Instruction d'utilisation Pelco C1501M

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Pelco C1501M

Dispositif: Pelco C1501M
Catégorie: Système radio de voiture par satellite
Fabricant: Pelco
Dimension: 20.96 MB
Date d'addition: 4/15/2014
Nombre des pages: 75
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Pelco C1501M Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

Addendum No.: C1577M-A
Date: August 4, 2004
Manuals Affected: CM9760 Series Manuals – C538M, C539M-A, C540M-B, C541M-C, C542M-B, C543M-A,
C544M, C549M-A, C572M, C573M-D, C578M, C579M, C1501M, C1503M, C1510M-QS,
C1510M-A, C1520M-B, C1528M-C, C1940M, C1941M, C1942M, and C1943M
Manual Update: The CM9760-CC1 has been replaced with the CM9700-CC1 and the CM9760-MGR manage-
ment software has been replaced with the CM9700-MGR management software.
Keep the following in mind when referring to th

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

CM9760-SAT Satellite Switcher/ Controller Installation/ Operation Manual C1510M-A (2/03) Pelco World Headquarters • 3500 Pelco Way, Clovis, CA 93612-5699 USA • USA & Canada: Tel: 800/289-9100 • Fax: 800/289-9150 International: Tel: 1-559/292-1981 • Fax: 1-559/348-1120

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

The CM9760-SAT is a sequential video switcher for use as a Satellite Control System of the CC1 Interface: Required Software: CM9760 system. Below are shown the front and (Comm Parameters) CM9760-MGR (System MGR) @ ver 7.80.003 or greater (external PC) rear views, the mounting geometry and, for ref- CM9760.EXE @ ver 7.80.003 or greater (9760 HD) Equipment # 31 erence, the pinout designations for all connec- CM9760-KBD @ ver 7.80 or greater Baud Rate 9600 tors on the unit. The four, 12-pin and

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

MANUAL NOTES 1. The approach used in this manual is predicated on the installation 4. Extensive discussions of keyboard and keypad connections (other and operation of the CM9760-SAT in a 9760 System environment. than local SAT keypad hookup) are not included in the main body Figure 3 is a block diagram that represents such an environment. of the manual. For example, although multiple keypads can be con- nected to the SAT, you will not find a two-page digression in the 2. Figure 3 is our referenc

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

MANUAL DIRECTORY INTRODUCTION iv SECTION 1 1-1 Physical Installation This section describes the physical installation of communication and video lines necessary for SAT system operation. Instructions for connecting additional equipment, necessary for proper operation at the local SAT SIDE, are also discussed. The choices made here are reflected in the configuration of the applicable programming menus (SAT SIDE) and flat files (9760 SIDE), which are covered in Section 2. SECTION 2 2-4 Programming

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

INTRODUCTION Physical The CM9760-SAT is a 16 X 4 (16 camera input by 4 monitor output) cross-point video matrix, sequential switcher. Description The physical appearance of the 16 X 4 SAT is dominated by the 16 video inputs (and corresponding loop-thru BNCs) on the rear of the unit. Four BNC monitor-outs (for local or tie line use), four 12-pin wiring plugs for other functions and, finally, local and remote keypad ports round out the device connec- tion list. Aside from confirming whether or no

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

SECTION 1 PHYSICAL INSTALLATION 3.0 ADDITIONAL SAT CONNECTIONS ............................ 1-3 1.0 COM CONNECTION ....................................................... 1-1 Local Monitor ................................................................. 1-3 9760 SIDE Link Cameras ....................................................................... 1-3 CC1 to Wall Block ............................................................. 1-2 Looping Video Inputs .....................................

