Instruction d'utilisation MTX Audio TA3401

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif MTX Audio TA3401

Dispositif: MTX Audio TA3401
Catégorie: Système audio pour la voiture
Fabricant: MTX Audio
Dimension: 0.09 MB
Date d'addition: 11/4/2013
Nombre des pages: 5
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MTX Audio TA3401 Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

TA3401 Owners Manual
Thank you for choosing MTX to help reach your ultimate goal with your vehicle. Adding MTX amplifiers and
matching MTX speakers and subwoofers with StreetWires connections will put you in a better position to
hear, feel and experience all of the music the artist intended you to hear.
Primary Ratings:
Power Output: 200 Watts RMS x 1 Channel at 4 Ohms and ≤ 1% THD+N
Signal-to-Noise Ratio (1Watt): 72dB
Secondary Ratings
Power Output: 400 Watts RM

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

5. Gain Control – This feature is used to fine-tune the input sensitivity of the amplifier to the source unit’s output level. 6. Low-Pass 40Hz-200Hz Variable X-over with 24dB per octave Slope – This control allows the user to choose the exact low-pass frequency range the amplifier will play for the best possible performance. The upper end of the crossover frequency point can be selected from 40Hz – 200Hz at 24dB per octave. 7. ThunderEQ (Variable) – This feature will add up to 18dB of low fr

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

2. Speaker Wire Connections – When installing the speaker wires, please take proper measures to protect them. For example, when connecting the door speakers, the speaker wire should run from the amplifier’s output terminals, under the carpet and through the factory rubber boot (loom) that protects the wires in the inner door jam. If the factory boot cannot be used, take other measures to protect these wires. Sometimes the door has to be completely removed to use the factory boot. If this is s

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

Feature Setup and Adjustments 1. Selecting The Input Sensitivity Range – Before you turn on your system, you must select the proper input sensitivity range on your amp using the button labeled INPUT SENS located in the GAIN CONTROL section of the control panel. • Setting for aftermarket Source Units: Refer to your aftermarket owner’s manual for line level output specification. If the specification is not available, please follow the instructions listed below. X1 POSITION: 100mV – 1V (Typic

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

Trouble Shooting Read this if you want to be a do-it-yourselfer or give us a call at 800-CALLMTX. PROBLEM CAUSE SOLUTION No LED indication No +12V at remote connection Supply +12V to terminal No +12V at Power connection Supply +12V to terminal Insufficient ground connection Verify ground connection Blown power fuse Replace fuse LED on, no output Volume on head unit off Increase volume on head unit Speaker connections not made Make speaker connections Gain control on amplifier o

Instructions pareilles
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