Instruction d'utilisation Minicom Advanced Systems DX User IP

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Minicom Advanced Systems DX User IP

Dispositif: Minicom Advanced Systems DX User IP
Catégorie: Commutateur
Fabricant: Minicom Advanced Systems
Dimension: 1.93 MB
Date d'addition: 11/5/2014
Nombre des pages: 72
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Minicom Advanced Systems DX User IP Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

DX User IP
User Guide

www. m i n i c o m .c o m
International HQ North American HQ European HQ
Jerusalem, Israel Linden, NJ, USA Dübendorf, Switzerland
Tel: + 972 2 535 9666 Tel: + 1 908 4862100 Tel: + 41 44 823 8000
Customer support -
5UM20140 V1.3 7/06

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

DX USER IP Table of Contents 1. Welcome.................................................................................................................3 2. Introduction............................................................................................................4 3. Features of DX User IP ...........................................................................................5 4. DX User IP components ........................................................................

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

USER GUIDE 40. Maintenance ......................................................................................................... 50 41. Accessing the remote console............................................................................. 54 42. Keyboard layout ................................................................................................... 54 43. The Control buttons /toolbar icons ...................................................................... 55 44. The Ch

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

DX USER IP 1. Welcome Thank you for buying the DX User IP system. The DX User IP system is produced by Minicom Advanced Systems Limited. Technical precautions This equipment generates radio frequency energy and if not installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, may cause radio frequency interference. This equipment complies with Part 15, Subpart J of the FCC rules for a Class A computing device. This equipment also complies with the Class A limits for radio noise emi

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

DX USER IP 3. Features of DX User IP • KVM (keyboard, video, mouse) access over IP or analogous telephone line. • Automatically senses video resolution for best possible screen capture • High-performance mouse tracking and synchronization • Connect a user console for direct access to KVM switch • Local Mouse suppression (only when using SUN's Java Virtual Machine) DX User IP supports PS/2 type keyboards and mice and HD 15 video output. See the pin assignments in Appendix C. 4. DX

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7 USER GUIDE 6. DX User IP front panel Figure 2 illustrates the DX User IP front panel. DXU - IP MINICOM Activity System OK Figure 2 Front panel The table below explains the functions of the front panel LEDs. LED Function Activity LED blinks when a remote user operates the DXU IP System OK LED solid when DX User IP connected and functioning 7. DX User IP rear panel Figure 3 illustrates the rear panel of the DX User IP. RS232 Serial USB Monitor port ports SERIAL I USER

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8 DX USER IP Terminal port When there are X-RICC RS232s in the DX system, you can control them through an RS232 terminal connected to the DX User IP. Ethernet - Connects the DX User IP to an Ethernet network. 8. Rack mounting the DX User IP Use the L-shaped brackets and screws provided to mount the DX User IP on a server rack as illustrated below. Insert screws to connect to rack SERIAL I USER 0 RST SYSTEM POWER USB TERMINAL ETHERNET 100-240 VAC 50/60 Hz Insert screws to c

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

USER GUIDE Windows 2000 Pro and 2000 Server Deactivate Mouse Acceleration. To do so: From the Control Panel select Mouse. Select the Motion tab. See Figure 5. Figure 5 Motion tab The Speed section slider bar must be in the center, and the Acceleration section must be set to None. Click OK to save changes. Windows XP and 2003 Server Deactivate Enhanced pointer precision. To do so: From the Control Panel select Printers and Other Hardware. Click the Mouse icon. The Mouse Properties bo

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10 DX USER IP The Motion section slider bar must be in the center, and the Enhanced pointer precision box must be unchecked. Click OK to save changes. Disable Active Desktop Disable Active Desktop, or do not use a plain background, use wallpaper. 11. DX User IP connections Figure 7 below illustrates the connections of the DX User IP to the DX system. See below for more details. P1 10 SD SERIAL USER I 0 RST SYSTEM POWER USB TERMINAL ETHERNET 100-240 VAC 50/60 Hz Ethernet CAT5

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11 USER GUIDE 10 Mbps connection For 10BASE-T Ethernet networks, the Fast Ethernet adapter uses Category 3, 4, or 5 UTP/FTP cable. To establish a 10 Mbps connection, the cable must be connected to a 10BASE-T hub. Ensure the cable is wired appropriately for a standard 10BASE-T adapter. Align the RJ-45 plug with the notch on the adapter's connector and insert it into the adapter's connector. 100 Mbps connection For 100BASE-TX Fast Ethernet networks, the DX User IP supports

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

DX USER IP 15. Order of powering on Connect the DX User IP to the power supply using the power cord provided. The devices and servers can be powered on at any time. Power on the DX components in the following order: 1. The primary and secondary level DX Centrals. 2. The DX User and DX User IP units. 16. Configuring the system The DX User IP's communication interfaces are based on TCP/IP, and it comes configured with the values listed below. • DHCP - disabled • IP address - 192.168

