Instruction d'utilisation Pioneer CD RDS RECEIVER DEH-7300BT

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Pioneer CD RDS RECEIVER DEH-7300BT

Dispositif: Pioneer CD RDS RECEIVER DEH-7300BT
Catégorie: Système audio pour la voiture
Fabricant: Pioneer
Dimension: 2.58 MB
Date d'addition: 3/23/2014
Nombre des pages: 64
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

English Français Español

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

Section BeforeYouStart BeforeYouStart 01 ThankyouforpurchasingthisPIONEER ! Donotuseheadphoneswhileoperatinga ! If thebattery isdisconnectedordischarged, InformationtoUser product. motorizedvehicle;theuseofheadphones anypresetmemory willbeerased. To ensureproperuse,pleasereadthroughthis maycreateatraffichazardandisillegalin Alterationormodificationscarriedoutwith- manualbeforeusingthisproduct.Itisespecially manyareas. Important(Serialnumber) outappropriateauthorizationmayinvalidate importantthat

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

English Section BeforeYouStart Operatingthisunit 02 After-salesservicefor Headunit Remotecontrol ! Learnaboutproductupdates(suchasfirm- Pioneerproducts wareupdates)for yourproduct. 124 3 5 6 f Pleasecontactthedealerordistributor from ! Register yourproducttoreceivenotices whereyoupurchasedthisunitforafter-sales aboutproductupdatesandtosafeguardpur- service(includingwarrantyconditions)orany chasedetailsinour filesintheeventofloss otherinformation.Incasethenecessar

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

Section Operatingthisunit Operatingthisunit 02 Displayindication Indicator State Removingthefrontpaneltoprotectyourunitfrom Selectingasource theft 1 PressS(SRC/OFF)tocyclebetween: Thetrack(song)nameisdis- 1 1 Pressthedetachbuttontoreleasethefront TUNER(tuner)—CD(built-inCDplayer)—USB played. panel. (USB)/iPod(iPod)—AUX(AUX) Aplayableaudiofilehasbeen 2 Pushthefrontpanelupwardandpullittoward Adjustingthevolume selectedduringoperationof you. 7 (song) 1 TurnM.C.toadjustthevolume. thelist. 23 6 8 9 b

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

English Section Operatingthisunit Operatingthisunit 02 UsingBluetoothtelephone Tuner Answeringa callwaiting WARNING 1 Whena callisreceived,pressM.C. ! Keepthebatteryoutof thereachofchildren. Important BasicOperations Shouldthebatterybeswallowed,consulta ! Sincethisunitisonstandbytoconnectwith Cancelingcallwaiting doctorimmediately. yourcellularphoneviaBluetoothwireless 1 Press . Selectingaband ! Batteries(batterypackorbatteriesinstalled) technology,usingitwithouttheenginerun- 1 PressB(BAND/ESC)u

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

Section Operatingthisunit Operatingthisunit 02 Note Displayingtextinformation Advancedoperationsusing CD/CD-R/CD-RWandUSB Dependingonthearea,youcannotswitchthe specialbuttons storagedevices display. Selectingthedesiredtextinformation BasicOperations 1 Press . Selectingarepeatplayrange Functionsettings 1 Press6/ tocyclebetweenthefollowing: Scrollingthetextinformationtotheleft Playinga CD/CD-R/CD-RW CD/CD-R/CD-RW 1 PressM.C.todisplaythemainmenu. 1 Pressandhold . 1 Insertthediscintothediscloadingsl

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

English Section Operatingthisunit Operatingthisunit 02 ! DisconnectheadphonesfromtheiPodbe- Advancedoperationsusing REPEAT(repeatplay) Operatingthisunit’siPodfunctionfromyouriPod foreconnectingittothisunit. specialbuttons YoucanlistentothesoundfromyouriPodappli- ! TheiPodwillturnoffabouttwominutesafter 1 PressM.C.todisplaythesettingmode. cationsusingyourcar'sspeakers,whenCTRL theignitionswitchissettoOFF. 2 TurnM.C. toselectarepeatplayrange. Selectingarepeatplayrange APPisselected. Fordetails,ref

