Instruction d'utilisation Edge Products ES3528

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Edge Products ES3528

Dispositif: Edge Products ES3528
Catégorie: Commutateur
Fabricant: Edge Products
Dimension: 7.44 MB
Date d'addition: 3/18/2013
Nombre des pages: 556
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Edge Products ES3528 Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

Powered by Accton
Layer 2 Metro Access Switch
Management Guide

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

Management Guide ES3528 Fast Ethernet Switch Layer 2 Ethernet Metro Access Switch with 24 Fast Ethernet Ports (RJ-45), 2 Gigabit Combination Ports (RJ-45/SFP), 2 Gigabit Extender Module Slots (RJ-45/SFP), 1 Fast Ethernet Management Port (RJ-45) ES3528-WDM Fast Ethernet Switch Layer 2 WDM Metro Access Switch with 24 100BASE-BX Single-Fiber Ports (SC), 2 Gigabit Combination Ports (RJ-45/SFP), 2 Gigabit Extender Module Slots (RJ-45/SFP), 1 Fast Ethernet Management Port (RJ-45)

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

ES3528 ES3528-WDM F1.0.1.7 E122006/ST-R01 149100033100A

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

Contents Section I: Getting Started Chapter 1: Introduction 1-1 Key Features 1-1 Description of Software Features 1-2 System Defaults 1-6 Chapter 2: Initial Configuration 2-1 Connecting to the Switch 2-1 Configuration Options 2-1 Required Connections 2-2 Remote Connections 2-3 Basic Configuration 2-3 Console Connection 2-3 Setting Passwords 2-4 Setting an IP Address 2-4 Manual Configuration 2-4 Dynamic Configuration 2-5 Enabling SNMP Management Access 2-6 Community Strings (for SNMP version 1

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

Contents Manual Configuration 4-9 Using DHCP/BOOTP 4-10 Managing Firmware 4-11 Downloading System Software from a Server 4-12 Saving or Restoring Configuration Settings 4-14 Downloading Configuration Settings from a Server 4-15 Console Port Settings 4-16 Telnet Settings 4-18 Configuring Event Logging 4-20 System Log Configuration 4-20 Remote Log Configuration 4-21 Displaying Log Messages 4-23 Sending Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Alerts 4-23 Resetting the System 4-25 Setting the System Clock 4-

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Contents Chapter 7: Client Security 7-1 Configuring Port Security 7-1 Chapter 8: Access Control Lists 8-1 Configuring Access Control Lists 8-1 Setting the ACL Name and Type 8-2 Configuring a Standard ACL 8-3 Configuring an Extended ACL 8-4 Configuring a MAC ACL 8-7 Configuring ACL Masks 8-9 Specifying the Mask Type 8-9 Configuring an IP ACL Mask 8-10 Configuring a MAC ACL Mask 8-12 Binding a Port to an Access Control List 8-13 Chapter 9: Port Configuration 9-1 Displaying Connection Status 9-1 C

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

Contents Displaying Basic VLAN Information 12-4 Displaying Current VLANs 12-5 Creating VLANs 12-6 Adding Static Members to VLANs (VLAN Index) 12-7 Adding Static Members to VLANs (Port Index) 12-9 Configuring VLAN Behavior for Interfaces 12-10 Configuring IEEE 802.1Q Tunneling 12-12 Adding an Interface to a QinQ Tunnel 12-16 Configuring Private VLANs 12-17 Enabling Private VLANs 12-17 Configuring Uplink and Downlink Ports 12-18 Configuring Protocol-Based VLANs 12-18 Configuring Protocol Groups 12

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

Contents Assigning Static Multicast Groups to Interfaces 15-15 Chapter 16: Domain Name Service 16-1 Configuring General DNS Service Parameters 16-1 Configuring Static DNS Host to Address Entries 16-3 Displaying the DNS Cache 16-5 Section III: Command Line Interface Chapter 17: Overview of Command Line Interface 17-1 Using the Command Line Interface 17-1 Accessing the CLI 17-1 Console Connection 17-1 Telnet Connection 17-1 Entering Commands 17-3 Keywords and Arguments 17-3 Minimum Abbreviation 1

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

Contents show system 19-6 show users 19-7 show version 19-7 System Mode Commands 19-8 system mode 19-8 show system mode 19-9 System MTU Commands 19-9 jumbo frame 19-10 system mtu 19-11 show system mtu 19-11 File Management Commands 19-12 copy 19-13 delete 19-15 dir 19-16 whichboot 19-17 boot system 19-17 Line Commands 19-19 line 19-19 login 19-20 password 19-21 timeout login response 19-22 exec-timeout 19-22 password-thresh 19-23 silent-time 19-24 databits 19-24 parity 19-25 speed 19-25 sto

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Contents show logging sendmail 19-37 Time Commands 19-37 sntp client 19-38 sntp server 19-39 sntp poll 19-39 show sntp 19-40 clock timezone 19-40 calendar set 19-41 show calendar 19-42 Chapter 20: SNMP Commands 20-1 snmp-server 20-2 show snmp 20-2 snmp-server community 20-3 snmp-server contact 20-4 snmp-server location 20-4 snmp-server host 20-5 snmp-server enable traps 20-7 snmp-server engine-id 20-8 show snmp engine-id 20-9 snmp-server view 20-10 show snmp view 20-11 snmp-server group 20-11 s

