Instruction d'utilisation MB QUART REF4.50

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif MB QUART REF4.50

Dispositif: MB QUART REF4.50
Catégorie: Système audio pour la voiture
Fabricant: MB QUART
Dimension: 2.42 MB
Date d'addition: 5/28/2014
Nombre des pages: 11
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MB QUART REF4.50 Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

Lower power amplifiers will clip earlier than their more powerful cousins,
Installation Manual
and cause loudspeaker failure when overdriven, due to the harmonics
generated by a clipped signal, thus overheating voice coils.
Amplifiers should be mounted with the fins running horizontally for best
convection cooling, to minimize overheating. Purchase the best quality
By purchasing an amplifier from MB Quart, you have decided on a product
RCA cables you can afford,

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

Index WARRANTY 1 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS General Instructions 2 Settings for Best Performance 3

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

WIRE GAUGE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS General Instructions General: Run the wiring so that RCA cables are at least 18“ away from power and speaker cables. Keep RCA cables away from electrical devices in the vehicle that can cause electrical noise, such as electric fuel pumps, emission control modules and other on-board electronic modules. Power and ground connections:(See table below) Use a sufficient gauge power cable and ground cable using the chart below as reference to what size wire you req

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Settings for Best Performance REF4.50 / REF4.80 General: At this point you are ready to get more specific on the settings for your amplifier. High Pass: -When in Hi Pass operation, this setting acts as a low frequency cut off for your system reproduction. The point that you set it at cuts off any frequencies from reproduction beyond this point. The 12 o’clock position is a great starting point. EXAMPLE: If you adjust the High Pass to 100Hz, the amplifier will not play

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

TROUBLE SHOOTING The key to finding the problem in a misbehaving sound system is to isolate parts of that system in a logical fashion to track down the fault. Description of the Diagnostic system built into all MB Quart amplifiers The diagnostic system will shut down the amplifier, until reset by turning the head unit off, and back on. This state of affairs will be indicated by the front panel PROTECT LED lighting up under the following conditions: 1 - A short circuit on the loudspeaker leads.

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6


Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

BASS REMOTE SUBSONIC LOW PASS LEVEL INPUT BOOST MODE R Master Out Slave Master In Out 0dB 12dB 15Hz 55Hz 40Hz 150Hz 5V 0.2V Slave L In REF1.800 BASS REMOTE SUBSONIC LOW PASS LEVEL INPUT BOOST MODE R Master Out Mono Amplifiers Slave Master In Out 0dB 12dB 15Hz 55Hz 40Hz 150Hz 5V 0.2V Slave L In FEATURES: - 1 Set of RCA inputs - MASTER OUT: Mono RCA signal to Slave amplifier when linking. - LEVEL: Variable sensitivity from 0.2V to 5V - SLAVE IN: Mono RCA signal in from Master amplifi

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

BASS BASS REMOTE SUBSONIC LOW PASS LEVEL INPUT REMOTE SUBSONIC LOW PASS LEVEL INPUT MODE BOOST BOOST MODE R Master R Master Out Out Slave Master Slave Master In Out In Out 0dB 12dB 15Hz 55Hz 40Hz 150Hz 5V 0.2V 0dB 12dB 15Hz 55Hz 40Hz 150Hz 5V 0.2V Slave Slave L In L In Single RCA from Master Output on Master Amplifier to Slave Input on Slave amplifier REF1.800 Linking Mono Amplifiers DUAL AMP INSTALLATION PROCEDURE: 5. Route two 4 gauge power cables directly to the vehicle batte

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9


Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

OEM Integration Accessories MX-1 Premium High To Low Level Converter MX-3 Bass Controller * Converts High Level OEM speaker wires to Ultra Clean RCA Low Level Outputs * High Level Inputs: Accepts all types of High level Inputs * Parametric Bass EQ: Provides a wide array of subwoofer output signal including floating ground and high voltages up to 30 volts. shaping controls to enhance bass response and sound quality including * Audio Signal Sense / Hardwire Turn-On: Audio sense detec

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

Check out our videos of new products, events and technical tutorials at PART#S210 REF4.50 / REF4.80 / REF1.800

Instructions pareilles
# Instruction d'utilisation Catégorie Téléchargez
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6 MB QUART ONYX ONX4.80 Manuel d'utilisation Système audio pour la voiture 64
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8 MB QUART REF4.80 Manuel d'utilisation Système audio pour la voiture 26
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16 Sony Bluetooth 4-158-429-31(1) Manuel d'utilisation Système audio pour la voiture 14
17 Sony CDX GT430IP Manuel d'utilisation Système audio pour la voiture 23
18 Sony Bluetooth 3-299-319-12 (1) Manuel d'utilisation Système audio pour la voiture 22
19 Sony CDX 757MX Manuel d'utilisation Système audio pour la voiture 38
20 Sony CDX GT54UIW Manuel d'utilisation Système audio pour la voiture 55