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

Section Operatingthisunit Operatingthisunit 02 3 TurnM.C.toselectthefunction. BluetoothTelephone 1 PressM.C.todisplaythesettingmode. 1 PressM.C.tostart searching. Afterselecting,performthefollowingproce- 2 TurnM.C. toselectyour favoritesetting. ! Tocancel,pressM.C.whilesearching. durestosetthefunction. Connectionmenuoperation ! FASTER–Playbackata speedfaster than 2 TurnM.C. toselectadevicefromthedevice Important normal list. REPEAT(repeatplay) Besuretoparkyour vehicleinasafeplaceand ! NORMAL–Pla

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

English Section Operatingthisunit Operatingthisunit 02 Phonemenuoperation Functionandoperation A.CONN(connectingtoaBluetoothdeviceauto- ! Thephonebookinyourcellularphonewillbe matically) Important 1 DisplayPHONEFUNC. transferredautomaticallywhenthephoneis Besuretoparkyour vehicleinasafeplaceand RefertoPHONEFUNC (phone function)onthis connectedtothisunit. 1 PressM.C.toturn automaticconnectiononor applytheparkingbrakewhenperformingthis page. ! Dependingonthecellularphone,thephone off. operation. b

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

Section Operatingthisunit Operatingthisunit 02 Thecut-off frequencyandoutputlevelcanbead- CLOCKSET(settingtheclock) TherearspeakerleadsoutputandRCAoutput 1 PressM.C.todisplaythesettingmode. justedwhenthesubwooferoutputison. canbeusedfor full-rangespeakerorsubwoofer 2 TurnM.C. toselecttheequalizer. 1 PressM.C.todisplaythesettingmode. Onlyfrequencieslowerthanthoseintheselected connection. DYNAMIC—VOCAL—NATURAL—CUSTOM rangeareoutputtedfromthesubwoofer. 2 PressM.C.toselectthesegmentof theclock If yo

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

T R A T English S N O Section Operatingthisunit Installation 03 2 PressS(SRC/OFF)toselectAUXasthe ! To preventashort-circuit,overheatingormal- Connections Bluetoothtelephonedatacanbedeleted.Topro- source. function,besuretofollowthedirections tectpersonalinformation,werecommenddeleting below. WARNING thisdatabeforetransferringtheunittoother per- Note — Disconnectthenegativeterminalofthebat- sons. Thefollowingsettingswillbedeleted. ! Usespeakersover50W(outputvalue)and AUXcannotbe selectedunlessthe

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

                  a a a Section Installation Installation 03 Performtheseconnectionswhen usingasub- j Whenusingasubwooferof70W(2Ω),be Thisunit Installation woofer withouttheoptionalamplifier. suretoconnectthesubwoofertotheviolet Important andviolet/blackleadsof thisunit.Donot 3 ! Checkallconnectionsandsystemsbefore 1 connectanythingtothegreenandgreen/ LR finalinstallation. 1 2 4 5 blackleads. 2 3 k Notused. ! Donotuseunauthorizedpartsasthismay  4 6 8 causemalfunctions. l Subwo

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

English Section Installation Installation 03 2 Securethemountingsleevebyusinga 2 Insertthesuppliedextractionkeysinto DINRear-mount Installingthemicrophone screwdrivertobendthemetaltabs(90°)into bothsidesoftheunituntiltheyclickinto 1 Determinetheappropriateposition place. place. CAUTION wheretheholesonthebracketandtheside Itisextremelydangeroustoallowthemicro- oftheunitmatch. 1 3 Pulltheunitoutofthedashboard. phoneleadtobecomewoundaroundthesteer- ingcolumnorgearstick.Be suretoinstallthe unitinsuc

