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M3594-0603-CDE681Series.qxd l/11/03 2:14 PM Page cov4 h omega .com@ m * EGA OM !Y-f Internet e-mail OMEGAnet@ Online Service info@omega.com www.omega.com Servicing North America: USA : One Omega Drive, P.O. Box 4047 Stamford CT 06907-0047 IS0 9001 Certified TEL: (203) 359-1660 FAX: (203) 359-7700 e-mail: info@omega.com Canada: 976 Bergar Lava1 (Quebec) H7L 5A1, Canada TEL: (514) 856-6928 FAX: (514) 856-6886 e-mail: info@omega.ca For immediate technical or application assistance: USA and Canada:
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-ies.qxd 7/17/03 2:14 PM Page i M3594-060%CDE681Ser m CDE68 1 Series Conductivity/Resistivity Sensors .- HELPFUL IDENTIFIERS In addition to information on installation and operation, this instruction manual may contain WARNINGS pertaining to user safety, CAUTIONS regarding possible sensor malfunction, and NOTES on important, useful operating guidelines. A warning looks like this. Its purpose is to warn the user of this sensor of the potential for personal injury. A caution looks like this. Its p
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M3594-0603-CDEhElSeries.qxd 7/17/03 2:14 PM Page ii m I_ Table of Contents Part One - Introduction Section 1 General Information 1.1 Description: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Benefits of Enhanced Performance Design . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Compatible Meters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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M3594-0603-CDE681Series.qxd 7/17/03 2:14 PM Page iii m CDE68 1 Series Conductivity/Resistivity Sensors List of Figures Figure 2-l General Dimensions and Cable Wire Details .............................. 3 4 Figure 2-2 Insertion Mounting Details ............................................................ Fi ure 2-3 Corn ression Fitting Parts Arrangement 5 % or Insertion R ounting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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M3594-0603-CDE681Series.qxd 7/17/03 2:14 PM Pageiv f-t-? CDE68 1 Series Conductivity/Resistivity Sensors ’ I ‘ . NOTES: f
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M3594-0603-CDE681Series.qxd 7/17/03 2:14 PM Page 1 m CDE681 Part 1 - Introduction w PART ONE - INTRODUCTION SECTION 1 - GENERAL INFORMATION 1.1 Description Benefits of Enhanced Performance Design CDE681-series compression fitting style sensors are manufactured to exacting tolerances using high quality, rugged materials for demanding ultrapure water and pure water applications. Each sensor is: ?? Individually tested to determine its absolute cell constant (shown on its label as K = ), and its tem
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M3594-0603mCDE681Series.qxd 7/17/03 2:14 PM Page 2 m I_ - CDE681 Part 1 - Introduction SECTION 2 - SPECIFICATIONS Wetted Materials. . . . . . . Titanium electrodes (316 stainless steel outer electrode for extended sensor body style used with ball valve assembly), PTFE Teflon insulator, and treated Viton O-ring seals Maximum . . . . . . . . . . . . When used with Kynar (PVDF) compression fitting: Temperature 150°C at 1.7 bar (302°F at 25 psi) When used with 316 stainless steel compression fittin
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M3594m0603mCDE681Series.qxd 7/17/03 2:14 PM Page 3 m CDE681 Part 2 - lnstallatio PART TWO - INSTALLATION SECTION 1 - LOCATION REQUIREMENTS Locate the sensor as close as possible to the measuring instrument. Do not exceed a distance of 91 m (300 feet) between the sensor and instrument. SECTION 2 - Mounting The CDE681-series compression fitting style sensor may be insertion mounted into a pipe tee or vessel fitting. By reversing the compression fitting, the sensor can be fastened to the end of an
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M3594-0603-CDE681Series.qxd 7/17/03 2:14 PM Page 4 m - CDE681 Part 2 - Installation 1. Install a pipe tee of appropriate size (‘ x to 2 inch) and material into the process pipe. If necessary, screw a respectively-sized reducer into the pipe tee. avoid leaks. Recommendation: Use Teflon tape or pipe sealant with Teflon. (Exception: For higher temperature solutions, sealing with Teflon tape may not be adequate.) SENSOR CABLE 6.1 M (20 FT) SENSOR CLEARANCE FOR SENSOR l/2 OR 3/4 COMPRESSION FIrrING
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M3594m0603mCDE681Series.qxd 7/17/03 2:14 PM Page 5 m - CDE681 Part 2 - lnsta~~ation OP T ION AL N Yo ;t T WO -P IECE FERRU LE (OR IEN T IN TH IS D IREC T ION ) ;pC$ ;; ESS ION REDUCER (AS REQUIRED) PRO LESS FL OW Figure 2-3. Compression Fitting Parts Arrangement For Insertion Mounting B. Insert the sensor into the compression fitting. Then adjust the insertion de&h to oosition the sensor ’ s “cross-flow” holes at the center of the tee, , f and direitly in the process flow path. Rotate the sensor