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

NOTE: The Comms configuration file in the MGR program is used to set communication parameters for the SAT connected to the 1.1 9760 SIDE – CC1 TO WALL BLOCK Sercom port (see SECTION 2, 3.1 COMMS Files). 1. Determine the cable type (straight or reverse)* that is provided or exists on-site that you want to use between the RJ-45 Sercom connector on the CC1 and the wall block. *see Figure 5-1 in Appendix I 2. Make the connection using Figure 1-3 as a guide. 1.2 SAT SIDE – WALL BLOCK TO SAT 1. Depe

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

3.0 ADDITIONAL SAT CONNECTIONS Figure 1-5 If you want to operate and program from the local SAT SIDE of a Local SAT Monitor system configuration, a number of additional devices and connections remain to be made. In order to view the results of local operations and Local SAT operation and control functions are displayed here, program SAT menus, a local monitor is needed. including the menus for SAT programming. You should have 3.1 LOCAL MONITOR at least one local display available The local Moni

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

Figure 1-8 Receiver Wiring and Control 3.3 RECEIVERS If any camera you want to install is PTZ cap- able, then the receiver for that camera must be individually wired for power and control (depen- dent on type). The CM9760-SAT has built-in software that is individually selectable for each camera control type. The correct protocol is se- lected via menu choices when programming the Cameras menu for each individual input (see Camera Programming Menu-Page Section 2, 2 of 2 ). Allowed camera contro

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

3.5 AUXS There are three AUX outputs available through the control output wiring terminals located on the rear of the SAT. Aux operation and control are for local SAT SIDE use only. Aux ouputs cannot be controlled from the 9760-KBD. These outputs are used to operate external devices. Each output corresponds to a function key (F1-F3) on the KBD200/300/300V keyboard. The outputs can also be programmed to respond automati- cally to alarms. F1 is a Form C relay wired with a common (COM) and a norma

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

(This page intentionally left blank.) 1-6 C1510M-A (2/03) SECTION 1

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SECTION 2 PRELIMINARIES PRELIMINARIES ...................................................................... 2-1 2.0 OTHER SAT PROGRAMMING .................................... 2-16 OPERATIONAL MODE 1.0 SAT MENU PROGRAMMING ........................................ 2-5 Presets ............................................................................ 2-16 PROGRAM MODE Patterns........................................................................... 2-17 Camera Programming Menu ...............

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

2. Programming Configuration II – Use the same configuration and program the SAT from the 9760 SIDE. The same equipment diagram used above is applicable here. Here, a (d) Proceed to the DEF (define) sub-menu. (You may need to press conscious choice is made to the program from the 9760 SIDE rather the ESC key first, then press the DEF key). If this is the first time than the SAT SIDE. If you want, programming chores can be split accessing that menu, enter the PIN (default 1234).See Figures betwee

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 16

4a. Programming Variation Example: 9760-SAT Programming Minus Preset Call This scenario illustrates the situation referenced in point 2, above. The rationale for using this variation might be:  The local SAT programmer is not sure of the correct parameters to enter; or,  The local SAT programmer wants certain aspects of an operational or reprogrammed SAT to be checked by supervisory personnel located on the 9760 SIDE of the configuration; or,  The programmer on the SAT SIDE might be unavailab

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 17

SECTION 2 PROGRAMMING AND CONFIGURATION 1.0 SAT MENU PROGRAMMING Prior to programming the SAT, check to ensure that the bulleted items in the two lists below are either taken care of or that the required information is readily at hand**. All items in the first list are required. **The checklist below is based on “Programming Configuration I” located in Section 2’s preliminary discussion. • The SAT-9760 communication interface is in place and correctly wired (see Section 1, Physical Installation,

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 18

A WORD ABOUT THE MENU DISCUSSION LAYOUT The menu discussion is split into three columns. At the top, far right side of each page, the SAT main menu is displayed and the sub-menu under discussion is highlighted. Tagged, drop-down arrows below that, indicate approximately where, within the sub-menu being programmed, that the referenced sub-menu is discussed. These comments appear in the middle column. The far left column displays a KBD300 template, whose keyboard movements are highlighted, to indi

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 19

2-6 C1510M-A (2/03) SECTION 2

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 20


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