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

Section Installation Installation 03 # Microphonecanbeinstalledwithoutusingmi- Adjustingthemicrophoneangle 1 crophoneclip.Inthiscase,detachthemicrophone basefromthemicrophoneclip.Todetachthemicro- phonebasefromthemicrophoneclip,slidethemi- crophonebase. 2 Installthemicrophonecliponthesteer- ingcolumn. 1 2 Themicrophoneanglecanbeadjusted. 1 Microphoneclip 2 Clamp Useseparatelysoldclampstosecurethe leadwherenecessaryinsidethevehicle. Wheninstallingthemicrophone 2 onthesteeringcolumn 1 Installthemi

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

English Appendix AdditionalInformation AdditionalInformation Troubleshooting Symptom Cause Action Message Cause Action Message Cause Action Theunitis Youareusinga Moveelectrical NOAUDIO Theinserted Replacethedisc. SKIPPED Theconnected Playanaudiofile Symptom Cause Action malfunction- device,such as devicesthatmay discdoesnot USBstoragede- notembedded ing. acellular becausingthein- containany vicecontains withWindows Thedisplay Youdidnotper- Performoperation Thereisinter- phone,that terferenceawa

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 16

Appendix AdditionalInformation AdditionalInformation Handlingguidelines Message Cause Action Message Cause Action Message Cause Action Discsandplayer CHECKUSB TheUSB con- Checkthatthe ERROR-19 Communication !Performoneof ERROR-16 TheiPodfirm- UpdatetheiPod nectororUSB USBconnectoror failed. thefollowingop- wareversionis version. Useonlydiscs thatfeatureeitherof thefollowing cablehasshort- USBcableisnot erations. old twologos. circuited. caughtinsome- –Turntheignition iPodfailure Disconnectthe th

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 17

English Appendix AdditionalInformation AdditionalInformation Disc Playbackofdiscsmaynotbepossiblebecauseof AboutiPodsettings Samplingfrequency:32kHz,44.1kHz,48kHz disccharacteristics,discformat,recordedapplica- ! WhenaniPodisconnected,thisunitchanges WindowsMediaAudioProfessional,Lossless, Playablefolderhierarchy:uptoeighttiers(Aprac- tion,playback environment,storageconditions, theEQ(equalizer)settingof theiPodtooffin Voice/DRMStream/Streamwithvideo:Notcom- ticalhierarchy islessthantwotiers.) a

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 18

Appendix AdditionalInformation AdditionalInformation For USBportableaudioplayers,thesequenceis WMA iPodcompatibility CAUTION differentanddependsonthe player. WindowsMediaandtheWindowslogoare Pioneeracceptsnoresponsibilityfordatalost trademarksorregisteredtrademarksof Thisunitsupportsonly thefollowingiPodmodels. ontheiPod,evenif thatdataislostwhilethis MicrosoftCorporationintheUnitedStatesand/ SupportediPodsoftwareversionsareshown unitisused. Bluetoothprofiles orother countries. below.Older versi

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 19

English Appendix AdditionalInformation AdditionalInformation CDplayer CEA2006Specifications Specifications System ............................ Compact disc audio system Usablediscs .................... Compact disc General Signal-to-noiseratio ......... 94dB(1kHz) (IHF-A network) Powersource ................... 14.4V DC (10.8 Vto 15.1Val- Number ofchannels ........ 2(stereo) lowable) WMA decoding format ..... Ver.7,7.1,8,9,10,11,12 (2ch Grounding system ............ Negative type audio) Maximumc

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 20

Section Avantdecommencer Avantdecommencer 01 Nousvousremercionsd’avoirachetécetap- Ladémonstrationdémarreautomatiquement Laprotectiondevotreouïe Quelquesmotssurcetappareil pareilPIONEER. quandlecontactd’allumageestenposition estentrevosmains Lesfréquencesdusyntoniseurdecetappareil Pourgarantiruneutilisationcorrecte,lisezbien ACCouONlorsquel’alimentationdecetappa- sontattribuéespouruneutilisationenAmérique cemoded’emploiavantd’utilisercetappareil.Il Pourassurerlerendementoptimaldevotrema- reilest

Instructions pareilles
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