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M3594-0603-CDE681Series.qxd 7/17/03 2:14 PM Page 6 m I_ CDE681 Part 2 - Installation Installation Tip! Re-using Compression Fitting, Nut, and Crimped Ferrule: If the sensor is re-installed, the compression fitting and nut can be re-used. The crimped ferrule, however, may need to be cut away from the sensor to remove it, making it unusable. If you can remove the crimped ferrule without destroying it, and if it can still provide an effective process seal, you can probably re-use it at least the nu
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M3594-0603-CDE681Series.qxd l/17/03 2:14 PM Page 7 m 3. Route the sensor cable through a pipe of an appropriate material and length. Screw the compression fitting onto the end of the pipe (or coupling, if used). ipe sealant with Teflon. Recommendation: Use Teflon tape or (Exception: For higher temperature so utions, sealing with P Teflon tape may not be adequate.) 4. Fasten a Unilet junction box onto the other end of the pipe. 5. Run interconnect cable from the analyzer into the Unilet junction
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M3594m0603mCDE681Series.qxd 7/17/03 2:14 PM Page 8 m I_ CDL681 Part 2 - Installation SECTION 3 - SENSOR/INTERCONNECT CABLE DETAILS 3.1 Sensor Cable Details The sensor’ s integral cable is a 6-wire crosslinked polyethylene-jacketed cable with 4 conductors and two isolated shield wires. Refer to Figure 2-l for the function and color of each wire in the sensor ’ s integral cable. 3.2 Interconnect Cable Details The OMEGA interconnect cable CDE3600-CAB is provided with unfinished ends since it must o
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M3594m0603mCDE681Series.qxd 7/17/03 2:14 PM Page 9 m CDE68 1 Part 2 - Installation 5. Carefully position a 2% inch long piece of shrink tubing or tape on the bare sensor shield wire %-inch from the end as shown in Figure 2-6 to insulate and distinguish it from the inner shield wire. Doing this exposes X-inch of bare shield wire beyond the tubing or tape for connection purposes. 6. Carefully position a l-inch long piece of shrink tubing or tape on the cable as shown in Figure 2-6 to secure all wi
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M3594&0603-CDE681Series.qxd 7/17/03 2:14 PM Page10 m I_ CDE681 Part 3 - Service and Maintenance PART THREE - SERVICE AND MAINTENANCE SECTION 1 - RECOMMENDED CLEANING PROCEDURE Keep the sensor reasonably clean to maintain measurement accuracy. The time between cleanings (days, weeks, etc.) is affected by the characteristics of the process solution and can only be determined by operating experience. 1. Remove most contaminate buildup by carefully wiping the inner electrode rod, and the concentric
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M3S94m0603-CDE681Series.qxd 7/17/03 2:14 PM Page11 m I_ 2.1 Checking Sensor Operation Use the troubleshooting section in the analyzer instruction manual to determine whether the sensor or analyzer is in-operative. If you suspect the sensor, check it using this procedure: 1. Disconnect the sensor from the analyzer (or junction box, if using interconnect cable). 2. Clean the sensor using the procedure in Part Three, Section 1. 3. Using an ohmmeter, check all of the measurement point resistance rea
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M3594-0603-CDE681Series.qxd 7/17/03 2:14 PM Page 12 m I_ CDE681 Part 3 - Service and Maintenance Customer Assistance 2.2 If you need assistance in troubleshooting or repair service, please contact your local OMEGA representative, or the OMEGA Customer Service Department at: l-800-633-2378 or l-203-359-1660. We can also be reached on the Internet at www.omega.com email: info at omega.com All sensors returned for repair or replacement must be freight prepaid and include the following information:
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M3594-0603-CDE681Series.qxd 7/17/03 2~14 PM Page cov5 (f, I_ - . . . . . . . . . F . , % . . Fq ,% ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MER ICLA IS WARRANTY/D : ~r~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :~~ \ OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. warrants this unit to be free of defects in m a te ria ls and w o rk m an sh ip fo r a pe riod o f months 13 fr o m da te o f pu rchase . OM EGA’ s W ARRAN TY add s an add iti ona l one (1 ) m on th g race pe riod to the no one r (1)m year a l product warranty to cove r hand li ng and sh ipp ing ti m e . Th is en
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h M3594-0603-CDE681Series.qxd l/17/03 2:14 PM Page cov2 - Where Do I Find Everything I Need for Process Measurement and Control? OMEGA...Of Course! Shop online at www,omega.com TEMPERATURE B Thermocouple, RTD & Thermistor Probes, Connectors, Panels & Assemblies m Wire: Thermocouple, RTD & Thermistor @ Calibrators & Ice Point References @ Recorders, Controllers & Process Monitors G? Infrared Pyrometers PRESSURE, STRAIN AND FORCE B’ Transducers & Strain Gages [a Load Cells & Pressure Gages @ Displ