Instruction d'utilisation Kenwood KDS-P901

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Kenwood KDS-P901

Dispositif: Kenwood KDS-P901
Catégorie: Système audio pour la voiture
Fabricant: Kenwood
Dimension: 0.34 MB
Date d'addition: 3/31/2014
Nombre des pages: 7
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Kenwood KDS-P901 Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

5.1 聲道 DVD 環繞音效處理器
使用 說明書
5.1 声道 DVD 环绕音效处理器
使用说明书 使用说明书 使用说明书
使用说明书 使用说明书
© PRINTED IN JAPAN B64-1781-00/01 (W)
Page 1 02.12.13, 7:16 PM

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

1-CH-2 KDS-P901_r3 02.12.13 7:19 PM Page 2 Installation Connecting Cables to Terminals (MZ-BUS connection) (Black) Optical cable (6m:Accessory r) DVD player unit M 4 Receiver unit (front side) KDS-P901 PROTOCOL SWITCH BUS OTHER NOTE Put the protection caps removed from the unit into the unused Connection cable (5.5m:Accessory q) terminals in the KDS-P901. Audio cable (Commercially available part) Protection cap MZ-BUS Disc Changer Connection cable (Provided with the disc changer)

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

KDS-P901_r3 02.12.13 7:20 PM Page 3 2CAUTION When handling an optical cable for wiring, use care not to exceed the minimum cable bend (Green) radius of 30 mm. (Green) If you exceed the minimum bend limit, optical fibers within the optical cable may be damaged. When installing the DVD player unit on the DIGITAL IN DIGITAL IN CD-CH 1 DVD vehicle, ensure that the optical cable is not (front side) stuck between the DVD player unit and vehicle parts. (rear side) 30R Audio cable (6m:Accesso

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

VIDEO OUT KDS-P901_r3 02.12.13 7:20 PM Page 4 Installation Connecting Cables to Terminals (Other connections) NOTE Leave the output terminals on the receiver unit open. PARKING DVD receiver unit (Black) Connection cable (6m:Accessory u) Amplifier unit (Provided with the Audio cable (Provided with the DVD receiver unit) DVD receiver unit) 2CAUTION Set the PROTOCOL SWITCH to the "OTHER" side. After the PROTOCOL SWITCH is switched, be sure to reset the control unit. The BUS cable unit can

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

KDS-P901_r3 02.12.13 7:20 PM Page 5 2CAUTION When handling an optical cable for wiring, use care not to exceed the minimum cable bend radius of 30 mm. Optical cable (6m:Accessory r) If you exceed the minimum bend limit, optical (Green) fibers within the optical cable may be damaged. KDS-P901 When installing the DVD receiver unit on the vehicle, ensure that the optical cable is not PROTOCOL SWITCH DIGITAL IN DIGITAL IN BUS OTHER CD-CH 1 DVD stuck between the DVD receiver un

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

KDS-P901_r3 02.12.13 7:20 PM Page 6 Installation Installation ■ Securing to audio board 1 Remove the caution sticker and fasten the installation brackets on the both sides of the Sems bolts KDS-P901 using the sems screws (M4 x 8 (M4X8mm) mm). (Accessorye) Installation brackets (Accessoryw) 2CAUTION Use the supplied screws for installing the KDS-P901. Using any other screw may cause the equipment to improperly function. Caution sticker 2 Use the tapping screw (ø4X16mm) to secure the hideaway u

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

KDS-P901_r3 02.12.13 7:20 PM Page 7 Accessories External view External view External view ......... Number of items ......... Number of items ......... Number of items r u q .........1 .........1 .........1 w t i .........2 .........4 .........1 e y .........4 .........2 2CAUTION The use of any accessories except for those provided might result in damage to the unit. Make sure only to use the accessories shipped with the unit, as shown above. Specification Specifications subject to change wit

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