Instruction d'utilisation Lowel Light IR DMX Controller

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Lowel Light IR DMX Controller

Dispositif: Lowel Light IR DMX Controller
Catégorie: Télécommande universelle
Fabricant: Lowel Light
Dimension: 0.52 MB
Date d'addition: 6/22/2014
Nombre des pages: 8
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Lowel Light IR DMX Controller Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

IR DMX Controller Instructions
Overview 2 Buttons/Arrows 5
IR Sensor 2-3 Using The IR DMX Controller 6
Software 2 Replacing Batteries 7
Setting & Recalling Scenes 3 Preparing for Use 7
Buttons 4-5 Warranty, Problems, Repairs & Info Back Cover
For use
with Lowel/
Fluo-Tec Studio

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

Overview IR Sensor™ The Lowel IR DMX Controller™ In addition, the Controller will & IR Sensor™ are designed to allow storage of up to 10 allow wireless handheld control of “scenes”, with each scene containing 1 - 512 Lowel Fluo-Tec dimmable dimming levels for up to 512 DMX-512 studio fluorescent fixtures. dimmable fixtures. This allows preset storage of 10 different “looks” for the set They also allow communication that is being lit. with other DMX controllable fixtures & dimmers, added to the

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

IR Sensor™ Preparing for Use After the installation, 4 After selecting the desired Preparing for DMX-512 make sure that the LED flashes steadily DMX-512 address, hold down the control using the from every intended point of operation fixture’s MODE button for 4 seconds, IR DMX Controller and the address will be saved in the when operating the remote control, and IR Sensor. fixture, even when it is turned off and and by watching the IR LED indicator unplugged, until it is reset again as (locate

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

Buttons ON MODE ALL Quickly press to turn the a multifunction button. a toggle function. Controller ON. Instant 100% ON / Instant OFF ALL vs Single Fixture Command ■ To start or return to active operation press the ON button. ■ By clicking on it once, an asterisk ■ Pressing this button, allows will be displayed in the center of the the IR DMX Controller to send unit’s LCD display. DMX-512 dimming commands Shutdown to ALL fixtures connected in the ■ To turn the IR DMX Controller OFF, circui

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

Buttons Buttons/Arrows SET +Level –Address a multifunction button. will increase the dim- will change Transmitting Pre-stored ming level (%) of the the address of Levels fixture from 0–100%. the fixture that is being accessed, ■ When pressed, the IR DMX ■ The level can be increased one descending Controller updates (retransmits) all percent at a time by clicking the but- from 512–1. 512 channel levels to their previously ton singly. set levels, as saved in the remote’s ■ The + Address button

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

Using The IR DMX Controller Once turned ON, the Left side Note: a flashing “dot” in place of the Important - displays the DMX-512 Address channel asterisk = low battery. To use the IR DMX Controller, being accessed (1–512) or ALL fluorescent fixtures must first (in which case up to 512 fixtures will be be ‘enabled’. accessed simultaneously). The Right See Sub-Menu Mode, pg 4. side displays the dimming level (0–100%) of the unit corresponding to that address. In addition, an asterisk will al

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

Setting & Recalling Scenes The IR DMX Controller can store To recall a stored scene: ■ You may now adjust the dimming up to 10 different scenes, with ■ Press the MODE button for levels of any fixture you want to vary each scene containing dimming 2 seconds, the LCD screen will in that scene. levels for up to 512 Lowel/Fluo- display “Scene Mode?”. ■ When you have set all selected Tec dimmable fixtures. ■ Press the MODE button once fixtures to their desired levels, hold All scenes are saved in

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

Warranty, Problems, Repairs & Info Lowel IR DMX Controller, Lowel IR Sensor, IR DMX Translator, Lowel equipment and kits and Lowel Fluo-Tec Studio Fluorescents are trademarks of are sold through authorized Lowel Dealers and, Lowel-Light Manufacturing, Inc. in some countries, Authorized Lowel Distributors. Patent Pending Repairs, problems, suggestions, and requests for brochures, instructions, parts lists version: 3.1 © Lowel-Light Mfg., Inc. 2006 325 may be handled by yo

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