Instruction d'utilisation Bosch Appliances LBB 1906/10

Instruction d'utilisation pour le dispositif Bosch Appliances LBB 1906/10

Dispositif: Bosch Appliances LBB 1906/10
Catégorie: Amplificateur de voiture
Fabricant: Bosch Appliances
Dimension: 2.66 MB
Date d'addition: 2/14/2014
Nombre des pages: 24
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Bosch Appliances LBB 1906/10 Manuel d'utilisation - Online PDF
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Résumés du contenu
Résumé du contenu de la page N° 1

Plena Mixer Amplifier
Installation and Operating Manual
LBB 1903/10, LBB 1906/10,
LBB 1912/10, LBB 1914/10

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 2

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 3

Plena Mixer Amplifier | Installation and Operating Manual | Important safeguards en | 3 Important safeguards 1 Read instructions - All the safety instructions for use 12 Power-Cord Protection - Power supply cords should be should be read before the system is operated. routed so that they are not likely to be walked on or 2 Retain instructions - The safety instructions and pinched by items placed upon or against them, paying instructions for use should be retained for future particular atte

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 4

Plena Mixer Amplifier | Installation and Operating Manual | About this manual en | 4 About this manual This manual provides all the information required to install and operate the unit. Conventions Warning Follow these instructions to prevent personal injury. Caution Follow these instructions to prevent damage to the equipment. Note Read these instructions for tips and other useful information. Safety precautions Warning Do not open the unit when it is connected to the mains. The unit contains n

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 5

Plena Mixer Amplifier | Installation and Operating Manual | Table of contents en | 5 Table of contents Important safeguards..........................................................................................................................................................3 About this manual ..............................................................................................................................................................4 Safety precautions.........................

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 6

Plena Mixer Amplifier | Installation and Operating Manual | Table of Contents en | 6 Bosch Security Systems | 2003-09 | 3922 988 92883en

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 7

Plena Mixer Amplifier | Installation and Operating Manual | About the mixer amplifier en | 7 1 About the mixer amplifier JP406 JP401 100V Phantom 100V Power 0 INS INS Out In 70V 70V Click suppression 70V 100V 0 JP402 JP802 8Ohm 8Ohm 0 0 JP403 Call Only LINE/MIC 0 0 0 MixOnly JP405 LINE/MIC 0 24V + 24V CallActive - 201 115V,230V Call Only 0 0 0 0 Zone 1 Call/Mix JP901 0 0 Z1Front 100V 100V JP902 100/70 70V 70V 8Ohm 8Ohm Call/Mix 0 0 0 0 Zone 2 Call/Mix 0 0 Z2Front 0 MixOnly 0 0 24V + Call Active

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 8

Plena Mixer Amplifier | Installation and Operating Manual | About the mixer amplifier en | 8 1.1 Controls and connections (front) 2 3 4 8 9 OnlyforLBB1914/10 PlenaMixerAmplifier 1 2 Select 0dB CD AUX Master Zone1 Zone2 -6dB -20dB 3 4 Line Power 1 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 Figure 1.2 1 Power button 8 Music source selector (CD, tape, AUX) 2 VU-meter (LED's for -20, -6, 0 dB and Power ON) 9 Master tone control (treble) 3 Input 1 (microphone) volume control 10 Master tone control (bass) 4 Input 2 (microphon

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 9

Plena Mixer Amplifier | Installation and Operating Manual | About the mixer amplifier en | 9 1.2 Controls and connections (rear) 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 19 Out 115V 230V L Tel/Emer. 0 R In CD Aux Line Out 1V Inc 0 2 ++ GND GND Call/Mix CallOnly MixOnly24VDCIn 3 1 1 2 2 3 Mic/Line Mic/Line 100V 0 70V 0 80 100/70V0 100/70V0 Chime 1 3 45 1 2 3 4 12 3 4 5 4 5 6 4 5 6 15 16 17 18 Call/Mix Zone1 Zone2 CallOnly MixOnly 24VDCIn 100/70V/8 0 100/70V 0 100/70V 0 100/70V0 100/70V0 Only for LBB1914/10 15 Figure

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 10

JP406 JP406 JP401 JP401 JP402 JP402 JP406 JP406 JP901 JP401 JP401 JP402 JP402 Plena Mixer Amplifier | Installation and Operating Manual | Internal settings en | 10 2 Internal settings Mic.3 Mic.4 VOX Mic.2 Mic.1 123 1 23 Mic.3 70V 100V Mic.4 VOX Mic.2 Mic.1 JP802 LBB1903/10 VR401 LBB1906/10 123 123 OFF ON LBB1912/10 Figure 2.1 Mic.3 Mic.4 VOX Mic.2 Mic.1 Mic.3 Mic.4 VOX Mic.2 Mic.1 123 1 23 70V/100V 8Ohm JP902 VR401 123 1 23 OFF ON LBB1914/10 123 123 100V 70V JP901 Figure 2.2 2.1 Setting the VOX

