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OMSN Product Family
Optical Multi-Service Node
Multiservice aggregation for
SDH metro networks
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The Alcatel-Lucent 1660 Synchronous Multiplexer (SM), the Alcatel-Lucent 1662 Synchronous Multiplexer Compact (SMC) and the Alcatel-Lucent 1650 SMC form a family of leading multiservice provisioning platforms (MSPPs) for building next-generation, multiservice SDH metro and regional transport networks. This Alcatel-Lucent Optical Multi-Service Node (OMSN) product family integrates best-in-class transport functions, SDH cross-connect and CWDM add/drop functionality, together with carrier-cl
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Metro broadband aggregation Today’s carriers and service providers require optical solutions for metro and regional networks that are capable of providing the capacity, reliability, flexibility and scalability to efficiently address the new communication paradigm. Together with traditional TDM-based functions and carrier-transport technologies that support vast revenue streams, new packet-based services for broadband applications are expanding at an unprecedented pace and need to be cost ef
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Carrier transport The Alcatel-Lucent OMSN products are based on a solid, yet flexible, SDH transport architecture, offering service providers several benefits: • Offers purpose-built, highly robust carrier -transport functions with reliability features for maximum service availability, supporting zero-latency services from access to backbone in any mixture • Delivers unmatched manageability for fast end-to-end service provisioning, monitoring and troubleshooting • Enhances connec
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Packet switching • Cost effectively manages and transports packet-based data applications within the existing optical infrastruc- The Alcatel-Lucent OMSN products share common ture, avoiding adding specific overlay data networks for integrated service adapter (ISA) blades that provide Layer 2 metro broadband aggregation packet-switching functions, adapting the SDH transport infrastructure to the increasing demand for packet-based • Creates new revenues from current and future
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Multiservice applications Today flexibility also means the ability to support traffic needs over transport networks by enabling multiple- broadband data services and multimedia applications in the layer convergence in a single node. ISA plug-ins can network. The Alcatel-Lucent OMSN products offer service be placed in new or previously installed Alcatel-Lucent providers the ability to deliver several different types of OMSN devices when and where needed. These blades multiprotocol services for
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When the ubiquity of the optical- QoS for Ethernet • P e r - fl o w a n d p e r - s e r v i c e S L A network platforms deployed today guarantees offer accurate band- A s wel l a s m a p pi ng Et her net is considered, optical technologies width profiles according to customer flows onto SDH network represent one of the most compelling different customers’ applications, resources through standardized opportunities for service providers to create a measurable, differen- m e c
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The multiservice capability of the Alcatel-Lucent OMSN nodes equipped with the ISA-ATM blades offers mobile service providers a cost-effective solution for 3G mobile aggregation in the UMTS terrestrial radio access network. ISA-ATM switching blades can consolidate ATM traffic collected from different Node B ac c e s s dev ic e s o nto sh a r e d SDH v i r t u a l c o nt a i ner (V C ) r e s o u rc e s i n S T M - n r i ng s, a nd s w itch t he A T M ATM back
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Video broadcasting Storage area networks U s i ng t h e D i gi t a l V i d e o B r o a d c a s t i ng - A s y n c h r o n o u s E n t e r p r i se s w o r l d w i d e r e l y o n c o m p l e x i n f o r m a t i o n - S e r i a l I n t e r f a c e ( D V B - A S I ) b l a d e , t h e A l c a t e l - L u c e n t technology computer structures to store and maintain OMSN products enable broadcasting companies to their mission-critical data and applications. In this scenario, t r a n s p o r t D V
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Reliable, carrier-class product family Their resiliency features also make the Alcatel-Lucent OMSN products ideal for a multiservice transport-node solution. In terms of hardware, maximum reliability is a c hi e v e d b y a 1 + 1 h o t s t a n d b y p r o t e c t i o n m e c h a ni s m for all common parts and electrical tributary ports. Matrix, control and synchronization functions are duplicated. P o w e r - s u p p l y p r o t e c t i o n i s i n h e r e n t , b e c a u se t h e D C
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Improving operations T h e A l c a t e l - L u c e n t 1 6 6 0 S M , A l c a t e l - L u c e n t 1 6 6 2 S M C a n d A l c a t e l - L u c e n t 1 6 5 0 S M C s h a r e most of their replaceable units, including common parts and traffic cards. This flexibility allows carriers to minimize the impact of spare holding and personnel training, immediately reducing investments End-to-end service manageability and network-operation costs. Moreover, the absence of processors on most The Alcat
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