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

Contents Web Server Commands 21-11 ip http port 21-11 ip http server 21-12 ip http secure-server 21-12 ip http secure-port 21-13 Telnet Server Commands 21-14 ip telnet server 21-14 Secure Shell Commands 21-15 ip ssh server 21-17 ip ssh timeout 21-18 ip ssh authentication-retries 21-19 ip ssh server-key size 21-19 delete public-key 21-20 ip ssh crypto host-key generate 21-20 ip ssh crypto zeroize 21-21 ip ssh save host-key 21-21 show ip ssh 21-22 show ssh 21-22 show public-key 21-23 802.1X Port A

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Contents ip dhcp snooping vlan 22-9 ip dhcp snooping binding 22-10 ip dhcp snooping verify mac-address 22-11 ip dhcp snooping database flash 22-12 ip dhcp snooping trust 22-12 show ip dhcp snooping 22-13 show ip dhcp snooping binding 22-13 Chapter 23: Access Control List Commands 23-1 IP ACLs 23-1 access-list ip 23-2 permit, deny (Standard ACL) 23-2 permit, deny (Extended ACL) 23-3 show ip access-list 23-5 access-list ip mask-precedence 23-6 mask (IP ACL) 23-6 show access-list ip mask-preceden

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

Contents show interfaces switchport 24-11 Chapter 25: Link Aggregation Commands 25-1 channel-group 25-2 lacp 25-2 lacp system-priority 25-4 lacp admin-key (Ethernet Interface) 25-4 lacp admin-key (Port Channel) 25-5 lacp port-priority 25-6 show lacp 25-7 Chapter 26: Mirror Port Commands 26-1 port monitor 26-1 show port monitor 26-2 Chapter 27: Rate Limit Commands 27-1 rate-limit 27-1 rate-limit cos 27-2 show rate-limit cos 27-3 Chapter 28: Address Table Commands 28-1 mac-address-table static 28

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

Contents spanning-tree link-type 29-15 spanning-tree mst cost 29-16 spanning-tree mst port-priority 29-17 spanning-tree protocol-migration 29-18 show spanning-tree 29-18 show spanning-tree mst configuration 29-20 Chapter 30: VLAN Commands 30-1 GVRP and Bridge Extension Commands 30-1 bridge-ext gvrp 30-2 show bridge-ext 30-2 switchport gvrp 30-3 show gvrp configuration 30-3 garp timer 30-4 show garp timer 30-5 Editing VLAN Groups 30-6 vlan database 30-6 vlan 30-7 Configuring VLAN Interfaces 30-8

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 16

Contents queue bandwidth 31-4 queue cos-map 31-4 show queue bandwidth 31-5 show queue cos-map 31-6 vlan priority 31-6 show vlan based priority 31-7 Priority Commands (Layer 3 and 4) 31-8 map ip port (Global Configuration) 31-8 map ip port (Interface Configuration) 31-9 map ip precedence (Global Configuration) 31-9 map ip precedence (Interface Configuration) 31-10 map ip dscp (Global Configuration) 31-11 map ip dscp (Interface Configuration) 31-11 show map ip port 31-12 show map ip precedence 31

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Contents show ip igmp snooping mrouter 33-11 Multicast VLAN Registration Commands 33-11 mvr (Global Configuration) 33-12 mvr (Interface Configuration) 33-13 show mvr 33-14 Chapter 34: Domain Name Service Commands 34-1 ip host 34-1 clear host 34-2 ip domain-name 34-3 ip domain-list 34-3 ip name-server 34-4 ip domain-lookup 34-5 show hosts 34-6 show dns 34-7 show dns cache 34-7 clear dns cache 34-8 Chapter 35: IP Interface Commands 35-1 Basic IP Configuration 35-1 ip address 35-1 ip default-gatew

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 18

Contents xviii

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 19

Tables Table 1-1 Key Features 1-1 Table 1-2 System Defaults 1-6 Table 3-1 Web Page Configuration Buttons 3-3 Table 3-2 Switch Main Menu 3-4 Table 4-1 Logging Levels 4-20 Table 5-1 SNMPv3 Security Models and Levels 5-2 Table 5-2 Supported Notification Messages 5-13 Table 6-1 HTTPS System Support 6-6 Table 6-2 802.1X Statistics 6-18 Table 9-1 LACP Port Counters 9-13 Table 9-2 LACP Internal Configuration Information 9-14 Table 9-3 LACP Neighbor Configuration Information 9-16 Table 9-4 Port Statisti

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 20

Tables Table 20-4 show snmp group - display description 20-13 Table 20-5 show snmp user - display description 20-15 Table 21-1 Authentication Commands 21-1 Table 21-2 User Access Commands 21-1 Table 21-3 Default Login Settings 21-2 Table 21-4 Authentication Sequence Commands 21-4 Table 21-5 RADIUS Client Commands 21-6 Table 21-6 TACACS+ Client Commands 21-9 Table 21-7 Web Server Commands 21-11 Table 21-8 HTTPS System Support 21-13 Table 21-9 Telnet Server Commands 21-14 Table 21-10 Secure Shell

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