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

USER GUIDE 1. Choose Start/Programs/Accessories/Communications/Hyperterminal. 2. When prompted enter a name and click OK. The Connect To box appears. See Figure 9. 3. Fill in the connection details. Select COM 1 in the Connect using box and click OK. The COM 1 properties box appears. See Figure 10. Figure 9 Connect To box Figure 10 COM 1 Properties box 12

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

DX USER IP 4. Set the port settings to the following values: • Bits/second - 115200 • Data bits - 8 • Parity - None • Stop bits - 1 • Flow Control - None 5. Click OK. The Hyperterminal appears. See Figure 11. Figure 11 The Hyperterminal 6. Press Enter. Some device information and a prompt appear. 7. Type config and press Enter. Configuration questions appear. DHCP must be disabled. You can change the IP address, net mask and default gateway. Pressing Enter without entering va

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

USER GUIDE Via Ethernet Crossover connection Connect an Ethernet Crossover cable to the DX User IP and to the computer back- to-back, the DX User IP is configured to, configure your computer to use a static IP in that range. For example Open your browser and type Configure the device via the WEB interface. Via the IP Device Setup utility The IP Device Setup utility is located on the supplied CD under Customer Support/Utilities. Click the IP Device

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 16

DX USER IP This section deals with the HTTP interface. The other two interfaces are explained on pages 19 and 45. The Web browser must come with a Java Runtime Environment version 1.1 or higher. Without Java support, you can still maintain the remote host system using the administration forms displayed by the browser. We recommend the following browsers for an unsecured connection: • For Windows 98, ME, 2000 and XP, Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher • For Windows 98, ME, 2000

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 17

USER GUIDE Figure 14 The DX User IP Home page 19. Timeout After half an hour of non-activity the system automatically logs out. Clicking anywhere on the screen will lead back to the Login screen. 20. The Work area The Work area has a short summary about your DX User IP. • Server Power Status - On or Off • Firmware Version - installed on your DX User IP • Device management – self managed or connected to a management device • Users - all currently logged in users and IP addresses.

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 18

DX USER IP Figure 15 The Remote Console Settings All settings are user specific. Choose a user from the Drop-down menu. Transmission Encoding Transmission Encoding optimizes the speed of the remote screen depending on the number of parallel users and the bandwidth of the connection line. Automatic Detection - The encoding and the compression level is determined automatically from the available bandwidth and the current content of the video image. Pre-configured – Choose the connection

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 19

USER GUIDE Various Remote Console Options Start in Monitor Mode - Check this option to open the Remote Console window in read only mode. (No keyboard or mouse transferred to Host computer). Exclusive Access- Enables the Exclusive Access mode at Remote Console startup. This forces the Remote Consoles of all other users to close. No one can open the Remote Console until this user disables the Exclusive Access or logs off. Remote Console Type Default Java VM – Uses your Browser’s default Ja

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 20

DX USER IP To require a confirmation request before keystrokes are sent, write confirm at the start. E.g. confirm Ctrl+Alt+Delete. For a list of key codes and aliases DX User IP recognizes, refer to Appendix B on page 63. Press Apply for the changes to take effect. Home Page Refresh – Refreshes the DX User IP Home page, so that direct Smart IP Links updates their status. 22. Telnet Console The Telnet Console offers a Java applet for the Telnet protocol to open a connection to DX Use

Instructions pareilles
# Instruction d'utilisation Catégorie Téléchargez
1 Minicom Advanced Systems 5UM20114 Manuel d'utilisation Commutateur 0
2 Minicom Advanced Systems CAT5 Manuel d'utilisation Commutateur 0
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4 Minicom Advanced Systems 5UM60000 Manuel d'utilisation Commutateur 0
5 Minicom Advanced Systems MINICOM 232 IP Manuel d'utilisation Commutateur 0
6 Minicom Advanced Systems 5 Manuel d'utilisation Commutateur 0
7 Minicom Advanced Systems 5UM20094 Manuel d'utilisation Commutateur 0
8 Minicom Advanced Systems DX System Manuel d'utilisation Commutateur 1
9 Minicom Advanced Systems MX II Manuel d'utilisation Commutateur 0
10 Minicom Advanced Systems 5UM70156 V1.1 12 Manuel d'utilisation Commutateur 1
11 Minicom Advanced Systems Minicom Smart 216 Manuel d'utilisation Commutateur 2
12 Minicom Advanced Systems RJ-45 Manuel d'utilisation Commutateur 0
13 Minicom Advanced Systems Minicom Supervisor Phantom Manuel d'utilisation Commutateur 2
14 Minicom Advanced Systems SMART 216 Manuel d'utilisation Commutateur 1
15 Minicom Advanced Systems SMART 232 Manuel d'utilisation Commutateur 1
16 Sony 4-296-436-11 (2) Manuel d'utilisation Commutateur 0
17 3Com 10/100BASE-TX Manuel d'utilisation Commutateur 61
18 3Com 2226-SFP Manuel d'utilisation Commutateur 688
19 3Com 16985ua.bk Manuel d'utilisation Commutateur 10
20 3Com 10BASE-T Manuel d'utilisation Commutateur 4