Instruction d'utilisation AT&T 410

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif AT&T 410

Dispositif: AT&T 410
Catégorie: Téléphone IP
Fabricant: AT&T
Dimension: 0.08 MB
Date d'addition: 7/27/2014
Nombre des pages: 6
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AT&T 410 Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

MODELS 206/410/820

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

INDICATOR LIGHTS RED-points to line you’ll get if you pick up handset. GREEN-tells status of lines–free, busy, ringing AUTOMATIC LINE SELECTION or on hold. Get an idle line without having to push a button or interrupt someone else’s call. INTERCOM Using the built-in speaker system, communicate with others on your INTERCOM AUTO DIAL MERLIN system, even if they are Dial internal calls with the touch already on the phone. of a button. TEST SWITCH Test the lights and ringer to ensure that your phone

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

INITIAL FEATURE ASSIGNMENTS Here are the initial features you get when your MERLIN system is installed: MODEL 410 MODEL 206 MODEL 820 Intercom Auto Dial Fixed features The dial pad is surrounded by labeled buttons, which are called the Fixed Features. With Standard Features you get two Fixed Features, HOLD and RECALL. A Feature Cartridge is required to get the rest. Indicator lights Notice how the lights work on your MERLIN telephone. A triangular red light points to the outside line you’ll get

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

Making an intercom call The intercom is used to call another person on your MERLIN system. When you call someone on the intercom, that person will hear you, even if they’re busy on a call, because intercom announcements come out of a separate speaker. You may give the other person a brief message, such as announcing a call, or you may ask them to pick up and talk to you. Every phone in your MERLIN system has a unique intercom code number. The code numbers are different on the three models: ● Mod

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

Transferring a call To transfer a call to someone else in your system, you must first place it on hold by touching the HOLD button. Then, call the person you’re transfer- ring the call to by touching an INTERCOM button and dialing that person’s intercom code number. When you hear the beep, announce the call and hang up. At this point, the green light next to the line with the call you’re transferring should be flashing rapidly. When the other person picks up the call, the light should stop flash

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

OPTIONS COMPATIBLE WITH STANDARD FEATURES You can expand the usefulness of your MERLIN system by adding optional equipment such as: Loudspeaker paging If your MERLIN Control Unit is equipped with a Paging Cartridge, you can page other persons no matter where they are in your office. To do this your business needs to be equipped with a loudspeaker paging system. You use Loudspeaker Paging by touching INTERCOM and then dialing “6”. (If your telephone has a PAGE button, you should touch INTERCOM an

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