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 11

Plena Mixer Amplifier | Installation and Operating Manual | Internal settings en | 11 2.3 Setting the chime volume Adjusting the potentiometer VR401 changes the volume of the chime attention signal, preceding a priority call. Be careful not to adjust VR701; this is a power amplifier factory adjustment. 2.4 Setting the output voltage for LBB1903, LBB1906 and LBB1912 Direct outputs for 70 V, 100 V and low impedance (8 Ohm) loudspeakers are provided. Jumper JP802 sets the Call Only and Mix Only o

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 12

Call /M i x Ca ll On l y M i x On l y24V D C n I 100V0 70V 0 8 0100 7 /0V0 100 7 /0V0 Call/Mix Call Only Mix Only 24VDCIn 70 V080 100/70V 0 100/70V 0 Apparatus delivered connected for 230V- Ratedinput power : 400VA O t 115 230 m r . Apparat u s d el vi ered 0 conn ecte d o f r 230V- R p atow e d ernp i :4 u t00VA CD A O t 1 0 2 M M C m 1-4-.35 i Th app aratu mu t be ear thed 3 4 1 2 i 115V/230V L u V/ V Te l/E e R In u Inc x L ine u V ic/L ine ic/Line h i e Wa rn n g is s s Warn ng Thisapparatus

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 13

Call/Mix CallOnly MixOnly 24VDCIn 100V 070V 0 8 0 100/70V 0 100/70V0 Call/Mix Call Only Mix Only 24VDCIn 100V 0 70V 0 8 0 100/70V0 100/70V0 24VD Call/Mix CallOnly Mix Only CIn 70 V080 100/70V0 100/70V0 L Out 115V/230V Tel/Emer. Apparatus delivered 0 R In connected for 230V- Rated input power:400VA Inc CD Aux Line Out 1V 0 2 Mic/Line Mic/Line Chime 1- -3 4 .5 Warning This apparatus must beearthed 1 2 3 4 115 /23 Apparatus delivered connected for 230V- Ratedinput Out 115V/230V L power:400VA Tel/Em

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 14

Call/Mix Call Only Mix Only 24VDC In 100V 0 70V 0 8 0 100/70V 0 100/70V0 Apparatus delivered connected for230V- Rated input power : 400VA 115V/230V L Out Tel/Emer. 0 R In CD Inc Aux Line Out 1V 0 2 Mic/Line Mic/Line Chime 1- -3 4 .5 Warning This apparatus mustbe earthed 4 1 2 3 Plena Mixer Amplifier | Installation and Operating Manual | External settings and connections en | 14 Microphone 1 input has a 5-pole DIN (for a 3 or 5-pole DIN microphone) and a 6.3-mm phone jack connector wired in para

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 15

Call/Mix Call OnlyMixOnly 24VDCIn 100V0 70V 0 8 0 100/70V 0 100/70V 0 Call/Mix Call OnlyMixOnly 24VDCIn 100V0 70V01 8 0 00/70V 0 100/70V0 A cpopa nnreactte usddfeolriv2e3r0eV d- Ratedinput power: 400VA Apparatus delivered Rated input connected for 230V- power:400VA L Out 115V/230V Tel/Emer. 0 R In CD Aux LineOut 1V Inc 0 2 Mic/Line Mic/Line Chime 1- -3 4 .5 Warning Thsi appara u ts mus tbe earthed 1 2 3 4 L Out Tel/Emer. 0 R In CD Aux Inc Line Out 1V 0 2 Mic/Line Mic/Line Chime 1- -3 4 .5 4 1 2

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 16

Call/Mix CallOnly MixOnly 24VDCIn 100V 0 70V 0 8 0 100/70V 0 100/70V0 Call/Mix CallOnly MixOnly 24VDC In 100V0 70V0 8 0 100/70V0 100/70V0 Repeat FM/AM Power Program Scan Folder CD/MP3 M1/6 M2/7 M3/8 M4/9 M5/10 Program Plena Booster Amplifier PLENA BGMsource Apparatus delivered connectedfor 230V- Rated input power:400VA Acpopnanreactutesddfeolriv2e3r0eV d- Rated input power:400VA L Out 115V/230V Tel/Emer. 0 R In CD Aux Line Out 1V Inc 0 2 Mic/Line Mic/Line Chime 1- -3 4 .5 Warning This apparatus

