraCDhasbeeninserted,pressSOURCE Toswitchtothebuilt-inCDplayer,loadadisc toselectthebuilt-inCDplayer. intheunit(refertopage25). 2 InsertaCDintotheCDloa

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

English Section BasicOperations 03 ! WhentheCDloadingorejectingfunction doesnotoperateproperly,youcanejectthe CDbypressingandholdingEJECTwhile openingthefrontpanel. ! IfanerrormessagesuchasERROR-11isdis- played,referto Understanding built-inCD player error messagesonpage78. Adjustingthevolume % UseVOLUMEtoadjustthesoundlevel. Withtheheadunit,rotateVOLUMEtoin- creaseordecreasethevolume. Withtheremotecontrol,pressVOLUMEtoin- creaseordecreasethevolume. Turningtheunitoff % PressSOURCEandholduntilthe

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Section 04 Tuner 2 PressBANDtoselectaband. Listeningtotheradio PressBANDuntilthedesiredbandisdis- played,FM-1,FM-2,FM-3forFMorMW/LW. 1111 2222 3333444 5555 3 Toperformmanualtuning,push MULTI-CONTROLleftorright. Thefrequenciesmoveupordownstepby step. 4 Toperformseektuning,pushandhold 666 MULTI-CONTROLleftorrightforaboutone secondandrelease. Thesearethebasicstepsnecessarytooperate Thetuner willscanthefrequenciesuntila broadcaststrongenoughforgoodreceptionis theradio.Moreadvancedtuneroperationis ex

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English Section Tuner 04 Introductionofadvanced Note tuneroperation Ifyoudonotoperatethefunctionwithinabout30 seconds,thedisplayisautomaticallyreturnedto thefrequencydisplay. Storingbroadcastfrequencies Youcaneasilystoreuptosixbroadcastfre- 111 quenciesforlaterrecall. 1 Functiondisplay 1 Whenyoufindastationthatyouwant Showsthefunctionstatus. tostoreinmemory,turnMULTI-CONTROL toswitchtothepresetchannellistmode. 1 PressMULTI-CONTROLtodisplaythe mainmenu. 2 UseMULTI-CONTROLtostorethese- FUNCTION,AU

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 18

Section 04 Tuner 2 UseMULTI-CONTROLtoselectthede- Storingthestrongest siredstation. broadcastfrequencies Turntochangethestation;presstoselect. # Youcanalsochangethestationbypushing BSM(beststationsmemory)letsyouautoma- MULTI-CONTROLupordown. ticallystorethesixstrongestbroadcastfre- # Ifyoudonotoperatethelistwithinabout30 quenciesunderpresettuningbuttons1–6. seconds,thepresetchannellistmodeiscan- Oncestoredyoucantuneintothosefrequen- celedautomatically. cieswiththetouchofbutton. 1 UseMULTI-CONTRO

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English Section RDS 05 ! PTY(programtypeIDcode)information IntroductionofRDSoperation islistedonpage24. ! IfaPTYcodeofzeroisreceivedfroma 1111 2222 3333444 5555 station,displayisblank.Thisindicates thatthestationhasnotdefineditspro- gramcontents. ! Ifthesignalistooweakforthisunitto pickupthePTYcode,thePTYinforma- tiondisplayisblank. 666 777 888 8 Programservicename Showsthenameofbroadcastprogram. RDS(radiodatasystem)isasystemforprovid- inginformationalongwithFMbroadcasts. 1 PressMULTI-CONTROLtod

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Section 05 RDS ! AFcanbeturnedonoroffindependentlyfor Notes eachFMband. ! Ifyoudonotoperatethefunctionwithinabout 30seconds,thedisplayisautomaticallyre- turnedtothefrequencydisplay. UsingPISeek ! RDSservicemaynotbeprovidedbyallsta- Iftheunitfailstofindasuitablealternativefre- tions. quency,orif youarelisteningtoabroadcast ! RDSfunctionssuchasAFandTAareonlyac- andthereceptionbecomesweak,theunitwill tivewhenyourradioistunedtoanRDS automaticallysearchforadifferentstation station. withthesameprogram

Instructions pareilles
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