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 17

all/Mi allOnl MixOnl 24 In 100 0 70 0 8 0 100/70 0 100/70 0 C x C y y VDC V V V V t / / . Apparatus delivered I Ratedinput connected for 230V- power :400VA t I / / . i Apparatus delivered connected for230V- Rpaotweedirnp :4ut 00VA Ou 115V 230V L TelE0mer R n CD Aux LineOu 1V nc 0 2 MicLine MicLine Chime 1--3 4 5 Warning Ths apparatus must be earthed 1 2 3 4 L Out 115V/230V Tel/Emer. 0 R In Inc CD Aux Line Out1V 0 2 Mic/Line Mic/Line Chime 14--.35 W Tharisniang pparatus mustbe earthed 1 2 3 4 Cal

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 18

IGN&QUALITY LIPS HOLLAND Call/Mix CallOnly MixOnly 24VDCIn 100V 070V 0 8 0 100/70V0 100/70V0 CallOnly Mix Only24VDCIn 00/70V 0 100/70V 0 Apparatus delivered connected for230V- Rated input power :400VA Apparatus delivered connected for230V- Rated input power : 400VA L Out 115V/230V Tel/Emer. 0 R In Inc CD Aux Line Out1V 0 2 Mic/Line Mic/Line Chime 1- -3 4 .5 Warning This apparatus mustbe earthed 1 2 3 4 115V/230V Warning This apparatus mustbe earthed Plena Mixer Amplifier | Installation and Opera

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 19

Plena Mixer Amplifier | Installation and Operating Manual | Operation of mixer amplifier en | 19 5 Operation of mixer amplifier 2 3 4 8 9 OnlyforLBB1914/10 PlenaMixerAmplifier 1 2 Select 0dB CD AUX Master Zone1 Zone2 -6dB -20dB 3 4 Line Power Figure 4.6 Use the supplied mains cord to connect the system to the mains supply. 1 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 Figure 5.1 5.1 Source selection • Use the music source selector (8) to select one of the connected music sources. • Use the input volume controls (3, 4, 5,

Résumé du contenu de la page N° 20

Plena Mixer Amplifier | Installation and Operating Manual | Technical data en | 20 6 Technical data 6.1 Electrical Mains voltage 230/115 Vac, ±10%, 50/60 Hz Max mains power consumption LBB1903/10 100 VA LBB1906/10 200 VA LBB1912/10, LBB1914/10 400 VA Max mains inrush current LBB1903/10 4.5 A/9 A (230/115 Vac) LBB1906/10 5 A/10 A (230/115 Vac) LBB1912/10, LBB1914/10 8 A/16 A (230/115 Vac) Battery voltage 24 Vdc, +20%/-10% Max battery current LBB1903/10 1.6 A LBB1906/10 3 A LBB1912/10, LBB1914/1

Instructions pareilles
# Instruction d'utilisation Catégorie Téléchargez
1 Bosch Appliances LBB 1912/10 Manuel d'utilisation Amplificateur de voiture 9
2 Bosch Appliances PLE-2MA240-US Manuel d'utilisation Amplificateur de voiture 5
3 Bosch Appliances PLE-2MA120-EU Manuel d'utilisation Amplificateur de voiture 19
4 Bosch Appliances LBB 1914/10 Manuel d'utilisation Amplificateur de voiture 0
5 Bosch Appliances LBB 1906/10 Manuel d'utilisation Amplificateur de voiture 3
6 Bosch Appliances LBB 1903/10 Manuel d'utilisation Amplificateur de voiture 9
7 Bosch Appliances LBB 1912/10 Manuel d'utilisation Amplificateur de voiture 88
8 Bosch Appliances PLE-2MA120-US Manuel d'utilisation Amplificateur de voiture 2
9 Bosch Appliances LBB 1914/10 Manuel d'utilisation Amplificateur de voiture 26
10 Bosch Appliances LBB 1903/10 Manuel d'utilisation Amplificateur de voiture 0
11 Sony XM-1600GSD Manuel d'utilisation Amplificateur de voiture 34
12 Adcom GFA-4304 Manuel d'utilisation Amplificateur de voiture 3
13 Sony XM-2000R Manuel d'utilisation Amplificateur de voiture 21
14 Sony XDP-210EQ Manuel d'utilisation Amplificateur de voiture 38
15 Samsung T500-1BD Manuel d'utilisation Amplificateur de voiture 0